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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-20-16 Part 2 of 3

 Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-20-16 Part 2 of 3

Finance Committee: issuing banknotes which include the marshes and Antiquities does not need to enact a law 
07/20/2016   BAGHDAD / JD / .. the parliamentary finance committee confirmed, that the issuance of banknote by the Central Bank of Iraq, which included the marsh sites and relics does not require new legislation.
A member of the committee MP Ahmed Sarhan told / KD / that "the Central Bank Law gave permission to a central cash by issuing new editions, where the central bank when it issued the 50,000 dinars edition did not consult any party."
He added that "the central bank's intention to issue banknotes which include the marshes and relics sites after practice those areas within the World Heritage does not require new legislation in parliament," adding it was "a nice idea to the marshes and areas of archaeological keep in mind when included in the cash editions."
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted on the inclusion of the Iraqi marshlands and areas of archaeological sites in the World Heritage.[/rtl]
The central bank had announced its intention to issue banknotes bearing archaeological sites and marshes logo after Alaalmi.anthy included in the heritage 8 /]
tlm724   sweet Wink
Iraqi ports: continue to work despite the high temperatures and the disruption of government institutions
20/07/2016 01:48 |  Direction Press / Basra lGeneral Company of Iraqi Ports confirmed, it continues to provide its services, despite high temperatures and disrupt the work of government departments.
According to a statement of Ports received {direction Press} copy of it today that "Iraqi ports did not stop providing services for the next ships and departure despite the rise in air temperature and disable all Iraqi governmental institutions."
The Cabinet has decided yesterday to be on Wednesday and Thursday Almassadwin 20 and July 21 2016 a public holiday because of the high temperatures to 50 degrees Celsius
 [tlm724] holy crap thats 122 F degrees  
[tlm724] they could slow cook a rack of ribs at room temperature Shocked

Iraq plans to merge some of the embassies and the appointment of non-resident ambassadors in several countries
Author: HH, MK   Editor: HH, NS 20/07/2016 11:50    Long-Presse / Baghdad
It revealed the Foreign Relations Committee in the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, for the determination of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry incorporate some embassies and the appointment of non-resident ambassadors in a number of countries, while confirming that these measures aim to "reduce costs".
He told the Foreign Relations Committee member Abbas al-Bayati said in an interview to the (long-Presse), he said that "there is the idea recently adopted, especially in Africa and Asia as well as Eastern Europe, which set non-resident Ambassador in three or four countries," noting that "the Foreign Ministry intends to implement this idea in a number of countries that there is no point in opening the embassies. "
He said al-Bayati, it "could be opening an embassy in the state assesses the ambassador of another country and moving between three or four countries," adding that "these actions designed to reduce expenses."
Al-Bayati stressed that "the Foreign Ministry to activate the diplomatic work and incorporated some cultural accessories in neighboring countries and in other countries have abolished it and offsetting some of the cadres."
It is noteworthy that Iraq is experiencing a financial crisis due to falling oil prices and the war against al (Daash), but the crisis is greatly influenced in the Kurdistan region, where led to salary payments stopped since about the middle of last year, 2015, at a time when the Government of the Territory are looking for a way out of the crisis , prompting the central government to follow the policy of retrenchment in the various state institutions.  LINK

tlm724      but the crisis is greatly influenced in the Kurdistan region Suspect

Anbar Council demands international support for his inability to reconstruction of liberated cities in the province

20/07/2016 11:18 |  Direction Press / Anbar   Approved the Anbar Provincial Council, on Wednesday, not having sufficient financial budget for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of services and projects liberated cities in the province, based Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), as he emphasized the need to maintain international support for the reconstruction process directly.
A member of the security committee in the Anbar province, see Barakat al-Issawi, in a press statement that "the local Anbar government does not have sufficient financial budget for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of services and projects destroyer in Anbar cities liberated from the elements (Daash) terrorist."

The al-Issawi, the "Anbar need international support for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of destructive projects in Ramadi, Fallujah, Hit and other liberated areas, especially since the organization (Daash) behind the considerable damage."
The head of the Anbar provincial council, morning Krhot, announced (31 December 2015 the past), exposure of the city of Ramadi, the provincial capital , (110 km west of Baghdad), to the destruction of 80% due to theterrorist operations of the organization (Daash) and processes military witnessed.
[tlm724] dayum that picture speaks a thousand words ! They really do need a lot of help and this is an opportunity for investors too Wink there will be an influx of money from many nations to help rebuild
Germany will lend 500 million euros Iraq and is preparing to help with the reconstruction of Japan and the liberated areas
Canada gives Iraq more than $ 350 million in loans and humanitarian aid
Author: AHF, HH Editor: AHF, HH 07.20.2016 13:  Long-Presse / Baghdad  The Canadian government pledged on Wednesday to provide $ 200 million loan for Iraq through the World Bank within the donors' conference to be held in the US capital Washington today, while confirming the granting of Baghdad humanitarian aid worth $ 158 million to meet humanitarian needs, he pointed out that the loan was "part of the its commitments to Iraq. "
The Minister for the Canadian International Development Marie-Claude Bibio through press statements shared it with (long-Presse), "The Canadian government pledged today to provide $ 200 million loan for Iraq through the World Bank to help resolve the economic reforms as well as to grant humanitarian aid worth $ 158 million to meet the humanitarian needs during a donors' conference to be held in Washington today. "
She Bibio, that "most of the humanitarian aid will be allocated today to support Iraq's humanitarian needs and help those affected by the effects of war," noting that "the $ 200 million loan that will be granted to Iraq through the World Bank is in line with a pledge Canada made by itself during the Group of Seven summit meeting which was held in Japan recently. "
The Canadian minister stressed that "will be dedicated to the efforts of the Iraqi government in achieving economic reform in the country."
The President of the reconstruction fund for areas affected by the terrorist attacks of Abdel Basset Turki, announced on Wednesday (July 20, 2016), that Germany and Japan Abdia their readiness to contribute actively to the reconstruction of liberated areas from the control of the organization (Daash), and as he emphasized that the German side will lend Iraq amount of 500 million euros in this regard, said Japan's contribution through the international conference to support the stability and the humanitarian situation of the displaced people in the US capital Washington.        LINK 

Canada rocks !! Cool
"The Canadian government pledged today to provide $ 200 million loan for Iraq through the World Bank to help resolve the economic reforms as well as to grant humanitarian aid worth $ 158 million to meet the humanitarian needs during a donors' conference to be held in Washington today. "
Consultant Abadi: Washington Conference on bond for Iraq's transition from war to peace economies

Economy    Since 20/07/2016 12:03 am (Baghdad time)  Special - balances News
Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister revealed the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Wednesday, that the Washington conference is the bond of Iraq's transition from war to peace economies.
Saleh said L / balance News /, "The Washington conference is the bond of Iraq's transition from economies of war into economies of peace, where is the stability of the people in the cities and the safe return and decide on the right of life and civic life and rehabilitation of people who have been subjected to oppression by Daash terrorist."
Saleh added, "The conference will witness the presence of many of the donor countries," noting that "there are financial grants will be provided to Iraq."
It is noted that Canada has pledged to provide 158 million Canadian dollars (110 million euros) in humanitarian aid and guarantee the value of two hundred million dollars of loans from the World Bank for the Iraqi government.
As announced by German Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on Wednesday, before heading to a donors' conference to support Iraq in the United States, his country's determination to support Iraq in the reconstruction and the fight against criminal Daash B160 million additional euros by the end of 2017.anthy 29    From: Issa Hussein    LINK

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