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Friday, July 1, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat 6-30-16   Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat 6-30-16   Part 3 of 3

angus says():Firefly Britain has alot of skin in the game and they want what we want...
Soonergirlie says to angus():true, very true
_firefly_ says to angus():Correct, it was Britain that joined the US in the camaign against saddam
_firefly_ says to angus():France as usual came in when all the dirty work was finished
_firefly_ says to larrykn():Aalsid Iaram Sheikh Mohammed, the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament congratulates the people of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.
June 06 .2016:    Great pride in these blessed days and feelings honest I am pleased to congratulate the Iraqi people and our people in Kurdistan Region on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan , God returned us prosperity, good fortune.

I am pleased to extend my congratulations to all Muslims in the world the coming of this holy month, calling Bari the Almighty to protect our country and its people and protect him from all harm and plots of the enemy and liberate the rest of our territory from Conception Daash terrorist vigor and courage of our armed forces and the crowd and popular tribal and Peshmerga forces,
 and that the greater good, security and stability for our country. every year and everyone is fine and the pool ... Iaram Sheikh Mohammed , deputy head of the Iraqi Council of Representatives of the two 06/06/2016
peterw says():hey the larry

_firefly_ says():I am pleased to congratulate the Iraqi people and our people in Kurdistan Region on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan
_firefly_ says():God returned us prosperity, good fortune
_firefly_ says():God returned us prosperity, good fortune
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Interesting statement... And he was in the pool too while giving it.. :D
_firefly_ says():Am I reading that right?
popeye7 says to _firefly_():I believe you are... (H)
_firefly_ says():;-)
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Why would he say that?... HMMMM>....
_firefly_ says to popeye7():Along with the King of Kuwait?????
larrykn says():i like that word prosperity
Pablo says to popeye7():Has anyone got the impression that the Brexit may be pushing thinsg faster?
Pablo says():Sorry, that was for all.
_firefly_ says to Pablo():Absolutely !
_firefly_ says to Pablo():IMO of course
popeye7 says to _firefly_():While in the pool... What is coming will be quite refreshing to the people of Iraq... (y)
popeye7 says to Pablo():Certainly is playing a huge part... IMHO
Pablo says():Okay, fair enough.
popeye7 says to Pablo():Remember Britain is the 4th, or 5th largest economy in the world I believe... Timing is everything in all of this...
popeye7 says to Pablo():Behind the scenes so much is transpiring...

Pablo says):Have to see what happens tomorrow.
NWBeauty says():ANyone think Brittain doesn't want to share what they have coming?
NWBeauty says():They earned it !!
popeye7 says to Pablo():But will this country actually go through with this... There is talk of delay... We shall see..

popeye7 says to NWBeauty():That is a great observation...
NWBeauty says():the 36 month pay=out of loans has me a little on edge ....
firefly_ says to popeye7():IMO, they have no choice
NWBeauty says():I'm guessing Great Brittain has plans for their winfall ... they've been in dire straits for YEARS! I know I spelled the band's name (Brothers in Arms)
_firefly_ says():I told you folks last Dec that if this isn't completed by a certain date to expect the unexpected
_firefly_ says():Well ................ BINGO !
puffdragon says():With the budget 100% executible I wonder how long they can servive a currency at 1182 ? ({)
NWBeauty says():Has the Royal Family made any statements about Brexit? I'm behind the powercurve
popeye7 says to _firefly_():The EU is a mess right now... So you think that the timing of this exit for Britain is tied to what is transpiring in Iraq?...
popeye7 says to NWBeauty():Well, I saw an article that indicated the queen was all for it...
_firefly_ says():Blasted cap lol
NWBeauty says():I assume she pretty much gets her way !!
popeye7 says to _firefly_():I believe the powers that be know exactly what they are doing... Make no mistake... More that meets the eye in all of this...

_firefly_ says():(y)
NWBeauty says():BINGO!
_firefly_ says():Alrighty, got things needing to get done. BBIAB :)
NWBeauty says():All is as it should be. Father God has this right in the palm of his hand.
Woodywoodpecker says):thanks fly
popeye7 says to _firefly_():Bye, and thanks fire..
popeye7 says to NWBeauty():Amen... HE has the final say in all of this...
popeye7 says to NWBeauty():As well HE should...
Pablo says():If the other European nations don't have any Dinar, is it possible that Britain got out to prevent the other countries from mooching off of them?
david334 says to popeye7():Hi why is there a delay and isnt it Iraq who makes the decision I missed the earlier part of the discussion. My moral is being really tested.
Pablo says():The to drive us craaaaaazy! :D
popeye7 says to Pablo():In the short term I believe this will benefit Britain... But in the long term?... I believe that Britain will find themselves on the outside looking in as the EU gets their act together... Time will tell...
Pablo says to popeye7():Well, I can see that.
popeye7 says to david334():I do not think there is any delay... I believe that Iraq is doing exactly what they are told... We are in great shape as it concerns this investment... (y)
david334 says to Pablo():Its working. what does BGG and the others think of Britians involvement now. Either the restructuring is complete for Iraq and they have the capability to support their own currency
david334 says to Pablo():It makes me a little nuts when all these theories come out makes it feel more like a you know what. This is about Iraqs fundament outlook right?
Pablo says():True enough.
david334 says to popeye7():If the have put all these granular controls, checks and balances into place and reformed every arm of government with the asset mineral value and foriegn investment why is Britan an issue. And who is the OZ that gives the go I dont get these theories. I thought it was about IMF, WB,and BIS period. now were off into another variable. I am stressed out

Pablo says():I'm not sure that Britain was an issue before, but the Brexit may have added an unexpected variable to the PTB's perspective and I'm wondering if they have decided that things need to be pushed forward faster as a result?
popeye7 says to david334():Iraq is going to play a huge powerbroker in the world's economy no doubt... Who really has control of Iraq?... Who is really calling the shots?... Regardless, it is looking good for this investment... The IMF, WB, BIS are tools as well... There are many layers in all of this madness... The entities are told what to do as well... Frontmen so to speak...
mainegirl says():well if it makes it go faster, thats good for us!
mainegirl says():The IMF deadline is known so if anytthing, the Brexit just helped us
Pablo says():An unintended help.

david334 says to Pablo():Sorry PTB ?

Pablo says():Powers that be. 
popeye7 says to Pablo():You can bet that the outcome in Britain was of no surprise to the PTB's... It was to many who were against it of course... It does make me wonder where Britain will be in the years that lie ahead... They have been looked upon as a leader within the EU... Maybe it is their time to no longer be?...
Pablo says():It's possible.
david334 says to Pablo():So the powers to be IMF,WB and BIS are irrelevant? Who says when they deserve fair value for there currency the CIA ?
DIGIman1 says to david334():i tested my morals with this.....for sure.....had 3 blown fuses and a braincell-rebuild.....
DIGIman1 says to Hutch():they said they did.....i dont think so tho.....:D
popeye7 says to Pablo():They will be begging to come back in when countries are no longer looking to them, but the EU... But they will have neutered themselves by exiting... A setup?... It will be interesting in the days that lie ahead to see how this plays out...
david334 says to DIGIman1():I admit I am at times sorry but its important to my family. The good research thats supported is soothing. The chinese elders and the rothchilds and goldman sach all manipulate behind the scences ???? I dont want to believe in these complex web
DIGIman1 says to Hutch():dont buy into any of the hype besides what you see with links. its important to me too. i know its hard to wait, but its going to happen because it has to. The US has influence only...but they do hold many strings.

DIGIman1 says to david334():that was yours
david334 says to DIGIman1():Okay hutch I know its funny seeing me get worked up. And i have blown all my circuit boards , now I need a the job I couldnt find for a year
popeye7 says to david334():It can be frustrating at times... But all is good with this investment... (y)
wilson6060 says to Elane():going
puffdragon says to david334():I dont pay any attn to outside termoil, its been stated here many times the CBI with the direction of the IMF will make the final call. JMO
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