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Sunday, July 24, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-24-16 Part 2 of 2

​ Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-24-16 Part 2 of 2

An invitation to increase tax awareness in Iraq
7/24/2016 0:00 Baghdad . Imad emirate  academic d .imad Mohammed al - Ani said from the Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Baghdad:
The first step in tax reform starting from the reduced tax rate ( the tax rate) and the minimum allowed by the administrative body of the taxes, citing that addresses many of the issues , including the revitalization the private sector by reducing your production costs,
and that addresses the problem of tax evasion on the one hand and job administrative corruption on the other hand, as we find it necessary to find a point of regulating the relationship between the taxpayers to pay taxes , the General Authority for taxes.
 He added in an interview with «morning» that such a reduction may be an incentive for companies and factories is officially registered because of fears of the tax and that the official registration and therefore can address the issue of «underground economy» , which grew in the Iraqi economy ,
which has not been officially recorded in government circles, as the of the most important requirements to do the reduction process of the availability of accurate information that allows differentiation between different tax vessels in order to achieve justice among segments of society on the one hand and increasing the tax device efficiency on the other.
He said Dr. Imad al - Ani , the need to increase tax awareness in Iraq on the level of charge so you do not need to be perform a variety of programs that focus on the importance of the tax and its role in society to educate individuals to pay taxes and the importance of it financially, socially and economically,
indicating that it represents a contribution of citizen in the financing of public services that accrue benefits that could reach more of the same tax, it can also do a media programs regularly raises threads national dimension and the importance of commitment as a real expression of the meaning of good citizenship expression and evade them is a violation of the law, and the best guide for those programs adopted by the General Authority for taxes in Egypt.
Edward economic and pointed Ani to the possibility of raising the level of tax awareness through the establishment of specialized courses on the subject of tax and the statement of economic, social and financial roles to enable him to perform his work well and he has a reasonable and acceptable tax culture of being able to deal not in numbers only , but an expression of economic and social variables get in the national economy.
He pointed to the possibility of considering tax legislation in order to facilitate the work of the tax administration on the one hand and easily understood by the charge, pointing to the need for the advantage of clarity and transparency on the other hand,
despite the fact that the Income tax Act No. 113 of 1982 and the laws of other taxes are characterized by clarity to a good degree , but it lacks the changes that have occurred in Iraq and in the global economy, so you must that take into account all the changes in the economic and social arena in Iraq and in the world to comply with the tax laws that exclude double taxation in particular.
He concluded Ani to say: from the above we can realize there are other additional measures could affect the tax authority and increase their effectiveness in the collection of the tax debt and the establishment of accounting standards and tax tables and other controls and training tax landlords to deal with the rapid changes in the new market environment, as we find it necessary to find a point of regulating the relationship between the taxpayers to pay taxes , the General Authority for taxes.
tlm724     the best thing they can do as far as taxes are concerned is to make production a value-added tax. Basically is means as products are produced they begin at a low cost tax and as that product moves from production to the consumer it is taxed just a bit more, makes things easier on everyone. It would encourage private sector production !
"it is a type of consumption tax that is placed on a product whenever value is added at a stage of production and at final sale"
Agreement to develop the Iraqi banking cooperation - French
7/24/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Farah pumice Nasiriyah - Hazem Mohammed Habib  ,   after Iraq and France agree on the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding in a joint effort for the development of banking cooperation between the two countries, he praised the openness financial expert with the international community, especially with her ​​major economies countries.
 The expert said Thamer al - Azzawi »Sabah»: The Paris meeting have positive results will soon be reflected on the Iraqi labor market after access agreements in the process of signing soon.
He noted that the most prominent of consensus that have occurred, strengthening the banking cooperation between Iraq and France, noting that the next meeting in Baghdad will witness the start of the real work of cooperation between Baghdad and Paris.
the Union of Iraqi businessmen branch of Dhi Qar , he had participated in the regular meeting of the Council of employers between Iraq and France attended by the representative of the businessmen of Dhi Qar , and member of the employers of the Iraqi Business Council -afrenca just Ekab Hussein Hasnawi and representatives of the Union Iraqi and French governments and Iraq 's ambassador to France and a representative of the Ministry of oil Laith Shahir and Undersecretary Ziralascan Acting chairman of the investment Commission , Sami al - Araji. He Ekab »Sabah»:
 it has been discussed several important topics, including to be French corporate role in entering a genuine partnerships in the province and open horizons of cooperation shared between Iraqi companies, particularly in Dhi Qar and European companies the province through the investment process.
He urged the revitalization of this body with all its joints to facilitate foreign, Arab and local investors to establish a vital and important projects , tasks, praising the great efforts of those in charge of the success of these meetings , which lasted three days in the French capital Paris.
 He also noted that it was agreed to conclude a memorandum of banking understanding between the Iraqi side and French.

for  his part competent in economic affairs Ahmed costly important trend of global economies and its role in achieving the economic viability of the country, pointing out that Iraq is in dire need of advanced technologies and banking , where the great work that awaits Iraq over the coming years in all Iraqi cities in the production and service sectors size.
And the costly international efforts that require banking services have the ability to accomplish banking operations of large figures required by the investment process, and the local banks, particularly private ones must offer products competing branches of foreign banks opened branches in Iraq products.
tlm724     noted that it was agreed to conclude a memorandum of banking understanding between the Iraqi side and French.
important trend of global economies and its role in achieving the economic viability of the country
pointing out that Iraq is in dire need of advanced technologies and banking , where the great work that awaits Iraq over the coming years in all Iraqi cities in the production and service sectors size.
international efforts that require banking services have the ability to accomplish banking operations of large figures required by the investment process, and the local banks, particularly private ones must offer products competing branches of foreign banks opened branches in Iraq products.
Bring it on baby !! Cool

Directing Customs
Author: Yasser incumbent   7/24/2016 0:00  Cabinet embarked on important economic reforms , it is the first of its activity where he addressed the administrative reform for some of a financial nature institutions as an indicator of the direct intention of institutional building sober , which is the backbone of economic reforms.

Council of Ministers has recently recognized the need to establish joint ventures to bring out the customs to regulate the movement of import chaotic and exports , which will also contribute to reform trade policy in the country and is one of reform that leads to the institution - building requirements , as I said.
the resolution »to limit the import and export of materials and cargo operations as well as the movement of funds in foreign currency companies collectively registered in the Registrar of companies Department of Mnhaaajazat import as well as the establishment of joint ventures shall import operations and export.
The aim of this decision to regulate the import and export and output customs random operations and restrict legal institutions directly responsible in front of tax departments and departments regulators.
 In addition to targeted institutional organization , it would limit the tax evasion operations will be subject to the tax charge for the fact that records companies reveal in front of the tax authorities, as well as regulators are any corporate solidarity does not assume future tax irregularities from the legal responsibility of being officially registered and licensed.
Among the benefits of this decision he came to contribute to maximizing the financial resources and diversifying to support the general budget and you can imagine the size of revenues compared Aharkhalastiardih size in the country
in addition to the possibility determined according to actual needs and reduce indiscriminate import , who will face legal obstacle will also contribute to the reduction of the demand for foreign currency.
Eight this decision will resolve the problem for as long as the state and operated devices relating to the judiciary and of falsifying documents and inventory credits and who was responsible for when they occur which companies to be subject to periodic monitoring and annual Atzar which of those records violation. 
It is noteworthy that the resolution gave for 4 months of the founding of companies allowing Maaqbin and customs brokers the opportunity to heal and the establishment of joint - stock companies with each other , and that the decision will not be penalized any person and prevents him from exercising import and export process provided that through joint venture and not individual people.
We find this decision a careful approach to start reforms , administrative, economic, and adequate opportunity to establish these companies and this is the first Ghaith reforms will come successively. 
tlm724     it is the first of its activity where he addressed the administrative reform for some of a financial nature institutions as an indicator of the direct intention of institutional building sober , which is the backbone of economic reforms.
Council of Ministers has recently recognized the need to establish joint ventures to bring out the customs to regulate the movement of import chaotic and exports
The aim of this decision to regulate the import and export and output customs random operations and restrict legal institutions directly responsible in front of tax departments and departments regulators
the benefits of this decision he came to contribute to maximizing the financial resources and diversifying to support the general budget and you can imagine the size of revenues compared Aharkhalastiardih size in the country in addition to the possibility determined according to actual needs and reduce indiscriminate import , who will face legal obstacle will also contribute to the reduction of the demand for foreign currency.
Lessens the need for the auctions too  Wink

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