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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday Morning Thoughts From Martha: "Sticking To My Guns"

I am sticking to my guns on this elusive RV from Martha sent to Recaps

Well it is 10/29 and I have been reading around. Saw Zap's post which says now but ? next week.


Then I still know of a private group that is still scheduled for 10/30.

The "drama" of the US budget is over or is it? 

The Fed gave any interesting summary yesterday at their monthly meeting and alluded to a possible rate increase in December but will this just be a false flag?
Most financial people don't trust her comments (Janet Yellan) and don't see this happening.  Where is the big "correction" we expected. The government still needs to kill the fiat currency sooner than later, but is it going to happen quietly so as not to upset the general public?

I saw an article on CNBC about China and more gold. Then Bulldog talks about the great chess game of gold and silver - real currency.    Link

The big question is when is the real end of 10th Gregorian month for business and start of November business and then when does a week starts and stops for business?

Like I said 10/30 would be a great start to jump the fact that the banks have it and thru Tony's Intel yesterday -there may be a lag in forex but is that a misnomer since the forex cannot be turned off and on and privately controlled?  

The first set of rates may calculate at a lower rate (First Mouse) and climb for November 2 when it will truly be public to everyone.

Yes it cuts our lead time, and yes it puts us into a weekend , but it is worth it.

This is still going to be a shock to the people of the USA with (possibly) a new paper currency and insurgency of new capital in the system.

There is nothing stopping this and if anything , IMO more assets have been added to the equation.

One added thought. Has anyone else noticed how much money China has pledged to England, and now Germany for helping trade and infrastructure while these countries central banks are having problems keeping their heads on straight.

Take a look at the list of China deals this past year and you will see your GCR-a re alignment of the financial world. A true helping hand to the world.


Fed tells markets to wake up, hike could be coming

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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