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Monday, July 25, 2016

More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Night 7-25-16




Evenstar:  Hi Admin...are your contacts as quiet as all the rest of Dinarland seems to be today?



Rocker66:  Hey All, where are we tonight with this investment

All is well, glad to see the room in still intact after a "quiet" day

TerryMac:  rocker, any new info over the weekend or today ?

Rocker66:  Yes, I think Bill alerted the room to some but, I think there is real optimism for this week to finish our part of the groups. There should be real evidence of this by the early part of this week

Davis:  rocker66 any information on the gen64 better known as the wells fargo group

Rocker66:  Davis, I really don't have information on that. I am surprised that if you are in the group you have not heard anything. However, my understanding is you did not surrender currency to be part of that group? If so, probably won't matter

Meek92:  Rocker66 When you say early this week, would that be tonight or tomorrow?

Rocker66:  Meek, It is factual banks are expecting this to be the week based off of corporate information. They did get called in early this morning to go over things. The higher ups got called in

I would just add that the information providers (this site) are doing their best to get the most accurate information gathered to report. We are between confirmed liquid to where do we fit in

Rocker66:  A couple things from today: If part of a Sovereign exchange, should not be taxes. If you are not, there most likely will be ….which everyone expected anyway

Dedar: Rocker what do you mean by sovereign exchange? Do you mean if you are in a group like Gen64/WF?

Rocker66:  Dedar, not sure about that group but there are Sovereign Groups and from what we have heard there may be Sovereign rates. That may be where it is applicable

StillOKRocks:  Rocker, thank you... it seems many have a different definition for sovereign, what is yours please? Can you give an example?

Rocker66:  The tax situation has to do with an exchange using "Sanctioned" funds. So the group or personal exchange would reflect that

Gnosis:  rocker, is this really a game of chicken between the GCR and the old guard who seem to be refusing to stand down?

Rocker66:  gnosis, IMO I don't believe in the whole 900 arrests daily, the Republic and the good versus bad. This process is just a process with no handbook

Gnosis:  rocker I'm with you on that, but some are saying that the elite are artificially trying to keep the bond markets alive to stave off collapse which would be when the GCR comes into save the day....

DYoungdc:  Still not sure WHY there would be taxes. This is a currency exchange. There are no taxes on currency exchange

Rocker66:   dyoung, because they can

Rocker66:  this whole intel gathering is difficult on everyone and really difficult now so Bill is doing his best to keep everyone informed It is a 24 hour gig with no pay



Toolfan4:  i have heard some rumblings about the Reno thing but i cant nail it down yet.....a lot of people are very giddy, but i just don’t know why yet.....if I find out i will let everybody know

I can say that my main contact....head of our part of the group....did say earlier today that tonight, late and tomorrow that great info and events will flow.....again , not sure exactly what that means yet

Striker:  I do believe come October 1st... When China announces to the World they are asset / Gold backed GAME OVER!!!!

Schmoo:  China is not going gold backed, imo… It is physically impossible...hopefully asset backed at some point, imo

Garmst:  I know their currency will be included i the SDR basket in november
JustTom:  I beg to differ with you on the China not going gold backed. Too much Intel out there showing how China is pulling in gold

Striker:  Garmst - Read it months ago & I believe Gerry mentioned it on his last call or the one b4! I disagree with you schmoo! I believe they have no choice but to go Gold backed / assett backed as well as the entire Globe!!!

Striker:  Gold backed & asett backed is 'essentially the same thing! Means you can back your physical $$$$.... I truly believe they have hedged themselves for this inevitable event!!! IMO!

Dr. Mark:  Striker is correct "asset" backed conglomerates all valued assets represented by, but not limited to gold, oil, agriculture, other precious metals, minerals, etc. I have even heard recently that fresh water meets that criteria as well although I believe that's a stretch.


KTFA Monday Night Conference Call

Approx.180 minutes long

The first part is Business Promo and the second part is Dinar/Iraq Intel

PLAYBACK # : 641.715.3639     PIN: 156996#


Purifiers:  Lagarde: structural reforms needed to boost growth and common benefit

Written by : Abdallah Kamal in:07/25/2016In: News Economic News

Speculator Arab / - Christine Lagarde Director General of the International Monetary Fund said on Sunday that the task of structural reforms to promote economic growth and the sharing of benefits on a large scale.

He Lagarde said in a written statement after the ministers of the Group of Twenty meeting of the "Structural reforms are particularly important as the latest work Monetary Fund show that structural reforms characterized by good setup can support growth in the short term and long term and make it more inclusive."

She added that trade liberalization is "necessary" also to enhance productivity and global growth and continued insistence that it welcomes the group "to take advantage of all the political tools ... to achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.

Multiple sources...

Christine Lagarde, Director General of the International Monetary Fund said on Sunday that the task of structural reforms to promote economic growth and the sharing of benefits on a large scale.

He said Lagarde in a written statement after the ministers of the Group of Twenty meeting: «structural reforms is of particular importance as the latest work Monetary Fund show that structural reforms
Don961:  hmmmm ...... dated 7/24/2016 ..... why this now ??? ...IMO

What does it mean to float the currency?

July 25, 2016 in the media center , reports the comments on why the currency was floated mean?

Floating currency is to make the exchange rate of the currency as an editor in full, so that the government does not interfere , or the central bank in thedetermined directly. But it is automatically excreted in the currency market by supply and demand mechanism that allows for the identification of the national currency exchange rate against foreign currencies .
And fluctuate prices of floating currency exchange constantly change with each witnessing supply and demand for foreign currency, so it can be changed several times per day.

Flotation forms

can be either pure or flotation be directed:
- pure flotation: are left to determine the exchange rate to market forces and themechanism of supply and demand in full, and the state refrain from any direct or indirect intervention.
- Flotation prompt: is left to determine the exchange rate to market forces and the mechanism of supply and demand, but the state intervenes (via the central bank) as needed in order to guide the exchange rates in certain directions by influencing the size of the offer or demand for foreign currencies.

Supporters of flotation for as long as theorists monetary school in Economics defended ( Milton Friedmanmodel) for floating currencies, claiming that the liberalization of exchange rates will make it reflect the economic fundamentals of the various countries (growth, trade balance, inflation , interest rates), and will lead it thus to restore the balance of relations and business accounts The current account is constantly and automatically.

And they see these economists, like the neoclassical trend in the economy, that the liberation of all prices -osar goods and services, interest rates, labor prices (wages), foreign exchange rates (exchange rates) - and leave the identified markets without any interference or direction from the state, always ensures access to state of balance.

This stems from the belief in blind efficient markets, despite the fact that economic reality has proved more than once that the markets in the absence of oversight and control lead to disaster ( the mortgage crisis real estate in the United States model).

And justify those convinced the currency float , saying that any trade deficit will lead to an intense demand for foreign currency, which will lead to devaluation of national currency against foreign currencies, and thus to enhance the competitiveness of thecountry concerned.

This sponsor, they say, increase exports and reduce imports, Viatdl so the trade deficit is due to a state of balance. The same logic works in reverse direction if there is a trade surplus.

The supporters of the flotation welcomed very much the adoption of major economies in the world to systems of floating exchange rates (flexible) , after thecollapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in the seventies of the last century, which had been laid down by the International Monetary system based on fixed exchange rates (but adjustable) between currencies.

Context switchingcracked the Bretton Woods system in the summer of 1971 after the United States formally reneged on its commitment to transfer all traded in dollars to the world 'sgold, according to the price specified by the Convention in 1944 (US $ 35 each equivalent ounces of gold.

Nhart the value of the dollar for gold did greenback -gar gold - backed and controlled exclusively for the accounts is monetary policy the US without any regard for the interests of the rest of the world an international standard has theconfidence of everyone.

Maintaining a fixed exchange rate against the dollar also has become extremely difficult for many of the economic powers in the world, the latter began to adopt a floating exchange rate system under which left free to determine the value of the foreign exchange market based on supply and demand law.

Disappointed after several decades of the adoption of a floating exchange rate systems and disseminated to a large number of countries around the world (including developing countries), the currency was floated promises rebalancing has been done to the trade balances of the world, the hopes of his supporters did not materialize.

Artificially low exchange current moved far from the supposed level that leads to a balance, and the biggest proof of that is the size of global imbalances (Global Imbalances), which reached record levels and still are resistant to treatment.

The United States and some European countries as well as many developing countries known as the case of a structural trade deficit for several decades, and in return you know China , Germany , Japan and oil - exporting countries trade surplus structurally.

Instead of floating currencies that ensures a rebalancing of international trade relations, the world knew the case of monetary instability due to the continuing exchange rates and fluctuations big change, which is sometimes subject to any rational logic because of the psychological factors that frame the movement of global speculators.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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