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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Chat 10-28-15   Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-28-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Chat 10-28-15   Part 2 of 2
chattels: In December 2011, the governing council in Diyala province declared itself a semi-autonomous region within Iraq.[11] This comes two months after Salahuddin Governorate made a similar declaration.
The council in Diyala, using Article 119 of the Iraqi Constitution as justification, made the declaration because of suspicion of the Shi'a-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
 Unlike Salahuddin province however, Diyala province is more ethnically and religiously mixed, and such an announcement led to the outbreak of protests in the province.
chattels: Diyala is likely very important to the Sunni and it will be interesting to observe the mechanics of " normalization / resettlement " - perhaps it is / will be a model for other areas of Iraq. Juburri is a Sunni.
 Donnie: The meeting's agenda number (33) Thursday 29 October 2015 29 October 0.2015 The third parliamentary session. 2 votes, some second and first readings.
chattels: Twelfth: discuss the subject of the new salary ladder
Winter: ‹@chattels› so what is your take on when parliment will pass this
chattels: ‹@Winter› Pass what ?
Winter: The investmnet law
chattels: No mention of the budget on the agenda for tomorrow.
chattels: ‹@Winter› The second amendment to the 2006 Investment Law was passed by vote of the Parliament on Tuesday.
 chattels: ‹@Winter› We are awaiting endorsement of President Masum and publication in the gazette.
Donnie: I thought the investment law was passed in 2006 and Iraq is just amending it.
Donnie: second amendment to the 2006 Investment Law was passed on Tuesday
chattels: ‹@Donnie› You are correct.
BOBBY: Chattels....... did you see the post about launching a new currency?
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I did
chattels: hopefully it is a clueless MP talking
Donnie: would a new currency leave us out?
chattels: ‹@Donnie› good question
chattels: ‹@Donnie› no answer here, but maybe, maybe not
Donnie: GO METS!!!
chattels: ‹@Donnie› entertaining game last night
Donnie: 19 players on the current Mets team played here in Binghamton NY before they moved up.
chattels: ‹@Donnie› Did Murphy ?
BOBBY: Chattels. ..... question for you...... what would be the logic behind a new currency?
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› If the IQD has been over printed then the next currency would print less and therefore arguably have more value.
BOBBY: Chattels......... is there a legit number as to whats in circulation or been issued anywhere?
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› not that I can discern with any confidence
BOBBY: definitely an interesting post
Stash: The new currency could be what we have
MichelleL: well, the debate is depressing - how is the ws going?
MichelleL: Donnie are we poor or rich this week?
Donnie: I'm Spiritually rich
Donnie: financially poor - no job
 MichelleL: I can't go through another 11 months of these debates, i'll wind up voting for no one
 MichelleL: with an rv you'd have a change - can't you and donnie arrange it?
MichelleL: pleeeeeassse? lol
 Winter: Maliki's Bloc Withdraws Support for Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi
 Winter: Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said his parliamentary bloc of 60 lawmakers is withdrawing support from his rival and successor, current Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, and Abadi's program to reform Iraq's bureaucracy.
Winter: Maliki's attempt to derail Abadi's political reform program and possibly unseat him, as well, comes at a time of great regional uncertainty, as both the U.S. and Russia remain at loggerheads in the battle against Islamic State militants.
MichelleL: ty winter - never thought of him as particularly supportive to Abadi's office
Winter: Iran ties Maliki, who has close ties to Iran, is also said to oppose a stronger role for U.S. forces in the battle against the Islamic State group.
Qais al-Khazali, pro-Iranian militia commander and an ally of Maliki, said Tuesday he thought the U.S. was not very useful in combating the Islamic State group and that he preferred Russian help.
 Khazali claims the U.S. and its 60 coalition partners often do not hit the most important Islamic State targets and frequently drag their feet with requested airstrikes, while Russia is hitting and destroying IS targets in Syria quickly and efficiently.
Winter: Former Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki allegedly siphoned off $500bn in 8 years 
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 6h6 hours ago Amid talk of #Iraq PM Abadi being unseated by his own alliance, worth noting only 45 MPs demand no-confidence vote …
Winter: WikiLeaks reveals Maliki cooperated with Mossad and Iran to get rid of Iraqi scholars
Winter: WikiLeaks reveals Maliki cooperated with Mossad and Iran to get rid of Iraqi scholars
 BOBBY: Funny how Maliki is not supposed to be a problem according to some
Winter: :silly:
chattels: ‹@Winter› good article - thanks for posting
 chattels: Abadi called a meeting of the SLC for this evening - we will see what " outs " on tomorrow
Winter: Why have they been unable to get rid of Maliki, will they ever
Winter: ooooh I know....corruption

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