Don't WAIT!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Frank26, Aggiedad77 and KTFA Members  Monday 7-18-16 


Lexi:  Kindly is there truly any clear signs of truly anything significant about Oct./Nov.?
I understand Oct. 1 is new fiscal year and perhaps new platform and China joins SDR's and Nov. is elections.

Just wondering if this is simply the reasons why we look at this time now because of the time of year?

Doesn't seem much different then all the years past when we look for these same things each time? Just wondering what looks so different or more significant this time around?

I promise with all my heart I'm not being negative just trying to understand seems like we do this each year around these times?
Lexi:  Now before anyone says that's negative it's not it's what has happened so I'm not trying to say anything bad just sincerely wondering is there something more important that you guys see this time around or is it we are thinking these would just be a good time again?

 I know we have seen more progress then in all the years past but is there something that is seen that we don't know yet that is more telling this time or something? Just trying to figure out why we truly are looking at this time again this year? Thanks 

If that's what it is than its fine I am just trying to connect the dots like others I guess like was said the grey areas I struggle with is why I ask. If it can't be answered or don't want to I'll understand that too. Thanks again

Aggiedad77:  Lexi, come to the CC tonight, I promise I believe your questions and many more will be answered......there is so much happening in and with Iraq right now.....they need this time between now and Oct to finish things up.....pray yes it is so....come tonight and listen with intent.....because I believe Frank will be sharing with a passion that will excite everyone....the things you point out....are not what I believe are being studied at the moment....IMO.  Aloha   Randy

Aggiedad77:     I'm surmising here that the "instrument" for distribution of these funds to the families is likely some kind of card.....electronic card....for protection of all involved.....another positive sign of good things already in the works......patience......the BEST is yet to come.  Aloha   Randy
Don961:   Distribution of financial grants to displaced families in Babylon

18/07/2016 10:04   Direction Press / Baghdad

Distributed Ministry of Displacement and Migration in cooperation with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) grants to 100 displaced families in the province of Babylon.
The director of the ministry's branch in Babylon Nasr Jabbar province in a statement received (Treasures Media) a copy of the day, that the "number consisting of individual family to three members comprised the b (292) thousand dinars minimum and maximum grant of eight members and older amounted Grant ( 702) thousand dinars. "
"The method of distribution is done through an instrument handed over to the families with the continuation of the work of this program to include the largest possible number of beneficiaries in the form of multiple meals where the number of beneficiaries (385) displaced families."
Jabbar pointed out that " the process of selecting families through mobile teams executed by the International Rescue Committee ( irc )"


Aggiedad77:  Keep in mind Family that this money spoken of here is completely different than the "loans" the IMF has provided to Iraq....and in much of the situations where this arm of the WB is involved....this money does not require payback.....but as you can see the WB is getting involved to provide oversight on how the money will be used, where it will be used, and what programs get earmarked for it....can you say "ORGANIZATION".....

That is a good thing.....these private sector entities are being pulled together and targeted for funds and assistance in a way that will promote "reforms" and the "private sector" for Iraq......more of the progress we want and need to see for them.  Aloha   Randy

Ibnnews2July 17, 2016Iraq News , Latest News , Economic , Titles0
Japan supports the Iraqi government's development programs and reform in four new grants totaling (2.17 million) dollars, in order to strengthen the institutional efficiency and promote inclusive growth.
The World Bank manages the four grants, which will focus on laying the groundwork for the integration of social protection systems and promote efficiency and help the government to develop a comprehensive plan for the development of systems of national payments. In addition, grants will contribute to the improvement of the business environment and encourage private sector growth, especially small and medium businesses; and provide economic advisory support to continue Iraq's economic reform efforts.
He said Robert Bo existence, Resident Representative of the World Bank in Iraq "a strong and effective social protection and modern systems of payments is crucial to the reform efforts undertaken by the Government of Iraq .. and committed to the World Bank, with the assistance of the Government of Japan, to provide support for the Iraqi people."
These projects will provide significant support in four areas:

1) implementation of the Strategic Action Programme Iraqi social protection, which includes the construction of the National Unified Registry of Iraq and the development of the skills of social workers to target poverty, and the application of legislative reforms to the pension system,

2) a system update national payments to enhance the safety and reliability of payments in Iraq and contribute to the stability and efficiency of the financial system and increase the circulation of financial services,

3) improve the performance of Iraq in the areas covered by Doing Business report issued by the World Bank, and support the operation of government public service centers,

4) enhance the resources to support the agenda and the efforts of the government reform by providing operations specialized advice and consultation on the ground.
HE Ambassador of Japan to Iraq Fumio Iwai "What Japan remains committed to supporting the reform efforts of the Government of Iraq, including financial and economic reforms, and I hope to help the four new grants, as well as loan development policy and financial reform $ 220 million, in the promotion of these reforms and the development of public and private sector in Iraq. "
The World Bank portfolio consists in Iraq of three operations with a net commitment of a total of 1.905 billion dollars, including the current clipboard transportation project is being implemented in the country's south, and the process of emergency Development resume infrastructure and public services in municipal areas liberated by the government, and the process of financing for development policies of $ 1.2 billion dollars to help Iraq to overcome the fiscal crisis and push ahead with reforms.
Frank26:  Tonight is our Monday night CC. The call will begin at 7pm EST. The first hour is for the business promos. After the promos are finished we will update you on the latest with the IQD according to articles and Iraqi TV.

See you on the call tonight.My Christian love and Aloha.   KTFA,  Frank

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