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Monday, October 26, 2015

Wealthwatch Monday Evening Chat 10-26-15   Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-26-15
Wealthwatch Monday Evening Chat 10-26-15   Part 2 of 2

MichelleL: chattels did you read what t23 said the other day? how they're going to have a very narrow time frame for cashing in
MichelleL: all I know is I want the opportunity to jog on down to the bank
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› t23 has much to say, but none of it has happened yet that I know of ?
MichelleL: ‹@chattels› yes, same can be said for one and all of the "gurus/gurettes"
chattels: " To these I say How much pain have cost us the evils which have never happened? "
oldbones67: Gurettes..lmao now that a great one Chattels
chattels: T. Jefferson to John Adams
MichelleL: I don't know, hope everyone is right and we're rich and just too stupid to notice yet lol - its just getting so very old, but more a curiousity about how many people will pop in with that other room being down
MichelleL: oldbones glad you like it
 oldbones67: I knlw of 2 people who were active members of that site who have ended their lives..sad very sad
chattels: What is the status of the laws recalled by the COM and " important laws " ?
chattels: "there are some laws It not yet agreed upon in parliament and some of them needs to review and study more, "explaining that" the delay of the Federal Court Rules, parties and amnesty is calculated on the House of Representatives because of an incompatibility get these laws. "
 chattels: I can only follow what is in ink - I have no intel - it may be that the news is bogus, but thus far it has been far more reliable than any guru " intel ", IMO
Stash: I agree
chattels: the House of Representatives resumes, on Tuesday, regular meetings, to vote and the reading of a number of draft laws. And includes the agenda of the meeting according to a statement of the Council received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "vote on the draft second amendment bill to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, and vote on the draft national card law."
 chattels: Two laws on the agenda for a vote.
chattels: It also includes "first reading of the draft law on ratification agreement on economic cooperation law and technical cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait, and the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships for the year 1973 ".
It will be the" first reading of the draft Fourth Amendment to the Civil Aviation Law No. 148 Law of 1974, and discuss the issue of the integration of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities with The Ministry of Culture, are included on the agenda.
chattels: Three (3) first readings on the agenda.
chattels: No mention of the budget bill.
chattels: There is good progress against DAESH if the news is not too exaggerated in glorifying and encouraging the militias and ISF.
chattels: One article yesterday stated that 40% of the territory occupied by DAESH in Anbar province has been edited / liberated.
chattels: Much emphasis / effort is being placed upon maintaining the territorial gains as well and preparation for the return of the populace.
chattels: As Lauren305 noted a couple of days ago, Baiji was finally liberated for the 9th or 10th time :)
chattels: I am concerned about the political discord and conflict in the KRG - very troubling.
chattels: How does any of it relate to our liquidity event ? - no one can say for sure.
chattels: We wait, watch and hope while striving to maintain some integrity and good conscience in our speculation.
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / reported and defend the parliamentary security committee with the participation of about 50 000 troops in the liberation of Mosul operations, while the announced adoption of mediation to resolve disputes between the defense minister and the commander of Nineveh operations.
The Commission decision Kurdistan Alliance MP Hakhuan Abdullah said in a statement Iraqi National News Agency / nina / "The Parliamentary Committee met with the leadership of the Liberation of Nineveh operations to determine the leadership and obstacles requirements before initiating the liberalization of Mosul for the purpose of speeding up the process of liberalization in the coming period."
He explained that "the structure of the leadership of the edits are complete but there is a very simple disagreements will initiate security and defense committee to be resolved in coordination with the government, and we hope in the next few months that are practically starting steps edit Mosul.
] chattels: "And on the expected participation in the implementation of the liberalization process of Mosul, Abdullah number responded by saying that" about 50 000 soldiers from the elite forces will be involved in the editing process with air cover for the international airline alliance ".
chattels: The " 60 Minutes " segment on the conduct of operations in Iraq from afar and with precision / care for the " prevention " of collateral damage / losses was impressive I thought.
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / parliamentary finance committee said the expectation the price of oil is very difficult and can not be any organization to guess the real price of oil in the building and the formulation of the budget structure.

He said committee member Masood Haider told the National Iraqi News Agency / nina / that " There seeing a representative but has not yet reached a final decision to reduce the price of oil in the general budget indicating that he should discuss it with the government. "

" The government agencies are very optimistic and we are pessimistic in this matter, therefore we are working to reach a common point contribute to ensure the security of the budget. " He said Haider said, "Global Outlook predicts that the price will be between 25-50 $ for the next two years, a speculation scalable tide can not foreordained,  chattels:
chattels: Currency AuctionsAnnouncement No. (3060)The opening offers the sale and purchase of foreign currency in the window of the Central Bank of Iraq on 26/10/2015 and the results were as follows:

DETAILS NOTES Number of banks 24 Number of remittance companies 15 Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$ -----

Amount sold at auction price (US$) 226,943,866 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$) 226,943,866 Total offers for selling (US$) -----
chattels: MARKET RATE 1215
 chattels: Courtesy of sczin11
chattels: SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region — Ten former Iraqi ministers have been found guilty of fraud and corruption while in office on a number of different charges brought against them by the parliament’s Commission of Integrity.
The ministers have been high-ranking members of former Iraqi Cabinets since 2003. Lawmaker Adil Nuri, who is the spokesperson of the committee, told Rudaw a court in Baghdad has also issued arrest warrants for some of the convicted ministers.
Nuri said Kurdish Minister Shex Muhammad Shex Abdulkareem Kasnazani, who served as the minister of trade in past Cabinets, was among those convicted. The committee said at least half of Iraq’s revenue since 2003, estimated at $1 trillion, remains unaccounted for since the ministries have not submitted final reports concerning their expenditures.
“We have ministers who are accused of embezzling $900 million, some of $500 million and others are accused of $100 million,” Nuri said. “Some fake ministry contracts are worth $1.5 billion.” 
chattels: Iraq has continually been ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the region, with a high level of unaccountability in fraud and bribery cases concerning top officials. The war-torn country is one of the most corrupt nations in the Arab world, according to a 2014 report from Transparency International.
Iraq was ranked 170th out of 175 countries in the group’s perception of corruption list. “The country does not have an equivalent in the Middle East when it comes to corruption,” Nuri said of Iraq.
chattels: Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi dismissed 123 deputy ministers and general managers in September 2014 as part of a reform plan to reduce corruption in government bodies
chattels: Sectarian divisions between the majority Shiites and minority Sunnis have made it nearly impossible for the courts to indict officials who are often backed by powerful tribal segments of Iraq’s fragmented society.  chattels:
chattels: The committee said at least half of Iraq’s revenue since 2003, estimated at $1 trillion, remains unaccounted for since the ministries have not submitted final reports concerning their expenditures.
chattels: " he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.…"
   Winter: so true
chattels: Sarhan accused the government of "Maousel Iraq him of bad economic conditions," describing "the Iraqi economy as" dead ", while noting that" Iraq is Ghaderaly borrowing to raise the interest rate implications and thus adversely affect the economy. " chattels:  LINK

chattels: Courtesy of DinarAlert

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