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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday Mnt Goat Update - "WOW News Today" - Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU6825 – "WOW News Today"  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

So the playing of the broken record may finally be slowing down as Iraq has made much progress in its reform program over these last months since June. By winding down I do not mean that Abadi and te government will cease all reform efforts but all indications show the bulk of the immediate reforms necessary for our RV are all almost but done. I will explain in today’s news letter.

The most evident news today comes from the passing of more of the needed reform laws. 

I also want to refresh many memories on past events that led us to where we are in currency reform today. I hope by doing so everyone will see that in fact the glass is HALF FULL rather than HALF EMPTY in this continuing RV saga. 
Today’s News

Today is Wednesday October 28th and still no RV. No prospects for an RV either in the coming month.

So these foolish notions of an RV over a Oct 20-25 window did not happen. Really? I could (and did) tell you that. Now these same guru’s try to, once again, stretch this out over this week as they normally want to keep you on the edge longer rather than admit defeat and let you know that they screwed up and let you down and disappointed you once again. In my mind many of these so called intel “gurus” have no business having forums or conference calls and should be shut down. It if was up to me I would do this immediately since they bring nothing more than confusion and high anxiety to everyone for nothing.

Are you disappointed once again? Are you fed up on the misinformation? Are you ready to get off the roller coaster ride each week?

So what is Mnt Goat’s point in continually talking about this misinformation and these intel “gurus”?

I am telling you I too get these RV windows that do not pan EVER. The difference is I chose not to bring them to you. Why? Because you must consider all the information and by doing this you MUST READ THE ARTICLES and stop JUST listening to the banks and any info that never pans out.

Instead I want everyone to understand that we are very close to an RV but if you call yourself an intel “guru” then you must take the responsibility that goes along with it and study this saga closely. I have told many over and over again the truth and still they do not want to accept it. Why? Because it is not within their little world of make-believe. This make-believe is from these sites that fill you minds with crap.

My point is simple and then I will get on with today’s news.

If you are only watching these  bank screens,  these call centers and these bank training personnel than your intel is really lame and you should  do much more research. My recommendation – get off your lazy butts and read the 100+ articles each week that come out on this investment. Instead ge humble and stop filling everyone up with this garbage about a GCR (no such thing) and a basket of currencies that does not exists.  Your intel STINKS plain and simple. Did it every occur to you that there are rates for these other currencies Rupia, ZIM and Dong for the future or perhaps the UST is just plugging them into the new algorithm to gauge the values and may have no intention of revaluating these currencies anytime in the near future? So who is telling you they will RV? Could it be they know no more than you and just are passing rumors to you? I feel sorry for everyone who has purchased large sums of these three currencies since you have been scammed. Don’t believe me? Wait and see who is telling the truth.

I say this because you are not paying attention to all the articles and other factors involved that are very relevant in order to get the overall BIG picture of this currency reform. If you did then you too may come to the exact same conclusions I come to when I hear about this other news.

Do I believe we are very close to an RV? YES, YES and YES again but I refuse to go down a road that over and over again panned out to only disappointment. Did the bank screens ever. ever pan out for an RV? Did training personnel on exchange procedures ever pan out to an RV  to us before? Did the elite exchanging mean we are next? Should the hold up on payment of money on the SMART cards mean an RV since always it gets resolved somehow and they managed to pay the citizens of Iraq and still no RV.

So none of these events ever triggered the RV in the past 5 years. So why are you still putting so much emphasis on them folks?  Why keep banging your head on the wall. Doesn’t it hurt? Are you insane? Do you know the definition of insanity?

So now lets us look at some realistic news today and see if we can substantiate a real timeframe for seeing our RV. 

First I want to begin around the period of last spring 2015.

An article from the finance committee told us at this time that they are giving the CBI the “GREEN LIGHT” to go ahead with the currency reform project. Do you remember this article last March? We were all in wonder and thought we would see the RV shortly. Well….here it is in October and still no RV. I will tell you why.

There is no RV because the intensions were not to RV yet. Simply put there was work to be done prior to any RV and getting the green light told us that they could NOW BEGIN THIS WORK. This is all it meant. Of course we don’t know what we don’t know. This is why you have to follow the sage and read the articles. They lead you down the path of where they are going. It is so dynamic. So what work was necessary?

Do you think perhaps the IMF came down heavy on Iraq and told them they must clean up this money laundering? Then in August what do we see? The anti-money laundering and terrorism law….right? 

Why did Iraq now react to the IMF’s request? I JUST TOLD YOU – IT WAS PART OF THE CURRENCY REFORM PROJECT.

Then we witnessed a number of investment forums and seminars hosted by Iraq in London, in Erbil etc... Why did they host these events? Could if be that they were attempting to get feedback from potential investors on what changes need to be implemented in Iraq to make it a safe place for their investment?
Pay attention to this – the investment law was first conceptualized in 2006. Why did it take so long to implement? We all know Maliki and his goons were blocking any laws that could move Iraq forward. Now that he was essentially neutralized Iraq had to go back and move this law ahead. So why did they now in 2015 move this law so aggressively forward? Just yesterday it was passed by parliament and in the same day ratified by the president of Iraq. The answer - I JUST TOLD YOU – IT WAS PART OF THE CURRENCY REFORM PROJECT. They now have the green light to go ahead.

Why did the CBI announce the 50k and 100k note strategy to us in many articles? First they give us a deadline then they postpone then again tell us a go ahead then postpone again. These notes are specifically designed to suck in the last of the large three zero notes, at about the same time the RV is ready to be triggered. If you have been paying attention to past events you know that already almost 80-90 % of the three zero notes are out of circulation in Iraq. They are using mostly US dollars. So when they launch these 50k and 100k notes the banks will have to purchase then using them using the remaining stocks of three zero notes they have in their faults. Why do they have this plan? Why come out with this now? Why have they not done this already? I JUST TOLD YOU – IT IS PART OF THE CURRENCY REFORM PROJECT and must wait to the optimum timeframe to do it (just before the pull the RV trigger). They now have been given the green light to go ahead.

Why has the CBI held off in launching the new lower denominations paper and coins (permanent) currency of Iraq? Again they must wait until the optimum timeframe to do so. But this will be a signal to us that the RV has happened in Iraq or is very close at hand. This is the process and the plan. So what is this all about? I JUST TOLD YOU – IT IS PART OF THE CURRENCY REFORM PROJECT.

When the CBI finally launches these newer lower denominations to the banks, the banks will have to pay for them somehow. Certainly they are not going to just give FREE money to the banks. The banks will put in orders for the new currency to the CBI on demand by the citizens and businesses.

How will they pay for these notes? They will use mostly US dollars and some of the three zero notes to buy them from the CBI. When will they do this? They will do this on-demand from the citizens since if this is timed with the RV the new denominations of dinar must value at much more than the US dollar, Euro, British Pound, etc, and the older notes, thus the CBI will fill its reserves with these other currencies. These other currencies can then be used in trade and commerce as needed once international by the CBI thus increasing their reserves. This is how the CBI will literally make billions and billions overnight with a simple RV. Do you get it. Why is this set up like this? I JUST TOLD YOU – IT IS PART OF THE CURRENCY REFORM PROJECT. It is the plan.

So why again this week we just witnessed yet another amazing law get passed by parliament. The National Unity cards law is now official. Why are they doing this national identification card? I JUST TOLD YOU – IT IS PART OF THE CURRENCY REFORM PROJECT.

Link to PART 2

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