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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat 10-31-15   Part 1 of 2

​Post From Chat Room  10-31-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat 10-31-15   Part 1 of 2

chattels: A takfiri (Arabic: takfīrī) is a Sunni Muslim who accuses another Muslim (or an adherent of another Abrahamic faith) of apostasy. The accusation itself is called takfir, derived from the word kafir (unbeliever), and is described as when "one who is, or claims to be, a Muslim is declared impure."
MzDiva: Happy Halloween
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticensisRisk Oct 28 Don't underestimate importance of Baghdad's arbitration v. Turkey over KRG exports: …
chattels: Barzani: KRG-US rescue in Hawija a 'turning point' - “The operation was a turning point in the war against Daesh [ISIS]. It was the peak of trust and cooperation between Peshmerga forces and the American army, which freed 69 people and that was a hit on Daesh's image,” Barzani said, according to the statement.
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki says that parts of his successor’s reform plan to root out massive graft and public spending are ”unconstitutional.”
 Maliki, now one of Iraq’s three vice presidents, told reporters on Thursday that parts of the reform plan must be reversed because they are illegal. He said his lawyers have already reported Abadi to the Federal Court, which will decide on the matter.
In an effort to cut expenditures and graft, last month Abadi announced he would remove some 130 top government officials, including several ministers and general managers. Iraq’s three vice presidential posts would also be nixed under the reform plan.
“The positions of the vice presidents have not been eliminated and we are still discussing the options, since this is a constitutional question,” said Maliki. He said that according to the constitution the president should at least have one deputy.  

chattels: " .......... his lawyers have already reported Abadi to the Federal Court, which will decide on the matter. "
chattels: WASHINGTON DC- The White House is expected to announce the deployment of a small unit of Special Forces in northern Syria, several US-based media reported on Friday. According to information coming from senior US officials who have spoken to US media on condition of anonymity, the force will be “tiny” and sent to northern Syria to assist moderate forces, according to one US official. ‘
The force is expected to be assisting the Syrian Kurdish Peoples’ Defense Units, YPG, and its allies in Rojava, or Syrian Kurdistan. The special forces will have an advisory role, according to the officials.
The White House also is expected to announce an undetermined number of US forces will form a task force based in Erbil, in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, to support forces against the Islamic State group (ISIS) in both Iraq and Syria. This is the first official deployment of US forces on the ground in Syria since the beginning of Syrian civil war in 2011.  ]

Tootsie: today you saw the CBI making a big announcement and showing you a photo of a big new architectural structure…..the new CBI Tower…their new headquarters. HMM, I saw this several years ago. rah rah, etc
 Tootsie: these guys all need to be brought down around 52 notches ~ gracious
 Tootsie: some flooding yonder. saw where flood waters from ?Iran I believe, went over the border and wiped out some villages,
Tootsie: but we in Texas are having our own flooding. San Marcos, Austin, etc, rough, heading east, so expect some weather/rain tonight, tomorrow, hope the kiddos can trick or treat, may stop prior to evening , who knows.
Stash: Yup waiting for that heavy rain here in East Texas
Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› aww, lots of them go to the malls now and churches, etc. I live down a cul-de-sac , no street lights where I live, so last few years have had almost nada come out.
Tootsie: I have a sodium whatever light mounted above on roof , and down street has one in a tree.
Tootsie: ‹@Stash› just so no flooding , pweezzz
Stash: We had over 9 inches last weekend and have had an inch already this afternoon
BOBBY: Tootsie...... i always loved this time of the year
Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› oh sure, fun ~~ San Marcos had so much rain, the pumpkins stacked in front of a store were floating down the street hahahaha
 BOBBY: that must be a site
Stash: I saw. That on the news
Tootsie: yes, looked funny on tv , LOL
 Tootsie: sadly, I had to chuckle, but feel badly for the people.
Stash: Me too
chattels: ****** "...Iraq's Minister of Finance Hoshiyar Zebari told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday that restarting the oil-sharing agreement between Baghdad and Erbil was vital for the 2016 national budget, expressing hope that a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) would help reach an agreement."
WOW...reinstate the oil-sharing...reinstated again and both sides implement...This tells me that the HCL has all along be in place...just not implemented.
chattels: The only " Wow " to be understood from the foregoing is how stunning it is that someone can read the article he cites and conclude that the oil sharing agreement has been reinstated as yet and much less implemented. Amazing how far people will go to make news sound good or read the way that they want it to read.
chattels: The oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil was incorporated into the 2015 budget, but honored by neither side. Moreover the budget law allowed either party to " void " the agreement if not performed upon which is exactly what the Kurds did when they began selling their oil worldwide in March / April of this year.
chattels: The Kurds were reported to be coming to Baghdad last week, but no word of their arrival. Indeed other news doubts the likelihood of an agreement along the same lines as last year and not to mention that the agreement lacked much regarding specifics as to many things related to oil production and sale.

chattels: Arbitration is currently pending between Baghdad and Turkey regarding oil sold from the pipeline.
chattels: acknowledged head of the Integrity Commission [agency] Hassan al-Yassiri Tuesday difficulty of the fight against corruption, saying that "the body as you know, as an institution of the State marred what was marred by shortages and deficiencies that marred many of the state institutions and when we came to the Commission and found many difficulties in the way of reform, the most important is underrated spend public money and in various ways."

 "The regulators could not rein in corruption and this result should not be the reason for the criticism of these devices and forget about corrupt " .
chattels: lifted the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, the parliamentary session to the day after tomorrow Alatnin.
chattels: And DONE. Monday is the 2nd day of November.
chattels: On October 20th I posted the following : MY read / take is that if the budget is not voted upon by the 1st that the recess will be will not start on the 1st and the session extended for 30 days to complete adoption of the budget law. No way it can be done in the next 11 days, IMO, so we are into November if the article is accurate.  chattels:
*SCZIN11: "that Iraq is heading to rely on investment instead of oil, after the vote on the amendment of the Investment Law will be available opportunities real Estmaria', adding: 'The amendment of the Investment Law aims to rely on investment instead of oil in the coming budgets'. "
chattels: ‹@*SCZIN11› My sense is that there is no money in the budget for " investments " or to fund the law from the Iraqi side of things so that the dependency will be upon investment in Iraq from the international community.
chattels: News reports tell us that the GOI hopes to reduce dependency upon oil or increase diversification by 10 % per annum.
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / The Heads of the Republic and the Minister and the House of Representatives need to make informed austerity measures to make Iraq come out well from the current financial crisis.
A statement by the Presidency of the Republic: "The President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-discussed During the tripartite meeting at the Peace Palace in Baghdad, security and economic situation and file reforms, and ways to address current issues and fundamental challenges.
chattels: "He discussed the three presidents / according to the statement /" financial and economic situation and came to the need for austerity steps deliberate beside other steps to rid Iraq healthy financial distress faced by ".  chattels:
chattels: The notion of austerity and it's effect upon the salaries of politicos has not been warmly embraced to say the least.
chattels: Najaf / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / called to Fri Najaf, Mr. Sadr al-Din Qabbanji to recover stolen funds through fictitious projects and aliens and reducing salaries and huge re-examine him new employees' salaries, noting that the new salary scale caused significant damage to the middle and lower class,......   


Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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