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Monday, July 18, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-18-16  Part 2 of 3

 Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-18-16  Part 2 of 3

Industry draws its companies to establish business centers in Baghdad[/size]
18/07/2016 10:28 | Direction Press / Baghdad  It directed the Iraqi Ministry of Industry, on Monday, all its companies to establish business centers in Baghdad, noting that he had previously called for the establishment of (Downtown) of Baghdad.
The director of the Information Center and Public Relations at the Ministry Abdul Wahid al-Shammari said in a statement received "direction Press", a copy of "The ministry has directed all of his ministry companies to take advantage of pieces of land owned by it, including the State Company for Textile and leather industries for the purpose of investment of the companies the ministry of land in the area Karrada to build business centers support the national industry, residential, recreational and Accessories. "
Shammari said that "the Minister of Industry Mohammed Darraji had previously called on the General Secretariat for the Coordination of stay (Downtown) area bounded by Baghdad's Karrada between the outside and the swimming pool in collaboration with the textile and leather industries Company and the food industry."
The "Ministry of Industry companies continue to suffer from their inability to compete with cheap foreign goods entering Iraq, causing it to stop and almost complete paralysis in these companies. Aq

Bondlady     The "Ministry of Industry companies continue to suffer from their inability to compete with cheap foreign goods entering Iraq, causing it to stop and almost complete paralysis in these companies...................((sound familiar? ))
 [tlm724] yes ma'am it is familiar.  The MOI is working it, trying to correct the path and go from importing to self sufficiency and then eventually exporting  :
Industry invests owned land for the construction of commercial centers
Economy   Since 07.18.2016 at 10:12 (Baghdad time)   Follow-up scales News
The Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Monday, for directing all its affiliates to take advantage of pieces of land owned by it to build business centers.
to benefit from the lands owned enterprises ministry, including the State Company for Textile and leather industries for the purpose of investment of the enterprises ministry land in Karrada district to build business centers support the national industry, residential, recreational and accessories. "
The Iraqi opposition is preparing for the establishment of the International Trade Fair
Economy    Since 07.18.2016 at 10:52 (Baghdad time)  Baghdad balances News   General Company for Iraqi exhibitions and commercial services in the Ministry of Commerce on Monday, announced their readiness to establish international trade fair for agriculture, food and packaging techniques, organized by the International Exhibition Company ifp with the participation of a large number of local and international companies.
The company's general manager Adel al  He added, "The exhibition is gaining more importance with the support of a number of ministries and bodies concerned in the participating countries," noting that "this makes the Iraqi food agricultural exhibition largest international gathering of its kind witnessed in the agriculture sector in Iraq in general," .LINK 

Bondlady    "The exhibition is gaining more importance with the support*** of a number of ministries and bodies concerned in the participating countries,"*** noting that *****"
this makes the Iraqi food agricultural exhibition largest international gathering of its kind***** witnessed in the agriculture sector in Iraq in general,"...............((imo, the world is really really opening its eyes and minds of the huge investment potentials to be had in Iraq,  ...from the ground up...
huge investment potential in all areas in Iraq, the marshes being protected by the world now will help security and also cuts down on countries holding Iraq water hostage, ((neighboring country fights where waters concerned)) which harms the marshes, and supports stability in many areas in Iraq...awesome Iraq keep moving forward Smile))   BL
[tlm724] well said BondLady !! Very Happy       KEEP MOVING FORWARD
An invitation to issue dinar-mail
7/18/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb   economist who proposed the issuance of e - dinar and entered in banking transactions, particularly in the area of government levies , as well as work hard to attract the Iraqi currency and introduced into the banking system to encourage the banking savings process, also examined the money and the economy , restructuring the State - owned banks and the balance between them and the experts private banks came during an economic seminar organized by the progress of the policy Institute development.
 economic power , Dr. Mehdi al - Hafez called for the promotion of the banking sector , public and private , both .. returned an essential task in terms of the desired national development, noting that the Iraqi banking sector fails to score has become a major dilemma must work on them by the concerned economic reform ..
 explaining that the large size of government banks and the needs of the local economy beyond what led to the creation of a big obstacle to the benefit of the banks important to invest and handle critical mass of economic power ..
calling for a restructuring of these banks, especially banks «Rasheed »and» Rivers ». so accept appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh , the financial advisor to the Prime Minister and the reality of the government banking sector ..
indicating that the sector is made ​​up of seven very large banks acquires the banking arena is absolutely up to 91 percent the proportion of banking assets and up to 86 percent of the deposits of the banking system and therefore this formation in government deposits in sizes up to 65 trillion dinars until the end of 2015
of which 45 trillion dinars , government deposits and 19 trillion and deposits civil including 10 trillion the bank «rational» and »Rivers» and 9 trillion to the private banks.
application transparency and spoke in favor of good governance to separate management from ownership, accountability, transparency ,
and this can not be achieved easily because the mechanism of action for improper causing it to disable boardrooms because of the large interventions by the ministries in the work of the banks. Saleh also highlighted the existence of a strong political will of the government restructuring State - owned banks have been formed a committee headed by the governor of the central bank
and there is a sub - committee to follow up the issue of restructuring the Commission is working with the World Bank that has given us through the four map and began stages.
for his part , David Abdul Zayer head of the Iraqi National Business Council spoke about the restructuring of State - owned banks in the framework of a time limit Set technician takes into account the accumulated problems in these banks to the extent that the recovery of the loans lagging behind the value ..
indicating that the last budget announced by the Bank of Iraq amounted to 125 trillion dinars a figure astronomical exceeds the state budget, and we all know that this number does not exist and is not accurate,
noting that he must not to implicate the new administrations of these problems and should stop work to be audited by a company global. quantum leap stressed Zayer said the fight against corruption starts from the introduction of local currency into the banking system,
calling for the issuance of e - dinar by Rasheed Bank or Mesopotamia and government levies only, it will help us to achieve significant leap in banking policy.
the general manager of the Rafidain Bank Dr. Khawla al - Asadi confirmed that all restructuring restrictions have been completed since 2008, indicating that the bank Rafidain and Rasheed Saouhdan their work and putting the sophisticated mechanisms for the advancement of the banking work, denying that the real budget for Bank Rivers are 125 Trliuna but is 25 trillion dinars only ..
 pointing out that banking secrecy only the names of customers, account numbers and otherwise confined him Fbalamkan announcement demonstrates the transparency.
 [tlm724] Saleh also highlighted the existence of a strong political will of the government restructuring State - owned banks have been formed a committee headed by the governor of the central bank and there is a sub - committee to follow up the issue of restructuring the Commission is working with the World Bank that has given us through the four map and began stages
quantum leap stressed Zayer said the fight against corruption starts from the introduction of local currency into the banking system, calling for the issuance of e - dinar by Rasheed Bank or Mesopotamia and government levies only, it will help us to achieve significant leap in banking policy.
general manager of the Rafidain Bank Dr. Khawla al - Asadi confirmed that all restructuring restrictions have been completed since 2008, indicating that the bank Rafidain and Rasheed Saouhdan their work and putting the sophisticated mechanisms for the advancement of the banking work
The central bank is counting on the company "security" to compensate depositors of banks "losers"
Ali Abdul Salman 35    07/18/2016  The Central Bank of Iraq, Omsamkanah compensate depositors of citizens in banks , "losers" in case I worked , "Deposit Insurance" company, while attributing Bankers reluctance of private banks to "liquidity squeeze" as a result of contractors and importers were unable to pay the discharged her.
A member of the Board of Directors Bank, Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the deposit Insurance Corporation , or what is meant by the unity of deposit guarantee, you need time , even working after gathering the necessary capital , " adding that " the task of that unit are summarized compensate depositors in banks losers. "
He added Rehn, that" the company in the event of its work will participate in the compensation of depositors in the loss - making banks after a number of their own financial operations to be able to it, "noting that" the deposit Insurance Corporation will take care of a lot to small depositors they will be paid all of their deposits, to be pay most of the medium - sized deposits, but the subject of senior depositors requires other measures to compensate them. "
for his part, Managing Director of the Bank Union, Aqeel trouble maker, in an interview to the (long - Presse)," the private banks in general is facing the problem of lack of liquidity, because borrowers contractors, importers have not get their dues from the government is what made ​​them slow to refund discharged for banks, "adding that" some branches of the central bank did not refer to domestic banks and their deposits. "
he explained trouble maker, that" it was born big problems to domestic banks with depositors in her work, "she returned to" the government should private banks supported by dues contractors and suppliers Exchange to raise the proportion of liquidity in the domestic market and enable them to repay their debts and stroll banking activity. " in
turn, the decision of the parliamentary finance committee, Ahmed Hama Rasheed, said in an interview to the (long - Presse), said that" banks We are required to give deposits to clients , "noting that" some banks experiencing administrative problems that the Commission was forced to file a complaint thereon to the Ministry of Finance. "
he stressed Rashid, that" private banks monitored by the CBI, which give him a monthly budget , "pointing to the " the central bank may use its powers to suspend the operation of any bank acting his money out of contexts, and be liquidity has less of the deposit, and the declaration of bankruptcy."
He predicted the decision the parliamentary finance committee, that "depositors in failed banks crisis resolved when the work of the deposit Insurance Corporation , " stressing that there are "many experiences of this kind in the neighboring countries and the world."
Meanwhile , a member of the Iraqi National Business Council, Firat Habib, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the problem facing temporary banks, because they suffer from the deposits of the crisis and the influx of liquidity , not being a loser , "calling on the central bank to" tighten its supervision and follow - up on the banks, particularly the civil and ensuring liquidity continuously in order to avoid problems. "
felt Habib, that" the deposit guarantee law firm will be strongly banking Act of censorship hand and keep depositors ' money and speed in responding to any the problem faced and restore confidence quickly to it, especially since the administration officially sanctioned. " 
He said a member of the National business Council, that" the banks are working on the recovery of private high to provide liquidity and address the imbalance of financial amounts loan funds and grants depositors amounts that request one at any time they wish, "noting that " The central bank some banks under development and guardianship until they correct their work and ensure the rights of citizens."
Habib stressed that "slough some banks from paying the full amount requested by the depositor under the pretext of lack of financial liquidity constitutes a violation of the laws and calls for the intervention of the Central Bank of Iraq," returned to "iOS the banking subsidiaries of the Central Bank of Iraq is responsible for monitoring the safety of liquidity of financial markets and its flow and consider complaints and take early measures to verify due to non - payment of the banks and the amounts requested by the owner of the funds deposited in the custody of those banks at any time. "
the central bank announced, in ( the seventh of June 2016), for approval of the cabinet set up a company to guarantee deposits in the government and private banks with a capital of 100 billion dinars, while the company aims to stimulate citizens to deposit their money in banks rather than Aktnazha, confirmed funds chunky citizens outside banks of more than $ 30 trillion dinars.
the Iraqi private banks association, announced (October 2015) that the deposit rate among government banks range from 65 to 68 trillion dinars , of which no more than 22 trillion and deposits in banks own.
It consists of the banking system in Iraq (54) banks as well as the Central Bank and distributed according to property between the seven state - owned and 23 private businesses , including Islamic nine in addition to the 15 branches of foreign banks. 
tlm724     A member of the Board of Directors Bank, Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the deposit Insurance Corporation , or what is meant by the unity of deposit guarantee, you need time , even working after gathering the necessary capital , " adding that " the task of that unit are summarized compensate depositors in banks losers. "
"you need time , even working after gathering the necessary capital" ,yep they have to have the money to cover the deposits otherwise it's just an empty promise !
that" the deposit guarantee law firm will be strongly banking Act of censorship hand and keep depositors ' money and speed in responding to any the problem faced and restore confidence quickly to it, especially since the administration officially sanctioned. "
the central bank announced, in ( the seventh of June 2016), for approval of the cabinet set up a company to guarantee deposits in the government and private banks with a capital of 100 billion dinars, while the company aims to stimulate citizens to deposit their money in banks rather than Aktnazha, confirmed funds chunky citizens outside banks of more than $ 30 trillion dinars.
the deposit insurance company is on it's way and has the blessing of the GOI, get the money flowing, increase liquidity, bring in the dinar off the streets and rock & roll ! Cool

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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