Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon


OMEGA MAN  May 27, 2015  hello're still in the race, don't become discouraged, we're almost there...

G T:  May 27, 2015  Was Told This Morning The Reason For Delay, Halt, Stoppage....(Whatever You Eant to Call it) for this Past Weekend Was......

Agreed Rate(s)!!!

This is a First (From All The reasons I've Heard In The Past)!!!



Blackjack7 :I think what happened and without saying my WM agreed is that the global banking system got overloaded when the release occurred. Now that is just a theory but my WM feels I am spot on…. This has never been done on this scale and magnitude

Globug : This AM I heard on open mic they knew who goofed up and it was on our side of the pond. A 4 star general took a programming expert over to figure out what went wrong and an access code was improperly entered by a higher up.....

Globug: There is no knowledge of whether it was done on purpose or just a mistake. Anyways evidently it has been figured out and they are now again in the testing phase - globally. So we wait.

Jed54:  globug I sure hope it was that simple...and we can exchange



[xyz] Government and Parliament discuss the negative and the positive results of foreign loans and the issuance of bonds

[xyz] British embassy in Baghdad is preparing to destroy confidential documents and the evacuation of its staff for fear of Daash



[monkeyman] 2015 Bilderberg Meeting Confirmed: June 11-14



May 27th, 2015, 4:55 pm   

The meeting's agenda number (42) Thursday 28 May 2015

May 28 .2015

The third parliamentary session

The first legislative year   Legislative Chapter II

First, read verses from the Koran.

Second: the swearing of the masters of the ministers of industry and minerals and water resources.

Third: the continuation of the vote on the draft law of the Iraqi Media Network. (Commission services and reconstruction, the Committee on Culture and Information, the Legal Committee). (29 articles).

Fourth: the vote in principle to a proposal for the Second Amendment Act replace members of the House of Representatives No. 6 of 2006 Act (the Legal Committee).

Fifth: The vote on the draft law on passports. (Security and Defense Committee, the Legal Committee). (22 articles).

Sixth: The vote on the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the agreement to encourage and protect and guarantee investments between the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Economy and Investment). (Article 2).

Seventh: The vote on the draft property installed in farmland and orchards excluded from the settlement works of the law. (Committee on Agriculture, Water and marshes, the Legal Committee). (Article 5).

Eighth: Commission of Awqaf and Religious Affairs report on the work of the Commission.

Ninth: The first reading of the draft law on ratification commercial cooperation agreement between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait law. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Economy and Investment). (Article 2).

Tenth: the first reading of the draft ratification of the agreement partnership law for cultural, scientific and technical Altaawan and for development between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the French Republic. (Foreign Relations Committee). (Article 2).

Eleventh second reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Organization for Migration Constitution Act. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on displaced persons and deportees and expatriates). (2 article).

Twelfth: The second reading of the draft treaties contract law. (Foreign Relations Committee, the Legal Committee). (34 articles).

Session starts at: eleven am

It was published agenda: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 6:33 PM

KTFA Cont.....

Walkingstick » May 27th, 2015, 12:50 pm 

G7 finance chiefs to discuss global economic issues

05-27-2015 19:44 BJT

G7 finance ministers and central bankers have gathered in the German city of Dresden to discuss global economic growth. The discussion begins late on Wednesday and will run through to Friday.

Topping the agenda for the finance chiefs is how to keep a faltering global recovery on track with the threat of a Greek default. Greece is scrambling to strike a deal with its international lenders before an IMF loan falls due on June 5. This poses a more pressing problem. A senior US Treasury official said Washington would emphasize the need to find a pragmatic solution.

Failure could have unpredictable consequences for the European and even global economies. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said last week that officials could talk informally at the meeting about the increased importance of the Chinese yuan.

The inclusion of the yuan in the International Monetary Fund's currency basket would mark another stage in China's rise as a global economic player.


Walkingstick » May 27th, 2015, 12:44 pm 

Deutsche Boerse Starts Yuan Market With Chinese Exchanges

May 27, 2015

Deutsche Boerse AG is creating a joint venture with two Chinese exchanges to offer yuan-denominated instruments, giving European investors increased access to the world’s second-largest economy.

The agreement between the German markets operator, Shanghai Stock Exchange and China Financial Futures Exchange will establish a Frankfurt-based venue for investors outside China to trade renminbi-denominated securities, according to a statement on Wednesday. The venture, called China Europe International Exchange, will start offering cash instruments in the fourth quarter.

The Chinese authorities are taking steps to achieve greater internationalization of the yuan with the intention of making it a reserve currency. Global investors, meanwhile, are keen to pour cash into one of the world’s largest and fastest growing economies.

“It will help pave the way for further opening up of China’s capital market and contribute to renminbi internationalization,” Zhang Shenfeng, chairman of China Financial Futures Exchange, said in the statement.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange and Deutsche Boerse will each own 40 percent of the new venture, according to the statement. CFFE will hold the remaining 20 percent stake.

The market will enable Europeans to trade yuan-denominated instruments based on Chinese assets, but it will not give investors direct access to the country’s capital market. International investors that lack specific approval from the Chinese authorities can only trade directly through the Hong Kong-Shanghai link known as Stock Connect.

China Construction Bank Corp. listed an exchange-traded fund on the London Stock Exchange in March. The money-market fund denominated in yuan gives European investors access to China’s interbank bond market.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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