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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 5th, 2015, 11:58 am

Tuesday News Summaries and Commentaries

Finance Minister Kurdistan: Snozaa month of March salaries next week

From the sound of things the Kurd Finance Minister has been talking to the Baghdad Finance Minister and has a commitment that is bringing a payment to the Kurds from Turkish banks that will finish off salary payments for February....oh and we will also be sending March payments to you as much are we sending....well just let it be a surprise when you get week...wink wink.

The leadership of the National Alliance meets in the presence of Abadi and warns of the opposition Congress of Higher interest project
The leader of the Iraqi National Alliance spoke out against the actions seen coming from the US Congress with regards to directly providing arms by the US to the Peshmerga and Sunni tribesmen saying this would be contrary to what is best for the Iraqi people....they seek unity right now and for the US to attempt such a move would destroy the good that has been built over the past 6-8 months....

Just look at how the differing factions have come together to fight DAASH....Peshmerga forces, Iraqi Security Forces, Popular Crowd, the Sunni tribesmen, all pulling together to defeat DAASH....there is no cause for the US to attempt such an effort as they suggest it will only serve to splinter Iraq which they are trying to keep things intact.

Abadi stresses during his visit Baghdad Operations importance of caution from the enemies schemes and preparation of plans to prevent recurrence of terrorist attacks

PM Abadi visited the Baghdad Operations Center this week and spoke before a number of security and military leaders.....he wants continued focus on efforts to find those thought to be behind any bombings and calls for the arrest of anyone associated with bombings or is believed to be tampering with security efforts of the Iraqis.....he is all serious when it comes to the security of Iraq and its people.

A member of the parliamentary legal: differences between the parliamentary blocs to prevent the adoption of the Federal Court Act

When I see articles like this that stem from one individual, especially one who is not well known in the media.....I have to start thinking in the opposite voice claiming all of a sudden that an important draft law will not be adopted because of differences of opinion....I would remind him that the budget was also thought to be unpassable yet it came out....give this time and consideration....differences can and do get worked out.

Parliamentary committees discuss the draft Kurdistan law firm to explore oil

Here is the Kurdistan Parliament discussing their draft law that speaks to exploring for oil within the Kurdistan.....why can't the state Parliament do the same thing....from the sound of things we will see them finalizing this draft in the near future....and President Barzani signing off on it.....if this happens I am thinking that national legislation (oil and gas law) won't be far behind....need to keep up with the Joneses.

Parliamentary Finance: Ask a coin category 50 000 dinars will increase the volume of inflation

Another crazy article...and who is putting this info out...none other than the Finance Committee....who else of course....a new week and a new talking head from if the currency is adequate why would there be a need as you suggest for such a huge denomination....stop and think what you say....and inflation is not an issue today....especially if you will allow the CBI to do its job...the job it has been doing for the past 12 years or so....stay out of business that is not yours.

Central Bank of Iraq in the process of printing paper 50 000 dinars

With green lights abounding....what justification would the CBI have to print something as large as a 50k note....why....why use this kind of smoke at this point.....remember too this is not the CBI telling you this....this is other people...this time from the Economy and Investment Committee....wait for it....wait for the CBI...for Dr. S to speak....then listen with both ears.

Iraq is about to apply for a loan from the International Monetary Fund

In Texas we have a saying...."fixin' to" in "fixin' to do something" beautiful bride dislikes that and says we should just do it....well we aren't Nike for one thing....we sort of have to work up to things sorta slow like you know....this article reminds me of that....Iraq is "fixin' to" apply for a loan.....lands-sake they been talking about it for weeks now....since before PM Abadi went to Washington.....that reminds me of the movie "Ma and Pa Kettle Went to Washington".....telling my age things have sure changed....anyway we digress...this loan "may" be for $800 million dollars....good grief, cut the check and put it in the bank.

IMF: Iraq began to withdraw from its reserves and requested our assistance

The Iraqis are asking the IMF for an emergency loan of $800 million dollars.....then they say that Iraq is pulling from its reserves....and in the same breath they claim Iraq's economy is going to climb in a positive can that be....for one who is in such dire straits right at the moment....unless big things are to come on the horizon.

Iraq is seeking to apply for a loan from the International Monetary after the deficit estimate by about $ 25 billion

Family I want to point to something that looks crazy with today's news....all this talk today about money from the all sounds like it just happened today....this discussion about loans...this has been an ongoing thing for weeks, maybe a month or better now.....why present this in such a light today as though it was a newly discovered idea...this is old news....really old news....muddy waters tell of a storm to come.....they tell of a flood that is on its way....the mud pushes ahead of the bigger event giving warning to all in its path....this could be like a warning of the good that is headed our way.

Deputy calls for banks to re-examine the law

This article speaks to an article or two that we saw yesterday that is concerned with laws passed in the day of Paul Bremer, these laws are not very good for private banking and need to be redrafted or eliminated in some cases....I believe they are being addressed as we speak and what will come from this will be more conducive to the private banks of Iraq as they look into the future.

Baghdad declares holiday for two days on the occasion of the martyrdom of Imam Kadhim

May 13 and 14 are declared as holidays in Iraq according to the COM....wonder where Dr. S will be during that holiday.

Jaafari: Iraq needs a project similar to the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction, which defends the world today

Ahhh....hello....thank Maliki if you haven't been able to recognize the Marshall Plan in and around your country for the past 12 years or so....look in his pockets to find most of not all of the reconstruction money that magically disappeared....the Marshall has been with you all this time.

Najafi: We shall request to prosecute al-Maliki and his clique

Now the governor of Nineveh has turned against Maliki and wants to see him prosecuted for what happened in Mosul and the rest of the province...times change and so do allegiances.

Economist: rumors of bankruptcy Iraqi banks challenge government programs

Even after all this talk of loans...about Iraq's level of reserves.....there is still talk of liquidity issues and rumors of bankruptcy....the banks don't seem to have the ready cash to let it walk out their doors so contractors and other business entities aren't getting paid....but the rumors about bankruptcy is just that rumors so claim some sources....after all the banking industry is the backbone of the Iraqi economy....actually I thought oil would have been.....and through all this smoke, the Finance Committee still claims it has the money to pay employees.

Anbar complaining about running out of money and borrowing from the affluent and corporate banking

Anbar province is calling for their share of the 2015 budget as their money has run dry....they are attempting to borrow from some banking entities but really do need the government to cut loose the funds tied to the budget....what a mess Maliki left this country in when he was pushed out the door.

Council of Ministers to activate the role of the private sector

The COM announced their seriousness towards getting the private sector involved in the Iraqi economic reform...they also point to the 2 billion dinars that were committed yesterday to reimburse contractors....they have many balls being juggled in the air at the same time will be quite interesting to see how they manage this balancing act and stay afloat at the same time.

Government agrees to lend to the housing fund 100 billion dinars and apologize for hosting an international conference

In their normal meeting today the COM agreed to lend 100 billion dinars to the housing fund as part of the lending process for those wishing to get loans for home purchases.....they also agreed to allocate roughly 3.5 billion dinars to the Ministry of Science and Technology to be disbursed in three phases.....other matters were also discussed and considered during this session.

Parliamentary oil: the billions of dollars wasted every day due to the burning of natural gas in the country and not from close Solutions

What a huge daily waste....the burning of gas at the wellhead each day in Iraq....harness this gas and make prudent use of it to create energy and reduce air pollution.....there is only a lack of technology within the country....they need to open their borders up to companies who deal with this gas every day all across the globe....the solutions are there....they just need to make a decision to turn this waste into cash for themselves....this has to be seen as low hanging fruit....ripe for the plucking.

Integrity: confinement to the inspector general of the former Ministry of Finance

More work of the Integrity Commission.....convicting the Inspector General of the former Ministry of Finance to two years they just need to find him.

Maliki: Iraq sectarian foiled

Maliki speaking from his office....or so he a meeting with the Ambassador of Kuwait.....Maliki tells tales...tall tales that Iraq has foiled all attempts at stirring up sedition and sectarianism among his sons.....I wonder if Maliki is talking about his own is a man well known for dividing this country during his reign as claiming all such attempts have he verbalizing his own epitaph....who can honestly believe a word he says....makes me wonder if this Kuwaiti Ambassador could hold a straight face during their meeting.....oh the words of a snake....beware.

Oil refinery in Babylon

An oil refinery being committed to the province of Babylon....500 acres on the south side of the economic boom to come in the years ahead as it is completed.

The formation of committees to follow up the ports revenue and resolution of financial problems between the province and Baghdad

As usual the talking heads from the Finance Committee appear to be babbling instead of talking again.....talking about the formation of subcommittee to look into revenue issues associated with all ports across well as forming a committee to resolve problems of financial natures between Baghdad and Erbil....oh great the Finance Committee is here to save the day we can all rest now.

Special / Iraq sufficient resources to pay the salaries of employees and retirees and sustain vital projects

Dr. Saleh spoke and reiterated that Iraq has the funds through its natural resources to cover the cost of the war on terrorism as well as for making salary payments when necessary....Saleh points out that salaries consume S3.4 billion dollars a month while the war on terrorism is costing roughly $10 million dollars per day....had to look twice yes he said in USD.....through April they have received roughly $12 billion dollars in revenue.....seems they have gotten some loans along the way to help pay for incidentals the price of oil creeps upward so will their revenues for sure.
Jubouri calls for the House of Representatives to attend the meeting tomorrow to vote on the Federal Court Act

Speaker Jubouri is calling for all Parliament members to be present tomorrow as a vote will be taken on the Federal Court Act...remember this is the one that someone says won't pass....guess we shall see soon enough.

KRG: Erbil Committed to Oil Export Agreement and Baghdad Should send the Budget

The KRG is saying they are pumping 550,000 barrels of oil per day as was our part of the deal agreed upon late last Baghdad needs to step up to the plate and provide the Kurd share of the budget, 17%.....the ball is in the court of Baghdad it would seem.....a Kurd member of the Finance Committee says that Baghdad has thus far only sent 1.227 trillion dinar to the Kurds....that equals one month's portion of the Baghdad falls short and the Kurds are left with a nearly empty bag as a result.

Parliamentary Finance decided to wait in the application of the customs tariff law

The Finance Committee has decided to postpone the application of the customs tariff law in Iraq at this point in time.....this in light of province after province pointing to their own vote of no participation with the law....look for an edited version of the law in the coming sessions of Parliament.

Basra predicted closely with the United Nations to give effect to the transfer of powers from the government to the provinces

Basra is looking forward to the transfer of powers from the central government out to the province...especially with the help of the UN to supervise things....they see this as a positive and boon for their province....there is work and progress on all levels to make this a reality and especially concerted efforts are ongoing to overcome any hurdles that may present themselves especially in the areas of accounting.

Time to catch a breather.....break refills tea for for cookies.....don't make me have to bring my hand around from behind my back. It is great to share with you Family.....just glad I can stay caught up with all the news....what a challenge these days. New game out from Mattel...Where in the World is Nuri Maliki? for all the 50k stuff.....wait it out....hold hands if it makes you feel better....we will get through this....put your trust in who you know....God.   Aloha    Randy

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