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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

KTFA CC Highlights From Frank - Delta & Top Shelf Part 1

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman   Part 1 of 2


** The comments made by Frank26, Delta, TopShelf and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **


Frank started the call by respectfully singing the National Anthem.

FRANK26: Today is Memorial Day. 

Tonight we honor our armed forces who protect and serve and offer SECURITY to this investment.

Ladies and gentlemen … I did not expect for Delta to join us tonight. It turns out that he called me just a little while ago and said “Frankie, I want to join you tonight.” That’s wonderful. We also have TopShelf who has some CBI information. 
Ladies and gentlemen … for those in the armed forces and your families we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, our souls and spirits and the bottom of our existence … for the protection you offer our nation, the United States of America and her territories.

For those who are in heaven, I am of the school of thought that the people in heaven can hear me. With that said … I thank you ladies and gentlemen in heaven … for dying for the protection of our country. I give thanks to Jesus Christ … as we did first … for dying for me on the cross … for the salvation of my spirit and soul for an eternity.

I give thanks to those right now who protect our borders … and the borders of many countries … the armed forces of the United States of America. I give thanks to the families that represent the structure of a military family. Hooray!

 For those who are brats, I know your walk, and your talk and your pain, I know your anger and I know your pride. Thank you for your service to our country. All of you!

My father was a migrant picker. He was from a family of 14. Two of them died. Of the 12, six brothers, all of them served in the armed forces. Of those six brothers, four of those became ordained ministers after they returned from war. My father was the youngest man in the history of the Air Force to go in at the age of 14 years old.

My father saw no future picking cotton. It cuts your fingers up … turns very hard … it’s like a razor blade – it slices your fingers. The plantation owners never cared for cotton. It wasn’t white. It was red with blood.

The tomato pickers were a lot friendlier than the cucumber plantation owners. It was always fun (dad said) to pick fruit. You could eat all you wanted. The chemicals they sprayed colored their skin.

My father saw no future in being a migrant worker with his family, so at age 14, he went to the downtown recruiter in Laredo, TX – and he told the recruiter that he wanted to go to Korea.

The recruiter said “no” – that he was too young … that 14 was ridiculous … but then asked him what he did for a living. He told him he was a migrant picker. No wonder you’re so big, said the recruiter.

 No wonder your hands are so rough. But the recruiter said to him … I’ll tell you what … if you can get your father to sign a piece of paper, the recruiter would let him join the air force.

All he would have to do is pass the test. My father went back to his father, and he presented the story. His father laughed at him -- mocked him and belittled him. But when he saw that a family received a specific amount in case one of the children died in war … he signed the paper.

 My father took the paper back to the recruiter … and he passed. I don’t know how because he only had a 4th grade education … but he passed the entrance exam. God works how? In many ways – many of them mysterious.

Sure enough, my father ended up having a wonderful career. I was born on the Laredo, Texas Air Force base – which is closed now. I was raised in Germany on air force bases. My sister was born and died there … and we came back and buried her in Texas … and my father became a T.I. trainer for Vietnam … in San Antonio Air Force base … which I sat underneath the B25 Douglas Mitchell’s, the B14 fortresses, the X-15.

I used to like to get into the X-15’s … LOL … you weren’t allowed too … but I knew how to open the cockpit. I pretended that I could go as high as I could … because I wanted to be like my daddy.

I pretended that I flew that X-15 as high as I could … past the stratosphere … 80,000 ft. to 100,000 ft. … and I reached out and I was able to touch the window of the X-15 … to touch the face of God.

So my father finished his career … 22 years in the Air Force … more metals that I could even count. I’m very proud of my father. And I’m very proud of my mother and my two sisters … who stood by my father … all that time.

I am very grateful to my country. To my political structure which is democracy. I’m very humbled to be able to pay my taxes … and to live in this great land … because there is no other land like it. TRUST ME! I’ve seen a lot of them. And as much as I may criticize our President … or tease him … I respect the Presidency of the United States of America. And I ask you to do the same.

It is a day of mourning … for those who are no longer with us who served our country. It is an honor to call myself an American of the United States of America.


With that said … I wish to talk to you about our investment. Then TopShelf has some CBI information. And then Delta will follow-up with some news he has.

In the month of April, I didn’t say too much about our military … I was constantly being careful about it.

On Friday, our Teams told us that within 72 hours there would be a “full-out assault” on three cities.

They told us that there was a “need” for new bombing in that area and our President was “rethinking” his policy in Iraq … and that he was considering bringing in more troops … OR … telling you about the troops in Iraq. Our President was also considering to lift the amount of bombing that this occurring in these battles of Iraq.

It turns out that places like Kosovo (Serbia) were having 10,000 bombings per day … and yet the bombings that were to start in 72 hours … the day before … they were only allowed to drop 138 of them. This is a type of urban warfare. We can talk about it now … talk about it more freely.

On Friday we thought that within 72 hours that 3 cities outside of Ramadi – (which is right outside of an air force base that we have out there) … they need more bombing. How quickly would this urban warfare begin.

The President gave a thought … while we waited overnight (Fri & Sat) … the western media would overplay what was going to happen.

Here’s an example: Frank held up a copy of Saturday’s USA Today … “Isis takes ancient city in Syria.”

Wall Street Journal … “Sunnis Divided in Iraq Battle”

What did we tell you? They are no longer called “wars” but “battles”

On Sunday … the WSJ … “Obama Rethinks Strategy on Isis”

So what you see … there it is on Sunday … the middle-east underplayed the situation … the western media overplayed it.

Did you see any of these headlines over the weekend from our newshounds? Nah.

May I throw in a caveat … a side-bar comment … the VND Dong has been degraded 1 percent.

So what does that have to do with Iraq? You’ll see. ;)

This is a very fluid situation right now. Things are moving extremely fast.

Not everything is associated with the monetary reform of the IQD.

Remember the spider-web image from last weeks notes … city after city is being conquered in Iraq … being put into our control.

So the President is considering increasing the bombing in Iraq. Isn’t that interesting.

Is it possible that the United States is … wasting time … or punishing somebody?

Remember Abadi went to visit O … 3 or 4 weeks ago … asked for more security. And they are getting it.

Ashton Carter said … “we’ve got about 10,000 troops in Iraq” … uh … no … we have a lot more … and that information was leaked-out from the opposite side of Obama.

:peek: BLUE COUCH MOMENT … [Frank’s opinion … daydreams ;) ] :peek:

The IMF is telling them to send money to help with their economy.

The IMF has no control over the green-light anymore because it’s in the hands of Dr. S.

Those loans and that money … it’s already there.

Lower denoms … we’re going to talk about that ;)

Sunday’s update file … we posted another update … “To Our Teams” – anyone can comment on that info, but when things say “FOR ME ONLY” – no one should comment on those items.

One of the things we said was that the Marines had landed.

QUESTION: What is the first thing that goes into a battle?

ANSWER: The Marine’s … they are sent to start/end the war.

Back in 2004 when the IMF commissioned Dela Rue to print the 2004 (and beyond) currency for Iraq – they did.

In 2006 … they moved just about all of them into the banks into Iraq. Please don’t ask me for proof – I don’t play that in this situation. ;) If you want info from me on certain levels or circumstances … take it to God in prayer … and God will tell you if I’m an idiot … or if you’re going to see something in 3 days. ;)

In 2006 … the lower denoms were delivered in small crates … in caravan after caravan.

Then in 2010 (or 2012) I can’t remember now … the Kurds wanted their language on the currency too … so they had to print them again.

Remember … we’re sitting on the BLUE COUCH … ok? ;)

Those lower denoms … are in the UST.

In my opinion … I believe very soon … maybe 2 or 3 weeks those will be moved from an Air Force base on the east coast to the Iraqi banks.

We’ve been blessed with a new connection that will keep us updated.

You’ve been waiting all weekend to hear this haven’t you. ;) God bless you.

Actually … in 2011 … I see from my notes … that is when the 2nd batch of dinars were printed.

In 2013 … O pulled us out … so they kept them at the UST

QUESTION: Who is the governor of the CBI?


But who do they tell you is the governor of the CBI? (Ali Mohammed Ishmael)

Who do we tell you is the governor of the CBI? (Dr. Shabibi)

Have you ever seen a picture of Ali Mohammed Ishmael? (silence is golden … isn’t it)

Show me a picture of him if you believe that he [Ail] is the Governor of the CBI.

KABOOM! LOL … [you won’t find a picture of Ali … because he’s a figment of someone’s imagination]

Delta … I know that you heard me.

We know that iTeam guards Dr. Shabibi.

Turki is the financial advisor to Dr. Abadi.

They have 4 cities secured in under 72 hours! Falujah … Mosul … Ramadi … and Halabja (?) … IMPRESSIVE!

Do you understand the speed of SECURITY?

Dr. Shabibi wanted to start the monetary reform at the first of this year (1/1/15) … but he’s not opposed to doing in in the middle of the year either. The middle of the year is July 1st.

We are getting control of all of the cities.

I asked all of our Team member the other day … and 4 out of 5 said they were motivated … but now everyone on our Team … 5 out of 5 is very motivated about what they are seeing.

iTeams report for today. The 25th of June … Iraq and Syria are heavy right now … the US has sent in T-packs. T-packs are being set up in Iraq and Syria … very special forces/teams … from all branches of our military … they target … strategically air strike.

They are identifying targets. Unfortunately the other coalition partners don’t have the equipment and knowledge or experience to do that special job (marking targets). The big birds are coming back to bases … fully loaded … because they have run out of targets. ;)

They have to beacon and mark these targets … security is advancing … its “high-tide!”

This campaign is not over.

They’ve already told you that they have 10,000 to 20,000 troops. LOL! Double it ;) You know how it works … in my opinion … sitting on my BLUE COUCH. LOL ;)
So while this SECURITY is going on … Abadi went to see O … when O wanted to go see him.
The Price of Saudi Arabia when to see O … when O wanted to go see him.

Barzini went to see O … when O wanted to go see him.

These gentlemen … (right after the green light) … told the USA that they needed more help … which we did … privately.

Remember … you need money to have security.

While Dr. S goes about the MR … the coalition goes about to secure the cities.

O is trying to get revenge … because he can’t go over there? 

O thinks he’s a Muslim … but they don’t think that he is.

They say they want security. 

The IMF said you have to do 2 things:

#1 - Raise the value of our currency 

#2 - Pass the tariff / border taxes. 

So guess what?? The CBI/GOI ANNOUNCED today they have 20 laws about to be released and it’s the tariff laws! 

Did you see the video of the two Arabs mocking our president…what is he trying to do? Destroy this country. (I don’t know, but we’ll take care of it).

All of the middle-east says … “help us to counter your President!”

The middle-east doesn’t understand what O is trying to do.

The MasterCards are ready to be passed out … and will be done as soon as the value changes.

The Secretary of Defense (Carter) he decides to pull a favor for O … he said that the Iraqi Army lacked the will to fight. Is he insane? Unbelievable! The stupidity of O’s foreign policy … is unbelievable! I’m sorry Mr. President … that is the stupidest thing you’ve done.

Take note Mr. Carter … pay attention to the BBC … not NBC … and least the BBC got it right.

Brazani says … hey USA, UN, Britain, and collation partners … “help us … you promised!”

What Carter did to Abadi … in those few words was unbelievable.

POST #209 by JJ … great post!

In Baiji … it’s an inactive oil refinery … they don’t use it anymore … but it holds reserves. 

Iran has joined the fight. That’s right … IRAN has joined the fight with the middle-east coalition units.

Putin made a deal with the USA … isn’t it interesting to see how all of this works out?

SA is making headway in Yemen.

Out of the state of Ohio …25 soldiers we honored this last Saturday in White Hall before they were deployed overseas. 
They are the 376 financial management support unit. These soldiers will spend 9 months in Afghanistan … they will be going over to help with commercial vendors AND foreign currency exchange. 

Why would they do that? ;) Going to the middle-east … specialized people … because we don’t want any cheating/smuggling/counterfeiting.  ;)

Find me Ali … I dare you. ;)

TopShelf or Delta are you there?

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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