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Sunday, May 31, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

 Morning News Comments 05/31/2015

Parliamentary Finance: We fear that accompanies the process of reducing the size of the money supply as the rest of the corruption of previous years

[tlm724] "the new currency printed came to reduce the money supply in the country the size, and will be one of a class {50-100} It is easy to carry for the Iraqi citizen."

The Central Bank of Iraq announced earlier near launch new banknotes of five thousand dinars and {25 category} A. to trading specifications and new security signs of high protection.
A statement of the Central Bank would be the continuation of the two papers Alnkaditin Almtdaolten now with two new categories without any intention of withdrawn,

[tlm724] I find it interesting that so many differing opinions are clouding the waters of understanding. It's as though everyone thinks they know what is going on yet we know that only a select few actaully do have inside knowledge of the currency reform, 

it is on a "need to know" basis I am sure. We will just have to continue to study what the CBI does and not lose sight of the facts.


Expectations constantly fluctuating dinar exchange rate in the near term

[tlm724] Iraqi banking official predicted continuing volatility of the dinar exchange rate against the dollar in the near term due to increased demand for hard currency, after the financial authorities recently taken new measures in an effort to support the local currency.

[tlm724] demand for the dollar is up yet they are saying it supports the local currency, ok then and they expect the price fluctuation to continue

[tlm724] "the approved measures to increase the supply of the dollar in the Iraqi market has been unable to cover the increasing demand for the dollar

[tlm724] "financial speculation and lack of security and political stability in the country helped the decline of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate.

[tlm724] they have to correct this trend, the question is how will they do it, it is a continuing watch and see situation, just when we think we know what they will do they surprise us Wink


Baghdad determine the share of Kurdistan will send it to the budget

[tlm724] Ministry of Finance announced that it will determine the amount you will send it to the Kurdistan Region next week

[tlm724] asserting that the provincial government had exported the largest amount of oil in favor of the federal government

[tlm724] way to go Kurds

[tlm724] "the amount that will be sent to the region this month will be a good amount. *wolfwhistle*

[tlm724] looks like they are playing nice in the sandbox


Claims legislation to protect the financial deposit law

[tlm724] Commission asked for the economy and investment representative, the completion of the government to protect the financial deposit law enacted in parliament,

[tlm724] there is a lack of trust between citizens, businesses and investors in local banks to the lack of law that protects the money deposited in it.

[tlm724] we discussed this yesterday, the prespection of banking must be changed , the only way people will make deposits is if they trust the banks, they gotta have this law

[tlm724] "The government is required to speed up the completion of financial protection for the deposits sent to the Parliament Act for the purpose of voting on it,

[tlm724] should have been done years ago !


Rafidain Bank is coordinating with the International Monetary Fund for the development of the banking business in the country

[tlm724] Rafidain Bank, announced a steady bilateral cooperation with the International Monetary Fund in the context of providing advice regarding the development of the work of banks in the country.

[tlm724] now thats good news ! Consulting with the IMF, again it's about time they listened !

[tlm724] that the Rafidain Bank is one of the main pillars of the national economy and financial trading in Iraq and by virtue of its strong financial position

[tlm724] Rafidian Bank is actually growing and going global, all good signs for them and for us

 Abadi confirms the importance of a coordinated international coalition and the clarity of the global media in the fight against Daash

[tlm724] stressing that the United States will redouble its efforts to support Iraq against Daash.

[tlm724] about dayum time !

[tlm724] The United States and the coalition strongly support the prime minister Haider al-Abadi and his government in their efforts to restore their land and build a comprehensive and stable Iraq for all Iraqis

[tlm724] chop chop !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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