Don't WAIT!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

News,Rumors,and Opinions Thursday Morning 10-29-15


TBirdd:  iko wrote: GM everyone. It is my opinion that Forex has now joined the misinformation crowd and no longer is a reliable indicator. I am concluding this from both public and private intel plus my own analysis of their recent activity. We are now green for go and simply waiting for the final push.

IKO also said: The banks will control the initial rates. Do not look to Forex or any other trading platform in the first few days at least. It’s OK. The banks want our business. We can ask to see their screens. This is all a part of the plan so we dont have market panics, runs on banks, etc. so this is good news for us, not bad.

InfinitePower:  Tbirdd --good point... The Powers That Be knows that we are trying to figure out the timing of the RV via the Forex... Therefore, they will use the Forex to keep us misinformed.....

TBirdd:  Infinite----agree.. banks want to control the rates -- but that must give leverage for those who want to negotiate..

Kue911:  To dream the impossible dream. To fight the impossible foe. To try when your arms are to weary. To reach the impossible RRRRVVVV.


JennerferV:  Tony and Iko say to read between the lines when necessary. Many have exchanged. We are in a holding pattern that has more and more pressure added daily.

We can't go backwards, too much has been accomplished. Just think about all the hints we're getting from Iraq....... no more rioting, communication slowing down, and some people reporting money in their accounts.

The flood gates are feeling the pressure. The PTB don't want the masses to find out. I'm feeling very hopeful!!!

Also, the information has trickled down the smallest of banks, I believe. A fellow dinarian called small regional bank in Ohio on Monday. She called to ask about rates and the women told her.......Wow! You are about the 30th caller today to ask.

No rates yet to report, but you will be able to exchange here! Wow! Now, that's in a town of 5,000 people. I'm just going to keep the faith!!


Emailed To Recaps:

Fed Announcement - Expect No Rate Hike But a Slight Rise Then FALL in Stocks After Announcement

Bix Weir via

The End Game continues as the US Fed and the US Congress does EVERYTHING in their power to destroy the US Dollar. Increasing the debt limit and keeping interest rates at zero is doing it's planned job of flooding the world with US Dollars...

Now they just have to let the computer control levers go and watch it all fall apart.

The conspiracy world is all abuzz with anticipation of things to hit the fan on or about November 3rd to November 5th as that's what the Illuminati "targeted" for 2015 with their cover page of The Economist in January. More about this in this week's Friday Road Trip.

In the meantime, keep an eye on another domino falling after The Fed announcement.

Also keep a close eye on the price of oil as that's where the Bad Guys get their funds. The Good Guys are OBVIOUSLY targeting the oil price because of all the US and Chinese announcements lately that are destroying the oil price. Huge inventory builds, running out of storage capacity and the coup de gras...the US announced they are dumping their strategic oil reserves onto the market to "raise money." All of this is meant to further destroy the petro-dollar and the Bad Guys source of funds.

For those long time Road to Roota followers, the Petro-Dollar is represented as Roota's "Black Tears" on page 12 of the Fed Comic "Wishes and Rainbows"...

Check out what Roota's Grandmother(aka Arthur Burns) tells Roota (aka Alan Greenspan) about the "Black Tears"...

"The flower's colors cannot live without the golden light of the world above, but it is said that its (black) tears will grow new flowers if they receive the light."

I remember when I was first starting to analyze this comic and why it was released TWICE - once in 1981 when the Gold Commission Report came out and then it was revamped and re-released on January 1, 2007 with a BIG RED EXCLAMATION POINT after it. It was the strangest comic in the world and even more strange was that it was written and published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston!

But now it all makes perfect sense and the WORLD needs to know what we know.

My full analysis of this comic and it's "Teachers Guide: The Road to Roota" is what laid the foundation for my Road to Roota Theory which is posted on my website here:

The Road to Roota Theory

Make no mistake - the ultimate destruction of the fiat monetary system and the removal of the Bad Guys is just around the corner.

Keep your eyes open for more clues.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

As I exp
ressed last night ............ LAWS amended ........ Is an old subject ........ Way past that point.


They will be a can opener for the LL.   BUT NOT YET !!!

If You lived in a house like Michael Jackson did in ....... "BEN".

Tell me ........... Would You return to that house with even one rat still alive?


But You would prepare that Security ........ Apply it.

Then RETURN with ............ Comfort.

Tonight after Business Proma CC ................. Why is our Congress NOW passing Budgets? I hinted on this on Your CC ............ No need to hint tonight.

C U .............. "We are getting closer".  KTFA    Frank


Walkingstick:  Maliki will be tried and the judiciary cannot cover up for his crimes

29-10-2015 03:30 PM

Chairman of the Security Committee in Parliament of quitting, said Thursday, "The last panel discussion I shared the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Medhat al-Mahmoud and the presence of the prosecutor and most of the judges and the Chancellery of the National Security great political figures during the discussion paper reform the judiciary, asked Mahmood that these reforms be real and the field and to Anjaml one in this task the paper, especially the fall of the city of Mosul file, however, the terrorist groups. "

He added in a press statement today, he said that "the fall of Mosul sent a file to the main Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives and the Supreme Judicial Council and the Prosecutor General and the ministers of defense, interior and was supposed to take action about this file.

"He said," The committee fall of Mosul made ​​a great effort in the investigation on the causes of the disaster that befell the city during a meeting of more than 100 military, political and civilian personal as well as a 185-hour investigative contains 23 issue of financial and administrative corruption, a real file containing many of the documents, evidence and pictures that condemns some military and civilian figures, "noting that" no one can cover up this sensitive and important to the file ".

He said chairman of the security and defense committee in Parliament by saying, "so he asked the President of the Judicial Council, Medhat al-Mahmoud position of this report and to how far arrived. "

He noted that "the Attorney General He answered that the report has been transferred sections of it to the integrity and the other to the courts," said Zamili, "waiting for the courts after two weeks to hold a dialogue with members of the Judicial Council."

He revealed Zamili, "Send book to the Judicial Council to be considered a witness in this case, "pointing to" possession of documents and testimonies and images because most of the meetings was the photographer.

"In response to a question about enabling the Iraqi judiciary to bring the condemned figures in the report of the fall of the city of Mosul, Zamili said:" There is fear and the cover-up and some trying to influence the judiciary.

"The hit Zamili, for example, about the period that can be done to cover up the fall of Mosul file, saying:" If we go back to history and say how it executed Saddam Hussein ?, on any issue executed, Saddam Hussein, was convicted and executed on the Dujail case which has from long duration of Saddam and managed to covering up the crime in the killing of Dujail sons due to intimidate citizens and having the power to eliminate the time, but history re-open the case again and executed Saddam.

"He continued," So there may be a delay and cover up the fall of Mosul file, but no one can The gloss it because we have copies of 175 pages, documents and evidence has been investigated in accordance with the correct and legal contexts did not appease one did not target people a particular country or destination.

"He pointed out that the report of the fall of Mosul, and signed by 19 members of the Commission of the total 21 were present at the meeting , "The five who objected to the report did not object to the facts in the file but was intercepted on the conversion of the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the judiciary."

He revealed Zamili, he was "subjected to many pressures from countries tried to push through some of her limbs in Iraq and ambassadors and political figures, asking that the report included the names of some political figures, but I did not Ahadden in this matter.

"He declined Zamili naming callers by saying:" It is well-known.

"He called Zamili former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to" give himself up to the judiciary to show Do you innocent or guilty, "returned Report Mosul, "as significant and should not leave it."

promised security system management in a period of eight years of rule by former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki to "bad management of the system's mission and sensitive".

He said: "In any country in the world to Aeetmkn any leader of national security, intelligence and defense department and Acting Interior to Aeetmkn of control.

"He noted that al-Maliki," put in these security systems are people who have no relationship to security and did not work in security and direct missions manages an important detail in the intelligence service or the Ministry of the Interior and the Director General in the Ministry of Defense.

"The head of the security committee and defense parliamentary: "I talked a lot with many politicians not to courtesy to receive important joints from security systems to people to Aevgahoa in security nothing, and asked them to possible courtesy to other ministries but courtesy on Iraqi blood account never is not permitted," noting that "those who were running These ministries are corrupt and bad.

"He explained that" the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki was for a period of four years, runs the defense and interior proxy, and as a result he failed to manage it in lost differences partisan as well as problems with the Kurds and with the Sunnis and the Sadrists and the Supreme Council, "noting that it" gave the image that Maliki wants to control everybody.

"and between, it's" this period emerged from corruption and bad management contracts and slouch and a legion of aliens. "

- See more at:


Walkingstick:  Kuwait agrees to postpone the remaining amount of the compensation to the month of January 2017

29-10-2015 02:30 PM

Chairman of the Kuwaiti Public Authority management announced for Assessment of Compensation Khaled Al-Mudhaf, his country's approval of the Iraqi request to postpone the remaining amount of compensation of $ 4.6 billion to the month of January 2017.

He Mudhaf, in his speech, in front of the 80th session of the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation in Geneva today that this approval comes in the context of the sympathy of the State of Kuwait and understanding of the situation in Iraq.

He explained that "First Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, had received a letter on the second of July last this year from his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jaafari, asking to postpone the payment of the remaining funds additional year until the year 2017 ".

He pointed out that" the Iraqi request has received the support of the Kuwaiti government, in solidarity with the Government and people of Iraq, without prejudice to the Security Council resolutions.

"It is noteworthy that this delay is the second compatibility by Kuwait after it agreed last June to seek a preliminary Iraqis to postpone repayment of the remaining funds to the year 2016.

- See more at:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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