Don't WAIT!

Friday, October 30, 2015

More Bits and Pieces in Dinarland on a Quiet Friday Night 10-30-15


Elmerf123456:  : The Planned Wedding Date....... Great Analogy

A man and woman meet and they fall in love. Eventually They decide to get married and discuss the wedding details , and eventually decide on a date and send out invitations to the chosen guest list.

However, Many years prior to the couple even meeting, a young girl has mentally planned her future Husband and visualized the wedding her entire life conceptualizing what her dress would look like the color of the flowers brides maids, maid of honor, Reception you name it covering all the details.

The only thing she could not visualize back then was the actual date of the wedding!

That's very similar to the RV process. This has been planned a long time ago! the Big event all conceptualized and all the details laid out, including what the partners would look like, and who was to be invited on the guest list, eventually deciding on a date for the event. All that is left is the receiving of the invitation.

TennWolfMan: The RV train is already at the station--We are just waiting for it to stop so we all can get on board and start out on our new journey of living our lives to the fullest and paying it forward as we go. Oh happy day

RadBro :  The Washington Post just did a story about The Creature from Jekyll Island! THAT is one perfectly timed and placed where millions of people will learn about the illegality of our banking system! WOW, I think that knowledge will have a big BIG impact on our nation's future!

surfergal :  oh, i read it too...that's why i'm excited...go RV!!!!!
RadBro:  surfergal... I read it and it really tells the story. I sure don't think it's an accident that it was placed in the Washington Post. MILLIONS will read it ... and that is a good thing for sure, yes that's cool!

Dinar Updates:

wmawhite   "...Iraq's Minister of Finance Hoshiyar Zebari told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday that restarting the oil-sharing agreement between Baghdad and Erbil was vital for the 2016 national budget, expressing hope that a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) would help reach an agreement."  

WOW...reinstate the oil-sharing...reinstated again and both sides implement..

This tells me that the HCL has all along be in place...just not implemented.



Bernice:   is there any crumbs can share with us before chat tonight....since not all of us are on chat..

Frank26:  MANY ........... Know we are very close.

EXOGEN:  U.S. officials hopeful on IMF governance reforms


Senior U.S. officials said on Thursday they hoped to see the U.S. Congress approve reforms to the International Monetary Fund which will give emerging markets a bigger say at the global lender.

Reforms agreed in 2010 would put Brazil, China, India and Russia among the fund's top 10 shareholders but have been held up in Congress, which must back them.

A source familiar with IMF discussions said there appeared to be a chance of a deal to pass the reforms before Group of 20 leaders meet in Turkey on November 15-16.

U.S. Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs Nathan Sheets said the Obama administration was focused on getting the deal done, although he did not specify a timeframe.

"The case has been effectively made on the Hill. Senior legislators from both parties recognize the importance and I remain hopeful that we will see it," he said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

White House G20 adviser Caroline Atkinson said the IMF reform was very important and she continued to press for it.

The Senate appropriations committee has approved a funding bill that would also implement the IMF reforms, although the House version of the bill excludes them.

News agency Bloomberg reported on Thursday that Republican lawmaker Kay Granger, who is responsible for shepherding the House bill, said she was optimistic the two chambers could work out a compromise.

(Reporting by Krista Hughes and Richard Cowan; Additional reporting by Paul Taylor in Brussels and Patricia Zengerle in Washington; Editing by Andrew Hay)

Pole R Bear: From Kim Clement:

With all that is taking place in the world, isn’t it great to know that God’s word is ALIVE and continuing to work throughout the earth?! While Kim is resting and recovering, God has been giving our team clear direction on reminding His people of the powerful promises He has given in recent weeks so we can be encouraged, strengthened, and know how to pray!
Although there is much unrest and turmoil in the Middle East right now, God has heard the prayers of the Christians that are praying there, and said that something has opened up over that region, and there will be “provision for the world because of what’s opened up over the Middle East.” He specifically said there will be a "break in the financial system in the Middle East” and to watch the Dinar! 

We will also remind you of God’s plan for this nation as we have just come out of a seven year period of judgment and depression as a nation, but that God is going to release resources that will free us to be able to stretch out our hands to the lonely, the hungry, the poor, and to be able to feed and clothe them. 

These are exciting times we are living in and we are going to shout, rejoice, proclaim, and prophesy the word of the Lord tomorrow at the Den! DON’T MISS IT!

On Codebreakers and throughout the broadcast, you will hear prophetic secrets revealed by Kim in advance about your future.
We will show insight regarding:

The Dinar and a change in the financial system of the Middle East

A change in the schools and universities of America

The Spirit of Elijah being released upon the earth

Young prophets - child prophets in your house

The Year 2027 and a future President

An acceleration in Science

Sudden breakthroughs in medicine - certain diseases today becoming sicknesses of the past
The future is here. You do not have to be the “last to know.” Armed with Prophetic Revelation, you and your children can operate like Joseph and Daniel, young prophets who prospered in spite of their circumstances, because they lived in reference to the future. You will live! Your children will live!
Saturday's broadcast (October 31st) will beLIVE online from 12PM PT/3PM ET/7PM GMT.You can join us at at the scheduled time. 

We will replay this event immediately following the LIVE broadcast.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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