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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 & Top Shelf CC Notes Part 2 of 2

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » May 27th, 2015, 3:33 am  •  Part 2 of 2



** The comments made by Frank26, TopShelf and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **
Frank:  These cities are not ours yet … they will be … but not totally yet … you will read more about more cities … probably next month … but it’s coming.

I’d like to thank BLUEDOG (POST #126) … he was talking about the Salahuddin … which is an area that is being acquired back. They don’t talk about all of the cities. 
You’ll read about it soon enough … they are calling it the “joint security forces” (it’s the coalition) measures. Right now is not the time to talk about it.

We already talked to you about the four cities. They are also in Anbar … these cities have banks … that belong to the CBI.

I’m sorry to hear of the attitude that Pres. O has towards Iraq.

VP Joe Biden has been sent to Baghdad to see Abadi … because Abadi is steaming hot! You every insult an Arab? They are going to ride you forever. 

Ashton Carter … said they don’t have the will to fight? (There will be a rain cloud over his head for the rest of his life).

Time for big-time damage control from the Obama administration! So Joe Biden is on his way to iron things out.

We did get excited for a second about the article that WS showed us an article. We thought for sure that section 10 was talking about Article 8 … but it’s not … the article is of the budget report and had nothing to do with the IMF Article 8. Bummer.

WS #181 – you might want to read this again    
The CBI … (this proves LIQUIDITY) … TS is telling that a lot of payments are being done by the GOI. Liquidity doesn’t just vaporize. 

This liquidity that they are paying left-and-right … how? … I don’t know. When will we see it? God only knows. 

Article #181 … the CBI supports TRILLIONS. They are enticing the citizens to come into the banks. But they can’t do jack Dr. Shabibi … can you … until they raise the value of the IQD. The CBI is sending signals … they have trillions of dinars … enticing them.

Oil … is going to fuel the 2nd stages of the 2015 budget … Iraq’s oil will be spilled all over the world … even the spreadsheet of the CBI … oil will be spilled all over the world … but they will need Article 8 compliance to do it. 

WS #193 … Islamic banks … laws … laws … laws … coming like they are on sale! The banks are growing.
MasterCard releases the International Card outside of Iraq to retirees of Iraq … telling them to hold on to it … you’ll know what to do with it when the rate goes up. 

Today’s Wall Street Journal – “Why fight for Iraq, when they won’t fight for themselves?” <<< That is an insult! I don’t like when one journalist copies the work of another journalist without doing their research. Who says they aren’t fighting?

WSJ – “Islamic State Gains Reveal Prowess on Battlefield” … new weapons? Yes … too late … we already know about that.

I told you that there was going to be a QE. India revs up new leadership. What happened to the Rupee? The same thing that happened to the IQD and the VND. LOL 

Join us tomorrow at 8pm for our BioCell call.

TS - I’d like to leave you tonight with something solid.

Go to the spreadsheet at the CBI … there is stuff that they don’t show the public … but there’s ways around that. 

This has to do with the auction numbers from Feb 19th … to April 6th    
If they did stop them … it shows they have no auctions … but if you count the actual days … that auctions were held … and just give it an average … you’ll see a ton of money going in.

The auction numbers coincide with the business days … and when it coincides with the business days … the numbers don’t lie. They’re not showing you the auctions … but the auction numbers increase like they were going on.

So there is full disclosure that they did have auctions. They’re just not reporting what the numbers are. 
It’s important to understand what that means. They started showing it again … they just aren’t showing you the amount. 
You have to wait for this to happen … you made a good decision to get into this.

This is a blessing … it is coming … what you do with it will make it a blessing.

Don’t give up on your knowledge and your wealth! You’ve worked hard for this. You are vested in this. 

FRANK: I asked you a question on our forum today family. If I was “silent for a week or two … what would that mean?”
Some of you said that I overdosed on cookies. Some said I broke my phone … LOL … but if I was silent for a week or two … it’s because … well let me tell you this …

when we tell you something … we tell you that we’re cooking it … and it typically takes a week … and then we tell you on Mondays. So if I saw something … (let’s see … 7 days + 3 days … that’s about 2 weeks) …

so if I saw something and I don’t want to talk about it … LOL  Our Teams have that ability and we have proved that to you again and again.

CC ended with prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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