Don't WAIT!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mtn Goat: "Full Speed Ahead" Part 1 of 2

Thank You George for sending to Dinar Recaps

UU5517 – “ Full Speed Ahead “  by Mnt Goat  Part 1 of 2

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to hop on today to give you an update on the continuing saga of the Iraqi dinar revaluation process.

I am sorry but the news letter is very long today but how do you cover so much good news in a short update. 

All the news is very good today and so I thought you would like to hear it fresh before it gets tainted and converted by rumors. 
Today’s News

Today is Sunday May 31st and still no RV and just 1 day left until June and all I have to say is TIC TOC, TIC TOC to all you intel “gurus” who think this RV will never reach June/July.

Funny how time proves many wrong as I certainly knew it would. As it has in many issues due to being misinformed and misinterpretation by many who are persistent in their news in the past.

I come to you not because I try to be sarcastic or to bash anyone. We all have our news and tell it like we see it. The problem most times is the delivery method and slant and hype put in it needlessly.

I am trying to help everyone to wakeup to reality and get yourselves free from this RV nonsense and RV hysteria. The RV is very close at hand and, as I said in prior news letters, there are so many signs now that very possibly we could be in a good window of opportunity to see this RV very soon if all goes to plan..

We all wonder what the hold up it, yet many refuse to listen to reason and see the facts. Articles have been and will continue to be our best source of information in this saga. They have been consistently telling us the progress of this process and how it keeps moving forward in spite of the many obstacles Iraq faces.

What are some of these obstacles?

Surely we all know by now one obstacle is the slow and disjointed Iraqi parliament. So passing any laws is time consuming.

Also we know about the last four years of the Maliki syndrome and the issues it has caused with the budget and the deficit and the clean up in this area needed.

Then there was the drop in oil prices (a consorted plan to bring down Russian influence in Ukraine).

But now they face an ISIS threat, a threat to their sovereignty which has caused a fueling of a civil war, something always feared might happen.

There has also been and will continue to be many  issues related to their currency in attempts to stop the black market, money laundering and counterfeiting.

Sure at times they stumble through this RV process but when all is said and done they will get it done.

This information can be supplemented with news from sources on-the-ground in Iraq but this too has been noticeably and intentionally pumping us with misinformation over and over again.

 I have been telling this over and over again.  I know with such certainty this has been happening. So why listen to it anymore? When you keep banging your head against the wall - does it not hurt?

So if I had to chose, I would chose articles as the more reliable source of information. However in reading articles you must take off your RV hysteria hat and use good old common sense. By common sense I mean to use what you already know to be true and proven as factual in order to discern if the article is bogus or not.

How many years have you been in this investment? Do you have the capacity to do this? So either you are serious about finding the truth or you are just an aggravated, frustrated  player disappointed because the RV did not happen, AGAIN last weekend.

So it’s Sunday and once again we sit broken hearted. We wanted the RV but it never started….lol…. But a fresh week is upon us and the news is all in our favor now as good things are now winding up. Many long awaited events are taking place or about to take place.  

Once again I am saying I am not calling the RV for the coming month of June or even July but am telling you there so much news pointing to June and close beyond   to conclude this reconciliation and economic reform process. This is what is important and this is why we looked forward to these days so long now.

We are hear we are crossing the finish line.

So let us look at these coming months and see why they COULD be very significant to us in the investment.

[Opening the 2015 Budget]

Just in the recent days we read that one of the MPs from parliament are questioning the stalling of  the opening of the 2015 budget. It is the month of May already and almost 4.5 months since they passed the budget.

What we did not all know is that this article is telling us is why the budget is stalled. It also confirms to us that the budget HAS NOT BEEN OPENED as many of us spread rumors that it was.

It appears, from this article, that an appeal was filed in the courts by the GOI and the CBI by Abadi to postpone the budget spending. They now claim this appeal was unconstitutional.

But the really nice part of this article it was Abadi (with support from his cabinet and the CBI) who stopped it.

Why then stop it?

So this is confirming to us more and more that they are awaiting the completion of the currency reform to begin spending the large amounts of money on the government reconstruction.

So just in the last few days the minister of finance has stated that the 2015 budget money is about to be disbursed to each of the provinces. This is WOW news IF THEY ACTUALY DO IT !

Article Follows:

Parliamentary Finance: Government lingered implementation of the budget is unconstitutional     

Finance Committee in the House of Representatives confirmed, Thursday, that the federal budget after the vote by the Council and published in the official gazette and signed by the President of the Republic became effective.

He noted member of the committee MP Ahmad Sarhan in an interview with "direction Press" that the appeals filed by the government and central bank to the Federal Court has issued instructions on them

by the prime minister states to postpone implementation until decided by the Federal Court, and therefore, these instructions issued instructions to wait is unconstitutional and illegal.

He added that the executive can not point to ask to postpone non-implementation of the budget because it is a legal breach, pointing out that the legal department at the Iraqi Council of Representatives made the other call is against the government before the Federal Court the need to answer a lawsuit government is about to wait in the implementation of the budget.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Council of Representatives in the approved, 29 of January 2015, the financial budget for the current year, an amount of 119 trillion dinars, the equivalent of $ 117 billion, and a deficit of around 25 trillion dinars, or about 23 billion dollars, and calculates the price of a barrel of oil on the basis of $ 56 a barrel

Article Ends

[Decentralization Efforts]

We know that the decentralization of the ministries has been ongoing and is planned to be completed by the end of August. The transition so far has been going almost flawlessly except for some grumblings about the provinces wanted a direct share in the tariff revenues since their expenditures to implement and enforce the tariffs must be accounted for.

We also have just recently witnessed fist fighting in the parliament sessions on disagreements with the National Guard law to decentralize the security forces.

[Needed New Laws]

The speaker Jabouri had directed that the current session would not end until there is a “package” of laws passed needed for the deadlines of reconciliation reform movement. Yes he actually used the word “package”…unbelievable! . He wanted this package of laws voted on in Friday’s 5/29 session.

Did this happen? We waited for the news to come out to us and the article below finally told us what we needed to know. Once again they postpone a final vote on this package of laws.

Article follows:

Postpone the vote on the National Guard and the Federal Court Rules to the next legislative term     

BAGHDAD / ... parliamentary source said on Saturday, to postpone the vote on the National Guard, laws, political parties and the federal court to the next legislative term.

The source told "Eye Iraq News", that "in the absence of complete paragraphs business House agenda at today's meeting, the Council will hold an extraordinary session on Sunday to complete what is included in the paragraphs within the agenda of today's meeting."

It is said that the political blocs differ among themselves about the legislation of the National Guard laws, political parties and the Federal Court, which led to delay a vote on these laws in more than 1

Article Ends
[Monthly Payouts]

Again, like clock work at the beginning of the month, we hear grumblings from Kurdistan on their payments from Baghdad. No this is not about the RV!

 This month they are once again warning the central government not to be late or else. Kind of like a threat of recession if this happens one more time. We read about it each month.  

They will get their funding as article below is telling this. But most importantly we see that they  intend to ramp up oil output.

Next we wait and watch for the usual monthly payments to the citizens for the various social programs. This is big this time. We know that they fully intend to payout the oil royalties to the citizens for the very first time throughout June and July. So this is exciting news since this will finally be the full implementation of HCL we have all been waiting for so long.

But there are also other points to remember too in this matter. They plan to use the SMART cards fully in this oil payment as the ONLY means to distribute this money. So if you are an Iraqi citizen you better go to the bank and get your SMART card. They are forcing citizens into this procedure. 

They also fully intend to pay the citizens no matter where they are residing and use the MASTERCARD services and the electronic means to conduct this business. Many “boots-on-the-ground” intel have said people are lining up at the banks to exchange. 

I am telling you now they are lining up NOT to exchange but to get their SMART cards. These are late comers to the program. This past week was the last week to sign up prior to the initial rollout. 

So if they want their share they better get their cards. I can see now how this could be misinterpreted as RV news by some of these foreign intel providers boots-on-the-ground and they simply need to get their facts straight and stop making assumptions to get all of us investors hyped up for nothing. 

Why do my boots-on-the-ground then tell me consistently a different story? Why do they always prove to be correct and contradict these others? But all said this is still good news, just not impending RV news.

This non-reliance on paper money is finally going to happen and will eliminate most of their counterfeiting issues and money laundering. Folks – can you see just how important this is for us and our investment?

These are some the issues in the past that haunted and prevented the program to delete the zeros from progressing forward. It has taken time to fix these issues. 

They are also to coincide these steps with the metal coin rollout, making counterfeiting and smuggling of money almost an obsolete practice, even more harder since metal detectors can be used to find hidden contraband money. 

Also any counterfeiters will have a very large expense to stamp precious metals not to mention the cost of materials and machinery and so - why bother?. 

Can we now see how all of these events are all interconnected and has to be done to preserve and protect their currency prior to any RV? Why the RV had to wait.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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