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Friday, May 29, 2015

Ancient Symbolism In Iraqi Dinar  Part 2

Ancient Symbolism in Iraqi Dinar Reflects the End & New Beginnings

Meanwhile several people, including one reader, asked me if I wouldn’t mind researching some of the other symbols found in the 25000 note and other Dinar currency (see images below). I was glad to oblige. And not surprisingly, it turns out there is much more than ‘meets the eye’ to the symbols found on the new Dinar currency and its importance once it revalues.

The most significant symbol not discussed in the previous article (above left image) is in the bottom left corner on the 25000 note. At first it was hard to tell what it was – a lion with what looks like a human underneath. Then, I found its reference, and was pleased to discover that it is the symbol for the Goddess Ishtar, sometimes known as Inanna
. This statue is at the Gates of Babylon, also known as the Gate of Ishtar or the Gate of the Gods (Photo of statue on right).

Researching this statue, I found one out-of-place message surrounding Ishtar. Much in the same inaccurate way as with Mary Magdalene, Ishtar somehow got tagged with the name ‘Whore’ of Babylon. This in spite of the fact that Ishtar, according to Babylonian scriptures was known by the following names:

Queen of Heaven, Light of the World, Leader of Hosts, Light Bearer, Opener of the Womb, Righteous Judge, Lawgiver, Goddess of Goddesses, Bestower of Strength, Framer of All Decrees, Lady of Victory, Forgiver of Sins, Torch of Heaven and Earth, Exalted Light of Heaven, She Who Begets All, Guardian of the Law and Shepherdess of the Lands, and Bringer of the Holy Laws of Heaven and Earth…

Ishtar has also been connected with Venus, even being referred to as the Star of Venus. Considering the recent Venus Transit, and the influx of the Divine Feminine, this has special significance (See article on the Venus Transit – click here).

Just as intriguing is her association as the Torch Bearer, and that the Statue of Liberty (left image below) is actually Ishtar, as is the statue done for the Olympic Games in 1936 (middle pic), and the Statue of Freedom on the top of the U.S. Capital (right pic). [1]

The accolades for Ishtar are numerous. Ancient people revered her so much that thousands of statues and carvings of Ishtar were produced and found at sites, such as (see images below) in and around the area of Babylon and other ancient cities in Mesopotamia (now modern day Iraq).
One significant reason for this respect was due to her ‘descent into the underworld’ as it is called. Ancient cuneiform texts describe a story about Ishtar in great detail.

When looked upon from the perspective of descending from higher dimensions to the third dimension with the going through 7 gates representing the 7 chakras, it takes on a different meaning. So instead of her being on an outward journey, it is about facing ones’ fears, overcoming obstacles, mastering the ego mind, and ultimately ascending in the physical.

In fact, the lion statue at the Gate of Babylon standing over a prone human figure can be likened to ‘conquering the limitations of the ego mind/human body.’

Credence to this enlightened perspective comes in a couple of ways. First, in Sumerian, the word for ear and wisdom are the same. So according to the tale when Ishtar ‘turned her ear to the Great Below’, the implication is that she was seeking wisdom and understanding.[2]

Also, when she approached the outer gates of the underworld, she told the gatekeepers she was ‘on her way to the East.’ This was a sign of her entering an initiation. An initiation that to this day is repeated with the Masons.

 Their initiation ceremony follows Ishtar’s journey, where a candidate first proclaims that he is on his way to the East before being warned that he will never return from his quest (or not ever be the same). After this, he passes inward to the Ordeal, which is the real initiation. [3]

In addition, the fact that thousands of statues exist of Ishtar is similar to other ancient Beings who are known to be “Masters.” These include of course, Jesus and Buddha, but there are others who are less known, such as the Goddess Sekhmet and Ramtha.

 At Karnak Temple in Egypt, thousands of statues of Sekhmet were found. [4] Also, the Avenue of the Ram-headed Sphinxes, which runs between Karnak and Luxor Temples is dedicated to Ramtha, a warrior from Lemurian times who healed himself of a critical wound and ascended in front of thousands of people. [5]

 In fact Ramtha’s own description of what took place is very similar to how some describe what it looked like when Jesus ascended after his resurrection, i.e., one minute he is there as a physical person and the next simply a flash of light. [6]

Another significant symbol on the currency is the rosette, which is often shown as an 8-pointed star or a round sacred geometric flower shape. The rosette can be found throughout the world in architecture, on statues, at the Vatican, and the Masons use it on the aprons.

The rosette is on medals of honor. Did you know that on May 2, 1895 the U.S. Congress authorized a rosette to be worn in lieu of the medal, and a ribbon to be worn with a medal. The pic below on the left is an example of the USA National Defense Service Medal with rosette. [7]

The rosette is combined on the 250000 note with the fleur-de-lis. The fleur-de-lis is affiliated with the iris and lotus, as well as Christians link it to Mother Mary.  It is also known as a symbol for the essence and the renewal of life.

The ancient Egyptians held beliefs that the three petals stood for faith, wisdom and valor. So what is all of this doing on the Iraqi Dinar currency? Why these symbols?

Why not symbols of what Iraq represents today – showing both ancient and modern day buildings? An oil rig? Instead, it is deliberate use of ancient symbols conveying a message. And a profound one at that…
Still other symbols worth mentioning include, the Tree of Life shown on the 250 currency note next to the Tower of Babel and on the 10000 note beside the City of Ur, the Cradle of Civilization. 

Also, noteworthy is a very interesting looking ancient device on the 250 note that is similar to what is being called the first analog computer (Left image below). The ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM (right image below) was found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Then, we might ask – What is a similar device doing on the new Dinar currency? 
Most likely it is one of many ancient ‘weapons’ (technological devices) – over 400!-found 100 miles south of Baghdad, i.e., where the Gates of Babylon were, many of which are mysteriously missing since 1999.

 Fortunately U.S. soldiers who went in and raided the Ziggurats and other structures are now coming forward revealing some of the ancient technology confiscated. [8]
Additionally three white horses are on the front of the 25 note, along with more rosettes. In the previous article on symbolism, the significance of the white horse is discussed in detail.

However, three is an important number: Trinity – Father, Mother, God. Also, in Buddhism, a white horse is often depicted with Buddha carrying the Book of Law, who is said to have ascended the physical riding a sacred white horse.  [9]

Seeing white horses represents the purification of the four lower centers

This is a sign of ‘conquering the lower chakras’ (the physical), and ascending, which further connects back to Ishtar. This leads me to ask, “What is it doing on one of the most widely used denomination of money – equivalent to the U.S.  20-dollar bill? Wouldn’t you expect to find one of their newly elected leaders?”


Let’s apply ‘Occam’s razor,’ the principle: ‘the simplest answer is usually the correct one.’ It makes more sense that these symbols on the Dinar currency are by design and speak of foresight of it becoming a ‘leading’ currency.

 For whatever reasons – regardless of who is behind the symbols – what better way to make a strong statement to the world then with ancient symbols that clearly denote strength, integration of the Divine Feminine, Universe law and balance with the Goddess Ishtar in the forefront:

“This Sovereign Goddess holds the sacred space of remembrance, encouraging us to remember our own Sovereign Self and our Divine Heritage. Within this awareness we remember our “royal – divine roots” and our personal responsibility to live with balanced, awakened awareness and to recall <sic>our responsibility to express the high integrity of our Ascended Sovereign Self.”  [10]

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