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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wealthwatch Wednesday AM Chat 10-28-15   Part 1 of 2

​Post From Chat Room  10-28-15
Wealthwatch Wednesday AM Chat 10-28-15   Part 1 of 2

 chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / parliamentary Finance Committee promised general budget for the 2016 law that did not contain any new changes.
The committee member said Jabbar al-Abadi told the National Iraqi News Agency / nina / "There has been no new change in the mechanism of the drafting of the General Budget Law Federal upcoming 2016 except for low and retrenchment in general and the lack of investment expenditure to some extent.
"However," There are expenses contained within the budget under investment expenditure Title of about 29 trillion dinars, but in the details of more than 60% of which is to pay the wages of oil licensing rounds decades and a small part of which is for the development of the regions.
"He added that most of the figures and the amounts received in the general budget law are the operational expenses related to salaries and wages of employees and retirees."
And on the final accounts, he stressed that "there is disagreement in parliament about dealing with the final accounts and ratification Will be by law or decision" . He said he practically assumes the arrival of the final accounts for last year with the new year's budget to be approved by law. "
 chattels: Deputy Kurdish: oil agreement between Arbil and Baghdad did not reach the point of promising and will affect the passage of the budget 10/27/2015 12:19 BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / confirmed an MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Birwan Khilani implementation of the oil agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan region, did not reach any point bode well for both parties, Masaather to pass the budget next year.  chattels:
chattels: " The Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, announced on the thirteenth of October the second from 2014, the agreement with the Kurdistan Regional Government on the federal government to convert $ 500 million of the province, that the provincial government put 150 000 barrels of crude oil per day at the disposal of the federal government."
chattels: 2014 ?
Doug_W: ya ??
TxBrand: over my head lol
Doug_W: put on ur water wings then get rid of that snorkel
chattels: Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Wednesday that Iraq will stop the burning of massive amounts of gas during the next two years, the fact that half the amounts now still burning. " He said Abdul-Mahdi, in his third Scientific Conference for Oil and Gas, which was launched today in Maysan province,
 chattels: Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi stressed the need to review the previous licensing contracts, for the benefit of the Iraqi oil sector and international companies.
 chattels: the governor of Maysan Ali Douai called necessary to the development of studies and research to find other sources of financing to promote economic growth.
 chattels: Sadrist Ali Douai was nominated for the post of prime minister in 2014.
Doug_W: again 2014 ??
chattels: Douai is quite a " character " - A Sadrist Governor Is a Folk Hero to Iraqis MAY 3, 2013 -
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Just sharing about Mr. Douai.
Doug_W: ahhh TY then
chattels: Interior Minister Mohammed Salem Al Ghabban stressed that the Ministry of Interior's efforts and preparations for the Liberation of Nineveh continuous and exponentially. " According to a ministry statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it,
 that Ghabban pm today received in his office the governor of Nineveh Nofal Hammadi Akub stressed that "orders were issued to institutions of the ministry of service to prepare for work in the province after cleared of Conception Daash terrorist and immediately". chattels:
 chattels: Haider Al-Abadi - " Is our duty to be honest with the people of Iraq the seriousness of the financial situation, even if it was painful frankness. " [ face book post ]
chattels: Jordanian Minister of Interior emphasizes the need to find a solution to the issue of the closure of the Jordanian border   chattels:
chattels: Tomorrow is the last " work day " of the week. No further mention of budget arrival at Parliament, much less readings / vote. Looks like November at the earliest. Also, no mention of the arrival of the Kurdish delegation in Baghdad to discuss the " oil agreement " in / for the budget.
chattels: There is the following from yesterday : Deputy Kurdish: oil agreement between Arbil and Baghdad did not reach the point of promising and will affect the passage of the budget 10/27/2015 12:19 BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina /
confirmed an MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Birwan Khilani implementation of the oil agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan region, did not reach any point bode well for both parties, Masaather to pass the budget next year.  BAD LINK
chattels: " ........... oil agreement between Arbil and Baghdad did not reach the point of promising and will affect the passage of the budget ........... "
chattels: " ........., did not .......... bode well for both parties, ................ "
Doug_W: they are all still too greedy their whole culture is like that NO trust
chattels: said the board member of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives Hamoudi that there is a serious will of the various political forces to find compromises and settlements task of the laws to be resolved in the coming period, noting that there will not be disabled in the House of Representatives to include laws.
Said Hamoudi said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it after the conclusion of the season [Hussein unites us], sponsored by his office that "every law must go to the first and second reading and vote on it,"
noting that "in case of a problem between the blocs would intervene board Presidency to reach a final agreement and proceed with the adoption of the necessary legislation, and which of them legally Federal Court and the National Guard as well as the laws that affect the needs of citizens.
chattels: "every law must go to the first and second reading and vote on it,"
chattels: "every law must go to the first and second reading and vote on it,"
chattels: "every law must go to the first and second reading and vote on it,"
TxBrand: they don't even read them in the US
chattels: We have said the foregoing for some year(s) now. Those that speak of a basket of laws using a secret truncated legislative process are just WRONG !
Donnie: ‹@TxBrand› let alone read them twice and then vote...  :blink:
TxBrand: ‹@Donnie› right... WHY they let them get away with beyond me... and many many others
 TxBrand: its like LET ME SEE what I can get away with
Donnie: "corruption in congress"
Stash: Yes no better than Iraq
Donnie: seems everyone "has something" on each other so no one can get anything done (here)
Stash: Amen
TxBrand: we need term limits
Donnie: "If you don't vote this way I'm telling your people back home that you did this...."
Donnie: ‹@TxBrand› exactly. but they will never limit themselves!!! it's like making a rule to fire yourself after x years.
TxBrand: right
Donnie: they make the laws so it'll never happen
Doug_W: a new COMMERCIAL holiday : youleoween
Winter: Iraq: We Didn't Ask for U.S. Ground Operations
Winter: so which is Iraq needs help, or this no problem, or wants to keep the problem
Winter: The Iraqi government said Wednesday it didn't ask for — and doesn't need — the "direct action on the ground" promised by the Pentagon.
 Doug_W: what Stash said
Winter: ok so is there really ISIS / DASHE problems?
Winter: do they not need help getting them out, or wanna keep them there
Winter: "This is an Iraqi affair and the government did not ask the U.S. Department of Defense to be involved in direct operations," spokesman Sa'ad al-Hadithi told NBC News. "We have enough soldiers on the ground."
Poppy333: They had "enough" soldiers in Mosul too! We all know how that went!
Stash: right
OOTW: Human Rights Commission held a panel discussion on Iraq's accession to the International Criminal Court 
OOTW: Human Rights Commission was held on Wednesday 28/10/2015 a panel discussion headed by MP Arshad Salhi, Chairman of the Committee and Bhoudormmthleen of the Consultative Council for Human Rights and civil society organizations concerned with human rights High Commissioner for Human Rights on Iraq's accession to the International Criminal Court.
The session discussed the need for Iraq to join the Court Criminal and the signing of the Treaty of Rome Statute and the pressure on the Iraqi government and the concerned authorities in this regard for the international community's attention to this Court. and came out of the workshop a number of recommendations,
including the deployment of culture of human rights and the importance of this court held an extended conference in the presence of the Judicial Council and the Ministry of Justice and the Commission on Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission to discuss Iraq's accession to International Criminal Court.  OOTW:

 OOTW: Parliament proposes to launch a new currency to deal with economic crisis Wrote: October 28, 2015 Abdul-Salam-Maliki Confirmed member of the House of Representatives Abdul-Salam al-Maliki that the plans laid down by the state in connection with the processors need more than being a cash transaction process in the field of investment or encouraging aspects of industrial or agricultural.
 State today is able to change the currency situation for Iraq, even if it poses a new currency to address the economic crisis to strengthen the capacity of the Iraqi dinar by introducing a new currency and this process be local as solutions pots so the state can address the confusing economic situation,
adding that the war and Daash and low oil prices and fluctuations in the market Global, in addition to import everything from abroad.
He explained that it is supposed to be in charge of financial policy to draw his strong and courageous decision in this matter, either the survival of the situation as it is presented to the country's great economic crisis.
He noted that the state relies on foreign loans if they dropped the price of a barrel of oil and that the state will carry the debt burden the budget, as the interest on the foreign debt rate large, so the strengthening of the country's imports can be through industrial and agricultural side development and activating the role of the private sector.
Doug_W: "mouth wash" OO

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank you

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