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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 Conference Call Notes Part 2

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » May 5th, 2015, 2:21 am  •  [Post 101]


Delta came on and posts … “Governor of the CBI announced the completion of the final touches to issue a new 50 note will reduce and they said that will reduce the volume of cash in circulation.” Which was on Iraqi TV.

Forum member Dinari131 said … Look what I found … ARTICLE: “Hosts the governor of the CBI” … just like Delta told us. 

Fascinating articles coming out … that Iraq’s GDP is expected to explode in the next 12 months! Of course it will. 

Everyone wants to bust into Iraq! Hillary said so a long time ago!
Corporations in Iraq (that were already there) have been bleeding economically … just sitting there losing money … because they are “positioning” themselves [to make a killing]. 

On top of that you have countries that have gotten into “position.” Why? (They’re not stupid) 

The bonds, the IQD’s are worthless at 1166. What did Dr. S tell you?

Now with Dr. S German friend … he got exactly what he wanted!

The GOICBI got exactly what they wanted … and you’ll see that soon. 

The results out of the Germany were extremely successful for the GOICBI ! 

It is EXPECTED by our teams to see something within 2 weeks!

Jens sits on the IMF and BIS board. He is also the President of the Deutsche Bank – the German Central Bank.

Somehow or another these bonds got done.

Somehow or another these credit ratings got increased.

Somehow or another somebody got the GREEN-LIGHT to raise the value of the exchange rate to entice the countries to buy the bonds … and sign contracts! 

Jens is a very powerful friend. 

We don’t know if articles or history will ever show what happened in the meeting in Germany.

All of this happened after the DC trip.

Our teams can only point now. I will no longer talk about iTeam. Please get on your knees and thank God for what they do!

M’s *ss was knocked out! Knocked out of this monetary reform proceeding … with a coma of “protection” for Dr. S. It’s nighty-night.  Is that timing? Coincidence?

I challenge you … prove to me where M is at … and prove to me that M is there. 

There are no problems with A or S right now because M is “nighty-night” 

Parliament wants M really bad … and they are looking for him.

Let’s just say that M … he’s highly “protected” somewhere right now. 

Two weeks ago … the Finance Committee and the CBI had a meeting on the MR … pressured to get the lower denoms out in the 
market. That is HUGE news!

It is expected to see something within the next 2 weeks …

The governor of the CBI said that he was done because the lower denoms were printed years ago … and something they want to do within the next 2 weeks. Did you hear what my Teams said? I love it when my Teams and the articles match up. 

So … they lend them this money (to the CBI) … 5 Trillion (at 1166) … we believe is based on .85 to .86 when they lift the 3 zeros. The spreadsheet shows 1.16 to 1.19. Humm … I don’t know. 

Standard and Poor’s – (who just gave Iraq their AAA credit rating) … said they need the IQD to be “international” … which means Article 8 needs to be done. 

What did Standard and Poor’s see … that we haven’t yet seen? 

Budget articles in the Gazette say … we must sell bonds. Really? 

So … why is the goal to sell the bonds in the next 4-6 weeks? Ahh … that’s before Ramadan! 

All of my Teams and Dr. S. … are on a 2 week path … and let’s see what happens. 

Do you remember in 2014 … (when they wouldn’t tell you who the governor was) … the governor of the CBI (whoever it was) … said we will issue bonds … but we will delay it until 2014. WalkingStick, if you could find that article … that would be great. That’s why they are issuing them now.

In 2015 … they have no choice. 

Article 8 to me is like a snowflake in the Arizona desert. It will melt and disappear. The IQD will only continue to grow, grow, grow until Jesus Christ comes back.

Waiting for the CBI to change the rate? … Bonds must be sold to cover the budget deficit, liquidity, private sector, investors, citizens … all waiting in a long line.

We find Iraq’s pattern to be 2 to 3 months [from when they say something until the time that they actually do it].

We see the CBI spreadsheet scream … to those who can read it.

The 50’s were not just brought in to get rid of the 3 zeros. It’s the other end of the spectrum. It’s a huge spread.

Oh … that reminds me … I need to talk to the family about Wells Fargo and the spread. We may not get to that tonight.

Introduce the 7 coins and the new 50.  By the way … we have Teams just looking for the lower denoms. 

Ask yourself … 

Why did they print the lower denoms? 

Why did they put them in the banks? 

Why have they advertised to the citizens that the lower denoms are coming out and showed them pictures of them? 

Why are the bonds in preparation to be sold … and no rate to be changed? 

Why? Why? LOL 

Delta is not here tonight … because he is in “position” … and so is our “Mr. Delta.” 

The 1st Mr. Delta … that’s the Monetary Reform. 

Our Mr. Delta is in position in the same way that the MR is in position. 

Bonds, ISX, contractors, investors … all in position.

This is all part of lifting Article 8.

The world will bow and buy these bonds … that is a guarantee and a fact of life.

The German meeting was HUGE … the credit system that was established is not a game! I am very pleased!

Wells Fargo … we believe that we found a rate … and I’m not talking about “screens” … I’m not teasing … its mathematical … I’m not sure that we’ll get to it tonight. If not, we will tomorrow after Bible Study. 

On December 8th I said the following … “KTFA family … Vietnam is going to become a mirror image of Iraq’s MR, banking infrastructure, banking structure and currency … to chastise the BRICS”

What do you see today out of Vietnam?

They are building airports and seaports like crazy.

Vietnam has hooked up with the USA … because the “enemy of my enemy … is no longer my enemy.” I changed the wording on purpose family. 

Vietnam has a liquidity issue. They issue bonds for their debt swap.

Investors are pouring in … surging in like crazy!

Banking and credit rating increase twice last year.

Oil partners with the middle-east and the USA … not our enemy’s.

Exports are increasing … and detachment from China to grow up on their own.

Example: Coal … a fossil fuel … and Vietnam is now heavily involved in it.

Harder to buy the VND … very hard to get at a bank.

Vietnam stock exchange growing … and Forex has a “flexible policy” with VND. I wonder why?

Imports coming in.

Will the Dong become a supportive currency as well … in our opinion … NO … not like the IQD.

The Dong has another “responsibility” … that was agreed upon for other countries and banks … we’ll save that for another long conference call.

IOO -- no pegging to the SDR’s right now. Sorry.

Vietnam retail is increasing … because the value of their currency is better.

I’d like to thank ThunderHawk for looking for articles on Vietnam. 

Vietnam has better food … which they are now exporting … hence their people are more healthy.


If you want a laugh … check out POST 146 – by WalkingStick … “Silent war?” Yeah, right … it’s nighty-night time. 

LAWS are extremely important … I love the custom tariff law right now. Newshounds 

POST 192 and 194 – the money that they are going to LOAD to the citizens … (5 trillion) … that’s in dinars. 
They need to lend the citizens this money … so that the citizens will come into the banks … to get these loans …... and to get the money ….... they won’t give them cash ….....

they’ll have to set-up an account “electronically.” (Brilliant) And that’s one of the last problems we have with the MR. 

WB lends to the CBI … was the largest lending operation in the history of the CBI … (5 Trillion Dinars) … which is only 5 Billion Dollars … (that’s chump change) … but it has a mission. 
We are checking off all of the World Bank requirements!

The World Bank deal was for LIQUIDITY problems.

Iraq feels that they are strong enough to carry many nations currency because that was the deal made 10 years ago … and they discuss it openly. 

The IQD is now poised and set to rule as soon as Dr. S lifts the 3 zeros.

The deal? Yes … just like the one that the IQD reluctantly made with Iran, Turkey and Russia … in the last 48 hours. 

That’s why the spreadsheet is talking to you today. 

Anything else on the MR? The CBI just amended the new law which is now in the council. What law? The one that says that they don’t need the USD in their country anymore. Look at the spreadsheet if you don’t believe me.

So what about the economist who says they can’t delete the zeros. This economist has a history of being a pain in the bottom to Dr. S. and his staff. Pay no attention to it.

Watch what the CBI does! Look for Dr. S to talk this month!

TOPSHELF:  If you check the USA banks you’ll see that the VND is being cleared-out like it’s going out of style. 

Bonds were at 3.71. Major corporations including banks and infrastructure have been able to borrow money for nothing … have invested well … especially if they invested in BONDS (3.71) – some people have been paid on 3.71 … so one would imagine that some new ones been issued. 

Hillary says it’s too late … because the “free money” has been flowing. Frank said that Hillary would be here at the end and I agree. 

Laws … have you noticed that we’re not talking too much about “security” anymore?

The IMF gave Iraq a loan for 5 Trillion (at 1166) … history will show … Iraq will repay that loan (at 1166) … so guess how much money they will get to keep for taking that “loan?” TA-DA!!! 

AREA CODE … tomorrow 391. 

Bonds have been issued … 391.

Dr. S is a very smart man … he’s just made a boat-load!

The writing’s on the wall … history will show it later.

I’m expecting for many people to open their mouth and insert their foot! Watch what happens … don’t get side-tracked!

Think about the banks, companies, technology that’s out there. The US has so much technology … it could fund the USD forever.

Peace … out! 

FRANK:  Tomorrow I’ll deliver the Wells Fargo info. It’s very interesting. Somehow WF found out how much dinar a friend of mine had … and … well … I’ll get in to it tomorrow. I’ll show you tomorrow … it’s an amazing story … BE CAREFUL T … I’m going to show you an example in how they may be taking 20% away from you.

TOPSHELF: Frank … call me tomorrow on that topic. I have certain relationships with people who hold some BIG contracts with corporations and that particular bank … and there are a lot of bankers anticipating what is going to happen … but they only know what they have been told.

They only know so much. They may think this is just an ordinary everyday exchange. But that is not the case. Some of them are starting to see the value.

FRANK: I hope you enjoyed your cc

Call ended with prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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