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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mtn Goat: "Tribal Reconciliation Needed" Part 1

UU5516 – “ Tribal Reconciliation Needed “  by Mnt Goat  Part 1 of 2

Hello Everyone,

In this news letter today I give you yet more evidence of the reluctance (thus the hold up) by the USA to allow the Iraqi currency to go back online (globally international once again).

We are all looking for reasons. It seems many want to tell us it was held up again but can’t ever tell us why. They seem to tell us “why not”  intel but never give a firm reason why it is stalled. 

Maybe the answer lies in these “why nots”? So lets look at them. I also want to dispel some rumors about the IQD already going internationa this past weekendl. It has NOT!
Today’s News

Today is Wednesday May 27th and still no RV and just 4 days until June and all I have to say is TIC TOC, TIC TOC to all you intel “gurus” who think this RV will never reach June. Funny how time proves many wrong.

I guess it is better to be right only once than to be wrong every week/ everyday by calling the RV so many times needlessly. Also better to tell you honest news and not with an “RV hat” on.

So it’s Wednesday and once again we sit broken hearted. We wanted the RV but it never started….lol….

Once again I am saying I am not calling the RV for June or even July but am telling you there is NO sound evidence that it can or will happen prior to this timeframe of mid June.

In fact the most recent news is now telling us we may have to wait until early 2016 but I personally feel if they can control this terrorists threat in Iraq and push out the Iranian influence we might see the RV sooner than later (like maybe this summer).

Over this past weekend rumors once again spread that authorization was granted by everyone for the RV and they began to exchange but encountered a system error. So they shut down the process. Really?

If this was true then why where we not all contacted to begin out exchanges then before they shut it down? Seems we should have been given the #800 to begin making appointments....yes or no? 

I too have also been fed this information over the weekend but I did chose not to bring it to you since I know better and know of these corrupted sources who are bringing this misinformation to us.

Why do they consistently to do this?

They are doing this because they know we as investors are very frustrated. They also know that we know about the early exchanges by high ranking officials in the government going back as far as 2013.

They need to pacify us and silence us. This is their tactic. This latest story of an RV is interesting and I am hearing they must now keep changing their story since they know we are on to their recycled stories and we are not dumbed up anymore.

So what do we do?

We can not force the RV. We simply must try to constantly find the truth. We must wait until the USA and the UN deems it is the right time for Iraq to bring back their currency. In the meantime I can only recommend that you listen to the RV news with an open mind and seek the truth. This will lessen your anxiety and anticipation. Be careful of these rumors!

[Needed Reconciliation]

Seems Iraq keep coming up with tentative timeframes as to when they desire to accomplish certain tasks but the constant political bickering and fighting as well as the physical terrorists fighting is constantly trying to tear apart the fabric of Iraq. Why would the currency be revived in this environment?

Who is behind all this?

We know for a fact now that it is the Iranian influence that is at the root of all this chaos in Iraq. Remember I keep telling you this is their Method of Operation (MO). So when you see this constant fighting and stalling, this is from these politicians and you can guess what their objectives are.

The final END GAME for Iran?

It is to wear down Iraq until the USA finally caves in and decides to give up on Iraq. Also they know the movement towards liberating Syria from Assad too is on the agenda with the USA and coalition forces. Of course the USA is not about to give in to these terrorists after spending trillions over the last 12 years on this effort.

The longer Iran can delay this movement on Syria, by chaos in Iraq, they buy time. They believe this time can be used to develop their nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities. Time is certainly not on their side.

Didn’t you ever wonder what these terrorists groups really are trying to accomplish? Is it just about the rapping and pillaging of the cities of Iraq? Evidence is showing to us they are being directed and instructed as to what to do. They are more concerned about TIME and DELAYING then rapping and pillaging.

This is all just a diversion. They are stalling progress in Iraq for Iran’s sake. In my last news letter I talked about how I felt this is all one big “game” now and there is funny stuff taking place since we keep hearing in news articles that are now recycled over and over again.

So what is really happening in the progress to fight terrorism in Iraq? Some say there is more progress than is being reported. Really? This could be true but are these saying this with presenting sound evidence or just once again being hopeful and wearing their “RV Hat” during the conversation?
Let’s look at some facts. We know that  700+ billion (that is billion with a “B”) that has been stolen from the people of Iraq during Maliki’s administration and Iran used it to by weapons, run terrorists training camps, pay terrorists salaries, supplies, etc..  to turn right around and infiltrate their own country. 

The GOI has told us that this money could have been used to rebuild Iraq in its entirety. The timeframe too for the completion of  reconstruction is way overdue. 

So where did the money go? Another use was also for Iran to bypass the UN embargo and sanctions. Did you know that nearly 80% of the Iranian budget today goes towards their military yet people are starving in the streets and without proper clean water or medical care. Please don’t tell me Iran is not a fascist/military state.

Also the use of these stolen Iraqi funds are now being used to support terrorist in Iraq itself supporting ISIS and crooked political Iraqi leaders bent on moving Iraq towards their Iranian puppet state. 

These leaders must be slowly weeded out. We also know that Nori al-Maliki is the main source of leadership for these terrorist militias in Iraq. 

We have all see the devastation and destruction this brings to Iraq. When will they finally end the Maliki influence? It is coming shortly and will precede any RV I can assure you of this fact. 

Do you wonder why now the USA is demanding that all Iranian influence be gone from Iraq and not just ISIS? These statements too are constantly being repeated by Vice President Joe Biden of the USA. 

Now even president Obama too has made statements towards this direction. Not my words but theirs.

Have I painted a clear picture for you now? Can you understand why no RV until all this is cleaned up? Can you see how the RV is not now just about Iraq but now about the mess with Iran and Syria too.

ISIS and the Iranian militias must first be dealt with. There is still much clean up to do. Abadi himself projected months ago it would take at least until early summer  (late June) to complete this mission. 

I think now he was overly optimistic. It is not my opinion but the statement from the government of Iraq itself. 

Over this past weekend once again we heard rumors that an RV was authorized yet we do not see the RV. Why? I have been explaining to you why in my many news letters. It is because this is disinformation being passed down to us dinarians to pacify us. 

The culprits of this disinformation know the severity and repercussions if it ever leaking out about these early exchanges having taken place. So a campaign was staged to SHUT US UP.

These same culprits also know that we know they are recycling reasoning for the stalling and so they must come up with new information (or new misinformation) to tell us. This recent story was another example. I would not pay any attention to it. The week and then weekend will end without any RV I can assure you of this.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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