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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 7-20-16


Beams:  Zap did say a couple weeks ago >>Update from ZAP "The Office of Poofness" ... SIGNALS OF THE RESET IS THE EQUALIZATION OF THE EURO AGAINST THE USD. June 24 update

Beams:  There were so many big stories today but for the North American tradin​g session, everyone was focused on 1.10 EUR/USD Read more:LINK

Beams: Canada Bonds   LINK

Beams: another interesting article about Negative interest rates LINK

Beams:  check this one out >>With central bank meetings in both the US a​nd Japan next week, there is likely to be a focus on currencies and cu​rrent monetary policy settings globally.  LINK
WingIt Cont….
Shybaby:  (Excerpt from Simon Black): 

The financial system is breaking down at an unimaginable pace-

July 18, 2016    St. Petersburg, Russia

Now it’s $13 trillion.

That’s the total amount of government bonds in the world that have negative yields, according to calculations published last week by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Given that there were almost zero negative-yielding bonds just two years ago, the rise to $13 trillion is incredible.

In February 2015, the total amount of negative-yielding debt in the world was ‘only’ $3.6 trillion.

A year later in February 2016 it had nearly doubled to $7 trillion.

Now, just five months later, it has nearly doubled again to $13 trillion, up from $11.7 trillion just over two weeks ago.

Think about that: the total sum of negative-yielding debt in the world has increased in the last sixteen days alone by an amount that’s larger than the entire GDP of Russia.

Just like subprime mortgage bonds from ten years ago, these bonds are also toxic securities, since many are issued by bankrupt governments (like Japan).

Instead of paying subprime home buyers to borrow money, investors are now paying subprime governments.

And just like the build-up to the 2008 subprime crisis, investors are snapping up today’s subprime bonds with frightening enthusiasm.

We’ll probably see $15 trillion, then $20 trillion, worth of negative-yielding subprime government debt within the next few months.

So this trend will continue to grow for now, until, just like in 2008, the bubble bursts in cataclysmic fashion.

It took several years for the first subprime bubble to pop. This one may take even longer. But even still, we can already see the consequences today.

Simon Black    Founder,



Lostnq8:  so with negative bonds you have to pay them to buy their bonds - other than an almost safe haven for your money, why would you not just put it in your mattress


Aggiedad77:  From the CC last night (Monday) to this.....incredible timing.....what I find as interesting is this move goes from six ministers him replacing seven ministers now.....get 7 for the price of 6....not a bad deal.....Abadi he's a shrewd PM.....trustworthy but shrewd....know what I Frank pointed out....these guys will be instrumental in the coming reforms......get them on board quickly Abadi.....bring in the ones who can hit the sand running....and I don't mean with their stolen money......this is good stuff....really good stuff......more to come too I'm sure......oh and don't forget to keep an eye out for Boeing talking to Iraq.   Aloha    Randy
Don961:  Particularly for Change: Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will be presented during next week's seven new ministers in the cabinet his booth

He wrote: July 19, 2016   Abadi-Haider
It is scheduled to present Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi during next week 's seven new ministers into his booth ministerial .
According to a private change that Abadi sources and having issued orders bureaucracy accepting the resignation of six ministers from the government will present seven new ministers to fill vacancies in ministerial cabin.
 Noting that the Iraqi prime minister will announce a new oil minister and the interior, transport, industry and trade names of the ministries as well as the Ministries of Construction and Housing and Water Resources during the next week.
The sources added that these actions taken by al-Abadi, which comes as part of the reform plan, which calls for implementing the Iraqi people. Link
ReddStarr:  Pros and cons....gotta love the fact....that it's being brought up....and discussed....for all to see and read....progress....IMO

Exchange rate and disinformation!

Mohammed Sharif Abu Mayssam

repeated calls by some observers to call for the lifting of the dinar exchange rate against foreign currencies, to the extent that some of those claims up by making the value of the dinar equivalent to one dollar on the grounds that the caloric value of the current criticism is not consistent with the cash reserve ratios, and that the reserves which currently stands at rates around $ 54 billion with nearly 80 tons of gold should be reflected in the local currency value against foreign currencies, which in turn will contribute to the national currency trading in foreign markets !!, with cut and the relevant authorities to silence does not comment on those claims whenever repeated,

as if rise above squabbles with such rumors and allegations, leaving the arena media for such and media , known by raising the fallacies over the years after the change, to promote such claims which are usually drowned out by the general public, as easy exits for the crisis the country 's economic, as soon It has been circulating on social networking sites on the grounds that the central bank had announced since years for the project to delete the zeros !!

Ignoring the main objective of the project to delete the zeros and which aims to restore the money supply structure in line with the market data movement and the country 's need to invest in an unstable security conditions reflect negatively on the cash handling operations during transactions especially with regard to large sums in buying and selling and trading currency between banks and other institutions operations , so that some social networking pages that calls itself the economic nomenclature, allowed itself to frequently publish such narratives , intentionally or unintentionally, the same that were promoted to project

«dollarization» wages more heavily exposed exchange rate fluctuations in price due to the political and economic variables local and international levels.

the silence on what is called the propaganda bubbles may be feasible in some cases, as it was soon collide with reality and disappear, but it may be impossible to double the media point if shred Almdillon hiring vanities and intentionality and marketing body subject touches the interests of the people, as soon it takes promotional space on social networking, which requires a serious follow - up media from the relevant authorities to what is said and published, and addressing the media , especially since the surge in these days takes Mdyate rising to undermine all that is beneficial to the country and the people. In addition to talking about the subject ,

such as the position of the cash reserve is in fact a modern potentially more fallacies by what surrounds him from a misunderstanding of monetary policy, To say that the cash reserve ratio should be reflected on the local currency 's value against foreign currencies seems to be true at first glance with it is a modern late frequently for damage to this reserve on the impact of the continuing work of the Central auction day to finance foreign trade in conjunction with the decline in the proportion of foreign currency revenues due to lower oil prices,

since this reserve juxtaposition of about $ 80 billion before the oil collapse was not in the day the central database that will the lifting of the dinar exchange rate against the dollar to considerations relating to the price values ​​of criticism about the economic reality Rei ,where the real sectors suffer from almost complete paralysis and Taatekz market movement on the outer import and activates the parallel market as a result of lack of legal and procedural system to the economy of a real market is complete, how can central to submit the amendment to the value of the dinar to equal one dollar in these days? Are there there is no doubt Baksidih this invitation?  

On the other hand, the national currency trading outside the country would have a positive impact to buy more goods and services for the benefit of the country, but this will reflect negatively on the national economy unless Tekken there have the largest share in the gross domestic product , real sectors, as well as to raise the exchange rate would have a serious impact on both the consumer and the wages of labor and raw materials in the local market prices, which means the high cost of generating unit over imported counterparts, and therefore damage the local product and disable it at a time when the government is seeking to activate all sectors in order to diversify revenue,

and therefore, our national currency will be a commodity in the speculative financial market as a haven winner no more at this stage or that, and this would damage the monetary bloc puttable, amounting to 40 trillion dinars only .. the national currency trading rates outside the country regarding the class basis in and a solid economy (diversified economy revenue of rising contribution of all sectors, particularly the real sector in the gross domestic product, along with the importance of higher cash income rates in the external balance and stability of payments in the monetary system as well as financial openness ,

which contribute significantly to the circulation rates, which requires the presence of a system banker healthy simulates the existing developments in the global banking industry, not necessarily the value of the currency is high, and our guide the Japanese yen, because of Japan 's cash reserve 1.265 trillion as of the yen around 94 yen to the dollar as the Japanese government is trying with all its capabilities should not make yen rises against the dollar because every cent rise in which the yen is causing big losses for the Japanese economy, meaning that the reserve does not necessarily mean that is reflected in the rise in the exchange rate of the local currency, as this would be determined by economic data.

Don961:  Thanks Redd ... Guess this writer comparing the dinar with the Yen .... saying Japan has cash reserves of 1.265 trillion and the yen trades 94 to the dollar .... while Iraq has around 54 billion and around 8o tons of gold ... so the people on social networking sites are  out of the loop and don't understand the situation .... by saying Iraq has enough reserves to cover a rise to 1:1 equivalent ...and that will stimulate your economy ...

The media doesn't understand  economics .....because what this guy sees and as Frank says they need to stop the auctions .... build the economy , get it firing in areas other than oil ... to stabilize and build the reserves ... to support a raise in value .... security to attract investors ... no Daash war / no war expenditures .... strong laws that are implemented ....
Writer states the main objective of delete the zeroes is to restore the money supply structure .... He says if they didn't raise the value back when oil was sky high and they had more reserves , then how can they do it now with all that's going on ... but we students know why

DRS was close to changing the rate back then  ....... til Maliki ,CORRUPTION AND STEALING ....  that had/has to stop ..... and it is .... money is being recovered .... We US/IMF/WB/UN are there as the conductor ... getting the orchestra tuned up and sounding good .... for the symphony grand finale .... IMO

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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