Don't WAIT!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Sunday Night 7-31-16


ReddStarr:  GCC countries expected to lose $100B due to low oil prices!
Fiscal balances in MENA oil exporters swung from a surplus of $128 billion in 2013 to a deficit of $264 billion in 2016, according to the World Bank’s latest MENA Quarterly Economic Brief, “Whither Oil Prices?” report.
The group of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries lost $157 billion in oil revenues last year and is expected to lose another $100 billion this year, the report said.
Saudi Arabia has depleted $178 billion in reserves, followed by Algeria ($28 billion), and Iraq ($27 billion) in 2015.
Oil revenues have been falling for the third year in a row with fiscal deficits and debts rising. At the same time, several countries - Libya, Iraq, Syria and Yemen- are dealing with the devastating impact of civil war and forced displacement, exacerbating pressure on already tight budgets, the report said.
Oil prices are still up about 60 percent from 12-year lows of $26-$27 in the first quarter. But the rally has faded since they breached $50 in May.
For 2015, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that members of OPEC earned about $404 billion in net oil export revenues (unadjusted for inflation).
This represents a 46% decline from the $753 billion earned in 2014, mainly as a result of a precipitous fall in average annual crude oil prices during the year, and to a lesser extent to decreases in the level of OPEC net oil exports. This revenue total was the lowest earnings for OPEC since 2010.
EIA projects that OPEC net oil export revenues could fall further to about $341 billion dollars (unadjusted for inflation) in 2016.


ReddStarr:  Investing in the new silk road!

By Shahid Javed Burki  Published: July 31, 2016
Experts attach special significance to the importance of “connectivity” – linking the countries in the Asian continent with one another. Two facts that underlie China’s current economic situation are usually noted in this context: its dependence on sea routes to supply its economy.

China imports about 60 per cent of its energy needs in the form of oil and gas from countries in the Middle East and Central Asia. About 80 per cent of these imports pass through the narrow Strait of Malacca. China is thus vulnerable to disruptions that would seriously hurt its economy.
This fear is one reason why Beijing plans to investment a massive amount of resources in what it calls the One Belt, One Road Project (OBOR). The planned investments amount to some $890 billion in 64 countries. Pakistan and Kazakhstan are two major recipients of the OBOR related resources. Most experts believe that the project will cost much more than this amount and would be implemented over several decades.

Once the major links in the planned network are completed the Chinese would have changed the structure and shape of global commerce. The country’s dependence on seaborne trade would have been reduced and land-based commerce would have become a significant part of the global delivery system.
The Chinese approach to the use of land to transport not only goods and commodities but also ideas and people is not new. What is new is that modern methods are being introduced into these types of exchanges. “Two thousand years ago Chinese writers set about a systematic approach to gathering information about the peoples beyond the deserts and mountain ranges that protect China’s interior, assessing their markets, leading strengths and weaknesses,” writes Peter Frankopan, author of The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. “That found parallels in the works of authors such as Herodotus, whose attention likewise was on the land bridge that connects east and west.”
The focus on developing this land bridge is not only to find an alternative to sea routes. Exploiting the mineral wealth of Central Asia is another reason for the Chinese interest. Two thousand years ago, China was attracted to the area in part because of its natural wealth – silver, gold, and lapis lazuli were found in abundance in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Central Asian states.

The current estimates of this wealth are even more impressive. A Pentagon study based on the geological work done in the 1980s by the Soviet Union forces that then occupied Afghanistan came to the conclusion that the Afghans may be sitting on top of one trillion dollars worth of mineral wealth. These deposits are not just of precious metals. Even more significant, they include iron, copper and rare metals such as lithium, used in batteries and electronic equipment. In fact, some experts have suggested that once these metals are extracted and processed, Afghanistan may well get to be known as the “Saudi Arabia of lithium.”
Returning to history, centuries ago, the great cities of Samarkand, Mosul and Merv offered great commercial opportunities, thanks to their large and rich elites. What was done by the Chinese manufacturers and traders then could be done once again. Europe and the Middle East’s rich urban areas offer the markets the Chinese are interested in exploiting. To take one example, Chinese diasporas have come into existence in Italy, attracted to the country’s design centres for products as diverse as automobiles and silk scarves.
The Chinese interest in the countries of landlocked Central Asia is not without historical precedence. To refer again to the work by Peter Frankopan, the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries achieved some of what today’s Chinese are hoping to do. Their “empire, extending from the Pacific to the Black Sea was not characterised by violence and chaos but by careful and deliberate investment in major urban centres. They employed what we today call progressive tax policies, which encouraged trade within and between cities to stimulate greater revenues for the state.” According to this interpretation, the Mongols don’t quite deserve the reputation history gave them after their empire had collapsed.
Unlike the Mongol empire of 500 years ago, the Chinese will not use tax revenues from the countries with which they will connect. They are finding ways to commit their own resources to implement the projects that together make up the ambitious OBOR. The Export-Import Bank of China (EIBC) that promotes foreign trade and investment has already financed 1,000 projects involving 49 countries. It is more active than the Asian Development Bank (ADB); it lent more than $80 billion in 2015 compared with $27.1 billion by ADB. More projects will get the EIBC agency’s support as OBOR activity picks up. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a Chinese conceived institution, is expected to play a major role in developing OBOR projects.

However, its lending will increase gradually. It will invest $1.5 billion to two billion dollars in 2016, increasing to three billion dollars in 2017 and $10 billion in 2018. Some foreign institutions, attracted by the promise of long-term returns of six to eight per cent on OBOR projects are interested. According to one source, IE Singapore, the state-owned trade development board, has agreed to partner with the China Construction Bank to finance OBOR projects with about $22 billion in envisaged funding. Resources, in other words, will not be a constraint in moving the New Silk Road from a dream to reality.

Mountainman: Who Wants to Question how POWERFUL the CHINESE YUAN is Going to Be.......??? 

Now We Know this because of the IMPORTANCE of the UK, CHINA, SAUDI Relationship......The SAUDI VISION 2030 Article from YESTERDAY Spelled Out their "PLAN of ACTION" and How EUROPE and AFRICA are A MAJOR PART of their INVESTMENT.......

Likewise, CHINA is Establishing their Role as A NEW RESERVE CURRENCY......Thus the REASON (Why) They are So Engrossed in INVESTING TRADE ROUTES and A DELIVERY SYSTEM Out of the Water and In the Water, this Will Propel their Economy Into the STRATOSPHERE.......Yah Buddy.......

The OBOR PROJECT will Carry their Global TRAJECTORY.......Also Take (NOTE) SINGAPORE=OZ is Right There On POINT to HELP this OBOR Along it's MERRY WAY.......RIGHT ON TARGET........IMO
Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings.......for An INTENDED {OBOR}=One Belt One Road TARGET........INDEED




Sparke:   i've heard we're next in line so no worries


Hartlady:  This is about 209 countries and the world is at stake here.. all those held in bondage for more years than any of us here have been alive. It is about freeing humanity



BigRich:  If it has indeed stopped the reality of the crashing bond market will set fire to their a$$es in very short order

Skysister23:  The derivatives have to be gone first, so as long as they keep propping up the market we wait until the bond market implodes. Then we go so we rehydrate coffers.


Rocker66:  there is no let down news


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BLC Admin Tlm724 Chat 07-31-16   E-Dinar

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-31-16

BLC tlm724 Chat 07/31/2016   E-Dinar

tlm724     The central bank sets 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency is expected to rise in oil prices 
Author: AB, HH Editor: AB, HH 07.30.2016 17:12        Long-Presse / Baghdad
Select the central bank governor on the Keywords, Saturday, 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards, with the exception that it will facilitate dealings between the state institutions, the expectation of rising oil prices.
He said on the Keywords in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The next year, 2017, will see the launch of the electronic currency after the termination of the Central Bank of infrastructure structures necessary for the operation of electronic payment through the mail dinar or electronic tags, which facilitates transactions between state institutions," noting that " the end of this year or next year will work directly in the new Central Bank building. "

Keywords and added, that "the country is facing economic challenges and overcome them dependent on an improvement in oil prices as a financier President of Finance for the budget of the country," stressing that "there are indications demonstrate near the high oil prices in the global markets."    LINK  
[tlm724] the central bank governor on the Keywords, Saturday, 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards
"The next year, 2017, will see the launch of the electronic currency after the termination of the Central Bank of infrastructure structures necessary for the operation of electronic payment through the mail dinar or electronic tags, which facilitates transactions between state institutions," noting that " the end of this year or next year will work directly in the new Central Bank building.
Lets talk about this announcement from the CBI and what it means. The technology age is finally arriving in Iraq. This electronic system is exactly what has been needed for years and we have said that all along.
tlm724   I spoke with BondLady about this article this morning and here are our thoughts.

BondLady   This a well thought out plan and it obviously has the IMF written all over it  Wink 
Remember when they stopped the auctions and what a fiasco it was.  Not a good plan ! It just proved how incompetent they were , thank God for the IMF and the likes of the World Bank etc...
But this is more to our liking, a well thought out plan to move the country forward with each step analysed and implemented at the appropriate time !
We have learned how Iraq has been setting up the smart card and getting the facilities ready in many of the provinces with the goal of having it in ALL of the provinces. This smart card not only covers rations and benefits but salaries are paid on it as well.
That action itself was the beginning of getting the people used to using an electronic system of money. As more people are included in the system the easier it will be for them to transition into the electronic forms of payments and receivables. In turn, this will bring in much of the dinar off the streets which we know is necessary to the currency reform plan.
The only way to get the people to give up the dinar under their mattresses was to get them to use this system, get used to it and protect their money.

The Deposit Insurance Law was published in the Gazette on July 24th, 2016 so that part is done ! The people will have to use the system whether they want to or not, no way around it going forward.
Iraq is now discussing modifying the tax code because it is hurting the people having to pay taxes on their salaries but they cannot go backwards on this.

The people should be able to pay their taxes as the currency reform continues. Oh they won't like to pay it just like we don't but it is part of the free market and how revenue is generated.
Prime Minister Abadi replaced many bank managers and the Speaker of the House Jubouri made a statement yesterday:
"Parliament speaker stresses importance of strengthening the role of the banking sector and make it more flexible and realistic to get out of the economic crisis"
He called on the Speaker of parliament to take all measures that will enhance the role of the sector banking to ensure updates the economic vision of the banking business and make it more flexible and realistic out of the economic crisis with minimal losses and record time.
for their part , the price to attend parliament 's role in supporting the banking sector through the procedures and laws legislated and which contribute to the recovery of the banking and economic movement in the country.
Information Office of the President of the House of Representatives Iraqi 07/30/2016;
tlm724    Love some record time  Wink . We saw Ernst & Young taking control of the state banks and they indicated it will take 125 working days max to do what needs to be done. Which should be somewhere around November for completion. The timing is no coincidence I am sure.
Back in June the Cabinet approved the launch of electronic applications for the 6 trillion dinar stimulus loans, even the Integrity Commission is electronic now.
So the announcement from the CBI is saying they preparing the infrastructure and facilities for E-dinar, getting everything ready for the end of the year or the beginning of 2017. Tis a beautiful thing !
This will open them up internationally,reduce corruption and eliminate red tape. There won't be much need for the currency traders either . Also it will stop much of the currency counterfeiting !
This will reduce and eventually eliminate the need for the dollar as the program gets into full swing.
This opens the door for the deletion of the 3 zero's !! This is everything "currency reform" the epitome of the plan !
The stars are lining up !

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Mountainman at KTFA Sunday PM: "Swift VS. CIPS"


Mountainman:   Lets Cut Thru {ALL} the Articles HAZE and READ between the Lines...(See article below) ....First=THE CIPS is The GLOBAL TRANSACTION SYSTEM/ELECTRONIC HIGHWAY that will be Used by {ALL}......

"IT" is By Way of This "ILLUSTRATION"......"IT" is the CASH REGISTER MERCHANT for {ALL} Your Favorite "ON LINE STORES"......Like When You Go SHOPPING and After You Acquire The (GOODS) You Came to Get.....Before You LEAVE the SITE......YOU MUST PAY for said (GOODS)......Right.....???........Ok......


Right.....???  Ok.......With that being said......This CIPS SYSTEM is EMBEDDED w/SPECIAL FORCES/SPECIAL OPS=CYBER SECURITY......."IT'S SPEED is So FAST that Compared to "IT'S "Old RODNEY RENT A COP SPEED=The SWIFT SYSTEM......For He cannot KEEP UP w/the CHASE of TODAY'S CYBER THREATS/HACKERS.......

Why......???  Because there is Too Much TIME/DAYS On RODNEY'S Hands and this ALLOWS A Compromise in SECURITY in the Completion of the Shopping Process........and thus CIPS is Far MORE ADVANCED in "IT'S" Technology to PROTECT {ALL} Who Use "IT"......WHY......???  


Now the NEW IEX.......Will be The {GLOBAL SHOPPING MALL} On LINE........and {ALL} COUNTRIES and their RESPECTIVE ASSETS/COMMODITIES will Be SHOPPED for and TRADED for here........Including their CURRENCIES........

Remember One MAJOR Point.......When these Articles are Written.......Things are Hidden Behind the Curtains and Yet Placed OUT in the OPEN to See.......

However, One has to READ Between the LINES.......for "IF" (THEY) told it like it is.......It would Create Panic......thus Once {ALL} is In Place and Moves Forward in DUE COURSE/TIME/ING.......and that is (Where) the CONFUSION is Created for the Masses......
So We have to Put the "PIECES of the PUZZLE" Together Where and How they fit in this "NEW GLOBAL REALITY"......How do I Know this....???  Because the FAMILIES are the ARCHITECTS and NO COUNTRY is Doing ANYTHING w/Out (THEIR) DIRECTION.....Thus {ALL} is CONNECTED even though the ARTICLES are Misleading "ON PURPOSE"....

I Hope this Helps for Your Minds UNDERSTANDING by the ILLUSTRATION Connecting the TWO together to Help the Collective ONE={CIPS}.......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings........for A GRAND MANY REALITIES........
Don961:  Over a year old article ...with some thoughts and analysis of the world economic system .... specifically speaking of SWIFT and CIPS ... interesting , thought provoking ... remember seeing those billboards in the news ... China RMB joining the SDR basket ...coming real soon IMO

China’s SWIFT alternative (CIPS) and the engineered death of the dollar

MARCH 31, 2015
Chinese Billboard

Forget all the nonsense and hoopla about the Apple Watch or the GM stock buy-back. Far and away the most important economic story of the week is one you won’t find on the front page of Bloomberg or MarketWatch.

New reports indicate that China is ready to launch its SWIFT alternative, and for those who have their ear to the ground this is the most significant move yet in the unfolding process of de-dollarisation that is seeing the BRICS-led “resistance bloc” breaking away from the financial stranglehold of the US-led “Washington Consensus.”

For those who don’t know, SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and is shorthand for the SWIFTNet Network that is used by over 10,500 financial institutions in 215 countries and territories to transmit financial transaction data around the world.

SWIFT does not do any of the clearing or processing for these transactions itself, but instead sends the payment orders that are then settled by correspondent banks of the member institutions. Still, given the system’s near universality in the financial system, it means that virtually every international transaction between banking institutions goes through the SWIFT network.

This is why de-listing from the SWIFT network remains one of the primary financial weapons wielded by the US and its allies in their increasingly important financial warfare campaigns. In 2012, SWIFT agreed to de-list 30 Iranian financial institutions (including the central bank) from their network as part of the US/EU-led sanctions on Tehran, a move that was meant to stop billions of dollars’ worth of oil and export sales from being repatriated into the country and bring Iranian business to a standstill.

Throughout the recent tensions between the US bloc and Russia over the civil war in Ukraine, the idea that SWIFT could similarly de-list Russian banks has been repeatedly floated as a potential next step for the US and its allies.

Of course, SWIFT is nominally “independent” from any government entity and thus does not have to follow the dictates of Washington or anyone else pursuing their own personal vendettas in the financial arena. In practice, however, SWIFT put up no resistance whatsoever and obligingly complied with the Iranian sanctions request despite the fact that the blockade was repeatedly ruled illegal by the EU’s own courts.

Does anyone doubt that, despite their protestations to the contrary, they would do any different if push came to shove with Russia? This is precisely why Moscow, Beijing and other countries in the cross hairs have been floating ideas of their own, namely the creation of an alternative payment network that bypasses SWIFT.

Now it seems that talk is materialising into something very real. Called the China International Payment System, the CIPS network is meant to facilitate cross-border transactions specifically in yuan and the latest reports suggest that the system is already in place and could be launched as early as this September.

If and when CIPS is launched, the results could be world historical in nature. Firstly it provides the Kremlin and other US/EU/NATO/Israeli enemies a potential alternative safe haven from the crippling sanctions that hang over their head in the current environment.

Secondly, it brings the yuan one step closer to being a fully-convertible currency, something that Beijing has been scrambling to achieve since the currency was rejected from the IMF’s SDR basket following the last reconsideration of that basket in 2010. And finally, it further solidifies China as the centre of the worldwide “resistance bloc” to the current status quo.

It’s hard to underestimate just how important CIPS will be to making the yuan a major player on the global stage. Rather than having to clear yuan payments through correspondent banks in China or through specially designated clearing houses in Hong Kong or Europe or elsewhere, payments will now be nearly instantaneous through any CIPS-listed financial institution anywhere in the world.

Sadly, most alternative news outlets will end their analysis here, as if the creation of this alternate payment system in opposition to the US/EU/NATO/Israeli superpower’s hegemon is an unmitigated good. But such an analysis relies on the assumption that the BRICS resistance bloc has motivations and intentions that are truly different than the existing power structure, and not merely rivalrous to it.

As viewers of The Corbett Report’s podcast on “China and the New World Order” will note, China has been carefully positioned over the course of the past half century to be the “engine of the New World Order” and many of the (nominally) “American” oligarchs and political power-players who helped construct the current status quo have been puppeteering and overseeing the rise of the Chinese dragon since the days of Mao.

And as we have discussed before, the players who have been dominating world finance for decades (if not centuries) are not stupid; they are deliberately engineering the West’s downfall in order to bring about their dreamed-of world governmental and world financial system.

Now those who are concerned about the US-bloc’s superpower status and its seemingly monolithic control over the highly-centralised financial system represented by institutions like SWIFT are being asked to put their faith in an “alternative” system of centralised control that happens to be in the hands of Beijing. But let’s imagine that, somehow, in some way, the Chinese Communists were actually artfully deluding the Kissingers and the Brzezinskis and the other paymasters and chessmasters of China’s economic “miracle” and actually did intend to use their new-found power for themselves.

To what end would they possibly use it? As a series of billboards popping up around Bangkok and other locations in recent months suggest, it is nothing less than to create a “New World Currency” to further consolidate their power on the international stage. Meet the New New World Order, same as the Old New World Order.

Either way, all you get is centralised power-hungry tyrants lording over centralised bureaucracies like the IMF, the World Bank, the SDR, SWIFT, CIPS, the BRICS bank or the “people’s currency” of the yuan.

But what if there was a truly alternative way around the SWIFT hegemon?

As it turns out, many Iranian banks have circumvented the SWIFT sanction in an almost embarrassingly simple way. Instead of using the SWIFT system to send and receive their payment orders, they simply pick up the phone or send an email.

Yes, it is less efficient and takes a bit longer to do, but it works just as well and there’s nothing that SWIFT or anyone else can do to prevent banks from communicating directly with one another.

Chalk this extremely simple workaround up as another victory for the concept of the “peer-to-peer economy” that we talked about in these pages in recent weeks. When people (or organisations or institutions) can communicate directly, instantaneously and globally, the need for centralized bureaucracies like “SWIFT” or “CIPS” disappears just as assuredly as the horse-and-buggy or the zeppelin disappeared with the advent of the modern car or airplane.

Comment: “Go East, young man!” About-face seems to be the future unless countries, financial institutions and the people of the world shuck the financial bureaucracy that has chained us to systems that only benefit those who can manipulate them. That we are marching headlong into NWO seems counter-intuitive, yet imminent. We are trading one bully for another, only this time there may be NO alternatives. When humanity finally wakes up, it will be too late.

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Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat 7-31-16   

​Post From Dinar Updates
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat 7-31-16   

BGG says to graci():I have said over and over - I don't put alot of confidence in the comments by Alak in this recent article

BGG says():Is no one paying attention??

magnetlady says():I'm right here reading every word. Can't speak as to others
BGG says():Alak's job has been in question for 6 months or a year... AND - they are talking more and more - especially over the last 2 weeks.
BGG says():(about removing him).
magnetlady says():I thought that was iluding to that I believe it was yesterday in one of the posts
larrykn says to BGG():when he started talking about 2017 I stopped listening, I don't think we will have to wait that long nor do I believe they will make it that long without starting trading with the world which I believe will take a new rate
watson1 says to larrykn():larry you all act like 2017 is far away it really it not .plus each day they are moving forward more and more . so relax it is all coming together
loop says():Legal parliament: first a general amnesty laws that are discussed next week
Sunday , July 31, 2016   Legal Committee of Parliament has pledged to be a draft general amnesty law first laws that displays on the agenda of the meetings of Parliament agenda next week , along with other important legislation.
The new chairman of the Muhsin al - Sadoun in a joint press conference with members of the committee the other day that " the Committee met today in the presence of more than 13 members in the presence of the Speaker of parliament , who participated in part of the meeting,
where he was elected as new President of the Commission in addition to the election of the denominator bonded as deputy chairman of the Committee and Hassan Turan scheduled. "
He added that" the legal committee would go adoption of key legislation and will make every effort to cooperate with other parliamentary committees to view important legislation , "noting that" the draft general amnesty law will be the first laws that displays on the agenda of the meetings agenda next week,
as well as other laws the task of custody of the parliamentary committee, which is the law of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Law of the public prosecution , which will take its way successively to the legislation of the Federal Court, as well as the electoral law The new reconsider the law of the formation of the election commission. " In
turn, the deputy head of the Commission denominator bonded that" the parliamentary committee conducted the day the election process smoothly without hindrance, and voted to choose the presidency and on behalf of the decisions of the new Commission. "
" The next week will consider legislation crucial and important first of Law general amnesty, where there is a new vision agreed by the parliamentary legal committee on the bill, as well as other laws. "
loop says():  LINK
watson1 says():i am just happy we have a date and the are moving each day not like 2 to 3 year ago when nothing was happening
jbjb4 says():Pretty amazing Alak still holds his post.
magnetlady says():I agree jbjb4
david334 says():Obviously the execution of fraud protection is an ongoing challenge. What difference does it make to Iraq if they hold back electronic money till sometime in 2017?
Well I don't know what tpo make of Alak who is rumored to fired. Citizens have had in country cards for a while , the ISX has spent big time commitments and money to intgrate the ISX into a global electronic stock exhange, Tarrif revenues I thought were being transfered and tracked electronicly and the list goes on.
One small crack about the athletes ??? Olymic teamI guess getting cards and the buzz on deropping the zeros emerges. Then Alaki puts a dagger in the whole supposed evolution of electronic bank.
Well every other ME has EMT, Bahrain is positioning to become a fiancial center and Iraq has cash only.
A freind of mine told me that six months ago"they dont even have credit cards ". This is like chasing cats and i am wondering if the investment will happen in my life time. Abadi is moving a the speed of light ??? No global currency no gdp growth .
magnetlady says():hey david
david334 says():And long press article blames oil prices on the long delay in electronic system deployment thats BS . I am done
david334 says to magnetlady():I done. No more commentary. I will be silent from here out
magnetlady says():oh my
magnetlady says():sorry you feel that way. Im here for the duration
magnetlady says():i choose to remain positive
angus says():my son just ask: is there proof that the Kuwait dinar was brought back to its value that was what helped Bill c
Dr dave says():Hoping your not 99 yrs old David......
kalis says():well i am new to all this ,but it seem that there is always an excuse why it did not happen . I am hoping these next few weeks it will give a clear picture and if not oh well we will keep guessing .({) I am getting to point where if it happen great if not oh well it was fun being a part of it .
magnetlady says():kalis, its not if its when please. Keep positive. We do not know when the day will be, but it is a country's currency and it will change in value.
subgirl says to kalis():it is going to happen and we just keep being positive... watch the news .. The News is booming and Iraq is moving forward!!! Just hang in there!!!! :)
kalis says():i am enjoying all this cause this is new to me .
kalis says():i feel like i am part of something big . so no one is going take that away from me.
magnetlady says():Its awesome that you feel that way and I am too. Very proud an feel this is my one chance of a lifetime to be a part of anything this exciting for me.
subgirl says():WOW! look at this?
subgirl says():The new German Ambassador to Jaafari: We will make efforts to bring our companies to work in Iraq
2016/7/31 21:17  [Oan- Baghdad]  Received Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari on Sunday, a copy of the new German ambassador to Iraq, Franz Josef crimp adoption at the ministry headquarters in Baghdad leaves, discussed bilateral relations between Baghdad and Berlin, and the mechanism of developing them to serve the interests of the two friendly peoples.
According to a Foreign Ministry statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that al-Jaafari welcomed the German Ambassador, "and wished" him Muwafaqiya and success in his diplomatic duties in Baghdad, expressed the readiness of the Foreign Ministry to provide all the support for the success of the mission in Iraq. "
He Jaafari, "thanks to the positions of Germany in support of Iraq in its war against terrorist Daash gangs, and the provision of aid," stressing "the need to raise the level of relations size comparable to the potential of the two countries, and to coordinate the security effort, and intelligence, and to cooperate more in the war against terrorists Daash."
Minister of Foreign Affairs, "the German side also called on to take advantage of investment opportunities and the arrival of German companies for work in Iraq," pointing to "the need to ease the procedures for granting visas to Iraqis wishing to visit Germany to enhance bilateral relations."
For his part, the German ambassador "his country's keenness to develop relations with Iraq at all levels," stressing that "will make more efforts to attract German companies to work in Iraq."
Read More;
larrykn says():Barzani: We are faced with two choices for the time being
The president of the Kurdistan region of Iraq not to allow Baghdad to share the Kurdistan region a separate delegation at the international donors conference in Washington, stressing that the Kurds are now "in front of two options at the present time."
Said Massoud Barzani, in a message posted on the official page on the social networking site "Facebook" on the international donor conference held in Washington to provide aid to Iraq: "When the work of the international donor conference held in Washington to help Iraq began, the Iraqi Foreign Minister to stand in front of the participation of a delegation area Kurdistan, which is considered a key player in the war with al Daash, unfortunately organizers of the conference responded to the demands of Iraq's foreign minister.
Barzani said, "We reject this act categorically, that does not conform with the great sacrifices made by our people, and to resolve these issues, we need to be the decision-makers for ourselves."
He said Barzani, "we are faced with two choices at the moment, either to accept the reality and accept any decision the others take our place and decide our fate when they want to and that Evtalo problems for us, and we remain under subordination to them, or that we are in agreement and the issuance of a joint decision to Nktoa toward sovereignty and independence " As he says.
The Barzani known separatist Bnzaath usually emphasize during his speeches on secession and the establishment of "a Kurdish state."   Source: Roudao

LIVE Monday NIGHT 8/1 @ 6:30pm CST

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Flashing: "Time To Be Positive, Encouraged And Alert"

Date: Sunday, July 31, 2016
Subject: from flashing ....
Hello, this is XXX XXX .. sending a post from flashing. It's been a long time. I'm just the sender     Thank you
Hi. I have been quiet for long time seeing how people have become discouraged and frustrated.
There is no banker holding up the rv, there is no Obama, Hillary, Bush, or Trump hold up. 

The rv is not being held up until the elections. These are stories we have heard for years and they do not justify predictions that have come and gone.
Now is the time to be encouraged and alert.
Iraq has been doing a lot of things that call for an appreciation on their currency (rv).
There is a big increase in exports expected during q3 with a slight increase in imports. Just this is enough to expect a currency appreciation along with the policies and procedures they have already approved and implemented.
The fact that a country has gold, oil and other precious minerals is not enough to have a currency appreciation. It needs among other things the development of sound financial, fiscal and operating policies and procedures.

It is a simple as this: you may have a have a million dollars today and next month- nothing… because you didn’t establish a budget to control your expenditures. So the appreciation of a currency is a complex and slow process. That’s why it has taken so many years.
Unfortunately, some have provided unrealistic conjecture.
With that said, I am not calling the rv, but I am highly expectant any time now because if Iraq wants to show a high increase in their q3 export figure and a positive trade balance as forecasted, they need to do something asap.

Exports figures
83981.   Previous
99600.   Q3 Forecasted
102000. Q4 Forecasted

Import figures
45200.   Previous
45500.   Q3 Forecasted
43900.   Q4 Forecasted
So in my opinion, we should be very positive and encouraged. ~~~flashing
Below are some causes for a currency appreciation from a very good analogy.
Please read them and determine which currencies are just about to explode.
What Causes an Appreciation in the Exchange Rate?
Let’s use the Pound Sterling in the following illustration.
An appreciation means the exchange rate (£) becomes stronger (worth more) against a basket of currencies.
Pound Sterling will become stronger if there is higher demand for Sterling, or lower supply of Sterling.
Reasons for an appreciation in the Exchange Rate
1. Increase in Interest Rates.
Higher interest rates make it more attractive to save in the UK (there is a better rate of return on saving accounts). Therefore, there will be an inflow of hot money (people holding currency in UK saving accounts). This increase in demand for sterling causes the appreciation.
2. Lower Inflation.
If the UK has relatively lower inflation than other countries, this makes UK goods more competitive against foreign goods. Therefore, there will be more demand for British goods and hence sterling. This is a long term factor which will cause an appreciation in the value of the exchange rate.
3. Increased Competitiveness of UK goods.
Increased productivity and greater competitiveness will make British goods more attractive.
4. Expectations
Speculation plays an increasing role in the determination of exchange rates. If investors feel a currency is likely to appreciate in the future they will buy now and actually make it occur. E.g. if people expect interest rates to rise the currency will rise.
5. Surplus on Current Account.
This causes an inflow of foreign exchange into the economy. Typically, a large current account surplus will cause an appreciation in the exchange rate (unless there is a similarly large outflow on financial and capital account)
6. Higher Economic Growth.
Stronger economic growth tends to cause an appreciation in the exchange rate. This is because with higher economic growth, the country is likely to see an increase in interest rates. Also higher economic growth tends to cause greater confidence in the economy.
However, it depends on the type of economic growth. If the growth is led by higher consumer spending, this will cause a rise in imports which could lower the exchange rate. If growth is export led, the currency should rise.
7. Buying Domestic Currency
If China sold its US dollar assets and bought Chinese assets, there would be an appreciation in the value of the Yuan
The following is another explanation of exchange rate determination:
Determinants of Exchange Rates
Numerous factors determine exchange rates, and all are related to the trading relationship between two countries. Remember, exchange rates are relative, and are expressed as a comparison of the currencies of two countries. The following are some of the principal determinants of the exchange rate between two countries.
Note that these factors are in no particular order; like many aspects of economics, the relative importance of these factors is subject to much debate.
1. Differentials in Inflation
2. Differentials in Interest Rates
3. Current-Account Deficits
4. Public Debt
5. Terms of Trade
6. Political Stability and Economic Performance 
The Bottom Line
The exchange rate of the currency in which a portfolio holds the bulk of its investments determines that portfolio's real return. A declining exchange rate obviously decreases the purchasing power of income and capital gains derived from any returns.
Moreover, the exchange rate influences other income factors such as interest rates, inflation and even capital gains from domestic securities.

While exchange rates are determined by numerous complex factors that often leave even the most experienced economists flummoxed, investors should still have some understanding of how currency values and exchange rates play an important role in the rate of return on their investments.
For an in depth look at the 6 factors, read more at:

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Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 2 of 2
larrykn says():here is some good news :)
larrykn says():Iraqi Defense Minister: with the approach of security forces regain control of Mosul.
Iraqi Defense Minister: with the approach of security forces regain control of Mosul. Leaders of the Islamic State are selling their belongings and fleeing toward Syria
July 31, 2016 Baghdad (AP) —Iraqi Defense Minister Khalid Al-Obeidi from selling Islamic State leaders in Mosul, Northern Iraq, their kingdoms, and to escape the city with security forces to regain control.
Iraqi forces launched operations to regain control of the areas around the city of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city dominated Islamic State beginning June 2014.
Al-Obeidi said during a tv interview with an Iraqi governmental channel, that "many families in the Islamic State leaders have sold their property and withdrew towards Syria."
He said during the interview that aired Saturday evening that "some try sneaking up towards the territory" in reference to Kurdistan.
The Minister explained that "the problems started between the Princes on the money taken from various foreign or Iraqi Arabic or slides.
And Mosul the last city still under the control of the extremist organization, and restoring control challenges regarding preparation of displaced people requires the preparation of a plan to secure humanitarian requirements.
And the International Committee of the Red Cross warned of the exodus of nearly one million people could flee their homes as part of the fight against the jihadists in
larrykn says to DIGIman1():yvw :)
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():nice to see them running like rats now....hopefully they wont be allowed to escape, like the others....
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():not that the others escaped......they didnt......
larrykn says to DIGIman1():I think once they do try , the airforce will destory them
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():yup....thats the policy.
larrykn says to DIGIman1():the French will love to do that after all they been thru
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():yeah, the french are hot-heads...they will think its a sport....
larrykn says to DIGIman1():plus Baghdad is about to execute 40 of them , like they don't deserve it :D
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():yes! more anti-terrorist policy....gotta love that kind of resolve! now thats being serious....
larrykn says to DIGIman1():funny how a new cabnet gets things done :)
DIGIman1 says to larrykn()::) nice to see all this progress for sure...
larrykn says to DIGIman1():Thi send a team to transport to complete the final stages of opening the Nasiriyah airport             
July 31, 2016   DHI Council Chief Hamid Naim cohorts, the arrival of a team from the Ministry of transportation and Iraqi Airways, to complete the final stages of opening a civil airport in Nasiriyah.
Al-Ghozi said in a statement that "after the visit of the Minister of transport agency to Imam Ali base [p] and complete all procedures for the opening of the airport on Saturday arrived in Nasiriyah team of Ministry and Iraqi Airways to the airport to finalize the opening of the airport.
And, that "he's staying in the Imam Ali base group [p], pending the completion of procedures for completing the passenger terminal and service delivery, and the road to the airport, in coordination with the administration of the base and air defense."
Gazan, stressed that "the next few months will see the opening of the airport after the efforts made by the Ministry of transport and local government legislative and executive branches and civil defense team and Qar and Environment Directorate service departments in the province."
DHI Chairman pointed to, "Transport Ministry appropriated sums to create parlors and leave, as she addressed the Ministry of the Interior and the ports and passports to complete the training of personnel at the airport.
DIGIman1 says():theres 2 airports opening up, correct?
DIGIman1 says():one is a military base i believe
larrykn says to DIGIman1():well they have 5 new bases opening up but not sure how many are air bases
larrykn says to DIGIman1():that is in Kurdisan
larrykn says to DIGIman1():in Iraq I know of one airport now so they are building a new one too
DIGIman1 says():gotta love the ones that already existed.....
DIGIman1 says():you would think....
larrykn says to DIGIman1():I keep thinking about that port of Faw, to bring in more revenue then the oil revenue is just awsome
DIGIman1 says():yes.....thats going to be one very busy place...and its only the start...its going to grow...
larrykn says to DIGIman1():this e-card thing they were talking about yesterday is very interesting too, can't wait to see what that will do
DIGIman1 says():seen lots about that lately...the timing of it all is just fun to watch (NOW GET IT DONE!!! LOL)
larrykn says to DIGIman1():I agree nice to see it happening but show me the beef :D
DIGIman1 says():yeah!........governments!......ppppffftttt!!!! :D
Baxter says():WHAT happened to: Federal Court Laws... Banking Reform Laws... Investment Laws.. plus everything else that must be done before any currency reform is going to take place... ever since early April when Maliki challenged the Parliament meetings.. Nothing has been done as far as we know... and tomorrow is August 1st..
Mudder says to Baxter():Good Morning to you too Baxter.... Glad to see you are your chipper self today!!!! LOL
Baxter says():Yep... well... its the truth....
Baxter says():I guess its because.. today.. I started my 550th Dinar week.... :)
DIGIman1 says to Baxter():congratulations....
Baxter says():Yeh... WHOOPIE
Mudder says to Baxter():Well it would appear you bought at 4000 to 1.... Cash in!!!!! You've won and
Mudder says to Baxter():Just kidding with
Baxter says():Yes.. I did....... and a lot at about 3200 to 1....
Baxter says():bought most of mine from 5th third bank..... Imagine that....
ol lar says to Baxter():Arent you the one who sold his hotrod and bought Dinar?
Baxter says():Yep... I sold my Prized GTO at Barret Jackson about 8 years ago
ol lar says to Baxter():Gotta tell ya that was very insightful and bold,also smart as h*ll,IMO
ol lar says to Baxter():soon you'll be able to buy Barret Jackson
Baxter says():Yeh... I bought it new Loaded for less than 3800.... sold it for 66,000... and put most of it in dinar...
ol lar says to Baxter():nice move
Baxter says():today..its worth 125,000... and he still has it
ol lar says to Baxter():soon it'll be chicken feed
Baxter says():Black 69 Judge... Ram Air 4... Loaded with every possible option... has 11,000 miles on it.. still does
ol lar says to Baxter():tip money,lol
Baxter says():I have a super nice 67 Chevelle SS396 Convertible... 375 HP too... Im gonna keep this one.... 28,000 real miles..
larrykn says():Basra is conducting a lottery applicants to work in the oil companies and choose 86 of them
Sunday, July 31, 2016-4:26 pm  The local Government of Basra about lots of appointments today for applicants for jobs in the oil companies working in the fields.
The central operating Office official said at the Town Hall Nihad in SMC llmrbed that a company contracting with the shell oil company, Perkins and working on crazy two weeks ago requested a number of alwazaev and lots and selecting applicants on the central operating Office Online to bring to the company according to the differentiation of the places most affected by oil field and genomic extractions.
He added that applicants who are married and have children given priority in recruitment, as well as some special cases.
He said the number of grades attained 86 and that applicants for these jobs exceeded 8000 stating that after choosing names will be sent to the company, which will continue with the admitted applicants contacted to complete the procedures for their appointment.
larrykn says():OPEC outweighed rising oil production to its highest level in recent history.
31/07/2016-11:54   A survey showed that production by the Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) is likely to score the highest in recent history in which time pumping it Iraq crude while Nigeria more successful in export additional quantities of crude despite attacks by militants on oil installations.
The survey found that "Saudi Arabia OPEC member production kept near a record high with its coverage of higher seasonal demand while focusing on maintaining market share rather than reduce production to support prices."
OPEC production rose to 33.41 million barrels in July compared to 33.31 million barrels in June, according to the survey reading was based on the shipping data and information from sources in the public sector.
Increased OPEC production caused further downward pressure on crude prices. Oil fell from the highest level in 2016 who approached from 53 dollars a barrel in July to $ 42 a barrel Friday under the pressure of concerns about weakening demand.
OPEC production may rise more if talks reopen oil installations after Libyan production remained at very low levels compared to what it was before the war.
Carsten Fritsche said komirts analyst Bank "that could lead to pump more oil into the market soon abundance already supply of raw" Although previous hopes to
larrykn says():resume production.
OPEC production has jumped because of the return of former member Indonesia in 2015 and accession Gabon also this month, as the production of other members in July totaled 32.46 million barrels, the highest ever in a Reuters survey that began in 1997.
And also supplies soared since OPEC abandoned in 2014 on the historic role of reducing production to support prices where pump top producers such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran more raw.
The largest increase came in July from Iraq 90 thousand barrels were exporting larger amounts of crude from North and South of the country despite a leak in one of the pipelines has led to disruption of some exports.
larrykn says():Sulaymaniyah: Baghdad will send 30 million litres of white oil
2016/07/31 10:38   Baghdad/24/Babel.  The Governor's Press Office said Sulaymaniyah Hohner Tawfiq, Sunday, that the Federal Government would send to keep about 30 million litres of oil.
The Bureau said in a press release received/Babylon 24/copy that Baghdad will send about 30 million litres of kerosene to Sulaymaniyah during this week. "
"The visiting Governor of Sulaymaniyah to Baghdad and met with a number of officials, including oil Minister, resulted in the approval of Prime Minister Haider Abadi send white oil to Sulaymaniyah as a first meal.
He noted that "a white oil citizens processing will begin immediately, with distribution in mountainous areas first and then the district centers and respects of Sulaymaniyah.
Sulaymaniyah Governor ASO Feridun, had visited the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on 19 June last, where he met a number of government officials including the Ministers of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, finance and trade in the Federal Government with a view to obtaining financial receivables.
watson1 says():ok let me get this right cbi gave a date 2017 correct for the cards to be loaded so that mean they have to have value on the dinar ? so this happening no later then 2017 correct ?;
watson1 says():so we can be here until 2017 which is fine we now have date

david334 says():Gullen is being interviewed bu CNN. Totally credible . Erdogen masterminded the whole coup to tale control and rule as a dictator. His denials are common sense. Directing a coup via the internet is absurd.
david334 says():He says it appeared like a hollywood stage
david334 says():Erdogen owns all media outlets
david334 says():US offered to meet with Erdogen to get his story and proff but he declined.
david334 says():All this makes Iraq evem more pivitol because Turkey is on his way out of Nato
david334 says to watson1():2017 would be a disaster because rich people by and lsrge are not in this
david334 says to watson1):Is that BGG's offical view sometime in 2017? I hope not, makes no sense and will cause a wave of despair
larrykn says():no one has the date this will happen, we just have to wait an see what they will do
larrykn says():I've learned a long time ago don't put a date , this is Iraq
BUCK says to larrykn ():you are right, and the article only says 2017, not when in 2o17 lol...
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Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 1 of 2
larrykn says():Baghdad prepare to execute 40 condemned crime Spyker
12:08 2016 Sunday July 31  The Iraqi Supreme Court ratified the death accused resolutions in offence martyrs Spyker of Tikrit. Perth now from Baghdad: Baghdad announced today the Iraqi Court of Cassation authentication provisions execution 40 condemned by participating in a crime by elements of ISIS and local collaborators killed 1700 air college student at Camp Speicher in Tikrit in January 2014 amid expectations by implementing these provisions.
Federal Appeals Court ratified Sunday "on death accused resolutions in offence martyrs Spyker," declared the spokesperson for the judiciary judge Abdul Sattar Bayraqdar.. He said reporters had examined the reading "" illaftrain Federal Court considered the claims of the defendants in a crime the martyrs of Spyker.

 The lawsuit considered by the body in the Court where death decisions was approved by the Central Criminal Court in Baghdad. Conviction of the participants In Feb 18th, Central Criminal Court sentenced to death by the Iraqi high 40 suspects after being convicted of participating in the crime of Spyker
and whitewash 7 others where elements of ISIS and helpful locals around 1700 a cadet at the air force College of Tikrit after a quick trial, which was attended by a number of almghadorin have been listening to confessions of a number of accused of participating in the massacre.
During its 47 stood trial accused of an offence Spyker made a number of them confessed to participating in a crime where a court 40 of them sentenced to death with seven others acquitted.
These provisions have been issued in accordance with article 4 of the law on combating terrorism. And one of the accused confessed to driving a truck from within 8 with and transporting kidnapped soldiers in Tikrit, Baghdad mankrag downtown. Referring to his participation in the crime which has killed more than 1700 where Cadet after the fall of the northern city of Mosul, capital of Nineveh in June 2014.
larrykn says():Fury
It was the Organization of "ISIS" had carried out executions shot b 1700 students in air force base "Spyker" near Tikrit in Salahuddin governorate (172 km northwest of Baghdad) when they took over the city.
In mid-September the Iraqi Central investigating Court called specialized issues of terrorism and organized crime with information about the crime to provide it by asserting that warrants issued against some crime suspects banner would benefit from all the videos of the incident in support of the case file.
ISIS had seized Tikrit a day after he seized the city of Mosul with the help from relatives of some of the symbols of the former regime had captured 1700 troops after they left the base Speicher plainclothes ordered by their leaders and view a film documenting the regulatory process of mass executions of these young people and throw them in the river and other mass executions in the desert area.
The crime caused widespread anger among Iraqis and raised questions about the reasons for the failure to prevent this crime occurs where military leaders interrogated Parliament Minister of Defense and security leaders with a Committee was formed to investigate the incident.
Sleeper cells
Survivors of the massacre, confirms that the perpetrators were militants of the Islamic State and the sons of the tribes in the region because aldwaash weren't arrived after conservation.
And show the videos that have been viewed hundreds of military students and had left their base and were in civilian clothes and carrying weapons after they left their costumes and identities in military base after being granted her a leave for 15 days and told them he would be notified later to any military sites will join later.
When students are looking for Hitchhikers to their towns they came out Iraqi militants who belong to the tribes in the region and informed them that they will provide them cars carrying them to Baghdad, when exiting students were taken in a mass kidnapping to the presidential palaces built by Saddam Hussein in Tikrit and detained meeting within reach all the killers were in the form of totals per group comprises between 200 and 300 interrogated collectively shot.
 In other footage shows a hooded man carrying a gun and another with bringing altabaa one after the other to prepare a shot on their heads and throw them in a river where some were subsequently recovered 280 corpses.
larrykn says():Basra Investment Commission: we have 12 investment opportunity for housing in the province
2016/7/31 14:32 {Basra: Euphrates news}
Basra Investment Commission announced on Sunday, Mohammed GASPE having 12 investment opportunity for housing in the province in addition to other business projects under implementation.
He said Mohammad {Euphrates news} today, that "our investment map in Basra are limited to 200 investment opportunity bmhatlf 10 projects residential opportunities in the Shatt al-Arab bmhatlf 2 spaces in the County.
"Today we dragging vacation investment project, probably will be announced soon, pending submission of the investors," revealing "sign contracts with the municipality of Basra in the coming days for commercial projects in addition to waiting for some financial authentication project decades overdue."
He was Chairman of the Basra Investment Commission on GASPE Mohammed earlier said "the County Council should develop appropriate mechanisms to facilitate the investors with a view to carrying out investment projects, reflecting the importance of its investment projects of conservative reality development.
larrykn says():Looks like China wants in on the game :
larrykn says():Barzani and the Chinese Ambassador stressed the need for a political accord before releasing the connector
July 31, 2016 The head of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani humanitarian tax payment Division of sacrifices in the war against terrorism.
Barzani called on during a meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Iraq ohina ويتچينغ to sign political agreement before releasing the connector provides for how to manage the post conservative Islamic State in order to secure the lives and future of national and religious components.
The territory's Government said in a statement that discuss relations and friendship between the two sides that China offered assistance to the territory in all areas including military, economic, in addition to training and rehabilitation.
The statement pointed out that the Chinese Ambassador hailed the security and stability in the region, compared with other cities and provinces on the territory's role in Iraq and appreciated the reception and assistance to displaced persons and moving away from sectarian and ethnic nationalism.
larrykn says():I find it amazing how they are starting to get electricity since they got a new MP
larrykn says():Electricity power distribution will privatize Kurdistan in Kurdistan
July 31, 2016 Kurdistan, electricity Ministry announced Sunday, its electricity distribution in the territory assignment to the private sector at the end of this year, noting that the territory spends billions on the electricity sector and gets to collect 10% only.
Ministry spokesman Mohammed Amin "horami Ministry seeks to transmit electrical power distribution sector in the Ministry to the private sector at the end of this year", stating that "process designed to organize and maintain the electricity distribution sector better and to collect electricity fees from subscribers via small companies empowered."
He said horami, that "the project will contribute to providing electricity for 24 hours as well as providing financial resources to develop the electricity sector, in addition to reducing consumption", noting that "the territory spends billions on electricity sector gets just 10 percent levy.
Hawrami noted that "transmit power distribution sector to the private sector come under reforms announced by the Government of Kurdistan," adding that "the current regime applicable to manage electricity establishments was incompatible with the times".
DIGIman1 says():the old one only knew how to steal, not how to actually run the equipment, i guess...
larrykn says():yep , I totally agree
larrykn says():Legislative power: Iraq will not exceed annual revenue of 30 billion dollars annually.
31-07-2016 12:26 PM  Detect oil and energy parliamentary Committee member Ibrahim Bahr Al-Ulum that Iraq will not increase the annual income of 30 billion dollars, with oil prices expected to not more than about sixty dollars for the next two years.
Ulum said Iraq's annual revenue would exceed $ 30 billion, while balancing Iraq 2016 placed five and forty dollars per barrel to 3.6 million barrels are exported, indicating that these percentages have not materialized so far,
and therefore there is an original deficit and another deficit added by the descent of oil prices.Ulum added that prices will stay at its current state for two upcoming meetings, thus Iraq must hire case to live with oil prices within that sstraoh between fifty and sixty dollars for the next two years.
larrykn says():this is a good sign, I keep thinking this is like our VA.
larrykn says():The popular crowd opens first hospital for physical therapy and physiotherapy in Basr
Saturday 30 July 2016 21:13 Sumerian news/Basrah   The Bureau said the crowd in Basra Saturday, the opening of the first integrated hospital in the province of altibai therapy and physiotherapy for free medical services for injured fighters, in Exchange for a symbolic price for other citizens.
The Director of the Bureau in the province Ammar Al-Jaafari in the interview for alsumaria news, "wounded and rehabilitation Department of the popular crowd opened hours before the first specialty hospital for physiotherapy and physical medical rehabilitation for injured after making the types of surgeries",
stating that "the hospital is running a Government palaces left behind by the ousted regime, have been equipped with modern medical equipment, a foreign medical team has been assigned to work in the hospital for several months."
"Jaafari drew hospital will provide free medical services for wounded Mujahedin, in Exchange for a symbolic price for other citizens of Basra, adding that the hospital can receive beneficiaries at a rate of 20 to 30 a day.
Office Manager, confirmed that "the wounded who need rehabilitation and physiotherapy and a physicist were suffering from the lack of a medical center or hospital specialist of this kind in the province," adding that they "were forced to travel to Baghdad for treatment.
DIGIman1 says():ppppfffttt......ONLY 30B a year? lol.......that sounds like a 10 project for canada.....
larrykn says():Basra is the main tributary of the popular crowd, since the majority of fighters and a large percentage of field commanders, owns most of the factions and the crowd in offices and Badr Organization (military wing), Hezbollah brigades and battalions Mr martyrs, awaited Brigade, and peace brigades and Saraya Al-Quds, creed and supporters of Ashura, AHL headbands, Youth Brigade, prophetic, nujaba movement, Sadr forces, and loyal supporters of God movement.
**From late last night, just found it interesting about the use of "palaces" as well as another "first" in Iraq**
larrykn says():tell me the world doesn't know something is about to happen and want in on it.
larrykn says():Infallible invites Germany to contribute to Iraq's reconstruction plans.
Sunday 31 July 2016 14:16 Sumerian news/Baghdad The President called it WAD infallible, Sunday, Germany to contribute to Iraq's reconstruction plans and emphasized cultural conventions activation and academic exchanges between the two countries.
Masoom said in a statement issued after receiving credentials from the new German Ambassador to Iraq Franz Josef krempe today in the Peace Palace in Baghdad, alsumaria news received a copy of it, that "Iraqi ties are important German for both countries," stressing the "need to strengthen and upgrade them at different levels in the interests of the peoples of the two friendly countries."
"Infallible" Germany has a privileged position to support Iraq in its battle against terrorism and humanitarian assistance for Iraq, particularly in the area of refugee relief and military assistance to the Iraqi armed forces, "stressing the importance of" cultural and academic exchange agreements signed between the two countries. "
Called "privileged role Germany infallible to contribute to Iraq's reconstruction plans, particularly in areas affected by the hostilities and pushing the European Union to contribute to the development of the Iraqi economy," reiterated "Iraq's readiness for cooperation in the field of intelligence and information filled GE revealed transnational terrorist cells."
Infallible leader stressed "the importance of activating the cultural conventions and academic exchanges between the two countries, stressing Iraq's interest in scientific and cultural evolution in Germany." 
larrykn says():The Ambassador said the defendant "Germany look to Iraq and help it overcome the economic security through continued military and humanitarian support and expand constructive bilateral cooperation in various fields."
The Iraqi Finance Ministry announced Monday (25 January 2016), that Germany will provide a loan of 500 million euros to carry out service projects in the liberated areas in Iraq.
larrykn says():Abadi and chairman of the US Chiefs of Mosul discuss liberalization plans [Extended]
2016/7/31 14:06   [Where - Baghdad]  We discussed the general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, with the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dtnford who arrived in Baghdad today edit the city of Mosul from Daash terrorist gangs plans.
A statement by the prime minister's office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that al-Abadi, received in his office, on Sunday, Gen. Dtnford and his accompanying delegation,
"During the meeting, they discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the field of training, arming and continue to support the international coalition for Iraq the fight against the terrorist gangs and plans liberalization of Mosul. "
The statement pointed out that "Gen. Dtnford reiterated his country's continued support for the Iraqi government headed by al-Abadi in its efforts to liberate the land and the blessing of the victories achieved, pointing to the keenness of the United States to secure the government's needs in its fight against terrorism."

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More News, Rumors and Opinions on a Quiet Sunday Afternoon 7-31-16

Mountainman:   Remember, IRAN said they Would have their OIL at Pre-Sanctioned Levels by SEPTEMBER 2016.......This Article is Setting the STAGE for the Positioning of BLACK GOLD as Doc Calls it.......and THE SDR Universal CURRENCY=OIL is Going to SLIP n SLIDE Into It's NEW GLOBAL REALITY......(see article below)

Thus the Reason for (WHY) We are Seeing the RISE in Production......It will Settle GLOBAL COUNTRY to COUNTRY SDR ACCOUNTS=ONLY for A COUNTRY.......CRAZY 8's and AUGUST 2016 Will Be A SLIP n SLIDE INDEED........IMO
Blessings,Mountainman    (8)=New Beginnings.........for MANY MOVES for AUGUST thru SEPTEMBER........JUST IN TIME for OCTOBER,1 2016......fireworks
Don961:  OPEC likely rise in oil production to the highest level in modern history

31/07/2016 - 12:41
A survey published on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries production (OPEC) is likely to record the highest level in modern history at the time, which pumps when Iraq more crude while check Nigeria's success in exporting additional quantities of crude in spite of attacks by gunmen on facilities oil.
It emerged from the survey, "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the User OPEC kept output near record high with its coverage of the seasonal demand higher while the focus on maintaining its market share rather than reduce production to support prices."
OPEC production rose to 33.41 million barrels per day in July, compared with 33.31 million bpd in June to read, according to the survey which was based on shipping data and information from sources in the sector.
And it caused OPEC to increase production in the more downward pressure on crude prices. Oil fell from the highest level in 2016, which approached $ 53 a barrel in June to $ 42 a barrel on Friday under pressure from concerns about weak demand.
OPEC production may rise further if talks on reopening of Libyan oil installations succeeded after the country's production remained at very low levels compared to what it was before the war.
Said Carsten Fritsch, analyst at Commerzbank, "this could lead to pump more oil soon in a market with an oversupply of crude already," despite the fact that previous hopes for the resumption of production has not been realized.
OPEC production has jumped because of the return of a former member of Indonesia in 2015 and the accession of Gabon also this month, and that the production of the rest of the members in July amounted to 32.46 million bpd, the highest ever in the Reuters survey, which began in 1997.
The supplies also increased since the OPEC abandoned in 2014 for its historic role of reducing production to support higher prices, where pumping top producers such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran, the largest amounts of crude.
The largest increase came in July from Iraq by 90 thousand barrels per day as it was the largest export of crude north and south of the country amounts although a leak in a pipeline led to the disruption of some exports.






Tishwash:  are you watching Iran? this is goooooood

Banks Allowed Trade in Open Forex Market (IRAN)
Economy   Business And Markets

The Central Bank of Iran said Thursday commercial banks will soon be allowed to trade in the parallel foreign exchange market, as part of the initiative to scrap the dual exchange rates and move toward a floating currency regime.
CBI governor, Valiollah Seif, who has announced plans to unify exchange rates before the fiscal year ends in March, said banks will be allowed to buy foreign currency from their clients and trade with it at the market rate.

“Moreover, exporters will also be allowed to sell their forex revenues to banks or deposit them in their bank accounts,” he said, the CBI website reported.

Speaking in the holy city of Mashhad in Khorasan Razavi Province, Seif reiterated his pledge that exchange rates would be unified before the year is out in March 2017.

Based on a recent directive from tax authorities, profits made from the difference between transactions at the official forex rate and the market rate for exporters will be exempt from tax.
Iran was forced to revert to the controversial double exchange rate regime after nuclear-related sanctions unleashed turmoil in the forex market in 2011-12 in which the national currency lost almost 70% of its value within days.

Unification of forex rates is considered a crucial requirement for the reintegration of Iran into the global banking system and payment networks. The private sector has also been calling for unification of forex rates mainly to eliminate rent-seeking and corruption.

Fostering Economy

On the oft-mentioned issue of expanding credit to struggling industries, Seif called on provincial officials to do their best in identifying the businesses ion need, so that the banks “limited resources would not be squandered.”

The Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade, and special taskforces in provinces have been tasked by the government to list needy businesses in need of credit from the banking sector, in an attempt to help pull the economy out of the long and painful recession.

“Banks will not ignore their core banking business. Loans will be allocated only to enterprises that are able to repay.” Almost all banks are saddled with billions of dollars in troubled credit while companies are buried under high interest rates and low profitability.
Hasty plans for financing businesses and forcing banks to lend without sufficient collateral during the previous administration resulted in the huge non-performing loans It is said that, NPLs now account for 45% of lenders’ total assets.

Seif also referred to the government’s plan for implementing reforms in the banking sector and overhaul the inefficient and lethargic financial sector.”

“Once [the overhaul plan] is implemented, capital markets will restart financing businesses and banks will no longer shoulder the financing task alone,” he added.

Officials have unveiled plans for the capital market to finance long-term projects and thereby take the pressure off the banking sector–which now finances over 90% of the economy.

The government has long been trying to dispel misconceptions about the banking system, according to Seif, in order to "put the financial and monetary system on the right track.”
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New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply

By Anonymous Patriots

For those of you that are stressing about the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the Federal Reserve, please take faith that initial measures have been taken to insure a not-so-hard landing when the Federal Reserve Note will be retired out of circulation, being replaced by notes printed and backed solely by the U.S. Treasury.

If you have been putting your money under the mattress for the last few years, you will want to take the time to read this article so that you can replace the old fiat currency of the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) with new currency.

We believe that those who do not start taking action will find in the near future that their fiat currency is unredeemable. This is particularly true of the billions of dollars that are held in cash outside of the United States, most of which will not be redeemable once the transition is made.
As our readers know, our articles can be a bit lengthy, but we like to fully educate you on our topics so that you can take the message and disseminate to your constituency in a manner that will resonate with them. Not everyone will need to know all the details, but for those reading this article, you are at the top level of the underground information pyramid for the New Fourth Estate and will need to know background and strategies for going forward.
In this article, you will learn:
    How the 2009 $100 bill series is a hybrid of the old FRN and the new USTN (US Treasury Note);

    How the old $50 FRN has been replaced with a new USTN $50 bill;

    How to protect your cash stash if you are still holding old FRNs;

    How Benjamin Franklin created fiat currency and why his image will be destroyed on the $100 FRN as a symbol of the We the People choosing to govern ourselves again and eliminating Globalists from our banking and government systems;

    How the new USTN is backed by the gold-silver standard;

    A hidden symbol in the new USTN that explains how U.S. wealth was wiped out in 2009 with a flood-fire-flood on Water Street;

    Why you can’t get a title to your real estate once you have paid off your mortgage;

    How We the People are instrumental in completing the process of making the big switch;

    How our money supply will become a mixture of digital, paper, and metals in the near future as long as We the People wake up and see the writing on the $100 bill.
From Recaps Archives:   New 100 dollar bills …


The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill!

Bix Weir

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