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Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 29th, 2015, 4:02 pm

Friday News Summaries and Commentaries

Jubouri is visiting Washington to discuss efforts to fight Daash

Speaker Jubouri will be off to Washington soon....just ahead of Ramadan it seems....talking about the Strategic Framework Agreement among other topics....meeting with Kerry and Biden.

Abadi: we will hold defeatists in Anbar

PM Abadi is not a happy camper about the recent news of a retreat from Ramadi in Anbar....especially when he hears of it from the US Sec of Def in the manner that he alleged concerning the pull out by Iraqi troops.....

Abadi says he will hold those responsible for such a retreat accountable for their actions.....he does not take lightly any account of his armed forces acting in less than heroic manners.
Abadi confirms the Qatari Minister of the need to eradicate terrorism

Wow if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black.....Qatar meeting with PM Abadi and agreeing that terrorism must be eradicated.....Qatar long known as a terrorist breeding ground....maybe they are changing their ways....I hope they are not merely trying to pull the wool over Abadi's eyes.

Dhi Qar: pay the dues of the financial companies

The governor's office of Dhi Qar province is expecting some payments from the government related to the budget so that some companies can be paid what is due them for project work.

Alsjeri: Stncl proposals Chalabi of the Iraqi private sector and the economy out of its crisis

The Finance Committee has made a unique discovery....they need to look to the private banking sector to help overcome the current financial crisis that Iraq faces today....surprise....not me.....this has been a long time in coming in my opinion.....they do need to do a better job in managing systems for sure.....and one of the most proactive things they need to champion is the technology of today to be more effective in how they run their country and allow better more efficient interactions between departments and ministries.

State of Law: We finished our province of the meetings of Parliament in order to sustain us Legislation

First of two articles that convey similar messages but with a completely different attitude between them.....this first time penned by a Maliki and the tone of it is one that I would expect to see coming from the State of Law coalition....negativity and more or less against everything the current government is attempting to push forward....including basically throwing up hands and say....well we are done for now.
Parliamentary Virtue: The reason to extend the legislative term for the purpose of approving the strategic laws

So here is article two.....similar message, we have some issues with a few of the major laws....National Guard, the Federal Supreme Court Act, and the law of well as the elusive oil and gas law....all need work....all need to get finished and require a certain amount of priority from all members of a result the Speaker of Parliament is calling upon all blocs to dig deep for a more concerted effort and maybe extend things to get some productive work stick in the mud attitude here....just looking for some real cooperative effort by one and all.

Congress Basra demanding the development of the oil wealth without affecting the health of citizens

Basra Parliament members are demanding that oil be developed going forward in such a way that it minimizes the impact on the health of its citizens.....those who are allowed contracts to develop oil and gas tracts need to be held accountable to the impacts their efforts may have on the environment and the people of Iraq.

Presidency of the Council of Representatives will meet tomorrow with the heads of the blocks to take a final decision on the three laws

Speaker of Parliament to meet with heads of political blocs again tomorrow to discuss the possibility of resolution on three of the main laws tied up in Parliament currently.....Law of Parties, National Guard Law, and Federal Supreme Court Law.....wondering what the oddsmakers are saying about this meeting and a positive outcome from it....we can continue to be hopeful.

Ok, break time here......we are having a fire drill.....sooooo should be back around later.

Aloha     Randy

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