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Thursday, May 7, 2015

BondLady's Corner Admin Chat Part 2

BLC Admins Chat 05/07/2015   Part 2

 [therealbubbie] can they issue the 50,000 note and say we have to trade in our 25,000 note .. !!

[dogznova] they could.. I guess, makes no sense... because that's the same exact thought Saddam had and that's not the correct way to fix an inflation problem, adding more notes to make up for value.. Is the wrong direction.. 

[tlm724] on March 3rd The CBI purposely held a huge press conference to announce the greenlight of the deletion of the zero's ! what is different from today? 

Then and now they had a budget deficit, then and now they had ISIS , what is different to make them stop the plan? NOTHING ! When I hear it from the CBI I will believe it but until then well ....

[therealbubbie] but the people won't cash in their 25,000 dinar note because the articles say their not holding any !! there lies the problem .. when when when .. will we hear from the CBI ... and please don't say soon !! 
[tlm724] therealbubbie if their intention is to actually release a note, whatever denomination, then they will have to officially announce it, when remains the question

[therealbubbie] when is always the question ! lol

[Shredd] therealbubbie I'll take "when" over "if" any day !

[dogznova] if memory serves me.. They did have a press release about the new notes they where printing.. But of course it's scrolled off the CBI press release page... But I think it was on there last year...

[tlm724] that was for the new secure improved 25 k note ?

[dogznova] tlm724 might of been

[tlm724] I think it was, not 100% but pretty sure

[dogznova] tlm724 and I think it was the 1,000 note now that you say security features

[tlm724] they can't just throw a new note on the street if it is a whole new category

[tlm724] dogznova ok ty !

[dogznova] I think

[tlm724] something along those lines dogz

[dogznova] but of course I didn't copy the page back then and now it's gone

[tlm724] dogznova their sneaky bastages lol

[tlm724] any other thoughts about the subject ??????

[dogznova] right.. Now that we can't go back and see the press release.. they throw out all the currency propaganda

[waitingondinar] tlm724 we keep hearing everything is done .................what are we waiting on at this point

[therealbubbie] any other thoughts about the subject ... nothing I can print in here !! lol

[tlm724] therealbubbie oh ok lol

[tlm724] waitingondinar who says everything is done? no one here I can assure you !

[Shredd] "everything is done" is mindless guru speak

[therealbubbie] shredd you think they will pass out the 50,000 note ?

[Shredd] I hope not

[dogznova] right... not sure everything will ever be fully done..

they gotta have something to shoot for..a goal and such

[tlm724] dogznova exactly this is long term project that will be adjusted as the economy dictates !

[dogznova] it's going to be a never ending prosses.. But that doesn't mean the value will never go up or down for that matter 

[therealbubbie] this is long term project ... ummmm scary .. ! 

[tlm724] dogznova right just as the value of the dollar goes up and down so shall the dinar

[tlm724] therealbubbie lol

[dogznova] correct... once they go to a market driven economy

[therealbubbie] but the dinar is going up and down !

[dogznova] only based off the dollars movement.. that's not what where looking for though

[tlm724] therealbubbie thats because the CBI let it, they lost control ! They didn't enforce the law or regulations to control it within certain acceptable parameters

[therealbubbie] yes and when they say they must get the dinar stable .. they mean close to 1166 in the market ! 

[dogznova] therealbubbie sure... Dosent matter the rate.. It must be stable.. that's what their being taught IMO

[therealbubbie] this is long term project .. throw that in the mix !!

[tlm724] therealbubbie they said 2-4 years to complete the delete the 3 zero's project start to finish

[dogznova] yes, and in the big picture.. we are at the end of this long term project IMO

[therealbubbie] so the 2 years starts when? or I should say year one starts when 

[dogznova] Jan 17th 2013...  I think, don't make me pull this car over and go look lol

[therealbubbie] and so here we are 1166 later !!

[tlm724] dogznova Shredd bubbies tyvm much I love hashing these things out with you, your the best out there !!

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