Don't WAIT!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Awake-in-3D Chat with WSOMN Members Posted by DPChamp Late Wed. PM 7-20-16

Thanks DPChamp for capturing this chat for us all:


DPChamp:   Beginning at 11:24pm CDT

Awake-in-3d : Good evening all! :)))

Awake-in-3d : I have been unplugged from GCR Land for the last 8 hours so.... what's going on?

Splash : Hello Awake! Any action in Reno tonight?

Awake-in-3d : Splash - there's always something going on in Reno... Just not always the action we want... LOL

Splash : Can you give us a snapshot of where you think we are?

Pavy : Awake you had said at one time once this starts ( SKRs into spendable cash) it will move very fast , do you still feel this way

Awake-in-3d : Pavy - The SKRs will redeem the fastest, because both currency and funds are in an account (of sorts, like an escrow) and done...It's a straight up cash transaction...

KLS : "They have reached an agreement on HCL" is this the last piece of the puzzle?
Awake-in-3d : I am flooded with PMs and texts and emails and such about Rocker's info... I haven't seen it... but let's roll! :)

GEG-Dinar : Awake, A certain guru with the initials DS put out a video today saying that the "Dragon Family" will not be funding the RV of the Dinar, and that the only way you will be getting any funds is to be in a special group. Otherwise you're stuck. Please explain why this individual is off his rocker, or if you somehow think he has any level of accuracy.
Awake-in-3d : GEG - DS is dealing with a source/buyer he believes to be the real and only "dragon" in town...

GEG-Dinar : Awake, DS mentioned on his video today there are multiple Dragon Families, but the family he is dealing with are the ones who met in Reno, and are the ones funding what happens there.
Starchild : What is the timeline and schedule?

Awake-in-3d : Where we are right now is that an "issue" is being resolved that gets us to the commencement of private exchanges. Confidence is high that this issue will be resolved very soon..

Soupkettle : Awake...In your opinion...are we really waiting for Sept/Oct for the RV?
Awake-in-3d : The SEP/OCT date is related to the Public side of the GCR - the 99.9% of humanity that has no clue

Dedar : This is what Rocker66 posted:  "The SKR's should be done by Friday and then the next Tier is Private Groups without SKR's WF, received an internal memo to start That was received today.Rocker66 wrote 7m ago SKR groups, private contract groups, internet groups/800 numbers and then public

Awake-in-3d : Dedar - Uh, SKRs are related to private groups and a few other situations (outside of what we consider a private currency group).

Awake-in-3d :  SKRs are simply very quick and easy to transact. They are like coupons.
Dedar :  Awake would you agree with what Rocker posted.

Awake-in-3d : I can "basically" agree with the Rocker info ... the Friday date is a "goal"... please understand the difference between a "goal" and a "deadline"... :)
dapperyute : Awake, can you define soon?
jed54 : Awake, I thought you felt that last weekend was our last "broke" weekend, what changed? Thanks

ffonz : jed ~ comment by Awake should answer for you ~ Where we are right now is that an "issue" is being resolved that gets us to the commencement of private exchanges. Confidence is high that this issue will be resolved very soon..

Crusty :  Awake, Hey ! Are we "The informed internet " considered a private group ? And where do we fit the roll out ?? Thanks

Awake-in-3d : Crusty - No one knows the exact definition of the groups at the general Dinar Land level. The WF group is a private group with a private contract... big group. But where that line ends and the rest of Dinar Land begins is a big gray area...

KLS:  Is HCL the last of the puzzle?

Awake-in-3d : KLS - HCL happens when Iraq gets the word to go ahead and do their thing... Iraq is waiting just like we are.

Avon Lady : opps call me stupid but remember Im still new.... what does SKR stand for ? embarrassed here

kermit53 :  Safe Keeping Receipt… SKR is a receipt given to a client usually from a bank based on a certain dollar value at the time. Meaning the bank will already have a buyer committing to pay them a pre-determined price.

Splash : Given the G20 in China, what could we anticipate once it is over? Exchanging fiat, asset or gb? Thank you.

Awake-in-3d : Splash - The G20 will clearly discuss and do what they do regarding the macro GCR scenario... no information I have indicates that the private side is waiting on the G20 meetings to do anything...

LeeMusic : Hi Awake ~ Given what's happening with the bond market and negative interest rates, do you think the US Stock market will crash - or lose much value BEFORE we get there RV? Thanks!

Awake-in-3d : Lee Music - your question contains a big answer... more than I can fit here in a timely manner. But, the fiat system will collapse under its own weight soon... the GCR is the safety net. The dollar will hyperinflate if the USN is not in place when that happens...
Dedar : Awake the WF group is it the old Gen64 group combined?

Tinman54 : Dedar yes on the WF group

Sleekrose : AWAKE, You stated that the Sept/Oct date was for the Public exchange. How confident are you that groups like the Well Fargo group and the internet group will exchange before Sept/Oct.

Awake-in-3d : Sleekrose - very confident. :)

Gunboat :  So the HCL and RV are tied together in a way??

Awake-in-3d : Gunboat - No matter what is going on in Iraq with any Law, security issue, or RI or RV - it will all happen in lock step when they are given the green light by the same committee consensus that releases our private exchange funds.And the private v public rates will be different.

Avon Lady : Awake ? Do we have any idea when that's supposed to happen

Awake-in-3d :  Guys - I can't keep up with the questions... they are scrolling off too fast. I kinda have to think a sec before I answer... LOL

Awake-in-3d : Avon Lady - when "what" is supposed to happen?

Avon Lady : you said the Iraq was waiting also.. I wondered if you knew like when that was going to be time wise ? sry

Awake-in-3d :  Avon Lady - I believe that Iraq is in a different situation than currencies like the VND or Indonesia... so, they will RI after or around the time the private exchanges begin... or they will wait until the private exchange process is completed. I think they need their currency back and out of circulation before they go public. ~
Splash: Are we Exchanging fiat, asset or gb? Thank you.

Awake-in-3d :  Splash - unless the USN goes public pretty darn soon, the private groups will exchange into fiat dollars. Which is fine by me!

LeeMusic Do you think the GCR will arrive before Stocks crash? Best guess :)

KLS : Thank you for answering my HCL question. Did you make it clear to us, are we are group? Private? Or Public? Thank you.

Awake-in-3d :  KLS - I cannot clarify the general dinar land "group" scenario... that's a no fly zone for me... sorry... :(

Pavy :Awake since things are happening that have never happened and the financial world is falling apart and the Intel is quiet can the rv go passed the end of july

Awake-in-3d : Pavy - The bottom line is, no one knows when the exchanges will actually commence. This has been proven a thousand times as stated dates and back walls come and go, over and over again. So, can the private exchanges go past July? Yes. Are they likely to? I think they will start before then based on what info I have right now. today...
Gunboat : What if any mechanisms need to be instituted before we all are able to fulfill our blessing?
Awake-in-3d :  Gunboat - there is a specific issue that needs to be agreed to at this moment. When that issue is resolved, the mechanisms for funds release will execute in short order. :)

Awake-in-3d : Gunboat - there is a "committee" (my words, not theirs) that agree to an "all systems go" and then various departments and agencies and certain people each do their thing (roles) related to different aspects of the process.

TurtleIsland1:  What is and where is the ASSET BACKED software? Whom or what agency or group is administering the ASSET BACKED software?

Awake-in-3d : TurtleIsland - The asset back software is an entire infrastructure system. It's called babylon 2... well the general name anyway... It' is shared between the all sovereign treasuries, like our UST as well as certain agencies such as the BIS and others...

dapperyute : Awake, anything new on ZIM?

Awake-in-3d :  Dapper - as in what... regarding the ZIM?

dapperyute : Will it go at the same time as IQD

Awake-in-3d : Dapper - All currencies we care about will go at the same time...

KLS : If you clarified our position as private, groups, or public, would we be outraged or very pleased?

dpchamp : KLS' Q was: Thank you for answering my HCL question. Did you make it clear to us, are we are group? Private? Or Public? Thank you.

Awake-in-3d :KLS - Some currency holders will clearly be in the public exchange domain. Where and who are on the "private" side, out of all dinar land, is unknown.

Hellen :  Zim:face value? and rate $$$$s or cents?

Awake-in-3d :  Hellen - ZIM rates will be in cents. But like I always say - If they're payin those fantasy high rates, I'll spend it! :)))

Flowerman : Awake. What is your thought on the " better " rates if you have humanitarian projects???

Awake-in-3d : Flowerman - Humanitarian rates are real... but they are contained within specific groups and arrangements. Whether they will be an "opportunity" at the general Dinar Land level is unknown. This is why we should all ask about them no matter what the situation. But then, be ready to discuss your projects with conciseness and professioinalism.
Medicman :  Awake when will the eBay, Amazon and Internet currency sales stop?

Awake-in-3d : Medic - good question - we either cannot double dip, via contract terms, or the dealers will be taken off line... but think about it, if you were a dealer, and the currency becomes suddenly way more valuable on a private level, would you sell them at low prices? Nope.

1camman1 : Awake, I've done simple currency exchanges before, however this event is much larger. Because of the NDA, do you think it's necessary for me to bring an attorney?

Awake-in-3d :  1camman1 - I will not bring an attorney, but that's just me. Each of us has to decide that based on our personal situations. That said, I have seen the NDAs involved. They are straight forward. They say, don't disclose this exchange information.

Awake-in-3d : this event can kick off at any time... it really can... once this issue is resolved... which could be at any time. I would not expect any exchange notifications or whatever else to become tangible at our level for the next several days. But I would be happy if it were earlier.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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