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Monday, October 26, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  10-26-15   Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-26-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  10-26-15   Part 1 of 2
Donnie: Russia Takes Over The Mid-East: Moscow Gets Green Light For Strikes In Iraq, Sets Up Alliance With Jordan
Donnie: Once it became clear that Moscow and Tehran had jointly planned the incursion in Syria with Russia promising full air support and Iran pledging ground troops from Hezbollah, its various Shiite militias, and the IRGC, we immediately suggested that Iraq was next on the agenda after the Assad regime is restored.
 Donnie: Just like in Syria, Russian airstrikes would be supported by Iran-backed fighters on the ground, and thanks to the IRGC’s grip over Iraqi politics, Moscow would find Baghdad very receptive to Russia’s presence in the country.
onnie: The US knows all of this of course and in an effort to get out ahead of the situation, Washington sent Gen. Joseph Dunford (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) to Iraq this week to issue what can only be described as a petulant, childish ultimatum to PM Haider al-Abadi. “It’s either us, or the Russians,” Abadi was told, although not specifically in those terms. Here’s what Dunford actually said:
Donnie: "I said it would make it very difficult for us to be able to provide the kind of support you need if the Russians were here conducting operations as well. We can't conduct operations if the Russians were operating in Iraq right now."
Donnie: Sure enough, according to Turkey’s state run Anadolu Agency, Russia has now received permission from Iraq to target ISIS convoys coming from Syria.
Donnie: " The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys coming from Syria, a senior Iraqi official said. The authorization for Russia to target Daesh inside Iraq comes amid security coordination between Iraq, Russia, Iran and Syria. Hakem al-Zamli, chief of the Iraqi parliament’s security and defense committee, told Anadolu Agency on Friday that the measure contributed to weakening Daesh by cutting off its supply routes."
 Donnie: What Will It Mean If the Yuan Gets Reserve-Currency Status?
Donnie: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter International Monetary Fund representatives have given China strong signals that the yuan is likely to soon join the fund’s basket of reserve currencies, known as Special Drawing Rights, Chinese officials with knowledge of the matter told Bloomberg News this week. Here’s a primer on what that means..... What is a Special Drawing Right?   Donnie:
 ladyfox: Hi I have not kept up with much lately for some time but I shifting of events coming our.
BOBBY: ladyfox...... shifting events?
Donnie: "but I shifting of events coming our." WHAT did she say??????  lol
BOBBY: what shifting events?
Winter: well the story on 60 minutes just stated that DASHE AND ISIS is no longer anywhere NEAR ANY THREAT IN IRAQ anymore, and news is very very misleading
BOBBY: Winter..... what proof did 60 mins offer?
BOBBY: did not see the show so i am curious
TxBrand: ‹@BOBBY› I saw very little of it.. but sounded to me they are bombing and bombing and bombing lol
 BOBBY: TxBrand..... so it was a breaking story lol
Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› sounds more like a "bombing" story. lol
Winter: ‹@BOBBY›
 Winter: no its a bombing story and no more isis for many many many months
Winter: they have basically left IRAQ and they finally showed proof of it and DASHE
Winter: which means the news says, one thing us to belive another and the other is go there and see for real
Winter: People seem to just wanna find the news about the bad bad bad and belive it, yet everytime they have been proven WRONG
Winter: isis and dashe ARE NOT HOLDING UP THE RV like some wish to belive
 BOBBY: what makes you think something is holding up an rv?
Winter: im not but SOME say until isis and dashe are eliminated or under more control we wont see , and they are wrong
BOBBY: and you base this on what?
Winter: HELLO on what some people have said, ahh readabove
BOBBY: lol.... hello your self.... what people
Winter: well lets just say certain news hounds
BOBBY: and you base your comments/ theory on what may i ask?
Winter: READ ABOVE, OPEN THE VIDEO Winter: omg
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / The president of the coalition / national / Iyad Allawi, support forces / Peshmerga International Alliance / security of our troops and the sons of the popular crowd and clans to free the hostages in Hawija from the grip of gangs / Daash / terrorist as a qualitative development in the context of action against the forces of terror.
chattels: Baghdad / Iraqi News / nina / National News Agency said a military spokesman for the International Alliance Colonel Steve Warren, said Hawija process and free the hostages is an Iraqi process (Kurdish) and US forces, assistance was provided aircraft helicopter only,
 noting that the Iraqi government was aware of and familiar with the process. He said during a press conference held at the headquarters of the US Embassy in Baghdad and attended / nina / that "Hawija process which resulted in the liberation of hostages, Iraqi operation carried out with information and planning of an Iraqi Kurd."
"The US forces came initially to assign the Kurdish forces, but after exposure Peshmerga forces to the heavy fire, we have to intervene in the operation to free the hostages totaling almost 70 hostages who were held by the organization (Daash) in the prison used for torture ", stressing that the operation was carried out at the request of authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government and with the help of the Peshmerga forces.  chattels:
 chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Interesting, but difficult read on the Maliki post by Tootsie earlier today
 chattels: I read your comment
BOBBY: Chattels. ... agreed.... Maliki and charges seem to be getting to be a common story
chattels: As you observe - much talk, but not much apparent action
BOBBY: have to wonder what power they have to for any movement against him
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› asa recent article stated - there is an undeclared " war " going on between Maliki and Abadi
BOBBY: Chattels. ... reminds me of good cop bad cop scenario
BOBBY: Chattels. .... did you see Kaps post on dguru eariler today?
chattels: " .......... undeclared political leadership dispute between former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and Abadi."
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I did - rather disconcerting, eh ?
Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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