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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-19-16

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-19-16
Kurdish lawmaker: redraft the constitution of the new needs to be a political consensus

19/07/2016 11:09 | Direction Press / special
The Kurdistan Alliance Salim Hamza said there is a committee formed by the Presidency to determine the mechanism for the drafting of the Iraqi constitution.
Hamza In an interview with "direction Press," said the re-drafting of the constitution of the new needs to be a political consensus, as well as an agreement between Baghdad and Kurdistan, adding that the drafting of Iraq's constitution needs a long time may result in a political struggle which is an inappropriate time to do this step.
Hamza said that the main components in Iraq, despite the installation of their rights in the Constitution but did not get them, referring to Article 140 of the Constitution and not to the possibility of their application over the previous period.

 The House of Representatives decided last Sunday to form a new committee to redraft the charter process and witnessed the meeting to vote on the election of the committee to rewrite the constitution process.
It is said that al-Jubouri, gave Parliament a week to submit candidates, and that the door is open to all users and that it is not limited as it was in the past on the blocks to take the nomination process.
[tlm724] the main components in Iraq, despite the installation of their rights in the Constitution but did not get them, referring to Article 140 of the Constitution
[tlm724] he is right, they never finished what they started with article 140
[tlm724] just a reminder
Article 140: First: The executive authority shall undertake the necessary steps to complete the implementation of the requirements of all subparagraphs of Article 58 of the Transitional Administrative Law.
Second: The responsibility placed upon the executive branch of the Iraqi Transitional Government stipulated in Article 58 of the Transitional Administrative Law shall extend and continue to the executive authority elected in accordance with this Constitution, provided that it accomplishes completely (normalization and census and concludes with a referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories to determine the will of their citizens), by a date not to exceed the 31st of December 2007.
a referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories to determine the will of their citizens), by a date not to exceed the 31st of December 2007.
[tlm724] thats the gist of the whole thing, the disputed territories
[tlm724] without a resolution things will never get settled and run smoothly
[tlm724] having said that I do believe they are on the right track and trying to get and keep it together  
[tlm724] remember Kirkuk is a VERY rich area and it will take some doing to get it worked out
Nouri al-Maliki met the Kurdish politicians in Sulaymaniyah

19/07/2016 10:33 | Alathah Press / follow-up
 In a visit to the opponents of Massoud Barzani, the Kurdish politicians in Iraq, met Monday July 18th president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, accompanied by a delegation of the Islamic Dawa Party, politicians Kurds in the city of Sulaimaniya to visit lasts more than a day.
The visit program of the meeting, Secretary General of the Patriotic Union President Jalal Talabani and the meeting of the General Coordinator of the Movement for Change Nushirwan Mustafa included.
He has blessed the alliance which was signed by both the MDC Kurdish Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the May 18 / May last, describing the agreement between the two sides positive step.
President of the State of Law coalition, said Sunday that the visit by the Kurdistan region is part of the "political communication between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil," noting that "we have a great partnership with the region being a part of Iraq."
Al-Maliki said that "the alliance between the Kurdish movement of change and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan is a positive step worth blessed and support" and that he hoped to "expand this consolidation so as to include the rest of the political forces, the end to find a solution to the crisis of the Kurdistan process." The Secretary-general of the Islamic Dawa Party, said: "We do not want the crisis to the region that can accommodate, being the impact on Baghdad and vice versa."
Flags of the political bureau official in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Karwan Aaruiz confirmed that al-Maliki will hold a meeting with the political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, at seven o'clock in the evening on Monday, after the dinner, adding that the two sides will discuss during the meeting the current situation in Kurdistan, Iraq and the war on Daash and ways to strengthen the historical relations between the call and the National Union Party, and the outstanding issues between the governments of the center and the province.
For his part, diplomatic relations official in the MDC Mohammed Tawfiq Rahim said the new morning, a welcome change visiting secretary general of the Dawa Party, declaring the movement to support any convergence of communication and exchange of views between the Kurdish parties and its counterpart in Iraq, towards the normalization of the second relations and overcome obstacles to end the differences between Baghdad and Erbil.
Commenting on the lack of guarantee program of the visit, a visit Arbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region, the head of a coalition of law Nuri al-Maliki said that it was not between him and the Kurdish regional president Massoud Barzani, a personal purpose, but his planned visit include the city of Sulaymaniyah only, and added "we are dealing with a visit Sulaymaniyah though InshaAllah Last time comes I visit Erbil. "
President of the State of Law coalition and former Prime Minister Nuri al - Maliki said in a press statement that "anxious to see former President Jalal Talabani said" the right of Ali to visit it "because of the historical ties that linked by .
The importance of the visit being gathered between the political leaders of the largest bloc in parliament, with the largest Kurdish bloc, which resulted in the alliance between the blocs change the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which the observers find a positive step on the road to ease the tension between the governments of the center and the region, and which aspects arrived in 2014 against the backdrop of the difference in views on the oil and gas laws and the budget of the Peshmerga forces hundred and forty and article on the normalization of the situation in the disputed areas with Baghdad.
The largest Kurdish bloc in the Iraqi parliament
The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Jalal Talabani, the party has been concluded in May / May last political agreement with MDC, led by Mustafa Nushirwan spend unification of political positions in the region and Iraq, prompting the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party strongly criticized, who saw in the coalition, "an attempt to deepen the internal differences "stressing that he" will not accept any imposition of the will is the will of the people. "
It also announced the change of blocs of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Sulaimaniyah, for steps to form a parliamentary coalition in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, under the title of "Alliance of Hope" stressing that the new alliance a step toward the unity of the Kurdish row in Baghdad. And it owns the masses of the MDC 9 seats and the National Union of Kurdistan 21 seats in parliament.
The Movement for Change and the National Union had refused to participate in a meeting called by the Kurdistan Democratic Party leader Massoud Barzani in order to discuss the issue of the referendum on the independence of the province, are certain that this proposal should be preceded by a normalization of the political situation in the region and re-activate the blocking parliament arbitrary decision of the Democratic Party for months .]
Bondlady     this is an was a super important meeting between the 2 largest blocks in parliament....they are also friends and have been for years, or at the very least political friends and yes allies ...
these 2 agreed on many many things in the was called the erbril agreemet....there was huge opposition on it from the 3rd largest block...barzani with the kurds.   talibani which is basically erbril, and barzani is basically Kurdistan, if were looking at regions maliki who would basically represent bagdad....
now that the union between kurds an erbril  has been signed theres gonna be a lot of coming together instead of alway7s throwing wrenches in the mix  constantly trying to make gains and more gains for there own group (kurds) and no one else....constantly keeping fights and demands and threats going on...
this union makes majority things happen and forces blocks to make concessions, FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE COUNTRY...instead of just the betterment for a block  or tribe....
the erbril agreement was pretty good and just maybe now with the huge security and economic crisis has hit them all very hard,
this was the push they needed to stop being so "block" selfish and be more country fortified and come together as a team, im really looking forward to seeing them finally getting there sh together and I believe we will see all the laws needed to be passed come to light...huge big laws and enactments...Smile all imo   BL
RCS1947    good insight. Thanks BondLady!!
[tlm724] I must say that NO one understands the inner working of the GOI better than BondLady, hail I don't think the Iraqi's understand it like she does ! If she says this is a good thing then I believe her and I do agree with her. The only way for Iraq to get it together is to come together !
[tlm724] maybe Maliki and Talabani will make the difference !
[BondLady] they did before...
[tlm724] they do have strong followings , both of them
[tlm724] yes ma'am they did !
[BondLady] but the kurds took such advantage of all crisis in Iraq to further kurd gains that it has ripped them all apart
[tlm724] greedy bastages  Suspect
[BondLady] this union makes it different now both sides will HAVE to make concessions on the HCL and art 140, gotta amend the Constitution
[BondLady] kurds are worried the part they have used all these years that they claim allows them to get away with selling their oil as if it was just theirs an not all of Iraqs, profits and such... they don't like to share and will use any Constitutional amendment or law...loop holes that will allow them to hold Iraq in a stranglehold
[BondLady] Barzani thinkin if he can just make everyone  hold out and not give in they will get there whey...after 8 years its time Iraq wins, not just a certain block
[BondLady] believe it or not Talibani an Maliki can make this work now...the Erbril agreement but it will demand concessions on both sides. Barzani is already sayin to the committees in charge of the amending of the Constitution needs to be a vote in parliament and it needs to be unanimous vote and not a majority, why?
[BondLady] because Barzani will have to share his whey with Iraq and he doesn't wanna share,   suck it up butter cup lol
[tlm724] lol he's such a *wah*
[tlm724] tyvm BL !

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