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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mtn Goat: "Tribal Reconciliation Needed"  Part 2

UU5516 – “ Tribal Reconciliation Needed “  by Mnt Goat  Part 2

Recent articles now are showing us the difficulty too in the reconciliation process. Iraq has been wanting the conclusion to the economic reform and high hopes in the reconciliation process was that it would have occurred already by now. 

But first these politicians must learn to come together and realize that are ONE NATION and behave like ONE NATION if they are ever going to succeed to their fullest potential in the global arena.

Let’s not also take off  the table of a possible 2 or 3 state solution to the Iraqi crisis. Again VP Joe Biden has talking about this solution many times. As far as we as dinarian investors are concerned this would actually speed up the global rollout of a new currency, especially in the Kurdistan region. So this is the good news today, if their could be any.
So this week was significant in this topic of the Reconciliation effort since we have seen inter-parliamentary fighting going on (actual fist fighting and throwing of chairs at members in a parliament session). 'We know who these members are and we know their goals. 

It is the same tactics used during the Maliki administration. Cause chaos and disruption and nothing will get done in parliament and they once again succeed in stalling progress in Iraq. 

Some members even believe that a “national emergency” should be called by parliament to dissolve the government and the constitution. This once again has Maliki written all over it.  We all know this is not the answer either so when you hear this rhetoric ignore it. It is just members mouthing off going to extremes.

So the following is a recent article about how Kuwait is stepping up to try to assist in this Reconciliation process within Iraq. Just in case you thought all was going so well and doubt my analysis of the situation….lol….

Article Follows:

Najafi: Emir of Kuwait is ready to mediate between Iraqi factions

The transfer of Iraqi Vice President Osama Najafi, for the Emir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, his willingness to mediate between the components of Iraq to promote reconciliation between them, stressing that Kuwait "acceptable" of all Iraqi factions.

Nujaifi said, in an interview published by newspapers "opinion" and "day" Alkwytatin, Tuesday, he had explained to the Emir of Kuwait and the Crown restored Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, "the situation in Iraq and the battle waged by Iraq against terrorism."

He added: "We explained to His Highness Prince Iraqi political situation, and the stages of implementation of the political agreement, and the government's efforts to install a reconciliation among Iraqis, and put the displaced and the country in general. The Prince listened attentively, very sympathetic to the Iraqi crisis, and believes that it is essential that you Kuwait an important role in this direction. "

The Najafi personally welcomed "any role for the Kuwaiti convergence of views among Iraqis."

In response to a question about the nature of the Kuwaiti intervention required, Najafi said: "We put forward an initial idea, it was not looking at Iraq. But the debate with Prince put that he is ready for any efforts in this direction."

He said Iraqi Vice President that Kuwait "accepted by all the Iraqi parties, and can play an important role in this process."

He pointed out that within the Iraqi government, "two currents; one seeks social justice, and the second tends to extremism and pushing him," adding: "We are facing a real problem in the relationship of the components of the year, Shiites and Kurds, and how to find an acceptable formula for living together."

The Najafi visited Kuwait, last Sunday, to offer condolence the death of the former head of the Kuwaiti National Assembly, Jassem al-Kharafi, and met during the visit, both the Crown Prince of Kuwait and restored.

Article Ends

There are also many long awaited laws that need to be implemented. They are tied to having cooperation in parliament. They are tied to the Reconciliation process and are needed for it to succeed.

So here too out popped an article this week on the inability in parliament to get the needed cooperation to honestly debate and pass these laws. I am presenting it to you today as also evidence of what is truly going on. So kindly take off your “RV Hat” and listen!  Just in case you thought all was going so well and doubt my analysis of the situation….lol….

Article Follows:

BAGHDAD - Shaima Rashid  Despite the extension of the second legislative term of the House of Representatives, months extra in order to pass some broken laws, but that the council did not reach common understandings among its members to pass many of these laws, especially the Federal Court National Guard and the law of parties.

la la la as I skipped the rest of the article and you know the rest of the story……

Article Ends


[Mastercard is not yet International]

Folks Mastercard is not yet international. Who is telling you this? So many questions and emails to me on this topic. So let me clarify this one more time and put this misinformation to rest.

Currently the IQD does not have an official international rate and it NOT being traded.

As I said in my last post and the one before these cards can be used by anyone processing them when they are abroad (in another country) to use as a DEBIT card and a DEBIT card only.

 Iraq wants citizens to receive their oil royalties when abroad. Where does this money come from? How do they convert the dinar then to the countries currency equivalent?

This money is simply money that is a fixed rate (.86, 1.14, 1,17, etc) from the program that the card holder has been allocated money for by the government and has nothing to do with the global currency exchanges. This money is from the social programs.
These cards do not at this time need to tie into the global currency exchanges to get the rate to convert the program amount from dinar to the country’s currency.

They simply take the fixed rate from a file and convert it. For instance: 1 dinar in the USA could equal .86 cents per 1 USD if they use an ATM machine to obtain cash from their debit card while in USA. 

This .86 conversion is coming from a fixed file. This is not an indication of an RV. If the Iraq citizen were in a EURO country they might receive something like .96 cents since the EURO is slightly higher than the USD.

This file contains many country’s different conversion rates. It is not an easy way to do this conversion but they do not want the Iraqi citizen to receive the international market rate (when the RV happens). 

They never will. So another example: let supposed the RV does happen and the IQD now has a market rate of 4.57. When the Mastercard debit is conduct from these Iraq government bank accounts they will still payout only .86 cents on a USD not 4.57. Understand?

When the citizen is abroad in other countries the debit transaction may not work at all since not all countries have conversion rates input in the Mastercard system as of yet and probably will not for some time. Note I did not say international exchange but rather the Mastercard system tied to an Iraq bank account pre-loaded with money for them. Do you understand.

Wish everyone would get this correct now. Since come June and July Iraq will be using these debit cards to payout in some foreign countries and still there will be no international rates progressed to the exchanges thus no RV. 

So there is absolutely no pressure to RV to set this up to work when they plan to begin paying out the oil royalties. Don’t believe me? Just wait and watch when June comes around if I am correct or not. 

Peace and Luv To Ya All,   Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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