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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 Conference Call Notes Part 1

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » May 5th, 2015, 2:21 am  •  [Post 101]


** The comments made by Frank26, TopShelf and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! *


FRANK: For those who are new … welcome! I am Frank, and on the Internet I go by the call-sign of “FRANK26” 
My website is

Tonight we have 107 pages of notes … and will include the Vietnamese Dong.

I think it was March the 1st or 2nd … Delta made a post … the 1166 is no longer showing on the CBI website.

I got contacted by several CPA’s who understand spreadsheets … and I got contacted by one particular gentleman from PIF … and he has become a dear friend to KTFA.

This gentleman (TopShelf) came on our program started to explain things and with the help of Frosty they were able to post images to help point out things to you.

You won’t believe what TopShelf has for you tonight.

The Lord has blessed us greatly here at KTFA … some great staff. 

Over time … we have met several admins of KTFA – 

Purifiers and BlueDog (admins of KTFA) came to visit us. It has been so nice to meet you gentlemen.

On top of that SA1 and SA2 came to see us yesterday … and went to church with us.

So … back on March 1st or 2nd … Delta told us that the 1166 number on the spreadsheet was gone.

That was impressive … because we knew they had started the mathematics within the core of the budget.

TopShelf came on and interrupted the data for us.

IMO … then for about 22 days … Dr. Shabibi as like a ping-pong ball … and wasn’t around to work on the mathematics.

TOPSHELF:    WalkingStick you are doing an amazing job with the articles … doing an amazing job. 

If you paid attention to the articles, they are acting like they are spending money. 

So Frank, can you tell Dr. S that some people here in the USA who would like to exchange out?

FRANK: Dr. S is not in a talking mood right now. LOL! 

TOPSHELF:   I have something that I haven’t shared with you yet … and we’re going to talk about an “area code” (wink, wink).

Let’s go back to January 6, 7, and 8th when Delta was talking about some important dates … something was happening behind the scene … but we didn’t know what it was. Delta kept talking about 10 cents.

If you know what Delta’s relationships are … based on the numbers that he was seeing … at that given time … he was right … 10 cents was important.

I told my forum to relax … don’t focus on date and rate because it is meaningless until it is your time to exchange because 10 cents was not what we have been told.

iTeam (including Delta) … included to watch the CBI … and I told my forum watch what happens in the next 48 hours to watch what happens with the CBI. Only watch the CBI.

The spreadsheet mimics someone else who never gets audited. 

Anyway for a little while … the spreadsheet did not change … three different times … I looked … no change.

Remember the 1.13 and 1.19 number?

*** NOTE *** for better understanding of this conversation – please listen to the audio playback. There is much “conjecture” that happens between Frank and TopShelf … (which written text cannot duplicate) … so that you can try to understand the hidden-meanings or … “wink, wink, nod, nods” … of their conversation. Frosty  ***

TOPSHELF --  Frank, can you join me on my “WHITE COUCH” for a moment? 

Frank, you can be the … “Prime Minister of Canada” … and I’ll [TopShelf] be a “particular country”  in the middle-east.

TS – “Hey CANADA … we sure could use some help over here … setting up … so that we could enter in the global markets … we can contribute … but we need help … can you help us?”

CANADA (Frank) … “Maybe. Could you offer me some incentive with your currency?”

TS – “What if I gave you a million Canadian dollars worth of work … but I’ll give you 1.5 million Canadian dollars for that … if you came in and took care of this particular situation … and offered you a contract.”

CANADA – “That’s interesting … especially since you just offered me a “contract” … so you’re offering us a contract if we come into your country … to invest … IF … you were able to help with your bonds.”

TS – “What if I gave you a 25% mark-up on your currency … and a bonus if we did it in a certain period of time. Here’s what we’re going to do … after all is said and done … you are getting 1.5 million Canadian dollars because that’s how long it took.” 

CANADA – “I like the incentive and the contract because those are two different numbers.” 

TS – “This is a particular type of contract. ;” I’m going to pay you in your currency … and in doing so … you know the collateral you gave me … (the 1166 monopoly money) … let’s make sure you get 1.25 on your money… so it’s fair to you. But … if I do that for you … you’ve got to give me my monopoly money back, ok?” 

CANADA – “Ah yes … we can see the 10 cents … but Dr. S came by … and showed us something else behind that 10 cents.” (wink, wink)

TS – “So … how about 1.13 to 1.19 how does that sound?”

CANADA – “whether you raise the rate or not … you’re paying me your rate anyway.” 

TS – “so we are ready to pay you.”

CANADA – “sounds good … give me till the end of the month.”

TS – so physical or digital … (that formula) we are going to swap out what you want and what we want … we’ll pay off our debt … but I can’t raise my rate any higher than that.

 Because I owe all these zero notes (digital and physical) … but when you pay me … all of this starts coming back in … and I can take it out of circulation.”

IMO Frank, they are doing that … because why waste a good opportunity?

The definition of the contract is as important as the signature that is on the contract.

Now other countries are copying the same formula … one of the best ways for another country to get out of debt.

FRANK – a lot of people look at the Iraqi Dinar as a donor currency … it has already taken on that role/function.

It is a chain-reaction … many countries are leaning on Iraq’s currency.

TS – So if a country decides to hold onto their physical or digital hold their (reserve) currency [Iraqi Dinars] … how does that affect the value of say the USD or any currency? 

FRANK – There are a lot of factors that go into that decision. Let’s say we have 1 Trillion Dinars in our reserves. As soon as the value goes up … (when we exchange) … the USA may hold onto the Dinar for a while … as it continues to increase in value … because it will likewise support the USD.

TS – The spreadsheet is up-to-date!!! I’ll come in later and talk about the “area code.” 

FRANK:  We told you 2 weeks ago and again a week ago … that Dr. S is at the helm of the monetary reform … and he’s been in control ever since.

When Abadi went to DC … he paid his respectful 3 minute visit to O … and then he went to see various departments.

Now the articles come out supporting what Abadi asked for.

Now M seems to be in a coma? 

Wasn’t that one of the things Dr. S asked for … [security]?

M needed to be contained to secure Dr. S … security. 

Now … articles appear to support that.

We told you that if nothing happens by June 17th … (because Ramadan starts June 18th) … then we will start to look for cars in specific parking lots/buildings … because if those cars disappear … then they have gone on vacation … or if they decided to stay and work thru this vacation.

For 3 years … they have not gone on vacation. They have been working hard since the mistake of O three years ago.  Abadi wants the monetary reform! That’s why they are working so hard.

So Dr. S goes to see a lot of Central Bank governors … he had no fear where he was going … and he went.

We joked about him being a pinball wizard … bouncing from country to country … central bank to central bank … because he was given the “green-light” and the security to do what he needed to do. 

The spreadsheet that some have seen shows 10 cents … but TopShelf sees things differently 

So … Dr. S shows and says to these various Central Bank governors … “check out my rate and my bonds!” 
Dr. S had an incredible meeting with a dear friend … who he associated with at the IMF & WB … (Jens).

The World Bank agreed to loan Iraq 5 Trillion DINARS (at the 1166 rate) … (which is about 5 Billion USD) … to get by.

Dr. S also asked for help with M.  So … “they” … took care of it. 
  M is diabetic. 

Think “induced coma” … while Dr. S … wraps things up in the next 30 days.

So Dr. S meets Jens … and they talked … and he liked the numbers that Dr. Si showed him too. 

Dr. S needed “bonds” asap … so Jens opened the door for him.

The problem is the bonds are still showing at 1166 … but they are now in “position.”

When Abadi went to DC … he got a lot of things … and a new credit rating … was one of them.

As you know … you need a good credit rating before you can sell bonds.

Countries are salivating to come into Iraq. They got some info from Dr. S. 

Countries are excited about the news of the expired 50’s … because they [the 50’s] have to get in line too.

The rating … it’s a sovereign rating. 

Remember, they got a rating last year … which brought them down … but instead of going to another agency to see if they would give them a different rating … they went to the IMF … the same agency … and bingo … now everyone is excited to do business with Iraq. 

They can now sell the bonds because they got their credit rating jacked-up!

Everything that has been going on has been great for the MR.

Jens moved a lot forward … QUICKLY … for Dr. S.

Iraq went up to a AAA rating! 

That’s what needed to happen for Article 8.

Bonds are in IQD … and that should hit you right in the heart!

The WB loaned them money … not in USD … but in IQD! This is good!

The bonds will explode Iraq!

Oil per barrel is what they’ll use to value them.

Other countries want to come in … but they can’t because they are still on the 1166 program rate.

Remember … a few days after that … Delta said … the rate will change this week or next week … before they issue the notes.

Do you see the 50’s issued? No! Get in line 50’s. 

Everything is waiting for the program rate to go bye-bye.

So DELTA posted on Sunday … “IMO … it looks like the rate may be between 1.16 to 1.19 per dollar … that’s between .85 to .86 cents.”

But today … the CBI website updates the spreadsheet … so we no longer have an “opinion” … we have numbers on the CBI spreadsheet … and TopShelf wants to tell you what it is. I don’t. But TS is entitled to express his opinion on what he thinks he sees.

Keep in mind … if the lower denoms come out (tomorrow or soon) … that means there is a new rate out.

If you see the 50’s come out … because they were supposed to after the 30th … that could be a new rate released … but Dr. S. can also hold on to that rate – because the old 50’s were canceled.

They don’t exist anymore. If the new 50’s come out , they can leave them at the program rate (1166) and continue this … “façade?” … NO it’s not a façade … they continue this monetary reform … that is none of your business. 

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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