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Saturday, May 30, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

Morning News Comments 05/30/2015

  Economic Adviser describes the work of private banks as "commercial" and calls to amend the law 

Saleh in an interview for the "long" that "and said the main reason to make private banks commercial banks, not development is the Banking Act No. 94 of 2004, was built on the principle"

[tlm724] the banking law has not changed since 2004, it is way past time to make the needed amendments and get the banking sector equalized, the government run banks outweigh the private banks and this inbalance has caused an ineffective banking system
"where the function of private banks and job brokerage and financial lead to generating economic activity and the activity functions of economic growth unlike the German banking system, which gives the right of domestic banks to exercise real development activities and contribute to the production processes, "stressing the need to" be closer to the German school

[tlm724] Saleh recommends using Greman banking as an example of efficent banking thus allowing the private banks to provide the much needed loans for infrastructure, sales of securities etc..

He noted that "the main reason for the weakness of legal private banking sector, where the law has not been studied Iraq's economic environment is good as well as the passage of 11 years on the law and needs to be adjustments,

the launch of the Central Bank trillion dinars to finance private banks activities, the economic adviser to "give the Central Bank the amount of a trillion dollars to finance private banks activities is a positive signal to create homogeneity in the banking market because it Anglguet on itself and there is no harmony between the civil and government banks, "

[tlm724] this 1 trillion dinar boost of liquidy should get the private banks off and running BUT there needs to be protection in place as well, they need to insure the deposits as people warm up to the idea of actually using the banks

He continued by saying that "there is a tendency to reform State-owned banks and the need to enact a law its restructuring and restructuring of ownership and fix it in itself is a reform of the system of the Iraqi banking."

He continued by saying that "the marketing of banking services in Iraq weak and the Iraqi citizen still depends on the culture of criticism did not credible on the culture of deposit in banks and investment capital, as well as the fact that profits granted to applicants 4%

and does not constitute an amount tempting them to invest their money in the banking sector, "adding that" the Banking Act needs to be reviewed according to developments that have occurred in Iraq's economic landscape. "

[tlm724] the support of the government is the only thing that will fix the banking sector in Iraq, the economic sector in Iraq must prove to be worthy of the peoples trust, their money has to be protected, the laws must be amended to meet the goals of the financial reform. Building confidence in the system will bring it's success !


Paul Bremer's CNN: what is going on in Iraq caused Obama to withdraw American forces .. and we have to do with 3 steps to defeat Daash

[rsp1] I wonder if Paul has O's ears now...

[tlm724] ya know Maliki got rid of all the generals we trained !

[rsp1] of course he did...crook

[tlm724] he was paranoid and thought there would be a coup !

[rsp1] crooked as they come

[tlm724] The main problem we face today is the ruling of the President by the end of 2011 to withdraw all US troops from Iraq, and this is the main reason for our vision of the new-born al-Qaida in Iraq,

which calls itself now organized point my lack of stability of Iraq is because of Obama's withdrawal of US troops and this is a big mistake

[tlm724] Ambassador Bremer is telling it like it is !

The deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency restores its monetary value - Fahd Antar Dokhi  

29  2015    Was Alojdrb (Bremer) head of the Iraqi destruction authority when it canceled the Iraqi currency of the former regime the end of 2003 to find a coin which reduces the presence of zeros, the fact that the Iraqi economy, the traditional inflation stages exceeded even arrived to the brink of collapse, 

and this procedure is one of the means at hand to address the weakness of the value of the Iraqi dinar, according to the monetary and banking law, has to be a return to basic sources which constitutes a strong factor in restoring confidence to our national currency,

 it is deleted three zeros from Almtadolh currency now put metal and paper dinar parts, including (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 fils) .. which will bring the following benefits:

[tlm724] Thanks Rocky ! I followed the original link and still don't know who this guy is but I sure do like his opinion !


For his part, President al-Jubouri announced the end of the legislative year, indicating that the first session today is the last session after the extension of the Legislative Council for the second semester for a month, confirming the validity of the Presidency of the Council to call a special meeting held in the event of the end of the discussions of the parliamentary blocs on important laws.

After which the Presidency has decided to adjourn the meeting.

The information department

Iraqi Council of Representatives   30/05/2015

[tlm724] on break for a month or UNTIL they call a special meeting held in the event of the end of the discussions of the parliamentary blocs on important laws.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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