Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Awake-in-3D Q&A with WingIt Members Wednesday Afternoon 7-20-16


Awake-in-3D:  Good morning from Reno... Hi... I guess I'm an official "newbie" here. LOL :)

The post regarding my "all green light" analogy was from a private conversation that occurred last Friday. It's important to know that, because it's being misunderstood that this information is from last night or this morining... which is not accurate.

The complex process that leads to private exchanges commencing encountered a yellow light - which is where we are right now... at this moment.

The yellow light analogy means that the process is proceeding with caution as some loose ends are tied up...

Some were reporting last night that the redemptions ("exchanges" in DL vernacular) have commenced and that 800#s are to be released at any moment. This is not true IMO
It is critical to understand that the rumors of "it's done" and similar come from Banking Sources

The banks want this whole thingy to happen as much as we do and they overreach on their conclusions
Awake-in-3D:  The banks are not in control of the funds release that starts the private exchange process... banks are facilitators and administrators in this process.

There is no "single" person or agency that pushes the proverbial RV/GCR "button"...
It's a consensus that decides the final moment of the funds release protocols. There have been many issues to address and scenarios accounted for... both pre and post exchange environments

The single most critical awareness to keep in mind is that there is a private and public process/roll out to this entire global event - and that's where the confusion sets in out there.

The PRIVATE side being... well, PRIVATE does not engage with Dinar Land rooms and chats, they cannot. Why? because it's PRIVATE. To be clear, no private intel gets out into Dinar Land, well, very little.

One statement I make frequently over at my homebase website is that "No one knows the date this will go"... No one. And that fact speaks for itself given that every date and time stated to date has never happened.

Once the concensus is reached, the funds will be released from their "escrow-like" accounts... and then we will know. It's really that simple. All of the rest is just conjecture and speculation based on certain, isolated pieces of information that get leaked out there.

That said, we are in a position within the process that we have never been before. Much has been accomplished and agreed to and all "departments" within the process are on the same page. Which is amazing in and of itself.

I do not know the date... only windows. No one knows the date. I am blessed with great sources and solid trustful relationships with a wide range of information. I maintain unequivocal integrity and confidentiality and there it will stay.

I do not have "handlers"... LOL Although there have been several attempts to be sure. But I am given specific information that boxes me in as to what I can say - so, I guess they got me... LOL

Anyway - I will answer questions for a bit here... and it will be the truth - but sometimes we need to ask if we want the truth. I do NOT do HOPIUM. Nuff said... Thanks for the space and attention. :)


Grandma:  Awake in 3D so what is your window ?

Awake-in-3D:  Ok... the current window is this week... the window is always a TUE-THUR space for certain financial mechanisms and such to execute. That is not related to group notification windows however.

006:  so based on what your are saying a lot of people have been feeding us a lot of crap

Awake-in-3D:  006 - not crap... just banking-related (and Republic related) over exuberance which turns into "factual statements" in dinar land - you know, the he-said, they-said, telephone morphing of info.

O06:  a lot of peeps say it can only happen on a week end I totally disagree

Awake-in-3D:  006 - you MUST define what "it" is when you say that... what is "it"? Funds release? Exchanges? Notifications?

SEFlguy:  Awake thank you for the info. Historically speaking, Iraq last rv`d on a Friday at 3:40 est. Do you feel we have a chance to see history repeat itself this Friday? Ty in advance.

Awake-in-3D:  sefl guy - Iraq is waiting to do their thing just like we are waiting. I wouldn't put any credence into past dates or times for their RI to occur. It's global.

006:  sorry awake I mean the rv can only happen on the week end and we will do our exchange when the banks are closed

Awake-in-3D:  The window for certain financial mechanics is every week TUE-THUR depending on the situation. This wasn't always the case, but like I said, we are where we've never been before in the process. :)

Iceburg:  awake-in-3d.. In your opinion Do you think it will be released during banking hours or in the middle of the night, as some believe?

Melsivet:  Awake, from your perspective how far off are the exchanges? If that is an appropriate question.

Awake-in-3D:  melsivet - Once funds are released from "escrow" there are logistical protocols that must occur to commence private exchanges... administrative, notifications, all hands on deck kind of stuff. How long that takes is unknown. But its not instantaneous.

Awake-in-3D:  Ok, I am going to clarify again... certain financial items happen on TUE-THUR... the rest is not dependent on this window - such as notifications, etc. And remember, I am specifically talking about the private side here. Not the public side. That's a whole different animal/rabbit hole.

Safoaf:  are we then to keep looking every week until it happens every Tuesday to Thursday?

Awake-in-3D:  safoaf - all parties involved know the GCR must take place. There is no disagreement on that. The end is in sight. We don't want it to get that far... if ya know what I mean. ;)

DonnaC:  Awake...I gather from your comments below that we (the internet group) are not considered private but public?

Awake-in-3D:  donnac - honestly, I don't know what an "Internet Group" is... that's a DL (dinar land) concept.

If one takes DL currency holdings as a whole - regardless of different groups and whatnot - it's a substantial block of currency - very substantial. And that matters. These currencies must get "home" - repatriated as the asset-backed instruments that they are.

Does that mean that 100% of all folks out there will participate at the highest levels? It's pretty hard to capture 100%... actually next to impossible. That's the best way I can answer that.

Taj72:  Awake: Do you think the Admirl group is considered private

Awake-in-3D:  taj72 - I cannot say anything about Admiral arrangement. And I think that answers your question.

Toasty:  awake, Do you know if the alarming collapse of the bond market and ensuing bank failures is playing into the time frame of the RV. I would think that 'they' would be feeling some urgency right about now.

Awake-in-3D:  The issues around the Sovereign Bond markets (negative interest rates) and the G20 meeting is relevant to the Public side of the GCR event.

Jan:  Awake, I know the banking system will be flush for a while, but do you worry that we have gone from a position of not trusting the bank/bankers to the banking industry is our friend? Where do you stand?

Awake-in-3D:  Jan - great question! So, if currencies are to be gold/asset-backed, what does that mean? It means our deposits are literally solid assets that hydrate the banks. Does that make sense? :)

Jan:  Awake, yes and thank you! Just don't want to be led around like a sheep by wolves who we are told look like sheep now! It wasn't too long ago we were preparing against them and their tactics but now we are told the tactics are gone, they'er one our side and they won't have any dirty tricks up their sleeves like they did this time last year. Just didn't know whom to believe! :)

Awake-in-3D:  jan - this event is not a black & white conflict. It's not a good vs. evil scenario in the literal sense. There are representatives of all aspects of the financial and political spheres. No one person or agency or bank is intrinsically good or bad. Hope that makes sense. :)

DRL:  awake-in-3D: Is the Generals 64?China/group considered a private group in your definition?

Awake-in-3D:  drl - I cannot comment on G64/China arrangements. That answers your question... :)

Gatorfan:  Awake... So do we wait for the public announcement for us to exchange ???

Awake-in-3D:  gatorfan - Nope... but again, not for 100% of "we"... "We" meaning everyone out there holding currencies... I can't go deeper than that. It is what it is. :

Gatorfan:  So if someone is not part of a group, we are in the Sept/Oct. boat!!!!

Awake-in-3D:  gatorfan - I understand the question... I really do. There is just no way I can comment on what's a "group" and who is, or is not in said "groups". Rest assured that the objective is to collect as much of our currencies as realistically possible. So take heart in that. :)

Speculator:  awake does the negative bond yields and the derivatives associated with it . will that cause the banks to go gold backed?

Awake-in-3D:  specultor (good name by the way!) - that is one public trigger and plausibility factor for bringing this out to the 99.9% of the public that have no clue about the GCR and larger GFR (Global Financial Reset).

Comick:  Awake, when you refer to the window of this week, you are referring only to private exchanges,correct?

Awake-in-3D:  comick - yep... exactly!

Grandma:  Awake I was understanding that everyone would go at the same time. Did this change lately. Like a shot gun start.

Awake-in-3D:  grandma - my info does not support the "all at the same time" scenario. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. We don't know. And I am good with that. I just want something to start somewhere! LOL

Dollarbill9:  AWAKE so we are going to be gold-assett backed is it USA GOLD

Awake-in-3D:  dollarbill9 - Yes, the USD will be gold/asset-backed. At some point. Probably in the last main basket. Besides gold, other assets include collateral rolled up into a country's GDP calculations.

Beaner:  AWAKE, is the G20 just a smoke screen?

Awake-in-3D:  beaner - the G20 is not meeting to determine the release of the exchange process. If that's what you mean... but the current global financial situation is very much on the agenda. It's pretty much checkmate in the bond markets.

Quantum:  Awake. I thought you had said on one of the calls that we would go before the public announcement because we have been paying attention?

Awake-in-3D:  quantum - I cannot discuss anything related to 800#s and what they are. I can tell you that most of what's put out there about these "numbers" is simply not understood and grossly misrepresented IMO. And there are different "numbers" depending on where one is lodged.

Gatorfan:  Awake. I thought you had said on one of the calls that we would go before the public announcement because we have been paying attention?

Awake-in-3D:  gatorfan - I don't recall contradicting that position (private goes before any public revelations)..

SassyD:  awake im still stuck dinarland public or private

Awake-in-3D:  sassy - I understand. I know you want a clear answer. I cannot clarify this further without compromising confidentiality and my integrity. I wish I could. Sorry,but that's a "no fly zone" for me. :(
Amarok:  Awake, are you able to comment on whether this is related the the UN's SDGs under the Paris Agreement?

Awake-in-3D:  amarok - are you referring to SDRs?

Amarok:  Awake: No, I'm thinking about the 17 elements to the Strategic Development Goals section of the Paris Agreement. They all seem to be about "economic justice".

Awake-in-3D:  amarok - oh my... those tenants take me back to my earliest research subjects in the event. I would have to refresh my memory and dot-connecting on that. So, no comment at this time.

Gatorfan:  Thanks awake... Guess we will just keep waiting..

Awake-in-3D:  gatorfan - We are all pretty much used to waiting... aren't we? It is what it is. No magic bullets here. :)

Lady1:  Awake how much time between private and public exchanges do you estimate

Lady1 - no one knows those details of the process. The public side rollout must minimize global chaos in the financial markets. This I know. Whether that equates to days, weeks, or months - or whether it sill be shotgun or incremental steps is unknown.

Awake-in-3D:  My only reason for being here is to provide some info that serves to bring a little understanding and to reduce anxiety. There is no reason to be anxious. This whole thing will work out and transpire for the greatest good of all (us and the world). That's my only message and purpose. :)))

Awake-in-3D:   OK everyone... I have to move on... the day is slipping away and I have a day job to attend to. I enjoyed this immensely! :)))   Goodbye for now!  you all had very good questions! Hats off! :)

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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