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Thursday, May 7, 2015

BondLady's Corner Admin Chat Part 1

BLC Admins Chat 05/07/2015   Part 1

 [tlm724] Shredd did you see where Iraq published an article about the torando's in Oklahoma City ? They called it a hurricane lol Guess Iraqi's don't know the difference between a hurricane and a tornado 

[Shredd] or a 50 and 50k

[Shredd] tlm724 I remembered something about that by the way

[tlm724] we have that subject covered 8 ways to Sunday lol

[tlm724] Shredd yeah

[Shredd] remember when the news came out about the old 50 note being stopped

[tlm724] yeppers

[Shredd] the news referred to a replacement, the coin already exists
[tlm724] yes it did

[Shredd] soooo.... makes sense they'd release a new 50, I mean print not release

[tlm724] k

[Shredd] they wouldn't circulate at today's rate anyways

[tlm724] wouldn't make sense Shredd why release a 50 note without any value

[Shredd] right

[tlm724] thats what I have been trying to say

[Shredd] but a final prep for new regime

[tlm724] IF they release a 50 note then there must be purchasing power along with it

[Shredd] and we have no official word from the CBI that the 2 year plan has changed

[tlm724] defeats the whole purpose of the plan

[Shredd] right....hey, did the news of this note give a timeframe?

[tlm724] no Shredd

[Shredd] ok

[tlm724] right all these articles are just that , articles, no official word from the CBI at ALL

[Shredd] yup

[tlm724] I am just exploring the possibilty and trying to understand tthe process that the "CBI " intends

[tlm724] Shredd I totally saw where you were coming from the other day, issue a large 50k note to ease the large transactions within the GOI and not release it to the public but my gut is telling me otherwise. The big problem is that so many ministers are talking out of the side of their mouths and expressing "opinions" instead of facts, which many probably don't even know the real plan

[Shredd] totally agree my friend

[Shredd] I like to disect both sides

[tlm724] yes we have to look at all angles !

[Shredd] too many peeps in dinar world take opinion articles as gospel, that's like them taking things Biden says for gospel

[tlm724] big picture wise though it makes no sense to me, March 3rd CBI says greenlight to delete the zeros' then why introduce a 50 k note ??

[dogznova] I don't think for one second the CBI will issue a 50,000 note... It would go against all they have done and all that we are teaching them.. the last thing the US want's is for Iraq to get into a situation down the road and start adding zeros back to the currency .. Like in 10 or 15 years from now... See what I'm sayin ?

[therealbubbie] we all just have to wait it out is all .. tapping foot !!

[tlm724] dogznova yes !

[tlm724] therealbubbie you have lots of practice lol 

[dogznova] we are teaching them how to delete the zeros.. Not add them

[tlm724] yep dogznova and Shredd and I talked a bit about that earlier and  will add your comment to it and post it in a few, the debate continues

[dogznova] yes it does..

[Shredd] dogznova agreed

[tlm724] we are all on the same page in a way though

[dogznova] now they could try and trick us though .. I guess lol, say their going to issue them.. But never actually do.. IDK

[tlm724] dogznova there is always the possibilty, it's Iraq afterall

[dogznova] that's what I was trying to say in a nice way  

[tlm724] dogznova right

[therealbubbie] now they could try and trick us though.. like when they said they were going to stop the auctions !!

[dogznova] therealbubbie well they did stop them... For a sec

[tlm724] therealbubbie they did stop the auctions and are using a remittance program now even though it's still listed under auctions

[dogznova] just to re-format some stuff IMO
[tlm724] by re-format do you mean get ready to start adding value over time ??????

[dogznova] yep

[tlm724] love that !

[dogznova] if they told us the truth.. the cat would be out of the bag IMO

[therealbubbie] ok short and sweet who thinks they will issue the 50,000 dinar note !?

[dogznova] therealbubbie not a chance

[tlm724] not me !

[dogznova] did Saddam rise from the dead ? is this 1980 all over again ?

[tlm724] right 

[dogznova] we weren't too happy back then when they did that.. Can't believe they would be too happy if the did it again..

[therealbubbie] and if if if they do ! 

[dogznova] they will be trying to trick you 

[therealbubbie] dogznova trick into what ?

[dogznova] dumping your investment 

[therealbubbie] cashing in ?

[dogznova] cashin in, yes... But most likely taking a loss

[therealbubbie] well I got news ... I'll never cash it in until I start seeing magic numbers ! 1-1, 10 cents, 50 cents 

[tlm724] therealbubbie *hallelujah*

[dogznova] I'm holdin til they either increase it's value or cancel it ,gonna be one or the other

[tlm724] right, in it to win it as BondLady always says !!!!

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2

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