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Sunday, May 31, 2015

New Categories Of Paper Currency Early 2016

Governor of the Central Bank: 2016 will see a new Asaddarviat of paper currency to the Iraqi banknotes series


 Future News    Iraq , Baghdad    Said Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and Ali Mohsen Keywords agency, that early 2016 will see the issuance of new categories of paper currency is the dinar and 50 000 100 000 dinars, the Iraqi currency notes series.
Keywords and said, "The work at the present time is to take the necessary measures to directly measures

Add new categories 50 000 dinars and 100 000 dinars to smooth the Iraqi currency notes,

 adding, that the issuance of these two categories does not affect the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the US dollar."

He added, "The categories 50 thousand and 100 thousand will be the beginning of the promulgation in 2016 and quantities covering the market need, adding that" the issuance of two classes will not have a relationship to revive the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. "

As for fraud, stressed Keywords that "the advantages of the two categories Cetkonan good recipes are difficult and they falsified Sthmlan sophisticated and high protection such as transparent window and a sign of the Spark, which limit the counterfeiting operations security signs."

Keywords stressed, "The issuance of high categories will improve the performance of the Iraqi dinar and reduce dependence on the dollar in terms of large transactions will be performing large transactions in Iraqi dinars large groups.

Keywords and continued saying: "The central bank has no intention to withdraw from circulation categories for the time being except the 50 dinars category that have been withdrawn from circulation in the first of the month.

And he was a member of the Economic Committee MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Najiba Najib confirmed the development of new measures by the central bank and the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives for the issuance of pumping 50 class thousand dinars and a class of 100 000 dinars in the local market as a measure to reduce the demand for foreign currency and support the local currency.

Central Bank announces its intention to issue coins and put larger than the existing currencies

Future / detect the Iraqi Central Bank, on Friday, its intention to issue coins small categories, indicating that those currencies, which may be issued sometime in the next year, will be written in Arabic and Kurdish, confirming the existence of a proposal for the issuance of Banknotes great worth fifty thousand dinars. 

The governor of the Central Bank and the Agency Abdul Basit Turki ...  In "policy" 
Bank restores the Iraqi Banknote Printing "new images and protect more"

Iraq / future Iraqi Central Bank announced on Tuesday, the re-print of the Iraqi currency notes and pictures of new protection more, at a time indicated that the currency will continue to be traded now, 

confirmed that the new currency will help the blind to know the value of these categories. The bank said it "re-print the new series of Iraqi banknotes ...In the "markets"

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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