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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat 7-19-16  Part 1 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat 7-19-16  Part 1 of 3

​geofitness says():Abadi adviser announces the granting of loans mechanisms completeness and calls Rafidain and Rasheed to participate
Author: HH, ZJ Editor: BK, HH 19.7.2016 12:42 Long-Presse / Baghdad  Financial advisor to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, announced Tuesday, for the Central Bank granted loans mechanisms is complete, and as called for private banks departments to facilitate lending to citizens,
bank demanded Rafidain and Rasheed participating in the process the fact that their branches scattered in different "poor and disadvantaged areas."
He said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The committees have completed the instructions of the Central Bank loans amounting to six trillion dinars mechanisms," calling on banks and departments to "ensure day and night to facilitate the process to serve the market activity."
Saleh added, "The launch of the loans needed for some flexibility, speed and accuracy by the banks concerned departments," adding that "the Rafidain and Rasheed should participate the process of lending if the private banks that have a trillion dinars to finance small and medium-sized loans are experiencing slow in their work." .
Saleh continued, that "the Rafidain and Rasheed should contribute with the private banks in the Central Bank's initiative to lend to people, especially to spread their branches in underserved and poor areas."
It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Central Bank announced, in (the 23 of June 2016), the launch of SME loans by the private Iraqi banks in early July present, while stressing that the amount of the loan up to 50 million dinars, an interest rate will not exceed 5.5%. LINK

geofitness says():Investment barriers continue despite eight months after the law amendment
Author: AB, ASJ, HH Editor: AB, HH 7/19/2016 13:50 Term Bs / BaghdadCriticized the Baghdad Investment Authority, on Tuesday, not to apply the amended by government institutions investment law, and stressed that the amendment did not abolish the obstacles faced by the body because the previous law yet, and as I went back to the economic and investment commission in parliament that investment is the only way to rid Iraq of the crisis economic, the government called for support for the new investment law.
The head of the Shaker Zamili said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Second Amendment to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, and despite the approval by the House of Representatives and published in the official newspaper, but he did not meet the ambitious yet," noting that "the amendment did not abolish the obstacles faced by the body due to the previous law. "
He Zamili, that "the government institutions have not been applied yet paragraphs of the law as an agrarian reform with the agricultural ministry, and paragraph earth delivery, despite the fact that the new law provides for the delivery of land to the investor within 15 days," stressing that "there is land had not been delivered to investors since Years".
For his part, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economy and Investment said in the House of Representatives Harith al-Harthy, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The approval of the new investment law was supposed to be a positive step and achieve a quantum leap in the field of investment, which has not yet materialized," calling government "to support the new big investment for his role in the development of vital sectors of the country's law and help them to overcome the financial crisis."
He promised Harthy, that "investment is the only way to rid Iraq of this difficult economic situation," stressing that "it depends on properly and serious application of the law and the elimination of corruption that exists in all state institutions."
The Iraqi Council of Representatives, approved during its meeting of 32 of the first legislative term of the second legislative year of the third parliamentary session, which was held on Tuesday, (October 27, 2015), a legal Second Amendment to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, and the draft national card.   LINK

geofitness says():NOTES
Number of banks             29
Number of remittance companies           16
Auction price selling dinar / US$                1182
Auction price buying dinar / US$               -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$)          146,727,081
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$)            -----
Total offers for buying (US$)       146,727,081
geofitness says():{Baghdad: Euphrates News} Iraq's progress on Saudi Arabia and robbed of the position for the first time as the largest supplier of oil to India in the second quarter of this year, which ended last June, with the support of heavy crude a reduced sales price, which need the refineries to produce bitumen, which is used in the creation of roads in the third-largest oil consumer in the world.
Iraqi oil and accounted for about 20 percent of India 's imports in the second quarter , up from 16 percent a year ago. {According to sources in the sector and tracking data traffic collected by Thomson Reuters}.
And landed Arabia 's share in the Indian market during that period to about 18 percent from 20 percent last year , making Iraq outperforming the UK for the first time in a quarter full.
In the face of competition at stake market reduced Aramco {oil company Saudi} this month , the official selling price of light for its crude in August / August to Asia highest pace in nine months , but analysts warned that it may need to further reductions.
and increases the demand for Basra crude heavy by the Indian refining companies since launch the kind of last year 's crude.
and a lot of Indian refineries have the capacity to address these heavier crude types, which are also sold large a reduction in price compared to other crude types. in addition, the Basrah heavy good also for the production of bitumen , which is used in road construction. India is trying to build roads , 40 km { a length of 25 miles} per day during the current fiscal year as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi 's efforts to improve the infrastructure.
The {PK Namdio} Prime refineries sector with HPCL in reference to the versatility of Basra crude heavy and a competitive price , "when you compare other types of heavy competition crude find in the first place." However , the demand for Basra crude is likely to temporarily retreat during the separation of the current monsoon rains in India when it slows down road construction.
He Namdio that refiners may turn to the crude types of competition such as Murban Arabian light crude.
In extending from April to June rose quarter India 's imports of crude from Iraq by about 34 percent to 847 thousand barrels per day, while the volume of imports from Saudi Arabia amounted to 768 thousand barrels per day , according to what shown by the data.
However , in June alone , Indian oil exports from Iraq have fallen by about 13 percent over the previous year , where Saudi Arabia has regained its place at the top of the list of suppliers in that month.
However, officials in the Indian refining companies said that the loading problems contributed to reduce oil imports from Iraq , demand is expected to return after the end of the monsoon period in September / Oilol.anthy
geofitness says():Baghdad balances News
He met with the Republican chairman Fuad Masum, on Tuesday, a delegation of members of the Iraqi Economic Council, and view the last president to fulfill his initiative of Karada.
Economic Council, said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, "a delegation of members of the Iraqi Economic Council, headed by Ibrahim al
The statement added, "The delegation presented to the President to fulfill his initiative infallible Karada," pointing out that "the infallible thanked the delegation for the initiative"
geofitness says):ok good deal. Wasn't on the call
geofitness says():How about this one? The government pays "merging ministries," the law to remedy the chaos of reform packages
BAGHDAD / Wael blessing Strong objections waiting for the law the government sent to parliament to adapt the previous procedures merging and abolition of a number of ministries.
Considered specialized committees in the House of Representatives that " the project merging ministries , " reveals a violation of constitutional, because it came later on the actions already taken by the government before Nhuaam law.
But in spite of parliament may decide to approve the "project" to save the government from legal embarrassment that signed him.
and canceled Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, in August 2015.11 Ministry within his first following the issuance sudden reforms package voted on by parliament later. this
included cancellation of the Ministry of human rights, run by Mohammed al - Bayati , a Turkmen Badr bloc, and the Ministry of State for women 's Affairs, headed by the minister of the Kurdish and the only woman in the government statement Nuri, and the Ministry of State for provincial Affairs and the House of Representatives, which was headed by Ahmed al - Jubouri , the governor of Salahuddin present, the Ministry and other state - of -the share of one of the Kurdish groups .
it also included the integration of the Ministry of Science and Technology, which was headed by the only Christian minister Fares Jajo, the Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research, and the Ministry of environment , Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of municipalities and the Ministry of construction and housing, and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Ministry of culture reforms package.
and sparked government changes then questions about the reason for the exception limbering for a number of service ministries that usually accused of failing and run by ministers belonging to the major political forces of action.
he was former human rights minister Mohammed al - Bayati strongly attacked Abadi decision, he felt that reform " can not be achieved the abolition of the Ministry consists of 20 employees , such as the Ministry of women." The minister of Turkmenistan revealed, told him, that his ministry "has 1240 employees only."
Turn called Qutaiba al - Jubouri, the former environment minister, Abadi , to review its decision to merge the ministries of environment and health, and to stop its implementation.
Also criticized Christian blocs dislodge the sole representative in the ministerial cabin . He said politicians are Christians that the government of al - Abadi is the only government in Iraq that excluded Christians since the monarchy.
The hit action - Abadi, during the months that followed the launch of reforms packages, to severe criticism, because of the ambiguity of the fate of the ministers and staff, and the consequences that necessitated the abolition of ministries parliament passed Qguanaha in cycles precedent.
The government violated the constitution and the government sent recently to the parliament a draft law of 6 items to legitimize the integration of the Ministry of Science and Technology with a higher education, and the environment with the Ministry of Health, in addition to the integration of the Ministry of Tourism with the culture, and municipalities with housing. The law also confirms the abolition of the Ministry of Human Rights , which was established by order of US administrator Paul Bremer.
The draft law on the transfer of formations those ministries, with all of its obligations and assets, to compact ministries with them, while on the rights and property of the Ministry of Human Rights to the Finance Ministry, which was vetoed by Hassan Turan, a member of the legal committee of parliamentary, demanding the transfer of the Ministry of the rights of employees rights and all of its obligations to the Human rights Commission and not financial.
but the draft law provided for in (Article III / III), that " the government has constituted a committee to the duties and functions that were carried out by the Ministry of Human rights .
but MP Tauran stressed, in connection with the (range) that" the government violated the constitution, which is trying to this law remedy the breach , which occurred in it. "
He criticized a member of the legal Committee of the parliamentary the government to abolish and merge ministries and move out those actions and then send the laws to confirm anecdotal evidence previously .
He called Turan parliament to "attention to the breach, particularly since the government canceled the ministries they have a window laws such as the Ministry of human rights."
Article 4 of the draft law to "cancel Ministries laws: human rights, the environment and tourism."
jtank says():WOW
geofitness says():love it
billionaire says():wow
MrsBGG says to rcookie():Whoo hoo!!
rcookie says():OK HERE WE GO....

 Read More : LINK
rcookie says():HERE IS THAT STORY...
rcookie says():  application transparency and spoke in favor of good governance to separate management from ownership, accountability, transparency , and this can not be achieved easily because the mechanism of action for improper causing it to disable boardrooms because of the large interventions by the ministries in the work of the banks.
Saleh also highlighted the existence of a strong political will of the government restructuring State - owned banks have been formed a committee headed by the governor of the central bank and there is a sub - committee to follow up the issue of restructuring the Commission is working with the World Bank that has given us through the four map and began stages.
for his part , David Abdul Zayer head of the Iraqi National Business Council spoke about the restructuring of State - owned banks in the framework of a time limit Set technician takes into account the accumulated problems in these banks to the extent that the recovery of the loans lagging behind the value ..
indicating that the last budget announced by the Bank of Iraq amounted to 125 trillion dinars a figure astronomical exceeds the state budget, and we all know that this number does not exist and is not accurate, noting that he must not to implicate the new administrations of these problems and should stop work to be audited by a company global.
quantum leap stressed Zayer said the fight against corruption starts from the introduction of local currency into the banking system, calling for the issuance of e - dinar by Rasheed Bank or Mesopotamia and government levies only, it will help us to achieve significant leap in banking policy.
the general manager of the Rafidain Bank Dr. Khawla al - Asadi confirmed that all restructuring restrictions have been completed since 2008, indicating that the bank Rafidain and Rasheed Saouhdan their work and putting the sophisticated mechanisms for the advancement of the banking work, denying that the real budget for Bank Rivers are 125 Trliuna but is 25 trillion dinars only ..
pointing out that banking secrecy only the names of customers, account numbers and otherwise confined him Fbalamkan announcement demonstrates the transparency.

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