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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Early Tuesday Afternoon


Awake-in-3D  May 5, 2015 at 12:08pm

What I've learned first hand over my business career...     :)

The three most powerful tools for negotiating what you want are:

Asking questions

Well-timed silence

Willingness to walk away

Negotiations are not arguments. In typical arguments, both sides are talking (or yelling) "at" each other. Successful negotiators leave emotions in check, know when to shut up, and ask questions instead of making useless statements that achieve nothing.
Well timed Silence is Golden - When something comes up that you don't agree with, remain calm and quiet. The one that talks the most, usually ends up with less than what would have been possible.  

Example: A banker says, "we will require a 20% fee to exchange your currency". If you ask, "Why such a high fee?" and remain silent while looking them calmly in the eye, they will likely try to justify the fee but also offer alternatives while you continue to remain silent. If they don't offer alternatives, simply ask, "what are my options to reduce that fee?", and go quiet again.  

At this point, options will be put on the table or not.  If not, ask them if there is someone else that you could speak with.  If the answer is "no", thank them for their time and express that it was disappointing that an equitable arrangement could not be reached.

At this point, stand up and tell them it was a pleasure meeting them and start walking for the door.  This is usually where the tables get turned and alternatives will suddenly present themselves.  However, if the banker let's you leave, then be confident that there was no deal to be had in the first place and move on.

Rest assured, that 90% of the time, there are always better arrangements offered to you once you have demonstrated respect, confidence, and the willingness to walk away from the table.  They want your business, that's what they are there for.

Always remember the famous quote; "In business, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."    :)


  Kaiser Report: Royal “Cramdowns”


Vaughn:  Dr. Jim Willie:  Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion , more……


Yosh Bhatia May 5, 2015

Russia and China have had enough of western banking

By Patrick Gillespie   @CNNMoney

Russia and China are once again saying, "Take that, America."

President Vladimir Putin approved a new $100 billion reserve fund over the weekend that will specifically aid the BRICS nations: Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa.

It's another step by the BRICS to build an alternative so they don't have to go to the United States or the International Monetary Fund for any financial help.

BRICS leaders first agreed on the new fund -- seen by many as a power play against the west -- at a conference last July. The BRIC countries make up 40% of the world's population and about 20% of the world's economic activity.

Related: Emerging market stocks are surging

The reserve fund will help BRICS countries with cash problems. It will get most of its seed funding from China, which will contribute $41 billion. Russia, India and Brazil will put in $18 billion each, and South Africa will give $5 billion. The timing is critical as many emerging market nations and businesses are struggling to pay their debt for various reasons.

China is also moving forward with its own investment bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which America isn't supporting financially.

That bank has quickly become a thorny issue for President Obama. European nations, such as Britain and Germany, defied U.S. requests to withhold membership, and chose to back China's bank.

Related: Biggest loser from the strong dollar: emerging markets

Last week Obama said he's "all for" China's investment bank, but wants to make sure it's operated properly before the U.S. joins. But both the bank and the fund appear to be an effort by the BRICS reduce reliance on U.S. and western Europe for investment.

IMF Director Christine Lagarde said last October that she sees the new BRIC reserve fund as complementary to the IMF, not a rival. The IMF's total reserves amount to about $1 trillion, according to an IMF spokesperson.

"I don't see it, as some people have said, competing with the IMF," Lagarde said at a press conference. "We will be working and partnering with this arrangement if it endures."

Topic: Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Mahatma Gandhi



Iko Ward: So I spent most of last night and this morning looking into why the Dong stopped trading. Came up blank. All i know is the Dong stopped trading last Wednesday during the Asian Market and has not resumed. It has polled a couple of times, probably adjusting to the dolla, but for all intent and purpose has remained flat and not done any"swing trading".

UKMTH:  I had honestly thought it was the end of the US holding it up - thought they were pushing for Iraq to do it. Hope this really really has an end date….If the US keep moving the goal posts I can understand the frustrations of the Iraqi GOI and CBI

  GM! Just spoke with an advisor at one of the banks we do business with. Previously they were not exchanging the Iraqi Dinar, but the advisor just told me, "The laws have now changed, so exchanging may be feasible.....but it's difficult to say when."



OK Rocks:  May 5, 1893 - The Wall Street Crash of 1893 began as stock prices fell dramatically. By the end of the year, 600 banks closed and several big railroads were in receivership. Another 15,000 businesses went bankrupt amid 20 percent unemployment. It was the worst economic crisis in U.S. history up to that time

May 5, 1961 - Alan Shepard became the first American in space. He piloted the spacecraft Freedom 7 during a 15-minute 28-second suborbital flight that reached an altitude of 116 miles (186 kilometers) above the earth

May 5th - Celebrated in Mexico as Cinco de Mayo, a national holiday in remembrance of the Battle of Puebla in 1862, in which Mexican troops under General Ignacio Zaragoza, outnumbered three to one, defeated the invading French forces of Napoleon III.

May 5, 1865 - Decoration Day was first observed in the U.S., with the tradition of decorating soldiers' graves from the Civil War with flowers. The observance date was later moved to May 30th and included American graves from World War I and World War II, and became better known as Memorial Day. In 1971, Congress moved Memorial Day to the last Monday in May, thus creating a three-day holiday weekend.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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