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Friday, October 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Friday Chat 10-30-15   Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-30-15
Wealthwatch Friday Chat 10-30-15   Part 2 of 2
chattels: A senior source revealed, for the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a written answer from the coalition of state law questions - who belongs Alih- on the implementation of reforms.
The source told all of Iraq [where] that "a coalition of state law and its relevance to answers Abadi, writing," adding that "the coalition will announce its position later."
He explained that "the most prominent questions axes were about appointments and security positions carried out by al-Abadi, including the appointment of [Imad Khersan ] as Secretary-General of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the targeting of reforms to party without the other and applied without consultation with the State of Law bloc. chattels:
 chattels: "The security forces backed by sons of the tribes surrounding the major cities of Anbar province city of Ramadi from most destinations in preparation for liberation from gangs Daash terrorist.
chattels: Gen. John Allen that " four military columns is now moving into the gray, and restore it will be next month."   chattels:
chattels: Market Price down to 1,212 as of yesterday's auction
 chattels: I commend to everyone's reading the al Monitor article from yesterday - very revealing and insightful as to the undeclared " war " between Abadi and Maliki, IMO
chattels: Is Iraq’s Dawa Party on verge of division? Political rifts and partisan splits are nothing new to the Shiite Dawa Party, the dominant organization in Iraq's governing coalition since 2005. The differences within the party since Haider al-Abadi took office as prime minister in September 2014 are unprecedented, reflecting a national and regional conflict among Shiites. Read more:
 chattels: The Dawa Party is at the moment divided into two parts. Abadi’s bloc wants to preserve close relations with the United States, keep some distance between Baghdad and Tehran, avoid hostile relations with Saudi Arabia and bring about national reconciliation, including good relations with the Kurds and Sunnis.
Maliki’s bloc, however, has explicitly aligned itself with Iran, is hostile toward Saudi Arabia and the United States to the extent of suggesting Abadi approach Russia and is unwaveringly pro-Shiite, including backing for Shiite militias.
On Oct. 27, the Maliki bloc withdrew its support from Abadi following the prime minister's apointment of Imad al-Khersan as secretary-general of the Cabinet on Oct. 20. Khersan is an Iraqi American who worked with the US occupation administrator Paul Bremer as an American official after 2003. Read more:
chattels: " The animosity between Abadi and Maliki has become conspicuous."
 Doug_W: which means ONE of them looses
chattels: Another good article today from al Monitor : Is Abadi key to resolving Kurdish conflict? A weak and divided Baghdad has been unable to play an effective role in solving the various central administration-related crises in Iraq, such as the Iraqi Kurdistan crisis.
The opposition is accusing Iraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani of seeking to extend his presidential term, in light of ongoing popular protests in Kurdish cities. Competing political parties are accusing each other of being behind the protests, when for many years the Kurdistan Region had witnessed political stability. Read more:
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Or neither clearly prevails and Iraq continues to be dysfunctional and stagnated, which is likely Mr. Maliki's plan / edge.
chattels: Under these circumstances, Baghdad must strive to find political solutions by bringing the conflicting parties together and pressuring them to make concessions to ensure political, economic and security stability.
 In addition to its symbolic status as the capital of all Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region, Baghdad has what it takes to act as a mediator and settle political disputes in the region, as all Kurdish parties have representatives in the Iraqi parliament and the various government institutions in Baghdad.
It is Baghdad’s opportunity to assume a vital central political position and rebuild bridges between the central government and Iraqi Kurdistan.
Some political analysts argue, however, that Baghdad will not be able to pull it off, as it is preoccupied with equally important problems including its war on IS, the stifling economic crisis and the wave of protests sweeping many Iraqi cities. Read more:
 chattels: Some political analysts argue, however, that Baghdad will not be able to pull it off, as it is preoccupied with equally important problems including its war on IS, the stifling economic crisis and the wave of protests sweeping many Iraqi cities.
chattels: American, Iranian and Turkish representatives have visited Iraqi Kurdistan, and their efforts to reconcile the factions are ongoing — which raises questions about why Baghdad is absent, leaving its role to be filled by regional and international players instead.
chattels: Abadi has a solid reputation for impartiality among the different Kurdish parties. Therefore, he could serve as an objective intermediary and increase his chances to negotiate under the auspices of Baghdad. Read more:
 chattels: When conflict arises, these Iraqis go to the madeef BABIL, Iraq — “Madeef” is an Arabic word used when referring to a place dedicated to receiving guests. In Iraq, this word has a specific social meaning; it is a place where tribe members, leaders and sheikhs meet, socialize and resolve disputes between each other or with other tribes. Read more:
chattels: Political Parties of Iraq The following is a list of political parties within Iraq:
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / called on the President of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, to rescue the displaced families from the effects of heavy rains that hit the country.
He said in a statement today: "We warned repeatedly of the difficult conditions and the conditions experienced by displaced inside Iraq, and demanded the government and the concerned authorities and human and international organizations rights and in more than one occasion, the creation of plans and develop solutions for the millions of displaced people from the sons of our people, especially during the winter season and the difficult conditions that will accompany this season.
"He noted that because of the deep corruption that has paralyzed the infrastructure of a country where spent billions is calculated, became citizen lacks the most basic elements of a decent living and suffering from a lack of basic services for the project which is all right.
chattels: the commander of the Anbar Operations Maj. Gen. Ismail Mahlawi announced, to prepare for a crackdown on terrorist gangs Daash after the weather improved and the rain stopped. Said Mahlawi, in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "military operations in Ramadi stopped due to bad weather and heavy rain that caused the explosion of dozens of IED bombs and houses Fajkhha organization Daash."  chattels:
 chattels: official in the US Department of Defense announced, the US administration's intention to increase the pace of military cooperation with Iraq.  chattels:
chattels: most likely in the parliamentary finance committee member of the adoption of the financial budget of the state for the year 2016 before the end of this year 2015.
Said Jabbar al-Abadi told all of Iraq [where], that "the completion of the budget period may be before the end of this year has been acknowledge at the beginning of this December."
chattels: Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, opened on Friday, the third phase of Nasiriyah oil field development project.
A correspondent agency all of Iraq [where], who attended the opening ceremony, that Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, opened the third phase of the project to develop the Nassiriya oilfield with a production capacity estimated at one hundred thousand barrels per day, ".
chattels: called in the economic and investment commission parliamentary member to rely on private sector projects to move the local market within the country, while the rise in oil prices.
And between Ahmed Kanani told all of Iraq [where] that "the industrial and agricultural lending project important to diversify the state's resources part, adding that" Iraq is suffering from an economic disease which rely ironing on oil and this evidence of lack of development of Iraq economically.
He said Kanani that " Project industrial and agricultural lending even came late in 2015, but it will be another resource or partially substitute for the diversification of the resources assigned to the budget,
"noting that" this loan will have an important role in raising the economic level and move the market in Iraq. "He added that the" private sector companies State requests sums projects carried out in the provinces and ministries decades did not receive any amounts due to lack of sufficient funds to cover these projects, which leads the private sector and Bmcn that the economic market in the country's move to while high oil prices.   chattels:
chattels: My comment from earlier re : budget passage - Saturday will finish the month of October and no word on the budget or the Kurdish delegation in Baghdad. We will likely spend the month of November talking about the budget. My understanding under the Parliamentary rules is that the budget is " required " to be completed in the next 30 days with the continuation of Parliament. If so then the budget passage will be two months ahead of last year.
OOTW: agreed Chattels  
OOTW: Iran ready to fully back Iraq’s anti-terror fight: Minister HomeIranPolitics Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:15PM Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mahmoud Vaezi (L) and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi meet in Baghdad on October 30, 2015.
 © Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mahmoud Vaezi (L) and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi meet in Baghdad on October 30, 2015.
© An Iranian minister has expressed Tehran’s full readiness to help Iraq in the fight against terrorist groups.
“Iran is fully ready to support Iraq in [its] war against terrorism,” and we can carry out necessary measures in this regard through expansion of bilateral cooperation with the friend and neighboring country of Iraq in all areas such as communications and information technology, Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mahmoud Vaezi said in a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Baghdad on Friday.
Vaezi stressed the importance of improving Tehran-Baghdad cooperation, and said Iran is making efforts to fulfill its obligations vis-à-vis Iraq in all arenas.
The Iranian minister further said that the presence of “criminal” Takfiri, terrorist and extremist groups in any country is “dangerous and will lead to regional instability.”
 The Iraqi premier, for his part, said the Middle East is facing many challenges, including the danger of Daesh terrorists. Abadi also expressed his country’s willingness to strengthen relations with Iran, which he said would serve the two states’ interests.
Gruesome violence has plagued the northern and western parts of Iraq ever since Daesh Takfiris launched their offensive in Iraq and took control of portions of the country.
The militants have been committing heinous crimes against all ethnic and religious communities in Iraq, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, and Christians. Iran’s support for regional, global peace In another meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Iranian minister
OOTW: said the Islamic Republic supports any plans aimed at promoting regional and international stability and security. Jaafari, for his part, commended Iran’s support for Iraq in the fight against terrorism.
Iraq is ready to adopt necessary measures to bolster relations with all countries based on common interests, the Iraqi foreign minister said. Vaezi also held talks with his Iraqi counterpart Hassan Kazim al-Rashid about the expansion of cooperation, particularly in the sector of communications.
 Doug_W: let me B the FIRST Happy Halloween All   Doug_W: albeit a bit early
chattels: A takfiri (is a Sunni Muslim who accuses another Muslim (or an adherent of another Abrahamic faith) of apostasy. The accusation itself is called takfir, derived from the word kafir (unbeliever), and is described as when "one who is, or claims to be, a Muslim is declared impure."
MzDiva: Happy Halloween
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticensisRisk Oct 28 Don't underestimate importance of Baghdad's arbitration v. Turkey over KRG exports: …

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