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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Enorrste: "Is Maliki Losing His Grip?"

Enorrste Post Emailed to Recaps

Enorrste:   I found this short article to be nothing short of amazing.  Earlier in the week we had an article in which it was said that the Dawa Party (Maliki's State of Law) was urging Abadi to step down because he was so ineffective. 
Now we see that just the opposite is being claimed here.  Is this a clue that Maliki is losing his grip on the Dawa Party?
Shura Council of the Dawa party announced its support for the reforms Abadi and stresses the development of
Since 10/30/2015 18:55 pm (Baghdad time)   BAGHDAD - scales News
Announced Shura Islamic Dawa Party Council, on Friday, his support for the reforms of Prime Minister Vahidi Abadi, which came in response conscious to the appeal of the Supreme religious authority and in response to popular demands,

while stressing the importance of rationalizing and development of reforms in the framework of the Constitution and so as to push the wheel of the political process forward.   
Information Office of the Islamic Dawa Party, said in a statement received / scales News /, "The Shura Council of the Islamic Dawa Party, met today and discussed the developments of politics, economic and security in the country, and draw appropriate positions around,
and stressed his support for the reforms undertaken by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, which came in response conscious appeal to the Supreme religious authority and in response to popular demands. "
The statement stressed "the importance of rationalizing and development of reforms in the framework of the Constitution and so as to push the wheel of the political process forward,"
 adding that "pride in addressing the heroic and the supervisor of the armed and security of our troops and popular crowd in the right battles against falsehood, in the face of Daash terrorist is in the passengers, praising the" victories wonderful that recently achieved in Baiji breakers and other processes. "
As I take the Shura Council, "a number of resolutions and in line with the developments and events in the Iraqi arena and partisan matter, and select the appropriate mechanisms for its implementation" .anthy 29/28 LINK

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