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Sunday, May 31, 2015

"It Is Simply Opinion"  Part 1

Post From Peoples Dinar By Poke Salad -- Emailed To Dinar Recaps


Snowbird:  These first two articles are a few days old but so very important when it comes to the big picture and or plan. I know I already sent them to you but they make so much more sense when read together. For those who wonder what Iran, Syria, the GCC and neighboring countries has to do with Iraq an a RV. These two articles should open a few eyes. 

Many in dinar land wonder what the holdup is and or who is holding this up? That Iraq has done nothing and or made any progress since the day they became involved in this investment. Several freaked out because President Obama extended President Bush's Executive Order 13303. They might want to do a little research on 13303. 13303 is much more than a RV. Much, much, much more. 
The Future Of Iraq Project, The Strategic Framework Agreement and Executive Order 13303 was a plan put together many years ago. In my personal opinion only, there is no hold up. 

There is no one stopping the RV. The RV is just one small piece of this puzzle. Dinar Land is focused on one small piece of the puzzle. There is so much more that many in dinar land are missing.

They think security means getting rid of a few thousand ISIS rebels. I seriously doubt Dr. Shabibi was referring to a few thousand ISIS rebels when he spoke of security.

Keep your eyes on Syria and Iran, Things are about to get very interesting in the coming hours, days and weeks, you don't want to miss the end of this ride.

Remember, Abadi said if he could not bring peace to his country and people he would rather die or resign. The State of Law walked out of parliament today.

Good riddance, parliament might be able to implement a few laws now. I only highlighted the first pats of the articles as every word and sentence is important. JMO. I could be wrong. 

Reports: Iran traders behind the increased demand for hard currency in the Iraqi market

 Follow-up race-Presse -24 May / 

 May noted international economic reports, on Sunday, that the increased demand for the dollar in the Iraqi market to buy it back by Iranian traders to compensate for the shortfall in foreign currency following the strict international sanctions on Tehran.

 And the Iraqi Council of Representatives received a boost from the financial accounts of the closing of the budgets of eight years (2006 2013) of the rule of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in order to review and approval, which is an illegal act in accordance with the norms of parliamentary systems and traditions,because the main role of the legislative authority is the audit the previous year and approved, and then the approval of the new budget year referred to it by the government or the executive branch, and in implementation as stipulated in the Iraqi constitution.

Iraq's parliament has yet to approve the 2014 budget, and returned several times to the Cabinet to make legal amendments because of irregularities in them.

And is the financial and economic risk in attempts are underway to hold a political deal parliamentary ratification of the final accounts for the past years, and the silence on the hundreds of billions of wasted dollars and that a number of senior politicians benefited, as well as out large sums of money, 

part of which went to the neighboring countries, especially Iran, which benefited of its control over Iraq, which it considers the most important windows to compensate at least partially for losses resulting from the application of international sanctions against it, and save the beleaguered economy.

According to the Integrity Commission, the parliamentary information to the budget that has been spent during the seven-year period (2006-2012) amounted to 614 billion dollars, with the addition of the budget 2013, the total $ 727 billion becomes,

which is a very large amount and enough to build a new Iraq as a whole, while spending on investment projects and infrastructure was absent, so that housing, electricity and water problems remained the same without any treatment, but increased exacerbated, in light of increasing unemployment and high rates of extreme poverty in the oil producer and has the largest reserves in the ground.

And it is currently on a team of deputies to prepare detailed studies for the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars during the reign of al-Maliki, and demanded the parliament speaker sound Alajaburh conduct to absolute transparency,

to know the reasons for this great waste of people's money and identify beneficiaries, whether they are politicians (ministers and deputy) is based on, or achieve from neighboring countries, as a prelude accountable.

Smuggling money

And it began the Central Bank of Iraq in 2011 to put an end to display the foreign currency, in an attempt to address concerns relating to money laundering and terrorist financing,

and since it (ie central) is the main source of funds for the foreign exchange market, the foreign currency auctions instructions led to the widening difference between the price exchange in the official and parallel markets (sometimes up the difference to 250 dinars each US $),

and in the absence of adequate capacity of the financial sector on the implementation of preventive measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, the central bank saw the need to restrict foreign currency display to prevent the illegal use of foreign exchange .
But who ever recorded by the facts of auctions is just on the basis of the need to meet whatever demand reached its size, especially since Iraq is not anxious to put cash reserves which is estimated at more than $ 100 billion.

If the central bank's management has assumed that the daily sale in the foreign currency auction should not exceed $ 100 million, the real sales, which aims to meet the demand was double that amount, and sometimes up to $ 280 million, says the financial sources of the increase in conversion may Gsala represent smuggling or money.

According to the explanations of the Chairman of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament, Ahmed Chalabi, the central bank sold through foreign currency auction amounted to 312.7 billion dollars during the period between 2006 and 2014,

equivalent to about 57% of the total and wills oil amounting to 551.7 billion dollars, while The total import of the government in that period amounted to only $ 115 billion, while the remaining amount, or about $ 197 billion has moved towards the private sector, but it is brimming with so much need for import.

Reports indicate that the increased demand for the dollar due to the Iranian traders to obtain it from the Iraqi market after the strict international sanctions imposed on Iran,

accompanied by a representative's remarks accusing a number of banks Ptwhit money and smuggling, after it became clear that hundreds of billions of dollars out of Iraq the entry of any imported goods in return.

Iran trade

In recent years, Iran's trade with Iraq evolved considerably and recorded leaps unprecedented, using all available windows to save Iran's beleaguered economy, and statistics indicate that trade between the two countries jumped from $ 750 million in 2005 to more than $ 13 billion in 2014 .

It is expected the President of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce Yahya Al-Ishaq access to $ 25 billion annually in the coming years, with reference to the seriousness of the great imbalance in the unequal balance of trade in favor of Iran.

Iraq and swings from year to year between rank first trade partner and the second to Iran, as it continues to occupy first place net importer of non-oil commodities, where imported 72 percent of the total local Iranian goods, acquires Tehran through exports at 17.5 percent of the Iraqi market, and aspires to reach close to 25 percent.

With the economic losses caused by the expansion of the organization "Daash" in Iraq, Iran is looking to capture a significant share of construction contracts, especially that Iraq is now receiving about 70 percent of the technical and engineering Iranian services,

in addition to the construction of 15 thousand housing units project was handed its inception to contractors Iranians who aspire to the commitment and implementation of a large part of the housing units that Baghdad intends to build in the coming years and the more than two million units.

Currently involved Iran in 27 projects to generate electricity worth one billion and $ 245 million, and hopes Iranian Energy Minister Hamid Chet Xi'an that acquires his country at between 5 to 10 percent in development projects in Iraq costing $ 275 billion until 2017.

Financing of Terrorism

She reports to, said Baghdad spoke frankly about accusing a number of deputies who deal with commercial banks to conduct operations related to money laundering and smuggling to neighboring countries, in the absence of transparency, the first responsibility lies with the government in Baghdad to see the beneficiary of these funds and identify the participating countries,

with noted that political sources tend toward Iran necessary due to their need to finance the military, political and economic plans in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and other countries, to meet the political influence, especially after full control over most sectors of the Iraqi economy.
It comes in this framework, the US move, which he has done recently Treasury Secretary Assistant in the fight against Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Office Daniel Glazer, 

directed a message to the branches of Lebanese banks operating in Iraq and its relationship with the question of the possibility of "Daash" funds go to the Lebanese banking system, and ultimately into the international financial system .

Highlights in this area American generalization of the concept of terrorism and his inclusion in a number of organizations and countries, even if President Barack Obama called Iran explicitly as a "sponsor of terrorism, and supports terrorist groups," 

noting that it contributes to the support of the Syrian regime, Hezbollah and supports in Lebanon, and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and help the insurgents in Yemen, "and accusing it of being" engaged in serious and destabilizing to the stability of the region's actions. "

And despite the fact that the nuclear deal expected final signature before the end of June next between Iran and the six countries, will raise a large part of the sanctions imposed on Tehran, 

but he would not include related terrorism sanctions, as well as trade and investment sanctions imposed on Iran in 1995 during the reign of President Bill Clinton, 

which barred US companies from doing business with Iran's oil, is also prevented from exporting goods and products to a third country intends to re-export products or included in the destination of Iran.

And it prevented the transport of goods through Iranian airspace or territory or the American people as a mediator in any commercial operations Iran is a party.

It was later in 2011 to expand these sanctions and its emphasis where it became include foreign subsidiaries of US companies and those that exceed the percentage owned in 50 percent.

As well as it expanded US sanctions to include foreign banks that deal with Iranian banks Ttaulha sanctions.

And require lifting these sanctions, the confirmation of the US President to Congress that Iran has abandoned its support for terrorism and stopped seeking to acquire nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and ballistic missiles and related technologies Alaqh.anthy (1)

 Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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