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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  10-01-15    Part 1 of  2  

Post From Chat Room  10-01-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  10-01-15    Part 1 of  2                                                                                                                                                                                               

*SCZIN11: Parliament will vote on the Islamic Banking Act The voice of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Thursday, a majority on the draft Islamic Banking Act. BAGHDAD / Obelisk: the voice of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Thursday, a majority on the draft Islamic Banking Act.

A parliamentary source said in a statement followed the "obelisk", that "the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted during its 25 first legislative term of the second legislative year, which was held today, on the draft Islamic Banking Act."

*SCZIN11: The source added, "The vote was a majority."
*SCZIN11: he Iraqi Council of Representatives held this Thursday, the 25th of its first legislative term of the second legislative year, headed by Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 248 deputies, while the agenda of the meeting includes a vote on the five bills and the second reading of the other three.


*SCZIN11: Parliament rejects the draft law amending the Income Tax ActAgencies - Parliament rejects the draft law amending the Income Tax Act  *SCZIN11:

Donnie: The meeting's agenda number (26) Saturday 3 October 2015

Donnie: Second: The vote on the membership of some of the MPs health.

Donnie: Third, the vote on the draft law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the Statute of the Council of the Arab Peace and Security Law. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Security and Defence). (Article 2)

Donnie: Fourth: the questioning of the Minister of Defense.

Donnie: Fifth: The action plan of the Finance Committee the second legislative year.

Donnie: Session starts at: ten in the morning.


Donnie: new laws

chattels: THURSDAY OCTOBER 1, 2015 Peshmerga push back against IS threat to oil fields Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters watch for Islamic State (IS) group fighters after they captured several villages on the outskirts of the northern Iraqi oil capital of Kirkuk on Sept. 30, 2015, during an operation with support from international coalition aircrafts. (MARWAN IBRAHIM/AFP/Getty Images)

A successful offensive Wednesday to the west of Kirkuk increases the buffer zone separating key oil infrastructure from IS militants. LINK

chattels: " the utmost importance for the completion of national reconciliation "

chattels: " the completion of a major operation steps soon. "

chattels: " to achieve significant progress on both the completion of the document of national reconciliation and the development of the mechanisms necessary to proceed to achieve this national goal."

chattels: So, it appears that Masum anticipates 1) a document, and 2) a process to attain a / the goal

chattels: See

chattels: Courtesy of sczin11


chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - United States Secretary of State John Kerry praised the Kurdish forces' recent offensive in Kirkuk on Wednesday, while saying Washington “would have grave concerns” if Russia targeted non-Islamic State areas in Syria.

Kerry made the remarks at a UN counter-terrorism meeting on Wednesday, the same day reports surfaced that Russia’ airstrikes targeted Syrian opposition fighters, not ISIS.

“We must not and will not be confused in our fight against ISIL with support for Assad,” Kerry said, using an alternative acronym for ISIS. “Moreover, we have also made clear that we would have grave concerns should Russia strike areas where ISIL and al-Qaida-affiliated targets are not operating.”

Kerry said that the US supports any genuine effort to fight ISIS and the US is prepared to hold "de-confliction" talks with Russia as early as this week. chattels:

chattels: Congress hesitant to share IS intelligence with Putin, Assad Members of Congress want more eyes on the Islamic State (IS). They would just rather the eyes not be Vladimir Putin's. Read more:

chattels: Or are we seeing a public declaration of the inclusion of the PMU's within the Iraqi State without a National Guard Law - because Iraq cannot pass one ?

chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / legal expert Tareq Harb said he may not expand to host the Minister because he is a not decided by the constitution and rules of procedure.

He said the war in a statement today that "the Constitution select cases the presence of ministers to parliament in paragraph VII of Article (61)

It is the case of the question and the status of clarification and case questioning only, and this is what was confirmed also in articles (50-61) of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives and is not among these cases, the case of hosting, but traditionally Parliamentary since the electoral cycle, the first in 2006 to adopt the principle of hosting as a form of parliamentary oversight of the executive branch

Although no revenue provisions of the host in the constitution and rules of procedure. "He explained," that the constitution and rules of procedure of Parliament did not Amnha or its members the right to host did not Atula identify the provisions of hosting as Tula identify the provisions of the question and clarification and interrogation,

so the hosting must be a decision of the Parliament and have it vote on the hosting by simple majority, as defined in Article 59 of the Constitution and not, as is happening now,


chattels: Dohuk – Media official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Saeed Mamouzini revealed on Wednesday, that ISIS has transferred 75 families of the leaders of the organization from Mosul into Syria.

Mamouzini said in an interview for, “75 leaders from ISIS transferred their families from Mosul to Syria,” noting that “those families have been moved by 24 bus.”

 Mamouzini added:”Up till now, the reasons for this decision have not been known,” indicating to ” the escape of 23 elements of the organization to Syria last week.”chattels:

SWSD: Is this still gonna happen this year?

Stash: nobody knows

MichelleL: SWSD do pigs fly?

SWSD: If you've seen the commrcial, YES THEY DO! ;)

MichelleL: wassup kiddo? are we surfing into millions or looking for a trailer on the side of the road?

SWSD: trailer it looks like

MichelleL: sometimes I come in here just to tease myself....

MichelleL: yeah, figures

SWSD: just did some searching around, and I guess Sterling is still not selling dinar. But Dinartrade is.

 Dianne777: ‹@SWSD› wonder if tampa is still selling

SWSD: who are they governed by?

SWSD: sterling is GID, dinarbanker, etc

SWSD: dinartrade is Xchange of America

SWSD: and it looks like Tampa still is

Dianne777: ‹@SWSD› ‹@SWSD› i am not really sure, knew at one time but have forgotten

SWSD: went to their site, and it is still open for business


Dianne777: ‹@SWSD› i wonder how this russia thing will effect all this now

SWSD: iran yesterday, Russia today.....who tomorrow?

SWSD: Obama last week

captl1: Depends how much dinar Russia is holding.

SWSD: Didn't you get the latest memo??? They are invested in the IR now, and helping them as much as possible!  :getlost:

captl1: lol

Dianne777: ‹@SWSD› dont pay much attention anymore

tourman: you guys still buying dinar?

captl1: not me

Stash: not me

Stash: I did buy some Rial recently tho

TxBrand: ‹@tourman› I sold some lol

tourman: whats that going for?

tourman: ‹@TxBrand› you did?

SWSD: ‹@tourman› hey bud

Stash: I got it for 16.00 for 100,000

TxBrand: I got a million for 99.00

Tootsie: Parliament Agenda 10/32015 ~ The meeting's agenda number (26) Saturday 3 October 2015 03, 2015 03 October 0.2015 The third parliamentary session The second legislative year The first legislative term First, read verses from the Koran.

Second: The vote on the membership of some of the MPs health.

Third, the vote on the draft law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the Statute of the Council of the Arab Peace and Security Law. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Security and Defence). (). (Article 2).

Fourth: The Health Committee's recommendations regarding the integration of the Ministry of Environment with the Ministry of Health.

 Fifth: the questioning of the Minister of Defense.

Sixth: The work plan of the Finance Committee the second legislative year. Session starts at: ten in the morning.

whitelions: House of Representatives vote on the three laws and finished reading two bills.......House of Representatives Minutes twenty-fifth the normal voice, which was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Salim al-Jubouri, President of the Council and in the presence of 253 deputy Thursday 1/10/2015 the three laws that ended the second reading of two bills At the outset of the session, Mr. Jubouri terrorist act of the long number of prisoners who are facing the Peshmerga Daash condemned.

whitelions: So they passed 3 out of 5 laws today a good days business for Iraq

disciple7: ‹@whitelions› thanks

OOTW: PASSED The competent Committee First reading Second reading Date of vote Law No. Publishing the facts | Committee of Economy and Investment | Foreign Relations Committee 01/07/2015 08/30/2015 01/10/2015 1 - the ratification of trade cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait Convention on the Law PASSED

The competent Committee First reading Second reading Date of vote Law No. Publishing the facts | Foreign Relations Committee | Committee deportees and displaced 01/07/2015 08/30/2015 01/10/2015 2 - the ratification of the partnership agreement for cultural, scientific and technical cooperation and for the development between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the French Republic Act PASSED

The competent Committee First reading Second reading Date of vote Law No. Publishing the facts | Legal Committee | Finance Committee | Committee of Awqaf and Religious Affairs 03/10/2015 04/07/2015 01/10/2015 3 - Islamic banking law


OOTW: The competent Committee           First reading        Second reading  Date of vote       Law No.               Publishing the facts | Committee of Economy and Investment | Foreign Relations Committee               01/07/2015         08/30/2015         01/10/2015         1 - the ratification of trade cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait Convention on the Law

OOTW: PASSED The competent Committee First reading Second reading Date of vote Law No. Publishing the facts | Foreign Relations Committee | Committee deportees and displaced 01/07/2015 08/30/2015 01/10/2015

2 - the ratification of the partnership agreement for cultural, scientific and technical cooperation and for the development between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the French Republic Act

OOTW: PASSED The competent Committee First reading Second reading Date of vote Law No. Publishing the facts | Legal Committee | Finance Committee | Committee of Awqaf and Religious Affairs 03/10/2015 04/07/2015 01/10/2015 3 - Islamic banking law

Doug_W: that is 13 of them the Devil's number  lol

Donnie: Forces Union declares its reservation on four-party alliance Editor Ali Jasim - Thursday, 1 October 2015 16:58

Donnie: Alsumaria News / Baghdad announced the Union of national forces, on Thursday, expressed "serious reservations" on the quartet Alliance, which includes Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria, and between the coalition includes parties "unfriendly" to the provinces represented Forces Union and "prohibited" existence where, called on the government to re- considering the subject and provide clarifications detailed political partners.

The leader of the Union Dhafer al-Ani at a press conference, today, building the House of Representatives and attended by Alsumaria News,

"The alliance of the Iraqi forces announced severe reservations about the so-called alliance quartet, which was announced recently, which includes both Russia and Iran, Iraq and Syria, "explaining that" the reservation is based on a number of reasons, including lack consulted in sensitive and very important decision and the lack of respect and partnership, taking into account the political partners and we were surprised him with all the political blocs. "
Donnie: Ani added that "the new four-party alliance will be in the provinces of which the coalition forces that a representative and that there are parties within the four-party alliance we consider friendly to our communities and its presence within the provinces is strictly prohibited,"

and urged Ebadi to "a detailed explanation of the so-called alliance quadruple because in the end thrown Iraq to become an arena of international conflict between the two great nations of Russia and the United States which is a recipe for division of the region, including Iraq and Syria between Nfoven opposite.

"He said al-Ani, saying" We demand the government to reconsider the subject and provide clarifications detailed political partners, including the Alliance of Iraqi forces, and that the co-heads security committees in those provinces in the center of coalition operations.

"The Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said, Wednesday, that the quadrilateral between Iraq and Syria, Russia and Iran agreement is the cell to coordinate intelligence and involved information, while noting that it is not a military alliance or the center of military operations on the ground .

He attributed the National Forces Union member Mohammed al-Karbouli, in (29 September 2015), the cause of "reservation Sunni forces," the four-party alliance to being raised to support the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while stressing the need not to mortgage the future of Iraq's future survival or death of President Assad.

He revealed diplomat, a military source in Moscow, in (26 September 2015), an agreement between Russia and Syria, Iraq and Iran to create my information center in Baghdad, comprising representatives of the bodies of Staff of the armies of the four countries.; LINK

chattels: good afternoon all

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Social media sites affiliated with Islamic State (ISIS) supporters released a video footage Wednesday evening that shows the beheading of several Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers by the group.

The video shows the gruesome beheading of seven Peshmerga soldiers who had been taken captive by the radical group in the last several months.

In the video one Peshmerga is seen reciting verses of the Koran under his breath as another is saying his final prayers of Shahada. The footage appears in high quality and quiet background, which is likely to have been filmed and produced days before it surfaced on the Internet. ISIS released the video shortly after it suffered heavy losses Wednesday morning at the hands of the Peshmerga who launched a major offensive west of Kirkuk.  chattels:

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – US-led coalition airstrikes destroyed bases of the Islamic State group (ISIS or Daesh) in Makhmour on Thursday, killing more than 50 militant fighters, a military source told Rudaw. “Coalition jets completely destroyed two Daesh bases in Alawat village in Zab district,” said the source, who wanted to remain anonymous as he was not allowed to talk to the media.

He said more than 50 militants had been killed in the attack, and that 20 of the bodies had so far been recovered by the Peshmerga. On Wednesday, Peshmerga forces liberated 17 villages in a major offensive on the Kirkuk frontlines.  chattels:

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – In more than a year of fighting with the Islamic State group (ISIS), 1,300 Peshmerga soldiers have been killed and 52 are missing, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said Thursday. “We release the new statistics on casualties every two weeks.

According to the latest one, we have 1,300 martyrs and 52 missing,” said Jabar Yawar, chief of staff and spokesman of the KRG’s Peshmerga ministry.

Besides the dead and missing, some 5,000 Kurdish soldiers also have been wounded since August last year, when ISIS attacked the Kurdistan Region, igniting a war that has raged ever since. Peshmerga forces have racked up some major victories against the militants, known in Arabic as Daesh, especially in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk.  chattels:

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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