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Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Mnt Goat Update - "Many Golden Nuggets Today- Realistic RV Window Is Given" - Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU6824 – "Many Golden Nuggets Today- Realistic RV Window Is Given"  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

The broken record is playing once again and Iraq is resolving their corruption and terrorist issues, but this is the stage Iraq is in right now. It has taken some time but it is sure progress. 

The most evident news today is the Russian involvement in the middle east region and what Putin may ultimately have in mind in doing so in the fight against ISIS. Will Russia provide air strikes over Iraq? Will they supply weapons and equipment to Iraq? 

Iraq finance committee also exposes their plans to redenominate their currency to us. Folks it’s all in the articles if you take the time to read them. Let’s review these issues today.
Today’s News

Today is Monday October 26th and still no RV. So this Oct 20-25 window told to you by these so called intel “gurus” did not pan out?

Are you disappointed once again? Are you fed up on the misinformation? Are you ready to get off the roller coaster ride each week?

Did it ever occur to you these windows are for activation for the elite only and not ever meant for you and me? They activate these rates in the middle of the night and conduct exchanges for only a selected few. This is the feasting as these politicians, friends and family gorge on the high rates of the IQD.

This saddens me because Iraq itself has not even experienced the benefits of their currency reforms, yet the very powerful and rich of USA are feasting and becoming wealthier over the continued war with ISIS. When will this corruption stop?

We all should be aware by now they continually need a reason not to RV the Iraq currency. The reason now I am hearing stems mainly around security aspects….security, security and more security. My feeling is if ISIS was gone we would have seen an RV already.

So this ISIS aspects makes us all think. What is really going on in the USA support to fight ISIS. Is this procrastination intentional to delay inevitable progress in Iraq by rolling out the international currency. A currency that is way overdue to end all sanctions for Iraq.

Remember article 8 of the UN sanctions is the only remaining piece of the sanctions not yet lifted. By not lifting this piece it allows the USA and the coalition forces to continue operations in Iraq as long as they deem necessary. Of course they would like to honor permission from Iraq but this is entirely done as a courtesy (although this is not how the news brings it to us). 

It is solely up to you whether you decide to relax and learn about what is truly happening in Iraq instead of following this weekly nonsense from these gurus about an RV. This nonsense has been going on now for years and you are not yet wise to this misinformation? Are you crazy and insane? I have tried to warn you over and over again. So today once again I tell you this – “I told you so”!

So I can tell you with all my heart and soul there will be NO RV until at least early January 2016 and some indications now show us it may even move out beyond early to maybe mid 2016 unless the effort to combat terrorism is concluded sooner rather than later. What makes me believe this?

I have been telling you all along and building the case for a late 2015 / early 2016 possibility. I can not review or repeat it again in this news letter since it is an ongoing saga that took 50+ news letters since June alone to tell the story. Now I move forward and continue building this case with new evidence.   

So today I bring you an article below and I quote from the article –

“The harsh economic situation also forced Iraq to revive a long-delayed plan to redenominate the Iraqi dinar by knocking three zeroes off the nominal value of its banknotes. The plan is set now to be implemented by 2017, including a restructuring of the dinar by issuing two large banknotes — a 50,000 dinar note before the end of this year and 100,000 dinar banknote next year — and canceling smaller denominations”

This is their words not mine. NO hype, No rumors and certainly only the FACTS!

Remember the article says “by 2017”  and not “in 2017”.  So it could still be sooner than later. But a golden nugget  too of this article is it makes a sound connection to the 50k and 100k notes to the RV, one which many skeptics have criticized me on over and over again for saying. Sorry guys here is the proof now go away! You wanted the proof here it is.

Remember this – the definition of insanity –

“Someone who keeps doing the same thing over and over again, same conditions,  with the same negative results, but expects something different (positive results) each time”. 

Now how many of you people are out there are going to continue to listen to these other calls?

Are there alternatives? Of course there are alternative news channels.

One which I find very refreshing is the GateKeepers call on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8 PM est. Kudos to them for all the hard work they put into bringing the truth not only about Iraq and this investment but in many matters of the Middle Eastern affairs. Thank You Gatekeepers and keep up the good work !

Next I want to present you with an amazing article. This is one of those golden nuggets and should be read very carefully. It tells us so much about the direction of curreny reform and their intentions. Remember I talked about these 50k and 100k notes and that we should be watching for the launching of these notes as this would show us the proximity to any RV. So what do they now tell us about these notes in the article below? Remember too they can not launch these notes without a close proximity to revaluing their currency.

I also want to remind everyone once again do not fall into the trap of listening to these so called intel “gurus” again this year when it comes to this 2016 budget. The budget is not dependent on the RV. Did you hear me – NOT DEPENDENT ON THE RV!

Also I want to quote another piece from the article –

 “including a restructuring of the dinar by issuing two large banknotes — a 50,000 dinar note before the end of this year and 100,000 dinar banknote next year — and canceling smaller denominations”

Note: Iraq is saying these 50k  note will be launched before the end of 2015 and the 100k note in 2016.

So what does this tell us?  This says we may very well see an RV close to the end of 2015 or early 2016.

Am I missing something here?  Please help me if I am misreading this article below. So if this was their plan then how could they RV over this past weekend? The 50k notes were not even launched as of yet as well as the new lower denominations to replace the 3 zero notes. Do you see now just how foolish it was for some of these intel “gurus” to jump on their band wagons and emphasize so much that an RV could happen in this latest Oct 20-25 window?  Do they even know the process? I thought I heard them tell us the currency reform process more than one time, so why don’t they then apply it? 

So the 2016 budget  will go through parliament and it will eventually be passed. It has now just been  approved by the cabinet (the first stage of legislation) and has been sent to the house. Eventually if will pass, they will open it and begin to spend it and still there may not be an RV or maybe there will be. Please do not listen to anyone who makes this connection for you. They simply will try to use it once again as an event to stare you to an RV window. BE CAREFUL!
Article Begins


BAGHDAD — Oct 19, 2015, 

Iraq's Cabinet has approved next year's budget of about $91 billion, sending it to parliament for final approval, a government spokesman said Monday.

Spokesman Saad al-Hadithi told The Associated Press the budget of 106 trillion Iraqi dinars (about $91 billion) will run with a deficit of 23 trillion dinars ($19.72 billion). Al-Hadithi added that the deficit will be relieved through loans from local and international lenders.

He said the budget calculations are based on an assumed oil price of $45 a barrel with an average daily crude oil output of 3.6 million barrels.

"The budget is realistic and was built on reducing public expenditures to face security and economy challenges," he said, adding that it sets priorities ranging from spending on government forces and paramilitary troops to government-run social benefits and the agricultural sector.

Iraq holds the world's fourth largest oil reserves, some 143.1 billion barrels, and oil revenues make up nearly 95 percent of its budget. Like other oil-reliant countries, Iraq's economy has suffered due to plummeting oil prices since last year.

The country's 2015 budget stands at nearly 119.6 trillion Iraqi dinars (about $102.5 billion) and runs with a deficit of 25 trillion dinars (about $21.4 billion). It is based on an expected price of $56 per barrel with a daily export capacity of 3.3 million barrels.
The country has been plunged into crisis since summer 2014 when the extremist Islamic State group swept across the north and west, seizing vast swaths of territory including Iraq's second largest city Mosul. Government forces, Kurdish fighters and Shiite and Sunni militias have since regained some of that territory with the help of U.S.-led coalition airstrikes.

Reeling from the ISIS advance, Iraq's government introduced austerity measures earlier this year — eliminating government posts, merging some ministries, halting spending on construction projects and imposing new taxes to pay for civil servants and fund its military. It also planned to issue bonds worth $7 billion — $5 billion in international bonds and $2 billion for domestic banks — to narrow the deficit. The country also secured $1.7 billion in loans from the World Bank and a $833-million loan from the International Monetary Fund.

The harsh economic situation also forced Iraq to revive a long-delayed plan to redenominate the Iraqi dinar by knocking three zeroes off the nominal value of its banknotes. The plan is set now to be implemented by 2017, including a restructuring of the dinar by issuing two large banknotes — a 50,000 dinar note before the end of this year and 100,000 dinar banknote next year — and canceling smaller denominations.

Despite hundreds of billions in oil revenues and international aid since the 2003, Iraqis still suffer from shabby public services and a weak economy due to endemic corruption and poor financial management, as many senior appointments are determined by party patronage and sectarian loyalties.

​Link to PART 2

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