Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon


postie1 :The thought crossed my mind on occasions......You know when Frank says events/things nearly always happen several days before we are told about them or find out about them? Well, could the same thing happen when the RV occurs? Or will "the team" know immediately? Just wondering.

:  FASCINATING.  Note 4 of 5 on Your CC tonight will ask YOU a question:

"IF" ............ Frank26 went SILENT at his KTFA for a week or two......... What do You believe it would signify?

C U in ...... Lucky 7......  KTFA  Frank

Lexi:  That news or intel may be at a brief stand still. I do remember this happening a few times in the past when you felt things would be very slow and just needed to play out. This is my opinion but hope it might be something bigger or better than just a stand still in news


Frank26:  Yes ....... imo ........ Something Bigger....... Will tell You tonight.

KTFA   Frank


moneytalks1 :HI Frank,   Please scroll down and look at #10...very exciting!!!!


walkongstick wrote on May 26th, 2015, Council of Ministers issued a decision 15
Author: Publisher on:May 26, 2015In

BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - Council of Ministers issued 15 decisions, in its regular, which was held today, chaired by President of the Council Haider al-Abadi.

The following is the text of the resolutions:
1. end dropouts from the staff of the armed forces contract within ten days from the date of issuance of this resolution and exposed backward and Conniver him accountable in accordance with the Military Penal Code.

2. granting full discharge to state employees who wish to enroll within the ranks of the popular crowd to be submitted in support of the popular head of the crowd and always attend and discipline within the ranks of the popular crowd.

3. to approve the issuance of Regulation No. () for the year 2015, the reconstruction of areas affected by the terrorist operations fund system based on the provisions of Article (80 / item III) of the Constitution and Article 28 of the general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq Law No. (2) for the year 2015 .

4. agree to exchange one billion five hundred million dinars of emergency allocations to the Ministry of Construction and Housing for the purpose of implementation of some of the ways that you need the armed forces.

5. to approve the exception of the Ministry of Education of the Implementing Regulations of government contracts (2) for the year 2014 Article (3) of Chapter III (contracting methods) for the purpose of securing public examination requirements.

6. Approval of Mayati:

1 / emergency plan for the implementation of Security Council Resolution (1325) for the year 2015.

2 / state institutions and provinces directing the implementation of the plan above.

3 / Ministry of Women's representation in the committees active in the displaced File Manager.

7. approve the exception numbered piece (1609/22 Province cycle 3) of the provisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council resolution No. 1187 of 1982, in order to walk in the piece measures to change the use of the above agricultural to residential for the purpose of secreted in the form of residential pieces.

8. Approval of Mayati:

A / authorize the Chairman of the National Investment Agency, Mr. (Sami Raouf Al-Araji) the authority to negotiate and sign a draft investment promotion and protection between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, as amended by the State Council agreement based on the provisions of Article (80 / item VI) of the Constitution, taking into consideration include the draft convention above clause to secure Iraq's quota of water.

B / the Foreign Ministry to prepare a document authorization required behalf of the Government of the Republic of Iraq, Mr. President of the National Authority for Investment Agency in accordance with the contexts approved and submit to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in order to obtain the signature of the Prime Minister.

9. approve the draft imports municipalities checker Law of the State Council, and forwarded to the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of Articles (61 / I and item 80 / item II) of the Constitution, taking into account the recommendation of the State Consultative Council.

10. approval of the exception Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the text of Article VIII, and instructions implementation of the general budget for 2015.

11. directing ministries is related to the Ministry and the provincial distribution of the amount allocated under the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (145) for the year 2015 paragraphs (1 and 2) constant and equal to the contractors and companies proportions, according to the financial benefits derived therefrom absolute and payments from the Ministry of Finance.

12. exception of the Ministry of Displacement and Migration of the Implementing Regulations of the general budget for the year / 2015 Article (3 and 4) and instructions for the implementation of government contracts (2) for the year 2014 for the purchase of relief materials and household items (fixed assets) and the establishment, maintenance and restoration of the camps of the ministry's budget for 2015, the door of the relief aid social.

13. the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Electricity regardless allocations of investment and the operating budget is an emergency for the purpose of implementation of the Ministry of Electricity commitments before the summer and the month of Ramadan.

14. inclusion acreage Bmahsola wheat and barley outside the agricultural plan marketing support of the national production, under the attached table in the book of the Ministry of Agriculture with the number 687, dated 05/25/2015, and the Ministry of Agriculture to make proposals to ensure the non-recurrence of the problem in the future.

15. A / prevent the introduction of weapons into stadiums and sport facilities strictly prohibited except with respect to the protection of the security force in charge of the stadium.

B / prohibition of any political activity of the parties inside the stadiums and sport facilities and during the championships or international and domestic matches.


Frank26:   HEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........... YOU JUST RUINED DESERT FOR TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No worries but ......... Well done.....

KTFA   Frank

Dinar Updates:

   Article:  "Central bank of Iraq to issue large-value banknotes"  Quote:  "In an important step to support the economy through monetary reform, the Central Bank of Iraq plans to issue banknotes with larger values than the ones in circulation..."   

They plainly said "large value notes"...Large value - NOT LARGE...WOW! 

Q: [Please give an example of  Large ---VALUE note.]  

BGG  :By their own admission - a 50 Dinar note worth $43.00 - that would be a large value note.  looks like things are about to get interesting.



Iko Ward:  Dinar DID NOT return to CBI rate this morning. Staying at 1136.9. Baby steps





K BOOM:  Same Song- Different Verse

During today's call, I remembered that this is not a new occurrence. This is the same scenario that happened over a year ago. I distinctly remember DC telling us that there were instances in the past when the RV was supposed to go, and it was deliberately sabotaged.

Also recall the global chess game. What is put in the press for our consumption vs. what is really going on behind the scenes.

It remains my opinion that all news out of Iraq is a distraction. I don't believe Ashton Carter's, nor Joe Biden's comments have anything to do with the RV, other than to  create more smoke. And it works because Dinaria is talking about it.

For me this event boils down to 2 sides- Those in Power not wanting to cede it and those pushing to bring freedom and prosperity to the globe. May the "white hats" find a way to finally push this across the line!


K Boom, I agree with you. They just cannot stand giving up their power...will have to at some point then we shall prosper. They are circling the drain as the good guys push for the finish we WILL get there ….peace and love



[xyz] Proof the **RV** has gone nuts

[xyz] Iraq Is About to Flood the Oil Market

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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