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Friday, May 1, 2015

Sczin11 Sharing His Opinion & Applying Logic

Post Emailed To Dinar Recaps:

Folks, good afternoon.....  I am rapidly trying to catch up, in the middle of a cross coast move, and totally wiped out..........  That being said i could not resist jumping in today with a few words......

Those that have followed my opinions over time, know i am very in tune with the economic and monetary reform progress, and continue to try and apply "logic",

Along with my 35 years in the financial world experience, to make some sense out of the impossible to understand........

From the time i got involved in researching the situation in iraq, which btw, was way before i purchased my first million dinar, i learned one thing that i have hung my hat on since.............. Complete ascension into the wto, the w o r l d  trade  organization, required an internationally recognized currency...........  
The reverse is not a other words, raising the value of the dinar, does not require a full ascension into the wto....

I have extended the requirement of being internationally tradeable, over the years to include a globally fair reality true value of the currency in iraq, based on internationally recognized standards, and protocols......... 

The needs to be transparent, the needs to be accepted by the global community, the needs for imf, bis, wb, un, and all the other agencies out there, mena, gcc, g-19 or g-20, however you wish to refer to them...all these organizations are part of the new iraq er/mr plan... 

This has been stated many times, over the years, by many mp's, dignitaries, consultants, ambassadors, etc....

What we have seen over the last 8 months or so, during the tenure of the new pm abadi regime, is just an amazing picture perfect plan of action, rapidly, taking big baby steps, and climbing the mountain faster than you can imagine, even though we haven't reaped the rewards we so eagerly desire...........

All the 3 letter agencies referred to above, have been in the news , big time over the last few months...all are on board, and playing with iraq........

the fact we have seen all the horrific pleas of no liquidity, austerity, bankruptcy, starving and begging citizens, and of course, lets not forget "war"- the crisis of isis..............

even with all this media propaganda and rhetoric, the world is playing with iraq....

Loans, credit, delayed and postponed payments on debt....from countries around the globe, and now even the international agencies are playing to....

A few weeks ago, we saw an american domiciled bank, working on a 1.5 billion dollar, interest free loan, with terms of more than 10 years, not for the goi, not for the hor, not for the cbi, but for......   Iraqi airways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

people, what does that tell between the lines....  Is anyone out there worried about iraq going under?  Forget about iraq, what about the airlines in iraq??????

No worries?  Who is flying to iraq?  Who is going to this war stricken place?  How is iraq airlines going to grow?  Why are they starting new flights everyday, and more planes being purchased? 

How about all the new trains and schedules from ports to baghdad, and all other provinces?  Why the need?   Are you and i running there?

Here is part of an opinion piece, the facts that corroborated my opinion, that i posted a few weeks ago...


 and look at this as well...

Dubai International Airport (IATA: DXB, ICAO: OMDB) (Arabic: ‎) is the primary airport serving Dubai,United Arab Emirates, and is theworld's busiest airport by international passenger traffic.

[4] It is also the 6th busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic,

[5] the 6th busiest cargo airport in world,

[6] and the busiest hub for the Airbus A380.

[7] In 2014, DXB handled 70.4 million passengers, 2.37 million tonnes of cargo, and registered 357,339 aircraft movements.[8]


The world's Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years, rising from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030, according to new population projections by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life.
 Okay, so you see, whether or not we go to iraq, they will not be short of the key to any growing, prospering economy....tourism............

Now to the cause of my rant...............

 The wto...............  Where or where has the news been on the wto....?   

All the other agencies, have been visible, and outspoken, full of help, aid, and encouragement for the country of iraq as a whole, including the citizens, 

and since march 20, when we found a revision update on the wto website, that as teri mentioned earlier, we have yet to be able to see, nothing until 2 days ago, 

when some of the new note articles, the 50 and 100k reference, and some of the dollar/dinar don't worry releases, starting bringing up the need for this and that for wto complete ascension...................?????????????/     

All i can say is hmmmmmmmmmm......  For months and years we have waited patiently for the tariffs to be implemented....we heard by january 2, 2014 that would happen...

then we heard by january 20, 2014, the tariffs would be implemented in stages...then we heard nothing, i mean dead silence for months and months......

Then we had a "leakage" of sorts, that march 1, 2015 they would be implemented, and then nothing again, until last few days....................

I have discussed this with a special friend in this group...........  It just makes no logical, financial, macro or micro economic sense to have tariffs implemented at the current rate of exchange..............

But they are talking up a storm, that they must go ahead with the implementation...tariffs mean compliance with wto ..........  

They are a requirement, as is a unique currency internationally tradeable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is that enough food for thought on this lovely wednesday afternoon?

Talk to you all soon...

Peace in the world, and prosperity for all of us, in the very near future!

Thank you. ~ sczin11

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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