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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday  AM  Chat 7-18-16   Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Monday  AM  Chat 7-18-16   Part 2 of 3
tman23 says to BGG():The Middle any hour the region is capable of doing a 180........ They are the perfect subjects for bi-polar disorder scientific studies......
popeye7 says():Things are going as planned folks... There will always be those in the ME who have agenda's... But if the IMF, UN, World Bank ect, are satisfied with the progress being made in Iraq.. We should be as well.. (y) IMHO
tman23 says to BGG():The swift rounding up of judges and others after a failed coup in Turkey indicated the government had prepared a list beforehand, the EU commissioner dealing with Turkey's membership bid, Johannes Hahn, said on Monday.
Society says():And then it decides to adjourn the meeting to next Tuesday 07/26/2016.
The information department   Iraqi Council of Representatives   07/18/2016   LINK
popeye7 says to clay():Weather wise, same... Although a bit cooler this morning.. Otherwise, when I opened my eyes this morning I was in the same place that I was when laying my head down last night... Life is always good... Only wish the wallet was a bit heavier... :D
popeye7 says to Society():So they are taking a week off... I wonder why?...
Marilynjoy says():to rv of course, LOL
popeye7 says to Marilynjoy():That would be nice.. (y)
bubbles says to Society():makes you dizzy some reorts say they are takeing off others they are working
Marilynjoy says to popeye7():tell me its so
clay says to popeye7():4 sure
popeye7 says to bubbles():Well, as the week unfolds we shall see what has happened... That is the one thing I have learned over the years with the news in Iraq with the contradictions at times... 8-):
Society says to bubbles():That was direct from parliament.....I would say they are taking another week vacation.....they are too stressed after working a few days
clay says to Society():lol
tman23 says():Taking a week off to discuss......articles relating to oil and gas, the president’s powers, the sharing of financial resources, power sharing, citizenship and personal status....... AND form a committee to discuss change to articles in the constitution..........
popeye7 says to Society()::D Those poor overworked chaps... They were out of shape after having a few months off... Guess they are pacing themselves...
tman23 says():They are working on the Fed Court Act...... The HCL (oil agreement)....... and sharing financial resources........BAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!! Meeting and talking about it for errrrrrr a couple months now ...LOL !
bubbles says():Makes one wonder
watson1 says to tman23():WELL we will see what this week brings and then week brings then it will be the end of the month and waht excuses they will have then these guru on net .8-)(lol) I understand now these guru are saying sept 2016 . i just go back from doctor who just came back from over there .
He and his brother went to school in england and open clinic here . He told Mr Watson his wishes the people over in iraq had the up beat feeling that we are hoping for . He said at least under Hulsan there was order . There no order now and has not been since we went in there ..
watson1 says to tman23():but waht does he know .lol
watson1 says():all we can do is just sit back and let them workit out and one day boom we will all be rich .. have a good one
rcookie says():Labour Minister: We aspire to develop a micro-credit program
Local Since 18/07/2016 16:46 pm (Baghdad time)BAGHDAD - balances News
Detection and Labor Minister Mohammed Shia 'Al Sudani, Monday, the ministry's ambition to develop micro-credit program to suit the establishment of industrial projects.
He said Labour Minister during a meeting with head of the Iraqi Federation of Industries in his office at the ministry in a statement received / balances News /, a copy of it, he must microcredit program developed to suit the establishment of industrial projects to encourage the private sector and reduce the unemployment rate, "pointing out that" the current situation does not allow the existence of any defect affecting the country. "
The minister called the statement said, everyone to "contribute to the building and unite the visions of unions to positively affect industrial reality and constructive", Mbadia "its readiness to hold an expanded conference of all stakeholders union to resolve all the problems and the development of new prospects and restore the role of the leading unions in supporting the national economy." .
For his part, President of the Federation of Industries and board members for "their pride in the person of the minister and the happiness of his return to his duties after the verdict in his favor by the Federal Court, and on this occasion gave him a bouquet of roses." It ended 29/34 R.
The opinions expressed below do not reflect the balance of opinion News site, but rather reflect the views of their owners only.
workhard says():It seems parliament will meet again a week from today.
da58 says to workhard():yep - I'm not sure why... they've listed issues with certain laws.. but - it does say there next week... after we've seen numerous articles stating 'all this week' up to now..
da58 says to workhard():and - it gives the date.. of the 26th..
da58 says():The IMF’s test for Iraq
The fund has set out a formidable programme to reshape the country’s faltering economy
On 14 July, a day that will mainly be remembered by this generation for wicked horror on the streets of Nice in France, the Washington-based IMF released a 34-page document that constitutes the most ambitious attempt to remake a Middle Eastern economy.
The document sets out the programme Iraq has agreed to secure a $5.4bn IMF loan to fill a gap in its government finances, caused mainly by the fall in oil.
It also contains the reassurance required by international creditors who will soon be asked to provide additional loans. These are planned to include a $1bn government bond guaranteed by the US, a $1bn eurobond expected by the end of the year, a further $1bn from the Washington-based World Bank and more than $3bn in project loans.
The IMF says Iraq will need to borrow up to $56bn in the years up to 2019. This projection will come on top of the country’s existing debts, which the fund says totalled $67bn at the end of 2015. That is about 45 per cent of Iraq’s forecast 2016 budget.
da58 says():The agreement’s main target, however, is the government’s fiscal deficit, which rose to 14 per cent of GDP in 2015. It is likely to increase further this year. Oil prices so far have averaged 75 per cent of their level in 2015 as a whole.
Baghdad has agreed the deficit should be reduced to 1 per cent of GDP in 2021. Some of this will be delivered by higher oil prices, which are forecast to rise to about $70 a barrel by the end of this decade.
But the bulk of the adjustment will come from spending cuts and government reforms.
For 2016, this will include tax rises, a cut in the public wage bill and pension payments, lower capital spending and reduced transfers to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The government has promised to execute 85 per cent of non-oil primary expenditure authorised in the 2016 budget.
In prospect is the introduction of value-added tax (VAT) and action to increase the efficiency of 176 non-financial state-owned enterprises, which employ 550,000 people. The agreement with the IMF says up to half are surplus to requirements.
This is a formidable programme. It compounds the challenge Iraq faces in driving the jihadist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis) from its territory and dealing with more than 4 million people displaced in the northern regions since June 2014. About a quarter of a million Syrians have fled into Iraq since civil war erupted in Syria in 2011.
The world is rightly helping Baghdad to protect its people from internal terror and external threat. But they need hope that they can prosper as well. If the IMF deal does that, then it is a good thing. It looks, however, that things are going to get significantly worse before they get better.
da58 says():ISIS on verge of collapse in Anbar province as another town liberated
By Rudaw Iraqi security forces defend their positions against an Islamic State attack in the Anbar province. AP file photo
Iraqi security forces defend their positions against an Islamic State attack in the Anbar province. AP file photo
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi security forces declared Anbar's Dulab town liberated from the Islamic State on Monday.
“On Monday, the Iraqi [security] forces liberated Dulab town in the western side of Anbar province and we hung the Iraqi flag from the town’s buildings,” Raji Barakat Issa, head of the security committee in the Anbar Provincial Council, told Rudaw by phone.
"The security forces are now clearing the town of bombs and booby-traps laid by ISIS upon their retreat," Issa added.
Given its importance strategically, he explained that liberating Dulab paves the way for pushing the group out of Anbar province completely.
There are a few places still under the control of ISIS in the province, including Rawa and Ana, and “after Dulab operations, they will be liberated soon.”
Issa stressed that the military operations against ISIS are unstoppable “until we liberate the last span of the province’s territory.”
This military development against ISIS comes at a time when the Iraqi army is locked in intense battles against ISIS in the group’s stronghold of Qayara, in southern Mosul.
The Iraqi army launched a multi-pronged assault on ISIS positions in the contested town of Qayara early this morning, starting with Osaja village which is considered the group’s main position in the area.
Rudaw correspondent Hevidar Ahmed at the scene confirmed that, “Once the Osaja village is liberated by the Iraqi forces, they will be able to reach Qayara bridge.”;
popeye7 says to da58():True... We shall see... I do not believe that this is hindering the financial progress being made in Iraq... I believe what we are looking for can still come at any time...
da58 says to popeye7():I agree
da58 says to popeye7():the rest is icing on the cake...
Baxter says():I thought Parliament was meeting everyday this week?
Baxter says():Now... its the 26th?
popeye7 says to Baxter():They are a little worn out from their 2 month hiatis... Pacing themselves... :D
Baxter says():unbelievable... got to go do something constructive.
kalis says():Excuse me ,but I thouight that parliament was working all week to finish up 70 laws ?? Is the statement about them coming back next week wrong just more guru talk ?
popeye7 says to kalis():No, there is an article about it... But we shall see... Let me see if I can pull it up for you...
kalis says():wow what happen to them working all week ??
popeye7 says to kalis():  Here you go
kalis says():thank you sir
popeye7 says to kalis():You are welcome... Statement from parliament themselves...

rcookie says():DONT LET THE DOOR.......
rcookie says to kalis():THEY ARE WORKING ALL WEEK......

popeye7 says to rcookie():Seems to be conflicting reports from yesterday to today...
kalis says():ok thank you sir . I thought that is what I read last night .. Again Thank you . Everyone have a great day ...
popeye7 says to rcookie():One never knows...
popeye7 says to jarhead():Wake up...
jarhead says():nothing to wake to

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