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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 7-18-16  Part 1


Aggiedad77:  What you've been waiting for perhaps.....the notes from last night's CC
Aloha   Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Monday Night 07-18-2016

Frank26:  What I would like to do is talk to you Family…..I would like to invite you around a campfire….where we can dig a hole in the sand and lean back against the back of that hold and put your feet up on the sand and feel the warmth of the fire and look up and see the clear skies and know that ….my God it is full of stars.
I want you to also know that I asked the three Musketeers not to post their last two reports that they were going to cover….and we will talk a little bit about it tonight too…..but I start out with that by saying I am very grateful to them….I appreciate the fact that they stood down…..they did a lot of work for you….you saw the first one they came out with….but the second and third one I decided….no…..and I asked them kindly…..don’t put that material out…..

And the reason why Family….IMO….I feel that we are very close….now I know you can throw anything back at me….and say well Frank you have been saying that forever…..yeah but I say it in a completely different way…..I give you time frames that you can study with me and you can see what I mean by it.
I had a phone call from someone yesterday who said….Frank is it true they are exchanging…..and I said….here we go again….why do you tell me that…and he tells me the name of the guru….and I said no that guru is false and just pray for him….and you know something……if we are at the end….then IMO…..we need to respect each other…..where is the need for a champion of intel….besides your own desires.
When the three Musketeers were ready to put out their second and third reports…..I told them that I disagree with their first report…..but I felt their second and third reports were going to start to walk into a field…..a field we should not walk into….

IMO there are some things being done right now….not only with the Iraqi dinar but with many currencies around the world….and IMO….because we are so close to see some results of what they have been working on these currencies and if we start to talk about it….we would endanger ourselves….we would jeopardize ourselves….we would jeopardize KTFA…me….you.
I don’t think the topics or subjects that are being dealt with right now with currencies around the world is something we should get deep into…..I don’t.
As a student which most of you are….I can see you bobbing your heads up and down saying….I agree with you Frank….oh my goodness I agree with you….you are absolutely right…..and no I don’t care how many cookies you offer me….you can keep the cookies…..I’m not going to upchuck my cookies…..I have to be careful with what I say to you….with what I share with you IMO.
Last Monday and last Wednesday when we were together….it was wonderful…..DELTA was with us…..we even had a poster….a newbie who came on and said….well I’m not going to get excited anymore Frank….I mean you and DELTA were excited….all of a sudden we don’t need Mosul….we need to remove the program rate…..I’m confused… can you be confused with such a great statement….you are not a student….and if you were….you certainly wouldn’t make those statements.
Last Monday and Wednesday we said some things that made a lot of people think… of the things we said was……Family we are going to tell you that one or two of you are mocking us and sending me PM’s and saying….I thought you said that your files only went up to June…..what are we doing in July studying with you… are doing the right thing is what you are doing….in a continual study….as far as the mockery that would be your hypocrisy…..because you are with me even if you mock me…..because you know that our study is good….and yeah we had nothing up until June… know why….because the IMF promised to take junior by the ear and shove them into the international theater….guess what….they did…that was the first quarter and second quarter of 2016…that is called the first half.
Well guess what….we now have a third quarter that we are in…..well of course we are studying it….because I don’t see anyone exchanging….of course we are studying….and what we gave you last Monday and Wednesday was interesting….we said….

Family we are looking at the United Nations….and a lot of you just turned to each other and stared at each other and said….why…..and we told you…..maybe you forgot….Chapter 7…..Article 14….Article 8….they are all from the UN….and only the UN can remove them…..they are being governed by the IMF….and all of a sudden the light bulb comes on your head and you say…..oh….oh that is good…

And sure enough that evening a lot of our news hounds….ReddStarr, Don961 and many of you came in and started to find things on the UN….and throughout the week….Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I reiterated……Thursday I told you UN….then you saw the UN, the IMF, and the US meeting in Washington, DC and you went…..oh buddy….and some of  you went….this is it….this is it….and that is where you have to stop it…..if you need chastisement…..I’ll give it to you….

You’ve got to stop getting overly excited….when we say something you should not exaggerate it….not its value anyways….so what if you saw United Nations….did you see somebody from the CBI change the rate….no…..well then don’t get too excited….you can get happy….you can get somewhat excited that the things we are seeing are what we tell you. 
You know something……it was two weeks ago that I reached out to the internet and I said…..hey gurus….any of you gurus out there want to talk to me….give me a call….we should get our thoughts together….we shouldn’t compete against each other….well sure enough….Monday and Wednesday…..we told you about the UN….we told you about a lot of things….and then on Friday….or was it Saturday….I get this BlueStar….by the way John is busy that is why he did not give a political report today….but John sends me this long post from another forum and he says…..Frank look they are talking about you…..I said everybody talks about me….what about it…and here it is….what we said on Monday and Wednesday all of a sudden became gospel to others.
Meanwhile the United States Treasury is meeting with many people….the IMF is meeting with many people….it’s just not Iraq.
Ring-a-ding-ding…..ring-a-ding-ding…..Iran….have the UST and the IMF been meeting with you guys….have they been talking with your Central Bank of Iran….yes they have just like they have been talking to Iraq….oh ok.
Iraq’s banks are becoming super modern Family…and Jubouri is doing a great job along with Abadi to get rid of a lot of the corruption….and we told you last week….on television they actually rehashed why the dinar is going through a redenomination process…..we called it a rerun….remember…..they are still telling the citizens….Sadr got together with them….when was it….Friday….the day before….Thursday….Abadi got together with them…..did you read much about it….oh there it is….the million man march….went good….TA-DA….the end…..really that is it….yeah that was it….how about you Sadr….I told them everything is ok…then the next you know they all split and went home…they did….yeah they did….wow….

And IMO….we told you last week….they are giving them instructions… were looking for what the other gurus told you….we told you that the citizens are part of the new coalition force….they are kicking the living daylights out of ISIS by the way…and they are rescuing the children that are being put in place of the ISIS soldiers that are running all over the place… will read about it….

And by the way….I don’t know if you know this….you probably don’t….the coalition force never entered Fallujah….we did it….and we gave it to them…and they took it and ran with it….and the next thing is Mosul….yeah the coalition force entered in Mosul….and the citizens also entered and got involved….Family there is something about Mosul….I told you last Monday….I told you last Wednesday….and we can’t even figure it out…..I mean sure….it is for the Kurds….ok….but there is something else involved with it…..yes the Kurds will annex it….yes….but there is something else.
Then you see when Turkey….uh-oh….you know those banks needed….through Kurdistan….through Mosul….it’s complicated…..but it is being done….there are many parts….and I compared it to the space shuttle….you don’t launch the space shuttle if even one part does not function.
There were some speeches made by Abadi and Sadr…these speeches were powerful….these speeches were not negative….they were supportive of each other….of Abadi and Sadr in the religious section….you know the people will first look to Sadr and Sistani first and then Abadi….no disrespect to you Abadi…but that is just the chain of command….even Abadi knows this….and that is why he is working with them….and both of them complimented each other….you saw it….you didn’t see it last week….I think you saw it yesterday or the day before….finally….they are preparing the citizens….they told them that the bad ministers are running…and the citizens are giving these bad ministers the stink eye…an evil look….as they chase them… see this is where I got to be careful….IMO.
So the UN meets with Iraq in New York last week…. I wonder why…and by the way….Mr. guru that uses my material…..I looked you up….not in conventional ways…..I can’t believe who you are….first you are not a doctor…..and second of all you belong to another forum that you own….if you think you are being clever by just taking our material and reproducing it in red color to make yourself look good…..I’m sorry….you see it’s not about me it’s about God….it’s about you Family….it’s about serving you God.
Ok what did I say….2x2x2….and everybody said….what….and I apologized because I didn’t really define it….the last two weeks of this month….and then 2x2….that is the equivalent of a month….July and August have to go by….IMO….because when we started to study the third quarter….we realized….wow….they are in the international world…..bravo and applause….standing ovation…way to go IMF…

And on top of that….Iraq….bravo….standing ovation….because you are going through reforms at the speed of light….now you aren’t getting the money you are supposed to….you got some grants….you got some loans from the IMF….but you aren’t getting the big ones yet are you….but the fact that you are getting those other little ones tells us that you complied with Article 8….it just hasn’t been accepted yet….this is what we taught you last week.
But the UN of New York met with Iraq….and you wouldn’t have know that unless we had pointed that out…..not patting ourselves on the back….you just wouldn’t have known that.
I want to figure out Mosul….hey by the way….anybody want some s’mores….we got the campfire going here and we got s’mores and we got coconut milk…..we can break the coconut husks, we got bananas, papayas, mangoes….we are all sitting around a campfire….we are just enjoying ourselves….and we are really looking towards the direction of the UN….and not so much that our beautiful, blessed three Musketeers wanted to teach you….because IMO….our beautiful three Musketeers are lacking information….and that information would be beyond dangerous right now….and very wrong to talk about….and they stood down….and we are still trying to figure out what it is that these countries are doing with the IMF and some of them with Iraq.
Now the currencies….asset based and whatever other word….I don’t even want to say the word….see that is a dangerous word….I don’t even want to say it….because IMO…..they are doing something with this word…and IMO….the US dollar is Basil III compliant….therefore it is asset backed….so whatever it is they are doing….manipulating, mixing up, and changing….we don’t need to talk about…and I’ve guided you this far…and I want to continue to guide you further and protect you.
If we truly are…..this close to the fire….don’t get so close that you burn yourself….observe it from a distance and prepare yourself to deal with that fire.
Mosul is not done yet I will admit….it is so miniscule….there is something going on with the Kurds and Mosul and Turkey and their currency and their banking structure and their oil…..and Mosul is not a precursor for their Monetary Reform….but for the Kurds it means something….and if the Kurds are that impressed or that into Mosul and we don’t understand it yet….I want to….because we printed their language on the new currency that is about to go up in value IMO……Kurdistan is extremely important….therefore so is Mosul… you give me Mosul and everything else will go at the speed of light… you have Mosul yet….no.
We told you there are three phases….oh no I didn’t…..there are phases they are going through with Mosul….and actually there are not three there are four….militarily they are called spreads….each unit….each entity has a certain spread…..certain miles or acres that they have to deal with…and there are just a few villages….in fact there were 11 of them last week in the Mosul area that still needed to be taken care of…..and I think that is where the citizens are getting involved and helping out….and they will tell you about it….later.
The north is secured in Mosul…and the east is pretty much secured….and the south and west….not yet….so let that be on your calendar….we are not done with Mosul… if you don’t mind….give me Mosul…and for those of you who say….when we get Mosul we still are not going to see the rate….I didn’t say you were going to see the rate…..I said you are going to see the reforms travel at the speed of light and the Financial Reform is one of that….and that is what you are seeing….the progress…..the movement of the reform….of their currency reform….you are seeing it….and the LOI defined it very clearly….and you got chunks of the LOI all over the place….and when that came out the IMF all of a sudden shut up….did you notice…..the IMF is not talking about or using the word international anymore….notice these things….maybe they will by next month.
Jubouri fired a bunch of ministers…and those seats have to be filled….have you considered that…..ok…the IMF wants you to remove all of these bad ministers that way you are compliant with Article 8….well we removed them….good for you….we are compliant with Article 8….but we haven’t accepted it yet…..why….because you haven’t filled in the seats…..oh….see how it works Family… see something and just because you see it you think that is it….no….you are just seeing the blueprints….you are just seeing the final roads….we still need to get where we are getting….and the fact that the first half of 2016 allowed us to enter the international world is the only reason you are seeing now what you are seeing with the reforms.
Try to understand the difference between a grant and a loan…try to understand the difference between the loans that were given and the loans they are still holding onto….and why.
Yes you are Article 8 compliant….yes you are becoming Article 8 compliant….but we haven’t accepted it all yet….get it all done….compliant yes….is it in effect….no….why….because the UN still has not removed Article 8….and also because the UN is just now meeting….they are just now having meetings…..and you just found that out….and in all honesty you know it is going to take them a month to deal with these meetings…..I know you say…..September…..I’m not looking at September….I’m looking at October.
I told you I would open that 2x2x2 leads you to September….but September…..2x2x2 is for them to do the work….September is for you to see it….October….IMO is for us.
I know you are trying to figure out the difference between the Iraqi Stock Exchange and the IEX and I know our three Musketeers wanted to help….but I don’t want them to….there are words and definitions they would use that first of all….IMO….are outdated and are going to change….and I don’t want to talk about these changes that are coming….but we will talk about the Iraqi dinar….we will talk about the fact that the UN has to remove Article 8….and they just started to meet with Iraq….the UN….you saw it….and that is why our studies continue and didn’t stop in June….sorry….it continues because they continue with the reforms….we’ve calculated between September and October.
You know something…..I believe there are other forums….other gurus out there that said September and October…..long before….we just said it last week….and even then I was very long and careful…..because yeah….we see our study for September/October….but how do we tell them what is going to happen between now and then and what it is that is happening is the acceptance of Article 8 compliance…..because they are doing all of the things really fast…….IOO….we have calculated into September/October.
The United Nations did not meet in April or May….did you notice that….it bummed us out because it gave us less hope for June/July….actually July….but we are excited because the UN is meeting with Iraq now…..they tell you they are meeting with Iraq now to talk about humanitarian projects…whatever….if you want to call them humanitarian projects….whatever….

But look IMO….they are meeting with Iraq because of what they are doing to remove Article 8….the same way they had meetings for when they qualified for Chapter 7…..this is a logical approach by the way….we want to see things faster…but this is a logical approach and like I told you there are a ton of moving parts…and Mosul is a part of this structure that you and I don’t understand…and as far as what is going on with the Iraqi Stock Exchange and the IEX…..there are things that are going on with currencies that we don’t need to talk about…
And by the way….one you exchange your currency and one you trade and make money with your currency…..those are two different ball parks…these are two different animals….and my beloved three Musketeers that I love very much….first of all did not have all the information….and second of all if they got it they would start to walk on a subject that we do not welcome at KTFA….because we are so close…and IMO….the USD and the Iraqi dinar are heavily involved in these changes that are coming.
Why would a company sign with Iraq if they didn’t think they were going to get their rate of return back….notice that companies are agreeing with them and signing contracts….but they are not in there yet are they….at 1166…..there is no profit…..and don’t tell me they will give them plenty of dinars….or they will give them electronic currency……no….big companies don’t play that way….in fact….can I suggest….IMO….that a lot of these contracts….most of these contracts….all of these contracts….the majority of the contracts….are set to expire sometime around October.
You want to do business Iraq….yeah….well sign on the dotted line here….we will come in….you know….as an international company….we will come in…we will follow all your rules and laws and regulations that you want….with your banks…your currency….your government….your everything….3/4ths of our employees will be Iraqi citizens….we will come in….but we want our rate of return to be equal or at least profitable….and at a program rate we would lose money….they could pay them in USD couldn’t they….but that is for oil contracts….not for the future of Iraq.
The auctions will end…the multi-currency policy will end….and it is ending….it is….have you paid attention to how many banks are at the auctions…less and less….but can they hang in there until October….I can say yes….I can say they better….I can say IMO….I can say whatever….I think the question should be….can you hang in there….I don’t know and you really shouldn’t count on October as a date….this is a time that we have framed that we are studying….between now and October.
Article 8 was with the bankruptcy and so was Chapter 7….under the United Nations….governed by the IMF…but then they got a little loan….and we think it is because they became Article 8 compliant….so now we are hoping the UN will say…yep you can play so now we remove Article 8…..which then would tell us….holy cow….you mean they have also lifted the value of their currency….well go look on the CBI website.
The auctions….the multi-currency policy….the MCP…..and the rate….increasing must all occur together….so make note that the auctions….as much as I want them to end by the end of this month….they may trickle all the way into the first part of September.
And for people who say….I don’t see no advancement….I don’t see anything good going on…are you kidding me.
We believe in Article 8 compliance….but we want it to be accepted…and by the way I apologize….they removed our keywords….plastic was removed….I’m sorry about that.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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