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Monday, October 26, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  10-26-15   Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-26-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  10-26-15   Part 2 of 2

chattels: Arbil / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / Sufian Ithawi announced the governor of Anbar for Tribal Affairs edit adviser about 40% of the areas that were under the control of the organization Daash in the province. He said in a press conference held in Erbil today:
"The popular and crowd of Iraqi security forces and members of tribes they were able to restore large tracts of terrorist gangs, "and urged Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi open channels of communication with the families of the province, especially Anbar tribes Council which deals with terrorism, and arming of the sons of the tribes Alemtemthleen the popular crowd."  chattels:
chattels: Did anyone see " 60 Minutes " this evening ?
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Seems that the report misunderstood
BOBBY: Chattels..... according to some.... Isis is gone from Iraq.....
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› :)
chattels: According to some they were never a problem
chattels: There is progress though
BOBBY: Chattels...... ** shame about that solider being killed
 chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Americans are and will be in close support and advisory positions - it is going to happen
BOBBY: Chattels. .. sadly this is true
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said his country's readiness to cooperate closely with the United States in Syria. He said in a press statement that "his country is ready to cooperate with the United States more closely in fighting militant groups in Syria and support the Syrian army free kicks air.
 "Lavrov added that he" sees the possibility of progress in efforts to reach an agreement in the foreseeable future to conduct parliamentary and presidential elections in Syria as part of any political settlement of the crisis. "The United States and other countries have considered Russia's military intervention in Syria deepening of the crisis will not help resolved. chattels:
chattels: For a laugh :
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / announced and Sia implementation of 934 sorties were flown against targets for terrorists in Syria since the end of last month. A statement by the Russian Defense Ministry released by the agency / Interfax / Russian that "Russian planes destroyed b / 934 / sortie / 819 / target of militants since the start of its campaign in Syria late last month..
"The Russia began late last month to strike targets of terrorist Daash and other terrorist organizations in Syria at the request of the Syrian government.
  chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / announced Rafidain Bank granted loans for different segments of citizens to create jobs contribute to development and to try to eliminate unemployment and supporting the national economy.
The general director of the bank on behalf of Kamal al-Hassani in a press release that "the bank and in compliance with the package of reforms launched by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has lent several segments of the citizens and the unemployed, traders and campaign certificates from doctors and pharmacists for the purpose of finding projects that help the operation of labor and contribute to supplement the national economy and its development. ".
" The bank seemed to focus recently focused on project-specific investment loans managed of lending to a number of companies to support the country's economy ".chattels:
chattels: "the bank and in compliance with the package of reforms launched by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has lent several segments of the citizens and the unemployed,............"
Winnerdinar: Monday, October 26, 2015 - 06:00 China, India Vying for Chabahar Project EconomyBusiness And Markets China and India remain interested in developing Iran’s Chabahar Port, regarding it as a project with huge potential to encourage the regional shipping industry.
Chabahar Port’s development project is ambitious in attracting many foreign investors due to its favorable location in southeastern Iran and the prospects of restoring the Silk Road. The region considers it an alternative route to trade with Europe, wrote Azernews.
China faces a problem with pirates in the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Aden, which appear to have significant influence over its foreign trade. Creating the Silk Road marine route through Chabahar Port would ensure China’s access to Central Asia and Afghanistan.
Aspiring to elevate its sanctions-hit economy, Iran welcomes China’s investments in the development of Chabahar Port in its southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province. Iran is calling on Chinese enterprises to participate in a series of projects in Chabahar, including the development of a rail network and key petrochemical and steel projects.
Tehran says it is ready to provide lucrative business opportunities to the countries that stood by it during hard times. “We will be glad to work with China to make our relations solid and strong,” IRNA quoted the governor general of Sistan-Baluchestan Province as saying.
Ali Osat Hashemi added that he is scheduled to meet the ambassadors of China and Pakistan in Tehran to discuss potential investments in Chabahar. As many as 36 states have signed transport agreements on using the port, but none has materialized yet. China is ready to contribute to their implementation.

Chabahar Port should have and international status, but at present it does not have access to a railroad. Chinese goods are shipped to the Iranian ports of Bandar Abbas and Chabahar through the port of Dubai.
Access to Chabahar Port would significantly simplify this process. China has at its disposal the Pakistani
Winnerdinar: check the iran thread out some really good news coming out Iran
Donnie: The agenda of the session number (32) Tuesday 27 October 2015
Donnie: Second: The vote on the draft second amendment to the Law of Investment Law No. 13 for the year 2006. (Commission of Economy and Investment, the Finance Committee). (17 articles).
Donnie: Third: The vote on the draft national law card. (Commission on Security and Defense, the Legal Committee, Committee Services and Construction). (Article 47).
Donnie: plus 3 first readings and a discussion.
Donnie: at least those 2 major laws are on the agenda for a vote. time will tell if they actually get voted in this time.
Donnie: Have a good day all you fine people that pass through here today.
chattels: no mention of the budget
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — DNO, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, confirmed Friday that the company was paid for Tawke oilfield exports in Kurdistan by the ministry of oil and natural resources (MNR) of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).
“DNO ASA, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, today confirmed receipt of [$30 million] as a gross payment for oil exported from the Tawke field by the Kurdistan Regional Government," said the company in an announcement.
 chattels: Ministry of Finance announced in the Kurdistan Regional Government, he would resume the employees' salaries for the month of July distribution in the region start from Monday. Kurdish government sources said that the agenda will be the distribution of salaries to the staff of the police department in the Interior Ministry on Monday 26/10/2015.  chattels:
 chattels: The Director of Relations and Media Ibrahim Taha al-Abadi , according to the statement, "We can not achieve absolute security is political stability has not been achieved, and this stability can not be achieved unless the elimination of terrorist groups and gangs Daash."
 chattels: Ovtad Petrat a source familiar with the prime minister to appoint [Imad Khersan] to the secretariat of the Council of Ministers. The source told all of Iraq [where] that "the prime minister linger set [Khersan] Kamen of the Council of Ministers,"
adding that "the official books of the Municipality will be the signing of the Associate Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Rahman Issa Hassan until further notice."
The decision of the prime minister Haider al-Abadi, issued days before the set [Imad Khersan] Secretary General of the Council of Ministers and unloading Mahdi Keywords for the management of his office objections from different political blocks.
 and Khersan is an Iraqi holds US citizenship, entered Baghdad in 2003, after assignment by the US government to take over Iraq's reconstruction body, and it was is directly linked to the American civil governor in Iraq, Jay Garner, the former, then later with Paul Bremer, and after the dissolution of the office, served as director of the Office of Ibrahim al-Jaafari, Iraq's prime minister, former Foreign Minister Alhala.
chattels: Move towards the US Gulf Iraq .. Khersan head of government with the support of Sistani Monday 05-10-2015 Twilight News / Gulf sources revealed that the Gulf Cooperation Council states, led by Saudi Arabia plans to join Iraq to membership of the Council in order to remove him from Iranian influences.
The sources expected a change in the equation in Iraq through support of Washington and the Gulf states for a new government in Baghdad away from Iran in return for annexation of Iraq to the GCC.
The Gulf sources told the newspaper, "public opinion" that the Americans cut a long way in the talks with the religious authority, the Shiite Ali al-Sistani, during which they offered the nomination of a new prime minister backed authority in Najaf to be within the government formation process make significant changes to Iraqi politics.
chattels: According to sources, the changes include moving away from the Iranian axis in the Gulf in exchange for supporting crucial to restore the unity and sovereignty of Iraq and the elimination of al «Daash», and the establishment of a national reconciliation on a sound footing ends with the current screening sectarian divide in Iraqi society.
The sources said that the new prime minister proposed by Washington named «Imad Khersan», an Iraqi engineer holds American citizenship and was part of the crew of advisers who worked with Paul Bremer.
" According to sources, «Khersan» has a vision for the establishment of the Federation of Iraqi Federated States with the establishment of a moderate peace relations with all countries, particularly the Arab Gulf states and believes that Iraq suffered major damage due to joining the shadow of the Iranian axis and without any returns, but made it home arena of the wars between the conflicting parties in Region. 
chattels: The sources said that Sistani believes that al-Abadi reforms will not take place without US pressure on Tehran, noting that al-Sistani asked for time to prepare the Iraqi arena for this change, and the granting of government Haider al-Abadi opportunity to direct reforms and that these reforms will inevitably lead to disengage with Tehran.
The sources pointed out that the US side informed the reference «Sistani» the content of the talks held by King Salman bin Abdul Aziz at the White House last month, where he spoke a lot about Iranian interference in Iraq, and that is what led to the division of Iraq and the departure of Arab States with him.
The sources confirmed that Saudi Arabia will support Iraq's accession to the Gulf Cooperation Council if Iran moved away from provocative policies directed to the Arab countries, which was the first cause of the Arab objections to the nuclear deal.
The sources confirmed that the US move in this direction would represent a fundamental change in US policy toward Iraq and Iran, which he accused Arab side Bmmaloh Tehran on the Arab world account.

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