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Saturday, July 23, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-23-16 Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-23-16 Part 2 of 2

Official corruption" You will remain open even after their resignation and coalition forces wonders for Abadi choices 
Author: AHF, ZJ Editor: AHF, HH 23/07/2016 11:12   Long-Presse / Baghdad
Said State of Law coalition, said on Saturday that corruption against any official files will remain open in the Integrity Commission whether it exists in the service or resigned, and noted the Supreme Council for the Islamic citizen block the reform process necessitated a reshuffle, and as pointed to the existence of certain accounts in this regard , he asked coalition forces for affiliations replacements ministers who resigned and new choices Abadi.
The leader of the coalition of state law Salah Abdul-Razzaq said in an interview to the (long-Presse), that "if there is a corruption of files on any employee or whether a minister or chairman of the official has resigned or retired, the issue is kept open for the Integrity Commission."
He said Abdul Razak, that "there is a lot of general managers and ministers are now out of service but was found guilty," he said, adding that "each minister or director general or chief of even any employee will not be spared from prosecution in the event of proven upon conviction, both resigned or not provided. "
For his part, said a spokesman for the citizen Bloc Habib Terminal, that "the reform process is required to hold the ministerial change, as has been refusing to accept the resignations of some ministers previously," likely "the presence of certain accounts with the Prime Minister."
He added in an interview with Terminal, (long-Presse), that "when it accepted the resignations certainly were not driven by the bloc for the salvation of interrogation, as some claim, because not all the ministers vulnerable to questioning."
He said the terminal, that "the courage that the minister resign when they do not find the same efficiency to keep working, especially with the presence of a mass claim or reference for his resignation, on the other hand, the resigned ministers did not reach the interrogation stage, even speaks of the legal expert and analyst for his escape to salvation. "
He Terminal, that "a partial change in the ministerial cabin is part of the process of reform demanded by everyone," and wondered "why when you begin the first steps of reform begins with doubts," stressing at the same time, "Everyone speaks harshly on ministerial cabin and when ministers resign some say how they resigned, accusing them and questioning. "
For his part, MP for the coalition forces Mohammad Karbouli said in an interview with (long-Presse), "The street protests and how to deal with the current crisis and the wave of reforms are called blocs to force ministers to submit their resignations," noting that "it is striking is that the ministers who submitted their resignations have been accepted are all from the National Alliance, and this is a good indicator in the reforms process has political overtones. "
He asked Karbouli, said that "the Iraqi street when it came out and wanted reforms demanded by changing ministerial cabin full service delivery and accountability spoilers, do Abadi believe that all of these claims are to change some of the faces in his booth Is this reform?".
He Karbouli, "Are names to be selected as substitutes for former ministers they be independents and technocrats also wants them street, especially since Abadi would return to consult with the blocs to choose a bench."
In turn, the legal expert and judge Wael Abdul Latif, that "the questioning in the House of Representatives must be done and the minister in office, and in the case of his resignation with a corruption thereon file that is to refer the matter to the integrity and the judiciary, because the crimes attributed to people not become obsolete."
According to Abdel-Latif said in an interview to the (long-Presse), that "the resignation of the Cabinet has been made through the renaissance of popularity and claims there and became agonist public opinion could be him that achieves the results of the questioning, and therefore, from being interrogated can be withdrawn trust him and reveal his cards in front of people."
He said Abdul Latif, that "Therefore, the acceptance of resignations in such conditions so the minister avoid scandal to the people and resign best with a decline in corrupt accounting despite all the cries of the street and the reference to refer the senior heads to eliminate corruption."
Abdul Latif stressed that "the issue of accepting the resignation of Ministers came to not expose thus exposing the block that belongs in front of the street, because these ministers belong to the blocks and parties claiming the reform which is at the heart of corruption, and if they are ministers are corrupt absolutely joints in the state all of them are corrupt, whether they are conservative heads of independent bodies and two managers or agents. "
And gave each of the ministers of oil, transport and reconstruction, housing, water resources, industry, also he gave the interior minister to resign after an explosion Karrada district of central Baghdad, and was accepted all of the survival of those managed by proxy ministries for not resolving the names of their replacements yet.
And trying to Prime Minister al-Abadi several months ago, the formation of a government of technocrats Ghaderhaly implement the reforms that have been mid-2015, announced in the wake of the demonstrations, but faces resistance from political parties that are trying to retain the privileges offered by the portfolios, with mounting popular discontent and protests continue in Baghdad and the provinces.      LINK  

tlm724    that corruption against any official files will remain open in the Integrity Commission whether it exists in the service or resigned Twisted Evil

Alliance International urges the Iraqi government to fulfill its commitments to address the political tensions
History of edits:: 7.23.2016 10:29      {Baghdad: Euphrates News} urged members of the international coalition against terror gangs Daash the Iraqi government to make greater efforts to achieve stability in Iraq is commensurate with the military progress against Daash.
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said that the defeat Daash mean immediately start building cities and restore services and leadership of local communities , and other measures necessary for the rule of fair and stability.
He praised the efforts of Secretary of State John Kerry and members of the coalition countries in their efforts to strengthen the efforts to achieve stability , including collecting more from two billion at the donors ' conference to help rebuild Iraq.
officials from 30 countries discussed at the summit of the fight against Daash, hosted by the United States is currently at the base {Andrews} air post restore the city of Mosul , the main stronghold of Daash in Iraq, and the next phase of the campaign, and in accordance with the sayings of British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon that it takes many weeks of planning and weeks of fighting.
no defense ministers set a date for the fall of the city, but Carter said that most of the discussions during the meeting focused on what happens after the defeat Daash in the city of Mosul, referring to meetings identified needs Mosul and what this means from the need to embark on plans to achieve stability and reconstruction plans.
Gen. {Joseph Votal} US Central command , "Mosul is very big city with more than two million people and geographic area and wide , so we should be well prepared , " referring to the need to develop appropriate plans for some things , such as power generation in addition to the political side cover to get a good administration in the city.
the members of the international coalition fears that Iraq is not moving quickly enough on political reforms to match military gains, and urged the members of the coalition countries against Daash, Iraqi government to fulfill its commitments to address the political tensions led to support Daash gangs.
Fallon said that Britain , the Iraqi government has been urged to complete the reforms it has promised in the beginning , including the National Guard force that is supposed to respect all communities in the country, as well as more it is the central authorities.
" the government in Iraq is not as stable as we would like to be have made ​​progress frustratingly slow in reforms , " adding , "but we do not see an alternative to the government - Abadi" .anthy
tlm724   "the members of the international coalition fears that Iraq is not moving quickly enough on political reforms to match military gains, and urged the members of the coalition countries against Daash, Iraqi government to fulfill its commitments to address the political tensions led to support Daash gangs. "
The faster the GOI can unite and keep it's sh.. together the easier it will be to defeat terrorism. The terrorist and the countries that support them feed off of the discord in the political arena of Iraq !

In six auctions of treasury transfers until July deficit was funded by about 3 trillion dinars
7/23/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Mustafa Ahalchmi    longer Auction of treasury transfers one means of monetary policy , which comes to contribute to reducing the budget deficit to Bld.ovi this regard regulates the central bank auction of the Ministry of Finance in the twenty - third of next month for the sale of treasury transfers annual for 364 days at $ emissivity 400 billion dinars .
internal borrowing , according to a private «morning» statistically , it was through these auctions, which were held since the beginning of this year, withdrawing liquidity in accordance with the borrowing plan from the inside of about a trillion and 700 billion and 520 million dinars to be re - employed in bridging the temporary budget deficit.
based on the public debt Act, which authorized the Ministry of Finance issued remittances treasury guaranteed by the government, the Central Bank of Iraq, as an agent financially to the ministry manages Auctions remittances government treasury on behalf of the Ministry of Finance ,
which is in accordance with the determinants of the annual budget law by issuing remittances treasury for the purposes of government funding. sale Asdarih according to a statement of the Central Bank, the auction of treasury transfers organized by the bank on the thirteenth of this month, the auction saw the sale amount Asdarih of $ 400 billion and 20 million dinars ,
the highest price cut of competitive auctions 4.00 percent and the average yield 4.00 percent to four participants in the auction Alemtemthleen Bmsrven circle care of minors retirement and body national Altven won the amounts they have given in the auction.
finance the deficit comes these auctions to finance part of the general budget for Iraq within the domestic borrowing plan issued by the Ministry of Finance to sell treasury transfers deficit, as the plan included the establishment of an auction in each month of the year.
It was determining the amount of Asdarih each auction until next month in august to 400 billion dinars, while the auction of the month of September and subsequent months has been defined in the amount of 300 billion dinars, according to the Ministry of plan of  Finance.
The Asdarih amount for each auction of auctions of treasury transfers for 2014 was 500 billion dinars, and the number of auctions that were held in which 10 auctions. the sale of money orders the Central Bank and Treasury remittances one of the procedures and means of monetary policy taken by the central bank to deal with the levels of liquidity on a temporary basis , as it represents an investment risk free and so he leads an active role in the secondary market.
tlm724   the sale of money orders the Central Bank and Treasury remittances one of the procedures and means of monetary policy taken by the central bank to deal with the levels of liquidity on a temporary basis

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