Don't WAIT!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Afternoon 7-24-16




MBA Grad:  Greetings friend,

I tried to answer your concern yesterday in a post that I had put up on where I believed we were and what might happen in the days ahead.

I can't speak for Frank.  Frank shares what he can with us and, as much as we would love for him to give us an exact date as to when this happening, he simply can't do that.  That's just not something that he's in a position to do and cannot do for many reasons.

What I try and do is to think like a detective.  I follow the news and I keep notes so that I can get a benchmark as to what Iraq is doing, and what is left to do, in terms of going international. 
KTFA Cont…..

MBA Grad:  It's a lot of work, but it keeps my sanity because I, like Frank, agree that the time is near when Iraq needs to kick start their economy and launch the private sector.
What you have to do is ask yourself, "What must Iraq do first in order to launch the private sector?".

We know that Iraq must have control of their banks so that the CBI can do what it needs to do in order to proceed with the monetary reform. This is where Mosul comes into play.  The liberation of Mosul and the degradation of ISIS/DAASH would be something that the international world would want to see happen before they send in their people to help rebuild Iraq.

We know that the Mosul military operations have been ongoing and that articles have been released stating that ISIS control of Iraqi territory is down to approximately 10%.

Then we have the issue of moving away from the program rate so that Iraq can open up its economy to the world with a rate that other countries can do business with.  The United Nations has a role to play here in lifting these currency restrictions that prevent Iraq from changing it's program rate to a real rate that can be used internationally. 

Iraq must move from Article 14 into Article 8. In my opinion, I believe that the requirements for Article 8 have already been met otherwise the IMF would not have approved the SBA loans for Iraq. We also know that the United Nations have been in consultation with the Iraqi GOI.

As for laws, the IMF has asked Iraq to amend it's Investment Law and to make adjustments to the 2016 budget. This coming week, there's supposed to be a vote on the Federal Court Law and the General Amnesty Law.  The Amnesty Law is required for the "RV" but not for the new rate that Iraq will use once they move away from the program rate.

We know that Prime Minister Al-Abadi has announced that a new 500 Dinar note with Kurdish Language will be available shortly and this is expected to happen when Iraq moves off of its program rate and that this new note will be instrumental in allowing the Iraqi citizens to turn in their large "000" notes for the new 500 dinar note. Both Dinar and US Dollars will be exchanged for this new note thus helping to de-dollarize Iraq along with its bond and gold sale programs which the CBI has told us of.

I'm not concerned about the day to day politics of Iraq. They will always be squabbling amongst themselves and agreeing and disagreeing on a number of issues that could be sectarian in nature. It is what it is and that's part of their culture.  As long as we have the "3" presidencies in-tact and a functioning GOI, Iraq should be able to move forward. Al-Abadi will continue to make changes as he needs to and that's a good thing for Iraq.

If you examine closely what I've listed about, then you can see that Iraq is right at the point of making some kind of a move with it's currency.  The IMF has been working with Iraq for the first six months of this year to prepare them for entry into the global community and now the United Nations is here doing the same it seems.

I'm hopeful to see Iraq move away from its program rate so that the citizens of Iraq can see that the Dinar is now something that the world wants to use.  We were also told that Iraq plans to use some of the images of the Iraqi marshland areas on a new currency issue.  Again, that's another sign of a nation that takes pride in its heritage and that wants its currency to be recognized.

I also believe that Iran is waiting for Iraq to make the first move as backdoc has said many times when he refers to the "Shia Brothers" going together. There's a bigger plan here and Iraq is only one part of that plan. 

I do believe that Iraq is going to do something relatively soon as all of these events indicate that "Something" is upon us.

As for numerology, tomorrow will be 7-25-16 .......... 7-7-7.  Could this be a "Hot" day in terms of news announcements?  I don't know, but we do know that August is coming quickly and that Iraq has a new platform being launched on September 2, 2016.

It is in my strong opinion that we could see Iraq come out at .86 cents to $1.18 if the United Nations removes the currency restriction for Chapter 7 which Frank has referred to as the "Last layer of the Onion" on prior conference calls. 

Regardless of whatever rate that Iraq goes to, after having moved off its program rate, it will be a day of celebration for everyone. I don't expect to see Iraq move off the program rate and jump straight to $3.86 right away.  I believe they will come out at a rate that's useable internally and externally and, like a car engine, they'll let it turn over and make sure that engine works properly so that hopefully no tune up is required.

Hopefully, by October, Iraq will make the necessary move to allow its currency value to increase so that the true worth Iraq is reflected in that number.  This would then allow Kuwait to make their necessary rate adjustment as they to want their currency to go up in value.  Iraq has to stay within .50 cents on the international rate if I remember correctly.
Next week should be interesting. 

I'm curious to see how parliament performs and whether or not Al-Abadi can get his ministers replaced and to see what comes up in regards to the United Nations meetings.  Many of us are hurting financially and even a .10 cent rate can be life saving for many people. I too pray that Iraq can finish up its work because nobody wants to see that turtle cross the finish line as much as I do. 

In the beginning, my money was on the hare to win this thing quickly but that turtle is one slick fellow and this serves as a reminder to all that, "It's not how you start but how you finish" !

I just want to remind everyone that my statements are strictly in my opinion and in no way intended to offend anyone. 

As Frank would say, "Take it to God in Prayer" and I hope that we see some kind of new beginning in Iraq come to fruition very shortly.

Keep your eyes on Mosul and The United Nations.   Be Well !

ReddStarr:  Interesting timing for the G20 to start talking....but they are making it public...and very clear now....BIG statments....IMO...."use all available means to ensure stable and balanced economic growth".....says a lot.....gotta love it....

 "G20" is committed to economic growth stable and balanced!

Economic growth

Group of Twenty countries confirmed in a final statement on Sunday July 24, that it would use all available means to ensure stable and balanced economic growth.
According to the final statement issued by the finance ministers' meeting and the governors of central to the largest economies of the world's banks, which was held for two days in Chengdu, China: "In light of recent events, we affirm our determination again and our commitment to using all the monetary, fiscal and structural policy tools, to achieve our goal of providing economic growth strong, sustainable and balanced and comprehensive. "
The statement stressed that monetary policy alone is not considered adequate, stressing the need for structural reforms.
They urged participation to work to revive global trade and investment: "We emphasize the role of free trade, and the need to maintain the strength and security of the global trading system, to promote the overall growth of the global economy ... We will make more efforts to revive international trade and increase investment."
And it called on the Group of Twenty countries, the multilateral development banks to support investment in infrastructure, and encourage private investment: "We communicate effectively with international development banks and urge them to work together to support investment in infrastructure and encourage private investment."
The participants in the meeting who is looking effects Britain out of the European Union on the global economy, the need for infrastructure projects that enjoy quality and economic efficiency, taking into account the environmental impacts, and social.
Participants welcomed the progress they have made in the implementation of the new strategy for a competent anti-terrorist financing and money laundering Financial Action Task Force, calling for the effective implementation of the operational plan, which provides for it.
According to a draft statement on "Brixt": "The results of the referendum on Britain out of the European Union increases the uncertainty in the global economy ... the members of the Group of Twenty well-placed to respond to possible pre-emptive economic and financial consequences of the referendum."
This is recognized by the Group of Twenty nations, to surplus production in the steel industry, global problem that requires collective action, "We realize that the surplus production in the steel industry and some other areas, is a global challenge that requires a collective effort."
And it agreed "G20", which are steel producers countries, to participate in the efforts of the international community to address the problem of surplus production of steel, including participation in the forum of the Committee on the steel of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development scheduled in September / September next. Finished

ReddStarr:  Talking to you way or another.....the reforms will be done....IMF is coming out again....and telling the world...."reforms to promote economic growth and the sharing of benefits on a large scale"....good stuff.....IMO...

IMF: structural reforms needed to boost growth and common benefits!

He confirmed the director general of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde, Sunday, that the task of structural reforms to promote economic growth and the sharing of benefits on a large scale.
Lagarde said in a written statement after the ministers of the Group of Twenty meeting of the "Structural reforms are particularly important as the latest work Monetary Fund show that structural reforms characterized by good setup can support growth in the short term and long term and make it more inclusive."
She added that trade liberalization is "necessary" also to enhance productivity and global growth and continued insistence that it welcomes the group "to take advantage of all the political tools ... to achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth

Yada:  I shared this on om last night,,,,if the GCR is to take place before the RV,,,,there will be a drag on our economy,,,why? because if money has to be asset backed before
released, then the current economy will slow down to match the speed of the creation of additional assets,,,therefore,,,,,expecting the RV of the dinar first, the other countries to adjust their values based on the dinar,,and then maybe there may be a GCR,,,,,but when ever,, there will be a drag on the economy because of that

Idc:  Yada I belive that was part of the original design, I mean the slow down...

Yada:  Idc,,the world economies are already slowed down to just above recession,,I really do not see the asset back issue will be before the RV,,

Emon:    yada, what would be the odds of that happening? ?? to be honest logic hasn't been a factor in this. Just sayn. The things that make sense never happens

DTaylor:  emon, there is nothing about this that makes any sense, that's way they call it speculation and we don't tell people, on the chance we here the "S" word...........for me it is 13303, and "W" said the war would be paid for.........dollars only for sure

Yada: emon,,,so,,they are saying to save the bond market,, a change in the values would be their saving grace,,,,,going asset back will limit commerce because they'd have to wait for more asset bases,,,,,,,,plus the whole purpose of being stealth with the release is so it doesnt current commerce so there are accounting rules still being observed ,,

DTyler: Perhaps, The reason Iraq can go Basil III quickly and be the basis of all this.... is because the USGS did a thorough study of the wealth of Iraq that would allow them to justify a huge increase over the Saddam Dinar prior to the forced devaluation


Traderv:  You asked for truth and here it is. No one has exchanged for cash, they exchanged for SKR or contract or both. Did they get cash? That's none of anyones business as it's private.

Now for the rest of us. We are in the public domain. If you don't have a legit contract, and have been vetted you are public. No such thing as internet group. Now how about the 800 #'s?

Well according to white hat sources that have been correct up until this point, the public roll out HAS YET to be determined, so anyone giving you a list is not doing you any justice.
This is the truth in a nutshell. You want hopium, stick around dinarland.

Ecc1519:  Remember, I don't think anyone such as banks or exchange centers can redeem any Dinars if they have given SKR's etc. So even they are waiting for complete, public roll out


Dinar Updates:

Millionday  Article quote:   "Iraq News Network", on Tuesday, a document issued by the Ministry of Finance / General Authority for taxes..." 



via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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